Invitation to shillong

Hare krsna gurudev

Dandavat pranam at your lotus feet.

HpS - ASA -- We ate too much today to have lotus feet. Maybe potato feet.

All glories to H.D.G. Srila Prabhupada 

Hare krsna. 

Hope you are in good health. Since last time Many things have changed. Sadhana and my conduct(including the regs)  had deteriorated but again is becoming better. I have left Kerala and am back to Shillong. Got a temporary job as a junior doctor and have shifted to the Iskcon temple. Live in ashram and go for job. My father has also started to chant on beads but irregularly.

HpS - Wow!!

Gurudev, the devotees in shillong and the temple management is requesting you to kindly visit shillong during your India visit. (temple president had requested me to ask you this many times). At least for 3 days if you could kindly visit.
Awaiting your reply. 

Your servant. 

Rturaj krsna dasa.

HpS - ASA --- Very, very, very nice to hear from you!   Very sad you have been having trouble with weak Sadhana. Of course, that means you have been suffering. Krsna only gives us these things to be happy.

If you are fixed in Sadhana then we shall meet again!

So far yours is the only request we have for visit. We are still waiting for Kolkata, Australia etc.

Is there nice Academic, Cultural, community in Shillong?  Could we make a movie while we are there?

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj(in reply to previous letter)

7 years, 8 months ago by Bishal Singha in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj

Dandavat Pranam unto your lotus feet.

ASA - HpS -- Lemon Feet?

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Sri Gouranga Mahaprabhu.

Dear Guru Maharaj,

In reply to previous letter, I would like to inform you briefly about the Sadhna of my father, your disciple Krsna Swaroop Das as stated by himself. He chants 32 rounds everyday. From morning 2 am to 7 am, he finishes his 16 rounds, does mangal arati and reads scriptures. He chants the other 16 rounds in intervals throughout the day. On weekly basis, he goes for preaching doing house programs on Bhagavad Gita and book distribution on average 3-4 days. (mostly on saturdays and sundays)I have attached a photo of yesterday's program we held at a nearby place.

ASA - Thank you both.  Paoho...!...

Guru Maharaj I am indeed very much grateful to you for your nice descriptive explanation of my previous query. Please forgive me if I wasted your valuable time for giving such a descriptive explanation.

Guru Maharaj sometimes senior devotees have different opinions regarding a subject matter based on their different realizations. And this sometimes leads to debate when they come together for philosophical discussion. We take the opinion of Prabhupada, previous Acharyas or Guru as the final judgement but all the time we may not be able to contact Guru for queries or we may not have any statement of previous Acharyas related to that subject . In that situation how can we know who's opinion is right or atleast closer to the "tattva" (The Absolute Truth)? We all have our convictions and opinions based on what "we feel right". So I think in order for us to know what is right, we first have to be right i.e we have to be sincere in serving Guru and Krsna and pray to both of them to enlighten us so that we start feeling right what is indeed right. Is this methodology correct Guru Maharaj? Please give us your valuable advice on this matter.

Dandavat Pranam unto your lotus feet.

Your fallen servant


HpS - ASA ---   BG 4.11 is very nice, no? If we want to life and think that we are the Supreme, then Krsna will arrange some thing for that. Of course, He is ver kind, so He will also try to do something positive for us: Justice and Mercy. So if we don't want to understand the truth then it will be hard.

If they are very important points then Krsna and the Acharyas will have written many times to clarify the details, no?  If not much instruction, then probably they are not too important of points.

BG 10.11 .. "There are very, very learned scholars who have put forward the philosophy of devotion. But even if a devotee does not take advantage of their literatures or of his spiritual master, if he is sincere in his devotional service he is helped by Kṛṣṇa Himself within his heart. So the sincere devotee engaged in Kṛṣṇa consciousness cannot be without knowledge. The only qualification is that one carry out devotional service in full Kṛṣṇa consciousness."

O.K.?    Do you know enough to do some practical service today?   If , "Yes", then that service the best way to get knowledge to do better service tomorrow.
Hare Krsna!

You live in a very nice place for Sankirtan!

Nice photo!

Urgent M Jambavati ¡¡

7 years, 8 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

NitayGouraPremanande!!! querido y siempre recordado Gurudev, por favor acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias,


ASA - -[;o|/\______

                       Disculpe Gurudev, la tardanza de mis reportes, surgieron muchas complicaciones entre ellas no tenia acceso a Internet en los lugares que andaba,..también Google canceló mi cuenta de yahoo por donde entraba a la pag. de Monkey Warrior.....Sorry.....pero, siempre ud. está en mi corazón y, en mi mente....

HpS - ASA -- Y sus Vrnda-devi, Monkey, Piggy en nuestra altar....!

. . .cuando converso con las Matajis que tienen otros Maestros Espirituales, les comparto la importancia de estar comunicados con el Guru, de estar siempre reportando nuestras actividades con él, para recibir sus consejos y también porque no sus Masos  todos ellos cargados de sabiduría, y, amor.....y ellas ya lo están haciendo......disculpe, no puedo dejar de llorar al contemplar la foto del Vrinda Kunda, muy sentimental!!.....Muchas gracias querido Gurudev por hacer el favor que le pedí, es ud. todo un caballero y un Santo....

HpS - ASA -- Somos exemplos del poder de Srila Prabhupada, convertiendo salvajes a seres civilizados. 

                               Voy a hacer los arreglos para ir a verlo al Aeropuerto el 21 de junio....por esas fechas estaré en la ciudad de Monterrey ....todavía no podré viajar a Perú, ....entre los gastos y mi enfermedad hacen que vaya lenta para reunir el pasaje.....espero, Krishna mediante viajar a Perú en Setiembre..... muchas gracias por el consejo de conseguir un lugar para mi Padre cerca de p. Abhirama das .......cuando llegue a Lima atenderé eso en forma prioritaria.....

                                Este fin de semana fue muy bendecido con el Ratha Yatra  en Mexico,

ASA - Jaya!!!   El hombre super-sonriente pasa en los calles otra vez!

.... según mi apreciación hubo mas gente que el año pasado...muy Extático!!!.... hay un policía que cuida en la zona del Templo de Radha Madana Gopal, y, siempre se acerca a recibir prasadam en las noches, y también en los festivales.....y, ahora, lo ví en el Ratha Yatra  muy contento saludándonos Hare Krishna a todos,

HpS - Wow!   Con Krsna los Mejicanos pueden salvar el mundo.

.....lo veo, y, me dá tanta ternura recuerdo a Prabhupada y lo que decía  del poder del Prasadam , todo es una Ciencia!!!

                                  Estoy regresando a la ciudad de Uruapan, llevando mis Deidades de NitayGouraCandra  y Nirshimha Deva  a  casa de m. Karen .. estaré dando algunas clases y haciendo Sadhana con las devotas...también compartiré unos consejos de como atender a las Deidades en el hogar.......Eternamente Agradecida a sus divinos Pies de Loto!!!...Amado Gurudev.

ASA - Pies de loco. Si Krsna es en el centro podemos adjustar todo como bueno. Las enfermidades, la muerte es otro lado del moneda, nacimiento. Las hormigas trabajan mucho en la agricultura. Son pequenyos. Tememos mucho mas potencia como ellos. Podemos hacer servicio perfecto si somos enfermos o buenos!

Nos vemos prontos.  Cuales libros estaba distribuendo?

                                                          Radhe, Radhe, Radhe.....

su inútil y torpe sirvienta

m. Jambavati d.d.

ASA - Hare!  Hare!   -[;0)/\___


Jagamohan Das

Hare Krisna Por favor Acepte mis humildes reverencias.

Hemos sembrado varios arboles entre Jivatattva Prabhu y yo. Haber que sale por misericordia de Krisna.

Ss Jagamohan Das

HpS - Muy bien. Frutas?  Permaculture?   En comunicacion con Jara-mara-hari Das??

Jagamohan Das

7 years, 8 months ago by Jagamohan in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna 

Por favor Acepte mis humildes reverencias Todas las Glorias a Srla Prabhupada.

Al templo de Madrid ya no voy tanto.

Intentando ser Su humilde sirviente Jagamohan Das.

HpS - Lea libros?

If I translate for you scalars

7 years, 8 months ago by Nanuk in Personal Sadhana Reports

Maybe you or someone could translate my father to me, for he is usually always so drunk that I can use some 2,5 promilles of his knowledge. Hare Krishna  it is just a simple vector :) an energy very linear :=) :)


P.S. In that way this must be like Jeltsin's russia, when 60% were alcoholized, our leaders are the same kind, energetically, or something.... but it's a sunny daaayyy, hehe. Good day for the little thief..!.    !Hare Krishna! Harii, the thief, for the day.

HpS - AGTSP. pamho. When I was in Russia there were always people drinking everywhere. We would go for a walk in the park and there would be many people roller-skating, young women with a quart of beer in one hand and a cigarrette in the other. It seems to relate with the hellish cold, beer keeps you warm.

attached one version opening lotus of Gajendra's crisis.

ASA - Looks very beautiful. Thank you.