Report Narayana Month

4 years, 9 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

HpS - TlgaSP Pfanrh esta es una carta muy veijo desde cuando estuvimos viajando y no pudimos responder.

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias a Sus amados pies de loto!! Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada !!!

Durante este mes gopalito estuvo extrañando mucho Su Asociación al igual que yo. Cada vez que gopal ve un avión dice : ahi se fue Hanuman, a Perú, ya se va bajaaar!! :-) y vamos @ regalarle más dibujos!! :-) 

HpS -- Sus dibujos son maravilloso. Tiene visitor a Navadvipa 500 anos pasadao y dibujar los pasatiempos de Nimai y todos su banda.

Caí en la cuenta que dos personas que adoro ( usted y mi hijo) se juntaron y no les tomé una foto juntos...:( otra vez me gano mi emoción y lo olvidé...:::

Mi sadhana ha mejorado. Estoy intentando acostarme más temprano para asi levantarme temprano sin estar agotada. Duermo 5 horas mas una siesta. Esto, con el fin de cantar más rondas temprano, ahora que aumenté mis rondas desde que le envié esa carta que no quería publicar.

Su Sri Vyasa Puja lo celebré en casa,

HpS - Aqui vamos a la traduccion.

el mismo domingo que se celebró en Lima y me sentí acompañada por los devotos de Perú ! Mis hermanos aquí me invitaron pero no pude ir, pues era día laborable, así que no pude tener la asociación de ellos, pero celebramos en casa! con franco y gopalito. Limpie todo antes, recordando sus clases en chosica, donde nos contaba que cuando uno toma una ofrenda de un lugar limpio, uno se siente refrescado y con energía!!! Nunca hago esto por estar cansada de caminar , pero ahora he comenzado a hacerlo y se descansa mejor asi. Otra misericordia suya.

Le puse a sus pies 8 ofrendas hechas con guee!!

_ arroz dorado con jenjibre ( estilo peruano :-)

_ puris

_ mango

_ ciruelas pasas con ajonjoli

_ pakoras de zapallito 

_nectar de naranja

Y dos mas que ahora no recuerdo.. :-)

Franco dijo que le gustaron tanto las ofrendas que quisiera que fuera Su vyasapuja todos los días!!! :))) 

Cuando le leí mi ofrenda sentí que Usted estaba presente en mi hogar... y franco, mientras me escuchaba cantaba riéndose : ... y lloro, lloroo... ...:-)

Envié una ofrenda a los devotos de houston. Fue en realidad, palabras que me nacieron cuando Usted vino a Córdoba el año pasado y lo ví solo una vez.. Es diferente de la que escribí este año. Me dijeron que era para un libro.

Soñé que yo me disculpaba con Usted por mis ofensas cometidas durante su última visita. Y Usted me decía: todo va pasar, todo lo malo se va ir, sólo sigamos cantando!!! Jaya!!!!

Se que este 12 de enero es SU CUMPLEAÑOS!! Bendita sea Su madre que nos regalo a un SER TANNN MARAVILLOSO COMO USTED. Celebraré algo en casa x su día!!

Franco tuvo también la misericordia de soñar con Usted ! Me dijo que Lo vió retando un poco a un discípulo de aqui...

Estoy ofreciendo a mis deidades solo prasadam incienso y flores. El guee lo estoy reservando para Gopal. Quiero que crezca sano y fuerte para servir a krsna!

Franco me ha pedido casarnos este año. Dice que ahora está mas tranquilo. El es a veces demasiado responsable y si no cumple una meta, no esta tranquilo. Por ejemplo cuando Usted vino el año pasado El se había quemado un pie, y asi estaba construyendo con barro, preocupado que pasáramos el duro invierno en la casa rodante. No fue a verlo a Usted porque toda su ropa estaba rota por construir y ademas dice que es un hippie impresentable en sociedad :) ,Normalmente es muy gracioso y como dice que le gusta la relacion con krsna como amigo y que quiere ser un niño eterno, yo pienso a veces que El podría ser un asociado de krsna , un amiguito esos que te hacen matar de risa!! :-)

El es muy divertido y por eso me gustó desde un inicio su asociacion, solo que yo con mis locuras de viajar y verlo a Usted y devotos en peru, sin tener los medios para hacerlo y teniendo a gopalito , lo habia puesto de mal humor por muchos años. Ahora yo siento mucha paz porque ya conozco su caracter y el tambien el mio , dice que soy una loca desquiciada pero sabe que soy buena y por eso me ama :-) Hmmm.. Creo que aceptare casarme .. estoy pensandoo... :-)

terminamos de pagar el terreno por misericordia de krsna. Ahora nuestra meta es India! Vrndavam Dham !!! Me gustaria conocer Manipur!! :-)

Por favor perdone cualquier ofensa cometida sin querer en este reporte.

Su tonta discípula que desea complacer Su hermoso y puro corazón:

Japa prati jalpa Radha dd.

P.D : he escuchado a gopalito cantando solito mientras juega : Quiero llegar a ti!! Parece que le gustan mis canciones :-) se me derritio el corazon de escucharlo...En la foto esta construyendo su propia japa!

Please accept my respectful obeisances to your beloved lotus feet !! All glories to Srila Prabhupada !!!

During this month gopalito was missing his Association a lot like me. Every time gopal sees a plane he says: there Hanuman left, to Peru, he is already going down! :-) and let @ give you more drawings !! :-) I realized that two people I adore (you and my son) got together and I didn't take them a picture together ... :( again I win my emotion and I forgot ... :::

My sadhana has improved. I'm trying to go to bed earlier so I get up early without being exhausted. I sleep 5 hours plus a nap. This, in order to sing more rounds early, now that I increased my rounds since I sent him that letter that I didn't want to publish.

I celebrated his Sri Vyasa Puja at home, the same Sunday that was held in Lima and I felt accompanied by the devotees of Peru! My brothers invited me here but I couldn't go, because it was a working day, so I couldn't have their association, but we celebrated at home! with franc and gopalito. Clean everything before, remembering your classes in chosica, where he told us that when one takes an offering from a clean place, one feels refreshed and energized !!! I never do this because I am tired of walking, but now I have started to do it and rest better that way. Another mercy of his.

I put at your feet 8 offerings made with guee !! _ golden rice with ginger (Peruvian style :-) _ puris _ mango _ prunes with sesame seeds _ zucchini pakoras _nectar of orange And two more than now I don't remember .. :-) Franco said he liked the offerings so much that he wanted it to be His vyasapuja every day! :))) When I read my offering I felt that you were present in my home ... and frankly, while listening to me I sang laughing: ... and I cry, I cry ... ... :-) I sent an offering to the devotees of Houston. It was really, words that were born to me when you came to Córdoba last year and I saw it only once .. It is different from what I wrote this year. They told me it was for a book.

I dreamed that I apologized to you for my offenses committed during your last visit. And you told me: everything will happen, everything bad will go, let's just keep singing !!! Jaya !!!!

I know that this January 12 is YOUR BIRTHDAY! Blessed be Your mother who gave us a WONDERFUL BEING TANNN LIKE YOU. I will celebrate something at home for your day !! Franco also had the mercy of dreaming of You! He told me that he saw him challenging a disciple here ...

I am offering my deities only prasadam incense and flowers. I am booking the guee for Gopal. I want him to grow up healthy and strong to serve Krishna!

Franco asked me to get married this year. He says he is calmer now. He is sometimes too responsible and if he does not meet a goal, he is not calm. For example when you came last year He had burned one foot, and so he was building with mud, worried that we would spend the harsh winter in the motor home. He did not go to see you because all his clothes were broken to build and he also says that he is an unpresentable hippie in society :) Normally it is very funny and as he says that he likes the relationship with Krishna as a friend and that he wants to be an eternal child, I sometimes think that He could be an associate of Krishna, a little friend those who make you laugh laughing! :-) He is very funny and that's why I liked his association from the beginning, only that I with my follies to travel and see you and devotees in Peru, without having the means to do it and having a gopalito, I had put him in a bad mood for many years. Now I feel a lot of peace because I already know her character and mine, she says that I am a crazy madwoman but she knows that I am good and that is why she loves me :-) Hmmm .. I think I'll accept to get married .. I'm thinking ... :-)

we finished paying the land for mercy of Krishna. Now our goal is India! Vrndavam Dham !!! I would like to meet Manipur !! :-) Please forgive any offense committed unintentionally in this report. His silly disciple who wishes to please His beautiful and pure heart:

Japa Prati Jalpa Radha dd.

P.D: heard a gopalito singing alone while playing: I want to get to you ... !! He seems to like my songs :-) My heart melted from hearing it ...

In the photo he is building his own japa

HpS - Even with English translation we only have to to scan through this letter! It looks very nice. The Vyasapuja offering. We just pass it all to Srila Prabhupada, and description of Franco. I think other devotees who have more immediate relationship with you will like to read all the details. Write a shorter summary for us and then write details. Become a journalist.

Hare Krishna/ Request!

4 years, 9 months ago by Germán Vegas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances

May may wife and I work in chapter 2???? or someone else that you prefer?

Thank you very much in advance

Your servant

Gandharva das

HpS - AgtSP! Thank you for the great help each day in translating etc.!!! As we discussed today, please work on SB 2.3. Did you download ?

Is the basic idea clear about what kind of questions we are looking for ULTIMATELY? Of course, they can just be good end-of-the-canto questions and later we can edit more into Short Answer, Essay etc.

A list of possible Essay topics is there. Some will be the same for every Canto.

This is just a start. It will take years of developing the Ministry of Education. Srila Prabhupada must be very proud to show to His godbrothers et al, what a nice Ministry of Education he has!!! Thank you.

Hare Krishna,Gurumaharaja

4 years, 9 months ago by surjalata in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna,


I'm Surjalata Brahmachari, working as an Animation and a Film Editor, wanted to serve Krishna, I'm attending, Guru puja and Srimad Bhagavad-Gita classes but due to Virus issue, unable to go out from home. And, Mata ji@ Sardha and Prabhu @Ramanuja Das, who support me and guide me in many ways.

HpS - Hare Krsna. Where is your physical body, Surjalata! Read the Kapi Dhvaja and put the Priority Code from the Letters to the Editor section in your letter Title to get prompt attention!!

hare krishna gurudeva!!!

4 years, 9 months ago by mani.sati.sita. in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krishna gurudev, mis mas humildes reverencias,todas las glorias a srila prabhupada!!

Antes de nada espero se encuentre bien de salud y muy feliz. No se que ha estado pasando con mi conexion ya que me he mudado varias veces y porfin puedo disponer de buena conexion.

Le mande varias cartas y reportes y no obtuve respuesta ,por lo que me abri una nueva cuenta desde cero y asi poder estar en comunicacion con usted. No se si recordara que en la ultima carta le digo que voy a casarme y pues ya me case por el juzgado y estamos viendo cuando podemos hacer la ceremonia de fuego. Tambien le digo que voy a ser mama (probablemente cuando lea esto ya lo sere), es un niño y se llama Govinda, espero en su vuelta a españa pueda conocerlo y ojala podamos hacer la boda cuando este aqui para que pueda asistir.

sobre mi sadana he tenido bastante tiempo aunque a pesar de eso las rondas como siempre voy dejando acumuladas ( intentando ser mejor cada dia),me ocupo de las deidades,sus baños y todo lo que conlleva e intento leer mucho para que Govinda desde la barriga empiece a aprender jajaja.

siento no haberle escrito antes y espero ahora si puedan llegarle mis correos,mis mas humildes reverencias e esta burra en aprendizaje.

su sirvienta mani-sati sita dd


I will do Krishna Gurudev, my humblest obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada !!

First of all I hope you are in good health and very happy. I don't know what has been happening with my connection since I have moved several times and I can finally have a good connection.

I sent you several letters and reports and I did not get a response, so I opened a new account from scratch so that I could be in communication with you. I don't know if you remembered that in the last letter I told you that I am going to get married and then I already got married by the court and we are seeing when we can do the fire ceremony. I also tell him that I am going to be a mom (probably when I read this I will be), he is a boy and his name is Govinda,

HpS - Jaya! Prabhupada said..... these babies are not ordinary people..... KRSNA does not send ordinary people to be babies of devoteees. therefore you have big responsibility with your husband, friends and family to protect this soul so he can do great things for society.

I hope on his return to Spain he can meet him and hopefully we can do the wedding when he is here so that he can attend.

HpS - Svaha!!

on my sadana I have had enough time although despite that the rounds as I always keep accumulating (trying to be better every day), I take care of the deities, their baths and everything that entails and I try to read a lot so that Govinda from the belly start learning hahaha.

HpS - It is a fact!

I am sorry I did not write to you before and I hope now if you can get my emails, my humblest obeisances and this donkey in learning.

your maid mani-sati sita dd

HpS - So nice to hear from you!!! Unless you chant good rounds your milk will be poison! Ha! Ha! The evil one will steal your baby and take him to Las Vegas, Monte Carlos !!!!! See attached foto!

Personal Sadhana and Mandir Report

4 years, 9 months ago by Yamuneswar Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Guru Parampara,

Radha Krsna Ki Jay, Gouranga Mahaprabhu Ki Jay, Goura Bhakta Vrinda Ki Jay

H. H. HpS Maharaja! Dandavat Pranam!

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Guruji Maharaja’s Padama Charan that when I read Bhagavatam 10.79.15 Translation : " At Mount Mahendra He saw Lord Parasurama and offered Him prayers, and then He bathed in the Seven branches of the Godavari River ....."  Is this Lord Parasurama (Avatara) the same Parasurama of Ramayana?

HpS - AGTSP paoho. Agt the Wonderful Land of Manipura! From the Kapi Dhvaja you can see how we are struggling to answer all the mail. Yours is VERY dear to us!!!! Please read the KDh. Put the current Priority Code from the Letters to the Editor section in the Title of your letters so we will notice it.

We are preying to Sri Krsna for quick improvement of Guruji Maharaja's health condition. We are so sorry to know that Guruji could not read letters and write answers to the devotees who lived far far away different countries and waiting Guruji's Aasirbad.

HpS - "Guruji" is even more sad!!! Any shortage we have in our service Krsna will fill that!

As my retirement is nearing (28.2.2022), I was promoted from Section Officer to Assistant Registrar recently. It is also a part of Bhagavan's mercy.

HpS - Do you get to wear a special hat? 😁 What are you reading? How is Krsna consciousness in Manipura? Hope you can connect during the lockdown.

Yours fallen servant,

Yamuneswara Das

Joan of Arc reporting

4 years, 9 months ago by Andrea Ramirez in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Hare Krishna

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Sri Gaura Nitai

Please Maharaja, accept my most humble obeisances

Its been a while since i last wrote you,

ASA - Us also!!

but i´ve been keeping track of your wherebouts thanks to Parasurama Prabhu and Bhakta Hector Prabhu, thanks to them that also have helped me so much thru my process.

i hope you are in good health and doing good.

HpS - Like yours!

As for me i´m still in Panama, its been 2 years and a half now and im amazed how fast time is going!

As my mind got trouble and rebelious i took a step back (again) and i feel like everytime im close to start doing things right i bounce back to my worst behaviors. I also feel very tired most of the times , in general, i can call it laziness, and i feel in ignorance, i wasnt following any principles for the last 6 months...i also stopped going to the temple...

HpS - The Evil One got you!!

... but around two weeks ago something [God] shook me out and started chanting again, and back in order to start following principles again.. i dont feel completly guilty, its like an internal battle between i know what i should do and why i dont do it the right way. Im tired of being tired, lazy and mediocre...

why is it easier for certain people and for others is so hard?

HpS - The same reason it will be easy for you in the next lifetime, because whatever progress you do you take with you!

can all this tireness and laziness come from also being supressing a depression?

HpS - Maybe!

thank you Maharaja for the precious time you take to read all this that i put out about my troubled mind.

ASA - Sorry so slow to answer. We are lazy, but also can't answer while traveling. Too many personal consultations! Read the Kapi Dhvaja. www.JayaRama.US!! You are way ahead of many people on the planet! Become better. Become a Doctor.