Traveling to India

Dear Guru Maharaj,


GM I will be traveling to India for a couple of weeks to visit family. I will be in India till Oct 5th. It was great to see you on a visit to the Bay Area and able to serve you in a small way. Planning to visit parts of Kerala and Ananta Padmanabha Swamy temple there in Thiruvanantapuram.

I would like to join online classes of yours and will make efforts to do so. 

Started SB group study with a devotee Krishna Dharma here. It started with a bang and tapered off for a while. Again trying to be steady in reading SB which runs for an hour. Finished three chapters of 1.1 to 1.3.

Radhika Raman prabhu had given Sanskrit introduction to BayArea devotees during the long weekend. It was amazing especially singing 15 slokas on Prabhupada. Recorded extempore by his Oxford Sanskrit teacher.

your servant

Kolavecha Sridhar Das

HpS - Hare Krsna!!  Why don't you write more often!   We saw the first lecture by Radhika-rama Das, but accepted his advice to not listen to the following lectures.     Haw!     Haw!    Haw!!     We will try to listen to the rest.

Check with Srivasa-pt. Das about the Saturday morning programs. We will be in Pune and Navi-mumbai when you reach India.

Let us stay in touch while we are there!!

Take books for distributing on the airplane etc.

Begging for your mercy Gurudeva !

7 years, 5 months ago by Mitravinda d.d in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva ! 

Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet!

HpS - TlgaSP!   Referencias a sus pies de loto tambien.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada !!!

I write to tell you how I am in my spiritual practices....and how I am in general...

I am so happy to have your saintly associatión every day in FMP, this helps us so much, giving us the enthusiasm to practice our daily sadhana bhakti......16 rounds are Ok and 4 principles strictly are also Ok....of course I can do this only by your mercy...

Also, I want to tell you that I am improving a little bit about reading Srila Prabhupada's books, now I am reading first canto, chapter 3 : "Krishna is the source of all incarnations", I read two verses of SB every day, also I finished reading "the eight phases of yoga " a small book that contains the teachings of Lord Kapila deva, Canto 3. I realized that this book contains wonderful information ! Sometimes I distributed this book without even having read it before...but now I read it. I want to improve more, reading more daily...

Gurudeva,  I would like to distribute Srila Prabhupada's books again, I think this is my Dharma for this life [Yo tambien. Dharma para muchas vidas, no?], when I did it in the past I  experienced a lot of enthusiasm and happiness, it was the best time of my life [Get a partner or two],  but now it seems that my present  Karma does not allow me to do  I told  you a few days ago I am having arthritis problems again, in my hands, specifically in my left hand, swelling and pain, I am taking pills to  ease the pain, otherwise I can not stand.

Gurudeva I am just realizing that actually I am a sinner, I have always these physical problems, diseases, pain in my body, I have committed many sins in my previous lives and also in this life and it is only by your mercy and Srila Prabhupada's mercy that I  have stopped committing sins. Thank You !!!! Thank you Srila Prabhuapada !!!

As you told me once in the past: "bad health is Krishna's educational mercy" !

I hope to learn the lesson that this life is teaching me..

Now I only want to have your saintly association Gurudeva and Srila Prabhupada' s association through his books....."sanga sanjayate kamah"

Thank you so much  !!!!

Trying to be your disciple :

Mitravinda d.d

HpS - ASA --- Fight with your body, being enthusiastic. Use it as you can. Srila Prabhupada could barely whisper but he was playing on the big Mrdanga until the last moments of his strenght. You play your big Mrdanga!   Send us news of your Sankirtan. So many ways to distribute books. Get a partner!!!

Ofrecer mis votos a Sri Krshna atraves de su Santidad Srila Hanumatpresaka Swami Maharaja

7 years, 5 months ago by Jose Milciades Cruz Neira in Personal Sadhana Reports

Mis respectivas reverencias su Santidad Srila Hanumatpresaka Swami Maharaja; quiero de antemano que me perdone por algún error que pudiera cometer al dirigirme a tan Sublime persona.

HpS-ASA - Todas la glorias a Srila Prabhupada (TlgaSP!!!). Pienso primero error es pensar que yo soy una persona "tan Sublime". Soy un humilde serviente de Srila Prabhupada y solamente quiero encontar mi puesto en su orquestra gran.

Estimado Maestro soy una persona muy necesitada de un guia espiritual que me ayude a iluminar mi densa oscuridad en la comprensión de nuestro Eterno Padre Sri Krsna; tengo la gracia de conocerle personalmente en un encuentro en Chosica, Lima Perú, gracias a la invitación de un discipulo suyo mi amado amigo Anandamaya Das, quien me abrio las puertas de ISKCON para conocer a Dios.

HpS - Anandamaya Das y su familia.

Aunque tengo conocimiento y devoción a Vishnú desde el 1992, recien en Diciembre del 2014 siento una devoción muy grande por Krsna, pero ando casi solo y caigo en muchas ilusiones. Estoy dispuesto a servirle su altisima Santidad, en todo lo que usted ordene. Tengo alguna practica con cantos aprendidos en Chosica, canto religiosamente mis 16 rondas del Mahamantra Hare Krsna. 

Talves no merezca su misericordia y mil disculpas de antemano si medito en Usted. Solo quiero que tenga piedad por este Ser que le ama y le da gracias al Altísimo Padre Sri Krsna y a toda la cadena de Arcayas por tener la dicha de conocerle. Atentamente José Milciades Cruz Neira (Piura Perú)

HpS - Mucho gusto conocerle. Esperamos que podemos ser util para Vd en sus esfuerzas. Hablamos Espanol como un burro puede leer nuestra Kapi-Dhvaja, revista, cada dos semanas? Anandamaya Das puede ayudar Vd tener contactocon la revista. Pienso si va a nuestra pagina de web,, puede econtrar el sendero tambien.

Lea los libros de Srila Prabhupada y aplica lo que encuentra alla! Presenta unos preguntas aqui y con los demas devotos y esforzamos responder. Clari Krsna estaba esperando su regresa a Vrndavana. Adelantamos y nuestra purificacion!

Report sadhana

7 years, 5 months ago by Bhaktina Maria in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga!
All the Glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All Glories be to you!
Please Gurudeva, accept my most respectful obeisances, I expect this health good through Krishna.

HpS - ASA --- This body IS a disease!     Ooof.  You have problems also.

I want to thank you for your visit to Chile, I can imagine how exhausting it must be to always be traveling. I feel blessed to have her [his] association as I am very inspired by her devotion to the service of Srila Prabhupada and her devotees.
I want to write how I feel and also, what I am doing during my residence in the temple. There have been several changes in the temple, because some devotees have migrated to other temples or places and therefore feel that absence because of the lack of hands to cover certain services. For my part, I try hard to keep my sadhana and sing 16 enthusiastic rounds, to begin an arduous day in the temple restorant. I tell you, we have been doing a Bhagavad Gita study seminar given by a devotee of the congregation several weeks ago and it has been very profitable for me. I thought ... many times there arise doubts or insecurities in our mind that is like a child asking for this or that, and it comes to my mind Arjuna thinking of leaving the battlefield and Krishna (Madhusudana) goes to him saying that lamentation, material tears are a sign of ignorance and I can link all this with an extract from the book The Teachings of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, where he instructs Sanatana Goswami, Sanatana with their hands together and in a very humble attitude asks for instruction and instructions for write a book and Sri Caitanya gives his blessings and tells him that the most important thing is to accept a trustworthy spiritual master, and I give thanks for having his shelter.
I would like to ask a question, is it true that the more service we make our anarthas are manifesting more? I wonder, what form could you be aware of this and work those anarthas?
His humble servant, bhaktina Maria de los Ángeles

HpS - Thank you for your letter. I can only think that you must have been a very sincere devotee in your previous lifetime, maybe a Clarisa o algo.
I have heard that engaging devotional service brings out the hidden material desires, trash, but I can't think of any direct citations about that now.Madhya 19.156 and the subsequent verses may give some very interesting knowledge about this. Tell us what you find!

Sadhana reporte

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada 

Por favor acepte nuestras humildes y respetuosas reverencias Gurudeva ! 

Le ofrecemos una gran disculpa por tener mala comunicación en el blog,

HpS - ASA -- Aparece no super mal!

el tiempo de la mudanza y el establecernos en Canoas N.L. pasamos algunas austeridades pero todo por ahora está bien, empezamos a sembrar frijol moong, árboles frutales y vegetales, mi esposo está cocinando en el restaurante, sale a sankirtan, apoya el BBT y empezó un grupo de estudio en el centro de prédica en Mty. Está por ahora muy bien de salud yo estoy en la casa en Canoas con nuestros hijos, adoración a nuestro altar, por ahora me dedico a las plantas y nuestro sadhana ya que el terreno necesita mucha dedicación para tener resultados positivos, actualmente no asisto todos los domingos al programa del centro de prédica por la distancia y los horarios pero apoyamos en festivales con donativos, servicio como guirnaldas y ofrendas de bhoga, son las actividades que por ahora podemos realizar sin descuidar a los hijos, casa, sadhana etc....

HpS - Super.   Hay mucho, mucho, muchos trucos en hacer la agricultura bueno y simple. 

Nos mantenemos bien con 16 rondas y 4 principios la zona donde vivimos ahora nos ayuda mucho a levantarnos temprano

no tengo más que reportarle, sabemos que está con un itinerario muy intenso y le agradecemos su tiempo de saber de nosotros y ofrecerle esta humilde reporte de nuestras actividades e inspirarnos a motivarnos cada día mejorar nuestro sankirtan.

Su insignificante aspirante a sirviente Ananda maya devi dasi

HpS - ASA --- Saludos a el otro mitad de la naranja, como se llama sus hijos???      Hay devotos con quien asociar donde esta su tereno?

Super buen fotos!

Hare Krishna

7 years, 5 months ago by Cynthia in Personal Sadhana Reports

All the glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Thank you replying and the opportunity to write. I am resuming the Maha mantra, i want to have a service attitude of how to improve, i have a very mental karma. We want to improve our round and then do a regular service.

My times are now reduced with my work, classes to teenagers youngs,

¿How can we improve?

HpS - ASA -- Hare Krsna. Really Krsna has surely given you some good intelligence. You are a very nice, sincere person. So if you stop and think about it you must really have some good ideas what you need to do to improve you relation with Sri Hari-nama, eg. chant more in the early morning when things are quiet.

We read the Bhagavad gita, improve to the food, spontaneous principles, meditate in good ideas. I know you are going to leave the body very soon, i want to get your refuge again, but maybe, ¿take initiation from of other master if not is possible in this life.  Mother Guru Govinda disciple of Japataka Swami is offering me a service to the temple deities,

HpS -very nice.

...but i think i should improve my rounds and heal my mentality of pride for this direct service, i hope to be useful, the criticisms towards me on the part of some devotees have distance me quite. Moreover, i would like to know, ¿what book do you recommend reading about carl young [Carl Jung]?

HpS - ASA -- His auto-biography, "Memories, Dreams and Reflections" is very good. Did you graduate from the university?  What was the subject of your diploma??   Thank you for your association.

Please accept my obeinsances that this good of health.