Unhappy Marriage (part three)

4 years, 7 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

"Esteemed HpS

Please accept our humble obeisances and let us offer all respects to Srila Prabhupada!

We said that our marriage situation has become so crazy that we have been thinking of suicide, but you pointed out that we have died many times and that has not solved the problem, that our actual situation is the result of how we died in our last life.

Ha. ha. ha 😅🙏🏻. So true 😅😅😅. _/\o_ due to your prayers and my parent's affection, feeling physically less ill. Very fortunate Krsna is providing me help and support to go through this period in so many ways 🙏🏻.

You all are my lifelines. Everyday am trying a bit more to tell Krsna, He is my only shelter, even though everything is crumbling, I show my insignificant effort to prevent it. May He give me shelter. Whatever He likes He may do with us, we are at His mercy.

Trying to maintain mood of servant whenever we can remember (conditionings). Much much easier said than done."

ASA - We have heard from SP, our seniors and experienced, and first verse of SB, that if we approach any problem with the attitude that I am the servant of all. Let me try to help my husband, even if he is converting into a Kamsa, then we will be happy.

"But just when I think it can't get worse it does. With regulation, sleeping hours, video-gaming, other girls..no end."

ASA - Your only enemy is The Witch!!!! She will use everyone, everything to test you. To try to purify you so that you will get back to work! Goloka!

We were created to do a unique task!

Now we are not really doing it. What can KRSNA do??! He is by nature a complete egoist! Only thinks of Himself and He wants us, demands us to come, back and help with today's playing!?

Why are we staring at that stupid Bahiranga flower out in the field?!!

Well it is a little fun! ... but enough is enough! Sooo... The Witch and the Evil One will come up with unlimited different ways to frustrate your plans to be happy here.

H A P P Y!!😻

Hare Krsna!!!! Next episode in the Soap Opera!!! ....

"KDPC" .Pandaveya prsna Das. Spain

4 years, 7 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva!

Agt SP!

Agt Nimai & Nitai!!!

I hope that you are very well, and that every day is a more beautiful day in Krsna consciousness.

I loved your response to my last letter ... incredible. The date is very nice ... THANK YOU GURUDEVA.

These past few days I have been quite introspective. Many accomplishments.

I truly believe that my spiritual advancement has reached a point, an important point in my destiny.

I am ashamed to talk about these things, because I am telling you about it, and it is not politically correct ... sorry Gurudeva.

HpS - For this purpose is Sadhu sanga. NOI 4, 5, 6!! This Blog is a Sanga like after the Sunday Feast public lecture some people come up to the Vyasa asana to talk a little more personally.

Yoga has made me grow incredibly in recent years.

I am sure that you could say many more things than I about all this, but for some reason (although perhaps I should not do it) I tell you about some of my personal achievements.

Lately, Krsna surprises me a lot. The layers of illusion between the mind and my own being, my soul, are like mental curtains, I could even take them with my hand ... And when I move away from them, each atom that surrounds me becomes a diode that emits a certain color, creating my environment. It's funny that when that happens, the mind becomes atoms too, showing me that the mind is no different from the matter I see, nothing different ...

When I want to see that state, I only look at the matter carefully; mind, senses and what surrounds me at the same time, without speculating or altering what I receive in body or mind, whatever it is (dreams, ideas, mental films ... etc etc). And so, I can perceive as matter, it is as spiritual as the spiritual world, but its inhabitants are people disconnected from everything by the false ego, and that is why everything is now done backwards ... and that Krsna did not build it , but us.

ASA - Monkey with a Mirror?

At that time, I feel like I'm in the wrong neighborhood.

Krsna always takes my Bhakti along the mystical paths ... which is actually the same as saying that it takes me on the scientific side ... I have always been very scientific, Krsna is very smart ... hahaha

What else can I tell you Gurudeva? The world becomes a shadow of the spiritual, but it is not a matter of the kind of matter from which it is built, but because it does not have that center which is for us by nature Krsna, and everyone else.

ASA - It is real. A real mirror?

It is as if a street full of wax lanterns, full of light and color, mystery, adventure, romanticism, and magic, were extinguished one by one, in a selfish way, and only afterwards was a space the same as the previous one, but empty of all that truly fills us souls, the only thing that actually exists with Krsna, with God.

Honestly Gurudeva, I don't know what I'm doing in this world ... hahaha ... I had to have been born into a lost Amazon tribe, this western society is much much more primitive than any hidden Amazon tribe.

May Gurudeva do well.

My humble obeisances.

Hare Krsna

HpS - Thank you! If you can start to find storys in the SB+ that illustrate your realizations, that is nice! Or explain SB+!

More news!

kDPC - Cheela from Chile

4 years, 7 months ago by ramanretidevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Goura Nitay

ASA - Nityananda! 'nitai pada kamala...." buen cancion memorizar. tambien texto CC. Adi. 1.2. "Vande Sri Krsna Caitanya..."

Todas las gloria a Srila Prabhupada

ASA - !!!!!!!!

Hare krishna Guru.M comienzo mi reporte,

contando que comenzó el frío aquí en santiago de chile pero a pesar de esto hago todo mi SADHANA, mejorando cada día en cantar unas buenas rondas leer y estudiar a pesar de que hay temas que me cuestan me esfuerzo para lograr un buen entendimiento, preguntar hasta que quede claro. sigo hablando con las chicas por teléfono una vez a la semana riendo y preocupada por sus dudas ,(son las chicas del jardín) . también en casa comenze plantar en maceteros algunas plantas (orégano, romero, albahaca y otras.. para krishna están creciendo bastante bien. cada día medito en hacer un buen servicio y mejorar mi vida espiritual para ser un ejemplo, muchas gracias por su inspiración se despide su humilde sirvienta Raman Reti devi dasi

HpS -- Muy bien!!!!! A abajo orden de Sr. Chaitanya, "amar ajnay guru haya..." convierta Jagat Guru. Paso por paso.

Ter kadamba devi dasi (buenos aires)

4 years, 7 months ago by bhaktina teresa in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to sti sri gaura nitai, all glories to srila prabhupada, all glories to you.

yes, I do not sing japa, I do not feel the interest, I only read the new testament, or sometimes the nectar of the instruction, also some books of saints .. I am doing studies online because cannot travel because of the virus(lie).. In less than a year I will be taking medicine (if I don't die) I feel the need to help people, I don't know what I'm doing here, I feel useless and what am I going to do? talk about my good activities? I'm a mess, I don't like lying. I don't like lying to you and this is how I feel. Today I feel other needs and help people and do a job of introspection but I am not constant with my japa. I want to be consistent with helping others. thank you gurudeva for your letter and my obeissances to you.

Ys. Ter kadamba devi dasi

HpS - Thank you!! Very nice. Did you restring our beads one time?

"Debemos conocer la necesidad actual de la sociedad humana." https://vedabase.io/es/library/sb/1/preface/

Eso es nuestra idea. Si, necesitamos ayudar todo el mundo vivir in tranquilidad. Pero no somos gorillas o gorillinis. En bondad materialment y entonces buscamos algo mas alto.

Lea la Kapi Dhavaja e haz so commentario aqui. Letters to the Editor.

My phone Number

4 years, 7 months ago by Nityananda-rama dasa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Guru maharaja, thank you again for your responses to my letters. You had asked for my phone number, so here it is 1 (619) 436-xxxx.

Your servant,

Nityananda-rama dasa

ASA - We just Whatsapped you!

Got it?


4 years, 7 months ago by srutipriya in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Sri Sri Goura Nitay,

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada,

All glories to Guru Maharaja Bhakti Bhusana Swami,

ASA - Jaya!

All Glories to Hanumat Presaka Swami. Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances.

ASA - Paoho....

It has been a while since I had the idea to write to you… My main motivation is to thank you for allowing me to participate in your morning program group and I would also like to offer Krishna some service by serving you, if you allow me to do so… of course.

Maybe you can find a service that can match my profile. Even if I have lots of Anarthas and I am not a great devotee,

I really feel inspired by your example and of course the debt will never be paid.

It would be impossible to reciprocate, but serving you is an idea that comes to my mind every day during the morning program… As I am not your disciple, I don’t know how I could do it, but at least I have the desire in my heart….

HpS - I like Bh. Bhusana Swami a lot. I empathize with his mood, mode, a lot, like Bhanu Swami and others. So, your service to Maharaja is already service to us.

If you can help The Abhirama Thakura Das with Solaris that would be nice!

It seems to me that the right thing to do is to introduce myself first. So here I go… I am a Bhakti Bhusana Swami disciple. I have been participating in the ISKCON movement for 12 years approx. I took my vows 2 years ago (1st initiation: Santiago, July 7th 2018). I was born in Bogota, Colombia and I have been living in Santiago, Chile for the past 20 years. I live alone and I have a job I like (international commerce and logistics in a multinational company –Headquarters in Germany). This job allows me to organize my life in a good way without depending on anyone except on Krishna and to be able to contribute to the temple needs.

I chant 16 rounds (to chant GOOD rounds, concentrated is my main challenge). I follow the 4 principles. Before the lockdown I had a fix service at the Iskcon Temple in Santiago. (Cooking for the Deities every Sunday: 1st offering in the morning).

I have been leading a Bhakti Vriksa program for the last 8 years. (Until the lockdown. Afterwards, we have tried to keep on meeting on line, but now there are so many nice activities with the different spiritual masters, that all of us privileged those meetings). I have never had any responsibility position at Iskcon.

ASA - Every position in ISKCON is a 'responsible position'!!!! Jaya!

My Sadhana has improved, mainly after I could join your gotomeeting group. I really appreciate your kindness to let me participate into this group.

HPS - If we did not have the association of the people in the group we would not only be animals we would big, bad animals!

I take advantage to apologize for any offense I could have done there. I worship Sri Sri Goura Nitay Deities and a Tulasi plant at home (I live just across the temple which allows me to have close contact with the temple residents). I finished the Bhakti Sastri course and the Bhakti vaibhava one until the 4th Canto with Param Padam Prabhu. I have not taken any of the tests yet.

I studied Ayurveda last year at a yoga academy (I have not taken the final test). I have also tried to learn some palm reading lately (after the lockdown) with videos on youtube.

I graduated from the National University of Colombia (Filology and languages) and I fluently speak some languages. I was thinking it could be useful for some service, taking into account what Tapan Misra Das Prabhu (Iskcon Education Ministry) said today in his presentation at the Symposium (2nd session day 2) in the sense that translating some learning materials would be useful: I speak Spanish (native language) English B2 level and French B2 level (95% DELF Diploma) (As per the European Union proficiency levels).

After the Symposium and while listening to your students presentations I really got motivated to keep on learning, and maybe to finally take the exams (I have not done it yet because I am not very good at memorizing verses).

HpS - We memorize them if we use them!

I have given some classes at the temple (BG, SB and CC classes). I plan to buy the Bhakti Vaibhava books on amazon as they said today on the symposium. It seems Iskcon gives the students some credits that can be kept on record. Do you think I could join any of your courses? Please…

HpS - ASA does not have any BOEX accredited courses yet. We try to keep our info on this stuff in the Kapi Dhvaja. COmments on it are so useful.

As per what I understood from the symposium, the on line courses are ok, but Iskcon leadership + headquarters seem afraid of being able to pass the vedic knowledge but not the vaisnava qualities/way of being.

ASA - It is one challenge. Another is to communicate to Devotees that the Titles are not a 100% certification of spiritual character developement!

In your opinion, should I wait for a Bhakti Vaibhava course in Latin America to arrive to the 4th canto and continue from there? Or should I study an on line course abroad as they one in India they presented today? (I was not able to ask if it was a course only for men… no women on the pictures…)

HpS - Vidya-pitta residence is 99% brahmacari course. I recommend getting a study partner. Joining some regular Sanga. Maybe our morning program and then working to adjust it to your needs! Suggest how our program can be improved.

I bought the Caitanya Caritamrita books and recordings last time I went to India on March 2017 and since then this is what I read (and listen to) the most, almost every day. I really love it and I have this dream of doing a small Caitanya Caritamrta reading group in Santiago.

ASA - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfHnzYEHAow

Joining with some neighbor devotees and some temple residents. I have listened to the Caitanya Bhagavata as well (only recordings as I do not have the book).

Maharaja, any service I can do for you is also to please Krishna and my Guru Maharaja Bhakti Bushana Swami. I would be glad if I can serve you in any way you decide. If there is not any particular service to do, I will also fully understand. 

 I will be more than happy to have an answer from you, but if it is not possible, I also understand that you are a very busy person.

HpS - Yes, try an help (the sometimes confused) Abhirama Thakura Das with Solaris. You can develope as you like!