Adorado Gurudeva

7 years, 7 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Adorado pamho GM



Gracias por tus respuestas. Les deseo que su viaje a Perú y su prédica tengan mucho éxito! Y que este muy feliz con hermosa asociación.

Con respecto a su pregunta ... oh, perdón Gurudeva, al parecer, debo hablar sólo de mí misma cuando hablo de mi vida espiritual. Si es así, asi será a partir de ahora. I always remenber  haber oído que el progreso espiritual es individual y es una realidad.

Disculpe también para hacer frente a su forma de mencionar Jaganatha, Baladeva y Subhadra. Veo que incluso en aquellas cosas más pequeñas, Usted nos enseña que podemos seguirlo pero nunca imitarlo. Gracias por enseñarnos siempre.

Whit respecto a su pregunta sobre las franco rounds, dice que prefiere decirle personalmente sobre su vida espiritual.  once I dreamed that you franco were talking together, I would be very happy if I ever saw them like this.

Con respecto a su pregunta sobre los devotos que dan clases en el centro predica aquí, yo no sé mucho. Vi a  Prabhu jagad bandhu y sé que p Keshava Ram también da clases. Casi nunca vamos a los programas.

Sigo tratando de hacer Mangal y gaura artikas, rondas, lecturas, dando la dirección del centro de la prédica a las personas favorables y tratando de ensayar.

 leí que los Manipuris son descendientes de Arjuna Pándava, de uno de sus hijos (babhruvahana) pensé en Usted y su gusto por manipur. Pensé que podría ser una de las razones ..

HpS - Solo los Reyes estan descendientes.

Franco está construyendo una casa rodante. Vamos a vivir allí ahora. El alquiler en Córdoba es muy caro y además, es divertido, pero, todas las casas que ocupamos, se venden pronto. Recuerdo que en BsAs pasé la misma. Una vez que un lugar se vendió a la semana que estaba, se había puesto a la venta hace cinco años. Es muy raro.

.HpS - Debe ser agenta de ventas de inmovilares?

Vi hermosas danzas de Sri del avatar stotra, el que más me gusta es en Manipur estilo. Es fascinante! Les pido sus oraciones para ofrecersela a Usted.

HpS - Vayase A manipur

Por favor, disculpe cualquier ofensa cometido en esta carta.

Gracias por su ejemplo admirable, sobre todo, por verlo feliz.

 Hare Krishna!

Siempre deseando complacerlo: rjpj dd

ASA - Adelante

reply to guruvastakam

7 years, 7 months ago by nataraj in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krishna, dear guru maharaj, please accept my dandavat pranams. All glories to srila prabhupad. Honestly i dont chant the guruvastakam with great vigor. I feel like i chant it mechanically, but i will make a sincere effort to do so with offering a wick.

your servant

HpS - We must chant with ENTHUSIASM (Hari Bolo!). Enthusiasm means intelligence. That comes when we actually know what the words mean. Learn the word-by-word meaning and then chant with meaning for your Deitys of Radha-Krsna: We aren't qualified to chant HK/HR for You during this most intimate time of the day, but we are worshipping this kind (vande guru...) of guru and so please accept this little music, Japa, to enhance your pastimes. 

Getting up time

7 years, 7 months ago by nataraj in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Hare krishna dear guru maharaj

Please accept my dandavat pranams, all glories to srila prabhuapad

i normally get up at 4 am maharaj and chant my rounds. Sps.  Sometimes when i work late, then i will wakeup late maharaj

 my mom is leaving tomorrow evening to india, so, i am missing chanting from yesterday.

your servant

Nilachala  dasa

HpS - Do you chant the Gurvastakam with great vigor. Offer a stick of once we on your altar?

personal Sadhana Report - FMP

.Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

I have been chanting 16 rounds everyday (Most of the rounds in the morning). After initiation, I feel it has gotten a bit easier to chant rounds with more focus. Although I still have a long way to go, it is all because of your causeless mercy. I am following the four regulative principles strictly.

When I met Caru Prabhu after my initiation, he was fondly remembering the Berkeley days when he was the temple president and you were the treasurer. He was telling me that you would walk to the bank everyday with a bag of money and would carry a gun along with you.

HpS - Someone would do that only on the days when he had a lot of money!

He was thinking why it never occured to anybody to drive you to the bank instead of letting you walk.

HpS - There was no one around and it was only 1-1/2 blocks.

Sankirtan wise, I join the FMP whenever possible. It is really enriching to join my godbrothers and godsisters and see their loving exchanges with you. I try to meditate on your short talks during the FMP when I chant.

We also have a conference call with devotees in SLC at 5.00 am during weekdays and 6 .00 a.m during weekends, where we read scriptures for 30 mins and chant together. We finished Bhagavad Gita and are currently reading Isopanisad. I also attend Friday home programs and Saturday temple feast program.

I have been doing book distribution. I have taken the responsibility in SLC temple to facilitate book distribution by maintaining the inventory and accounts. The reception to Prabhupad's books has been amazing. In our 4 outings so far, we have distributed 314 books, mainly BG and SSR. The accounting part is difficult for me. I need to streamline the process.

We also started a Bhakti Yoga Club in University of Utah last semester. We are now updating the facebook pages, websites and completing paperwork in the university to get ready for the fall semester.

HH Bhaktimarga Swami and Madhava Prabhu are coming to SLC next weekend. All of us are trying to invite as many people as we can for the program on Saturday.

I have created a soundcloud account to collate all your lectures in one place ( I have uploaded a couple of your lectures from Boise there to start with. I would like to do this service and need your blessings for me to go ahead with it.

Your Servant

Srinatha Krsna Das

HpS - ASA - Your report and news are so inspiring. You can see from the DTC that we are running through the jungle with monkeys trying to through coconuts at us. We are just hoping to meet someone who understands our deep desires.

Very, very, very best wishes for you Sankirtan. Ask us if we can be of service. Back in USA in a few weeks.

Honesty part II

7 years, 7 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva



I hope this meets U in really good health!

Many years ago I wrote a letter to U titled honesty. And I know that by that time U already know me very well.

I have received many text messages, emails, phone calls, etc. From devotees who want advice, or want to know about your activities.. And I feel useful. But also with a lof of responsibility. They take me as an example, a guide and honestly I do not feel like that right now. My life is not the one that I want and that frustrates me a lot. So I do not have utsaha. 

I just read a letter in which you reply why feel sorry?? I wish I could have your realization any become detached from this delusion.

I hope to have your association will help. I know it will. But saying I am good I am good GM everything is Ok.. is not the way..

Please kindly forgive all my offenses

See U at the airport soon !!!!

Trying to be iur disciple

Candramukhi dd

HpS -     How is Krsna? Are you and Radha taking good care of Him. He will  never look after Himself properly!

Novedades y proyectos

Hare Krsna

My bows Gurudeva

I hope your health is better, there is very little left for your next coming, it seems that this is the year of Education projects. We open a theater workshop in Lima and present a beautiful work on the day of the Yatra pada, there is much enthusiasm, we have a good theater director.

Many questions arose about the proposal that we present and its answer, we chose to assume the area of ​​Census of teachers and projects of Education. It seems to me very good to help and encourage devotees to achieve their educational projects, there is a lot of diversity and potential and to attract people to temples, presenting a variety of educational options, short courses, workshops, based on the books of Srila Prabhupada and His faithful disciples. I would like to ask you a name for this Area. We want you to be our leader, regardless of whether or not we are accepted by ASA.

ASA - The name you have for the Children's Program seems fine. Jambuvanitas? A children's look at all these things?

We would serve the Yatra Education Officer, would be secretary and coordinator of that area with the temples, and a young professional, would be the treasurer. And many collaborators. A committee of educators approved by our authorities, meetings with educators once or twice a year and projects and commitments arise. We are active in this project, we hope to talk more about him at his coming.

HpS - We did talk. Very nice, with Karuna and everyone and Karuna is happy if Gandharva can help him co-ordinate these things. Now he is leading the organization of the Friday, 15th, program in Wilson and we will see if the National Council approves him as Education Director. Seems good for now.

On the other hand, please could suggest references ideas for the classes to share with the group of Vanaprasthas, ladies very respectable, who asked me for that service to suggest you.

HpS - We met with them and the name, Paurnamasi Sanga was suggested. They need some gentleman to be their Head. Who can that be?

We are in a stage of changes to grow. With his blessings even a mute can speak eloquently.

Hari bolo

His daughter who adores him:

Yugala Kishora Dasi

HpS - ASA - How is the review of the translation of the Home Schooling book? Can you pass it to Laksmana after you read some of it? I know you don't have the original so just see if the Spanish is clear and well written and then pass it to Laksmana. You don't have to read all of it. Just take some samples.

Hare Krsna 

Mis reverencias Gurudeva

Espero que su salud este mejor, falta muy poco para su proxima venida, parece que este es el año de los proyectos de Educación. Abrimos un taller de teatro en Lima y presentaremos una bonita obra el día del pada Yatra, hay mucho entusiasmo, tenemos un buen director de teatro.

Surgieron muchas interrogantes sobre la propuesta que le presentamos y su respuesta, optamos por asumir el área de Censo de profesores y proyectos de Educación.   Me parece muy bueno ayudar y fomentar que los devotos logren sus proyectos educativos, hay mucha diversidad y potencial y así atraer a las personas a los templos, presentando una variedad de opciones educativas, cursos cortos, talleres, basados en los libros de Srila Prabhupada y sus fieles discípulos. Quisiera pedirle un nombre para esta Área. Deseamos que Ud. sea nuestro líder, independientemente de que algún día seamos o no aceptados por ASA. 

Serviríamos al Encargado de Educación del yatra, estaría de secretaria y coordinadora de esa área con los templos, y una joven profesional, sería la tesorera. Y muchos colaboradores. Un comite de educadores aprobados por nuestras autoridades, reuniones con educadores una o dos veces al año y surgen los proyectos y compromisos. Estamos activos en este proyecto, esperamos hablar más de el en su venida. 

Por otro lado, por favor podría sugerirnos ideas referencias para las clases para compartir con el grupo de Vanaprasthas, damas muy respetables, que me pidieron ese servicio a sugerecia de Ud.

Estamos en una etapa de cambios para crecer. Con sus bendiciones hasta un mudo puede hablar elocuentemente.

Hari bolo

Su hija que lo adora:

Yugala Kishora Dasi