Netherlands - US of A

7 years, 9 months ago by jaynityananda in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

First of all i would like to say that i hope you are fine. Things seems intense, when looking at the agenda.

ASA - When we look at it, it does seem that way. We picked this font and color and size for this letter. Pick your own!

The thing with the phone didn't work out, basically because of my misunderstanding your intent, so that i was too late with my message and missed you. Or so it seems to me. Then i couldn't get hold of a European number. But anyway, i resolved to call to the US, in the hope to catch you there. I hope that is okay with you. I don't like to be a mosquito. Time is a great teacher; it shows us many things about ourselves. What we are and what we are not.

ASA - Huh!?   We don't understand?  You were trying to hack Tom Brown's cell phone!   Very ambitious!!!   They could put you in a special Intelligence Unit in the UNESCO Peace Keepers for that.

Here things are going better. I'm switching jobs. Our company lost its contract for the city's transport so me and pretty much everyone else has to go. No problem, this time we were equipoised about the thing; Krishna gave and Krishna took away. In the meantime i'm reading Yamuna's book. It is the best book from an ISKCON disciple ever! Beautiful descriptions of Srila Prabhupada and the wonderful Yamuna. She is truly special. And lastly, the most positive thing, is that there is a little taste for chanting again, by Good Grace.

ASA - How did you get it!!???

Anyway, i'm very happy for you, engaged in the mission of Srila Prabhupada.

Your aspiring servant,
Raghava-pandita dasa

ASA - Yes!!!!  Krsna is certainly taking a personal interest in your job, wife, kid(s), friends . . . He wants you back to your real job!!

Tell us a very nice Krsna conscios citation!   Do you know "Nanuk"?

About future plans..

7 years, 9 months ago by Mitravinda d.d in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva !

Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet !!!

ASA - Lettuce feet!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada !!!

ASA - Lotus feet!

Gurudeva, as I told you in my last two letters…my spiritual life is getting better....

ASA - So is ours!!!  We hope to keep up with you!   AGTSP!

...if I compare it with previous years. I am steady with my sadhana; mangala artik every day, 16 rounds, 4 principles strictly, etc.

I am always focusing on doing a good sadhana; trying to chant my rounds well….as you always tell us: “is the base of everything”.

Even though there are days that I feel good and enthusiastic…..there are others that I feel with little motivation, discourage and tired, almost like I do not have any direction in my life….in the sense of what are my plans for the future? ( If I still have a “future”, we do not really know when we will leave this body ), sometimes  I was wondering: what is my path ?, what can I do to serve Krishna ? What is my service to Krishna ?

HpS - Chant Hare Krsna!!!!

In my moments of discouragement and lack of motivation…I have been trying to discover HOW to feel alive or how to be alive in this bhakti-yoga process…in other words I mean: how to stay enthusiastic and happy in my spiritual life…

ASA - Yell!    Hare Krsna!!!  Loudly one time and the Witch will flee far, far away!

...besides practicing my daily sadhana; chanting my rounds, doing mangala artik, etc.  I would like to know what else I can do in terms of devotional service to Krishna and at the same time keep the enthusiasm and motivation.

ASA - Hey!   That's like asking, "Besides tending the root of my mango tree what can I do to make better mangos". There is nothing "differnent" form Daily Sadhana. Different projects and communities, friends, Sankirtan partners, emerge as a result of Daily Sadhana Bhakti!

One result of DSB is to realize that it is eternal. As we wake up the "Days" become an eternal Yantra.  We step back, back, back and it remains a part of our spiritual world. Maya is in the spiritual world just like the City Prison is a part of Lima, but little part if you are alive to the greater Lima.

I have been wondering in regards to my guna and karma what is it that I like to do ? or what would I like to do in the future?

ASA - We are looking into our Crystal Ball (TB/BW) we see that in the future you will be a ... H J S M  (exchange each letter for the previous one in the alphabet and get the mystical answer form TB!). That's a good basis for a lot of work, no? We have a lot to do in this perspective just being Sanyasis.

Ayuveda helps. Six astrologers might help. Asking friends will help determine this stuff . Then it has major changes every 14-years!   Hare Krsna!

A few days ago while I was singing Guru-astaka in Chosica…all of the sudden it came to my mind one “Idea” or “inspiratión” where I realized that what I would love to really do is to travel….travel constantly, see new and different places, meet new people, new devotees, make new friends, have new friends and stay for a short period of time in each place. Then, after that “idea” another one came to my mind: that if I want to travel this way…..what I could do is to teach “Bhakti Yoga” or “Bhakti Sastri” courses in different places.

ASA - Jaya!  Do it!   With a friend!! !     Teach Bhakti yoga by smiling at people.

Gurudeva, I did Sankirtana, book distribution out in the streets, in public buses for several years, but now it is difficult for me to do that, because as I told you before I have a difficult time walking due to an issue with my leg, so I am not suited to do Sankirtana in public buses the way I did in the past, I can not be standing up or walk for longer periods of time and besides Lima is increasingly hectic these days.

So, I was thinking lately about this “idea”….this “plan” of consciously study Srila Prabhupada´s books, train myself to be able to teach this philosophy. There is an organization called “Cultura del Bhakti” that is directed by P. Param Padam from Argentina…you know him. His institution gives on-line classes to become teacher of the Vedic scriptures, I was checking their page on Facebook and this institution gives these courses: TT1 ( Teacher training 1 ), TT2 ( Teacher training 2 ), and the course to become a Bhakti Sastri teacher, when you finish these courses they give you teacher official credentials, so you can teach in different places.

ASA - Might work. Maybe you can give it a try, but with a friend!!

Actually… Gurudeva, more than teaching “Bhakti Yoga” or “Bhakti Sastri” from a technical point of view.…what I would like more than anything is being a kind of counselor, to give advice, to guide, to encourage and support other people, I like to be connected to people, the human connection, to be a “friend” to others.

ASA - Exactly. The money will come. Do you need a title?  We can give you an examination and a title from ASA. What is a good title.

I know that to do all this I will have to train myself and get qualified….not only in the scriptures knowledge but in my own purification.…and as you said:  “build our character”.

What do you think Gurudeva ?

Do you think it is a good idea for me? in a short-term?, med-term?, long-term?

I am experiencing a planetary tamasic phase (long Rahu period) where I have a hard time studying Srila Prabhupada books although I feel that my sadhana is helping me a lot I still find it difficult to concentrate on reading for long periods of time. To be very honest….I have been reading very little each day. What do you recommend about this?

ASA - Read a little from a lot of different books during the day. Read books by devotees. Satsvarupa Goswami. Go go many events in Lima. Go to smile at people!

Thank you, Gurudeva !!!  for all your patience and causeless mercy upon me !!!!!!

Trying to be your servant !!!

Mitravinda d. d.

ASA - Trying to be the flea on your flea!!  We are following your example! Send us a story about your Deities!!

Thank you for giving more fighting spirit

7 years, 9 months ago by Nanuk in Personal Sadhana Reports

PAMHO! I am going to put the website viral, even though weebly web site creation has not published it as my other 9 free sites, but I made it nicer now, and I guess if I pay they may put it viral, or then should take some netsite service from other country. I have been actively censored few times in facebook messenger and it has been case sensitive, for I asked from other people, and they could send those. Like for example Sadaputa Dasa's lecture on shapeshifters.... yeah. Homo homini est lupus.. :) :) Freightening, but still quite masculine things. Theater is my safe haven, even if I died, Maharaja. I am thinking to change the name of the site maybe to Akasha-planes, but all names will be taken if someone there had some good idea for it..  And I have to say: Bedini team is very alive, actually they just made a magnet which picks up gold and silver:


At the upcoming conference Jeff Moe will present a magnet that picks up gold, silver and other non-ferrous metals. Of course this isn't supposed to be possible, but it works and you will see it with your own eyes. You'll also walk away with the information on how to replicate it! This will be the Friday evening presentation after dinner and you'll want to be there! Register now - seats are going fast:

Hare Krishna :) !


ASA -  Wow!!!!    I hope Prahlada Nrsmha Das can make some comments on this. Rabindra Svarupa Das commented that he was forced to accept that the concept of the Mayapura planetarium as conceived by Sril B. S. Sarasvati was a kind of gigantic moving yantra, four stories high. And the Demon's would fight to the last moment to keep the switch from being thrown to set it in motion, because as soon as that happened there would be a fluid flow from the eternal Nabadvipa in the Spiritual Sky to Sridhama Mayapura in West Bengal.

Update from an Artist

7 years, 9 months ago by Bhakta Eric in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Sorry for taking so long to reply, the last month or so has been quite a roller coaster... I think Krishna was throwing us some big tests to prepare us for big responsibility.

ASA - Image attached: Top-gun Roller Coaster!

The first couple weeks we started our new business venture we were moving very fast, but during that early phase everyone had to use ACH payments, which are archaic and cumbersome for the banks to handle. Then they installed the new merchant account into the website (for debit/credit transactions) and cancelled all the ACH checks that hadn't gone through yet. They gave everyone that signed up already free membership, but everyone had to reorder... and while everyone was reordering the website was constantly under construction.

ASA - And then Goldilocks ante the porridge that was JUST right!

Website upgrades went on for over a week, disrupting our momentum... meanwhile Nikunja Bihari flew all the way from Denver to help us out and all 3 of us were sleeping in my van struggling to keep "the grand shimmy" together.

A few people got frustrated and bailed out, but somehow or other we were able to keep most of our teams intact even though we took a big loss from all the hang ups. People were putting pressure on us to pay back what we borrowed to get started and our checks were delayed and then lost in the mail for a while, but at last all the pieces finally started coming together.

The lady who enrolled us was considering giving up when we came on board, but Arya taught her the strategy we developed based on ethical team building and she ended up outpacing us, making 10,000$ the first month and now she's all about helping us out!

ASA - And then the Poppa Bear said, "Who has been eating MY porridge!

It looks like the dust has finally settled, so I've been able to have a more balanced routine lately. Somehow or other I've managed to maintain 16/4 through all this, though until fairly recently not much else.

ASA - May we humble subtend our dear Watson, that unless you had done 16/4 we probably would be piciking up your body bag (and and several more) at the mortuary rather that receiving this letter now!   AGTSP!!!!!!


At least I've been around devotees constantly working together to do something great for Krishna! It's been one of the most challenging times of my life but I feel like we've all grown considerably.

ASA - The Bigger Kinder Goldilocks!

Incidentally I also became a member of the LAAA, a highly selective nonprofit that has been dedicated to helping emerging artists establish relationships with some of the most significant galleries, museums, and endowments in the world for the past 90 years.

ASA - LAAA = Los Angeles Alcoholics Anonymous?

I pray that I will be able to fully utilize all these opportunities in Krishna's service for your satisfaction, and yet remain aloof from them.

PS I also just painted a set of deities for the first time: Gaur Nitai Gaur Nitai!


Ekāśma Dās

ASA - HooooF!   I hope they burn out the eyes of whoever looks at Them and They have to be concealed in a six-foot thick box of gold until Lord Nitya-andanda decends into this universe a second time for the innauguration of the manifest age of golden avatara!

Thanks for the inspiration.

What is the drug that you are selling?

How can devotees who have Parkinson's Disease get it? (Or was it Alzheimer's disease?) ???


7 years, 9 months ago by Nanuk in Personal Sadhana Reports

PAMHO! Yes these sahajiyas take one's wife and all, but still I keep them as human beings, as these technical demons, they are for real dangerous, and only plastic for me (I come from a fully demoniac family, as Sadashanta(and actually Kadamba Kanana Maharaja, her teacher gave me the impression in Germany Kirtan Mela) said, fully demoniac they are, the alcoholist children of the freemasons,(of course she is in the politics also), waiting for the plastic bag, I hope there is coming some bodies, for without war, it's just those clowns with their technology. I saw what these people who have a spiritual master, think about technology. They keep us, you know Maharaja, as full fledged idiots. Even though I have equipment, so much, but no space to keep them, hahahahaha, yeah that's life. I just try to collect money to a shaving machine, actually, at now, at least. All glories to Sriila Prabhupada!!

ASA (Tom Brown, Buck White, Uncle Gismo)--- This is a very exciting letter. We hope that you explain more and more in the following letters!   We attach photo of Sripad Tesla Acharya.

A web image search for "Tesla Quotes" gives incredible results. Hare Krsna!!!

Personal Sadhana and Mandir report of THOUBAL

7 years, 9 months ago by mukta singh in Personal Sadhana Reports


All Glories to Sri A.C. Prabhupada Maharaja, Sri Sripada Maharaja, Sri HpS Maharaja Ki Jay

Radha Krsna Ki Jay, Gouranga Mahaprabhu Ki Jay and Gourabhakta Vrnda Ki Jay!

HpS -  Ki Jai!!!

Guruji Maharaja! Thousands times Dandavat Pranam!

HpS - That is a lot of times!!!   You could do Dandavat parikrama of Govardhana with that maybe!

Guruji Maharaja, today is a special day for me in my life. In my dream Guruji lead me to Goloka Vrndavan and join us in the activities of the Gopies for preparation of garland, fruits, and other materials of pujah.

HpS - Srila Prabhupada says that Krsna does these things through Guru even without his knowing.  So, nice!

The journey was so long and difficult way of jungles. We go there not on foot, seems to fly openly without any instrument. It is around 2.00 a.m. when I make conscious. As Guruji advice, I wake up and go the bathroom for morning works and after that I started chanting complete 20 rounds, after that I continue my mangal arati and  other morning activities.


In the Bhagavatam 8.22.33  indrasena maharaja, Vamana called O Bali Maharaja [Indrasena]. What it really meant? Is there any underlying story of Indrasena. If yes, please explain.

HpS - I do not know. The simple Sanskrit tanslation would be "Indra's Army". Maybe we can ask Sukadeva Goswami when we meet him.

One of our (most important) initiated bhakta of our Mandir, Sri Nanda Suta Das inform me to ask Guruji these two questions in Manipuri and I am translating in English.

1. When Jiva started getting karmafal (result of activities)?

HpS - Do we me the result of his spiritual activities or his material activities. The basic principle is that we get reactions for everything we do know. Matter, even at a mental or social or level of devatas, reacts to our actions. Of course, how that happens is big subject. Can you ask him more details?  Does he mean, "How did our material life begin?"

2. When & how Jiva was bewilther by Maya (Matter-Prakirti)?

HpS - Aaah!  Maybe this is the question. Basically we become bewildered by Maya when we start trying to compete with Krsna. We are at a very nice party for Krsna arranged by the Gopis. Maybe his birthday party. Everything is for Krsna: The people, the land, the cooking,the singing, but some how or othe we begin to think, "What about me!".  If we persists then we see in one part of the party there is an old black and white television with bad reception, but is about US!!!  So we start watching the TV show of our adventures as a famous Spy, King ... and of course we forget about the party. That is Maya! O.K?   More details.


Now I am reading the book “The Glories of Sri Navadvipa-dham : Sri Navadvipa dhama Mahatmya By Srila Sac-cid-ananda Bhaktivinoda Thakura presented by Bhanu Swami Pundarika Vidyanidhi Dasa.

In the chapter – 5 : Shri Mayapur and Antardvipa; it is clearly mentioned that Vanisivadana is none other than Krsna’s dear flute, by whose mercy the living entities become attracted to Krsna. They then develop great thirst, to attain the rasa dance. Sri Jiva Gosvami asked Nityananda the meaning of Antardvipa. Nityainanda replied at the end of Dvapra yuga Brahma undertook austerities here with a desire to achieve Gouranga’s mercy. The present Navadvipa is the Vrndavan of Dvapara. Thinking this Brahma began meditation and performing austerities in Antardvipa.

HpS - !!

Another point having given up the illusion that I want to take birth in Your association and sing Your glories. “Hearing Brahma’s prayer, Lord Gauranga benedicted him saying, “So be it. When My pastimes become visible on earth, you will take birth in a yavana’s house. Your name will be Haridasa Thakura, and you will be famous for your humility and completely free from all pride. You will chant three hundred thousand names a day, and when you pass from this world you will be seein Me. And at the end of the second one hundred tillion years of your life, you will attain Navadvipa and be absorlbed in eternal rasa”. I am continuing …..

HpS - Thank you so much.  Next week is disappearance day of Jayananda Das. We had so much association with him. Prabhupada spent so much time with him. I think that maybe he was an incarnation of Prahlada Maharaja.  Of course, these are very advanced things to investigate, but in general he showed us how to chant and work without sleeping or eating for long times.

A team of 10-12 initiated bhaktas and matagis of our Mandir are planning to take part the full Navadvipa Parikrama (20 days before Gaura Purnima) next year. The programme will be Imphal to Kolkatta to and fro by flight and stay at Mayapur until the end of the parikrama. Guruji! Have You participated such parikrama in the past?

HpS - The second ISKCON one!

If not, we want to participate the parikrama with You next year instead of coming directly in Imphal because we have no time to serve Guruji and hear Guruji’s Amtavani (Advice). It is our simple suggestion please doesn’t take otherwise. We are waiting Guruji’s openion.

Yours fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das

* This is the reminder of the same letter posted on the 6th April, 2017 

HpS - I thought it sounded familiar!!!    But is bette the second time!  Trying to come to India for 26th September and stay for five weeks with a side trip to Australia.