KDPC 🍌 visit in April

4 years, 11 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva


Thanks for your response at my very poor anual report. I hope to have a more fruitful report next year.

I am applying for jobs. I went to job interview today and the ladies who were observing my class were not English Teachers and they said they were preoccupied that the students will not understand the class. So I thought I was so top -notch for the job haha. Anyway I guess that students need to be challenged.

I am overjoyed that you are coming in April so I guess that if I have more free time I will take advantage of that and spend more time with your exceptional association.

Tomorrow Yasoda dd is visiting us. We are going to celebrate Nityananda Trayodasi. Then I have classes.

Any verse, reading or song that you suggest for this celebration?

HpS - ASA -- http://kksongs.org/songs/n/nitaipadakamala.html

Thank you very much for always being for all of us even if I am too selfish and stupid.

Nityananda Ram Ki JAYA

Jaya Gurudeva

Trying to be your disciple

Candramukhi dd

HpS - AGTSP paoho......... Hare Krsna!!!!! Fighting in the army of Rama!!!! More in the DTC!!! Good news.

Iksvaku santiago de chile

4 years, 12 months ago by iksvaku in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krishna maharaj les ofrezco mis humildes reverencias nombre es iksvaku gadhadara soy hijo de madre nanda gopi y prabhu jayakirtan y le mando esta carta para ver si es que me podria dar refugio bajo sus pies de loto.

yo soy el devotito que dos veces se acerco a usted para pedirle refugio y tal como usted me dijo que para poder estar refugiado bajo sus pies de loto tengo que cantar rondas y seguir los 4 principios leer y tener un servicio y yo lo eh cumplido.

eh cantado todos los días las 16 rondas y tambien ya eh leido el bhagad gita , la luz del bhagavatam y el néctar de la instrucción, se despide atentamente su sirviente iksvaku

HpS - Super. Refugio es comunicar. Sacrificio de fuego etc. siguien naturamente!!! Tiene que leer el Kapi Dhvaja. Esta en la pagina de Web. Puede inscribir en el grupo de yahoo para recibir en su correo. Otros puede ayudate. Hay informacion como communcar con notros alla. Puede traducir utilizando ww.translate.google.com

Personal Sadhana report

4 years, 12 months ago by nalini in Personal Sadhana Reports

HpS - AGTSP... This letter came while we were traveling, so only responding now.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Srila Sripada, all glories to my revered guru Hanumat Presaka Swamy Maharaj.

Maharaj please accept my sincere reverence at the dust of your lotus feet.

I am very very sorry for not writing a long time. Regarding my study I am regularly attending morning Bhagavatam class and reading other books such as Disciple course, vaisnava etiquette, song books,Nectar of Instruction , Sri Krishna etc.

My family relations are my prabhu (husband) and two married sons.

The innocent people I meet each day are of different age groups. My advice to them is to associate with advanced devotees so as to enable them to hear about krishna's wonderful past activities and to train their minds to remember none other than Krishna.

Maharaj from 7th to 15th October we were at Navadvipa and Mayapur Dhama for parikrama with H. H Bhakti Anand Harisdas Goswami and have got a lot of pleasure and extends our horizon of knowledge.


Your unqualified servent

Nandi Mukhi Devi Dasi

HpS - Very, very nice. Please read the Kapi Dhvaja each fortnight and write to the Blog with the Priority Code in it!

KDPC - Pregunta de la Clase SB

4 years, 12 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Gurumaharaja

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias!

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

Tengo una pregunta de una Clase de SB acerca de los sintomas de kali yuga.

Hemos leído, escuchado y a veces experimentado lo que es bueno y lo que es malo para nuestro avance espiritual, lo favorable y desfavorable. 

Por qué olvidamos los buenos consejos y somos arrastrados a actuar de forma errónea? 

Se debe la perdida de memoria por Kali yuga, a maya, a nuestras ofensas, nuestro karma o es la suma de todo ? 

Qué es lo que nos perjudica más y cómo corregir? 

Por favor bendiganos porque como seres olvidadizos a veces tomamos el camino incorrecto. 

Muchas gracias por sus misericordiosas respuestas. 

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd


Dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept my respectful obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I have a question from a SB Class about the symptoms of Kali Yuga.

We have read, heard and sometimes experienced what is good and what is bad for our spiritual advancement, the favorable and unfavorable.

Why do we forget good advice and are dragged to act wrongly?

Is the loss of memory due to Kali yuga, to Maya, to our offenses, our karma or is it the sum of everything?

What harms us the most and how to correct?

Please bless us because as forgetful beings we sometimes take the wrong path.

Thank you very much for your merciful answers.

Your eternal aspiring servant

Asta Sakhi dd


AGTSP!!!!!!!!!! paoho........ Thank you for your letter. In the start of the section of Sadhana bhakti, Rupa Goswami presents one verse. Del Padma Puraṇā: smartavyaḥ satataṁ viṣṇuḥ: Debemos recordar constantemente al Señor Viṣṇu. Vismartavyo na jātucit: Nunca debemos olvidar al Señor. En eso consiste la perfección de la vida. Esta citado en fin del Significado en:


Eso es smaranam, mos como meditacion como cual es el capitol de Francia. Es posible in Satya yuga, Kali-yuga, Bondad o ignorancia. Pero, claro, es basicamente mas facil recordar a Krsna in bondad, pero, para ellos quien quiere recordar a Krsna in Kali-yuga hay gran ventaja... Canta Hare Krsna..

Si no podemos cantar HK/HR todo el tiempo entonces hay Sadhana Bhakti (BG 12). Es desenyado recordar nostros de Krsna eg. Mangala arati, Sankirtan... pero claro es mas fuerte se ejecutamos Sadhana Bhakti con nuestra esfuerza personal. Eg. memorizar el significado de las palabras del cancion de arati.

No importa el ambiente, satya, kali,... toma cuenta de la Yuga Dharma, pero puede recordar a Krsna y sus instrucciones en cual quiere situation tomando apoyo del Yuga dharma etc. Y mas que recordamos, mas que vamos a recordar El. Nehabikramo naso sti... BG 2.30+


Personal Sadhana and Mandir Report

4 years, 12 months ago by Yamuneswar Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Guru Parampara,

Radha Krsna Ki Jay, Gouranga Mahaprabhu Ki Jay, Goura Bhakta Vrinda Ki Jay

H H HpS Maharaja! Dandavat Pranam!

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Guruji Maharaja’s Padama Charan that when I read Bhagavatam 10.69.24 Translation : " The five maha-yajnas, or great sacrifices, are defined as follows : patno homas catithinam saparya tarpanam balih – “reciting the Vedas, offering oblations into the sacrificial fire, waiting on guests, making offerings to the forefathers, and offering [ a share of one’s food] to living entities in general.”  

           Srila Prabhupada comments as follows on these sacrifices, “In another place Krsna was found performing the panca-yajna sacrifice, which is compulsory for a householder. This yajna is also known as panca-suna”.


           The same is also mentioned in the book Sri Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead…. Chapter-69 (Narda’s visits different homes of Lord Krsna


           What is panca-yajna or panca-suna? What are the mantras? In kali yuga also, is it necessary? Please explain elaborately so as to clear my darkness.

HpS - So sorry we could not answer your posts, letters. When traveling it was very hard, We had meetings with many devotees every day, and then when we got back to our Base takes long time to recover and we are nearing our death, leaving this body. It is getting old. We cannot talk or chant so long. Our eyes cannot handle so much computer.

Please read the Kapi Dhavaj each two weeks and then write to us here using the Priority Code in the Title of your letter. Tell us how we can make the KDh better for you!

Those purports, after chapter 14 in tenth canto, are written by Hrdayananda Goswami an Gopi paranadhana Das, two nice devotees.

I don't know the details of those sacrifices, but I see Prabhupada mentioning them and then commenting that in the Kali-yuga they are all accomplished best by Hari-nama Yajna and Prasadam distribution. Sit with devotees and chant, chant, chant... Nice Japa... and distribute Prasadam. Go out for Sankirtana (play the BIG Mrdanga!)


           Guruji, is there new plan for coming India during Goura Purnima at Mayapur and Manipur? I could not communicate with Dr. Sarada Deve Dasi. One day Prabhu Radhacharan Das inform me that Guruji is coming during May, is it confirm?

HpS - No!! We are too old for so much travel. We came December last year and plan is to come in August this year!!!!!

  • This letter was written one months before but no reply from Guruji, so I am writing again. Excuse me if any commit mistake from my site. Without Guruji's mercy no disciple could develop any spiritual knowledge. Pardon me thousands time, as an innocent bhakta.

Yours fallan sarvent,

Yamunesvara Das

HpS - It is so nice to hear from you. When we hear from you we think of Manipur and even how it smells!!


4 years, 12 months ago by diego in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja,

Por favor, acepte mis sinceras y humildes reverencias. Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada. 

Ya ha pasado casi un mes desde que nos despedimos en Madrid. Me gustaría decirle que usted me ha dado la fuerza necesaria para seguir con mi Sadhana en conciencia de Krishna, para cantar 16 buenas rondas todos los días y leer Bhagavad Gita y Srimad Bhāgavatam. Yo lo he aceptado como mi Guru en mi corazón. Si usted me acepta deseo servirle y servir a Srila Prabhupada, en ISKCON, siguiendo Sus instrucciones, como Él nos dijo y enseñó, todos juntos. 

Deseando tomar pronto Su darshan de nuevo, 

Aspirando a servir,


PD: Adjunto una foto con mi esposa que en la próxima ocasión espero que conozca.

HpS - TlgaSP... Fuimos a la universidad juntos? Many letters left from our travel. Please use the Priority Code in the Kapi Dhvaja!