Passed Iskcon Disciple Course

4 years, 2 months ago by sriram in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,

Dandavat pranams. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I have been chanting 16 rounds regularly and have been following the regulative principles. I mentioned in the last letter that i am serving the Atlanta temple by helping them with the monthly Newsletter. I am still doing that maharaj. I am also attending the local bhakti vriksha every friday on Zoom. We are also doing daily Damodar arti on Zoom in our BV.

HpS - Incredible!!

I am also trying to read Srimad Bhagavatam for 15 to 30 minutes everyday and i am currently in the second chapter of 3rd Canto guru maharaj.

HpS - We also!!

I have also passed the ISKCON disciple course. I am attaching the certificate. I am currently waiting for the recommendation letter from ISKCON Atlanta. Because i have been in Atlanta fo just under a year and haven't had much chance to serve the temple directly because of Covid, the temple authorities have asked for a couple of letters of my record of service from previous temples. I have requested those letters from the Chennai temple and the Connecticut temple as those are the two centers under which i have served in the past.

Once i get them, i'll forward them to the Atlanta temple and then subsequently receive the recommendation letter. I am hoping this should happen in the next 15 to 30 days, hopefully.

Tulsi maharani is also growing nicely maharaj.

Your servant

Sriram Arunachalam

HpS - Awk!!! We don't remember previous Blog posts from you. We are either becoming senile or becoming overwhelmed by Asta-sattvika Bhava. Can send links for previous letters. Most important thing is that Krsna knows all these things and He is the original Guru!! Only observation is that we have to have this hour in the morning and evening for SB/BG. Of course it may be 15-minutes of NOD + 15-minutes of CC etc, but it is one of the requirements of Bhakti Yoga. If we don't have this habit then it is like a diet of rice, beans and bread with no beans or something. We will continue with it for a few years and then die. We will continue in Bh. Yoga w/o the full program and then quite and say, "Oh. I treied that and it didn't work for me..". Very sad!! It is a science!

What do you think?

Hare Krsna gurudev

4 years, 2 months ago by campa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna gurudev. Por favor acepte mis reverencias. Y sean todas las glorias a su divino maestro espiritual Srila Prabhupada.

Espero que esté muy bien de su salud física.

Perdón por no escribirle más seguido. Siempre siento que estoy en deuda con usted y no hago mucho para remediarlo.

Estoy un poco mejor de mi último reporte. He mejorado mis rondas, aunque sigo sin cumplir las 16 rondas todos los días. Los cuatro principios están bien. Estoy participando de mangalarati con usted, aunque el cambio de horario no me vino bien. Estoy trabajando con una familia de devotos vecinos como ayudante de cocina y con el calor empiezo a las 7:30 am justo cuando ahora empieza mangalarati y los martes y jueves voy al Mandir Radha Krsna del barrio a mangalarati (la construcción que hizo Kesava swami en un pequeño terreno donado por Pancadhara das, falta bastante pero tenemos un salón muy hermoso terminado y un baño a medio terminar, ahora nos reunimos allí) . El martes pasado di una pequeña clase de media hora de Bhagavatam para los devotos. Estoy levantando a mis deidades casi todos los días, aunque no siempre a la misma hora. También me ocupo del servicio de tesorería del mandir. Estoy un poco mejor de mi energía física, he empezado una limpieza ayurveda hace unos 20 días.

Muchas gracias gurudev, lo poco que puedo hacer es gracias a usted, sinceramente!!!

Su discípula que lo quiere mucho, madre Campaka lata dd.

Hare Krsna gurumaharaja!!! Que Krsna lo eleve cada día más cerca de Su morada.


Hare Krsna gurudev. Please accept my obeisances. And all glories to your divine spiritual master Srila Prabhupada.

HpS - OUR divine spiritual master! Jaya!

I hope your physical health is very good.

HpS - Ha! Ha! Ja! At 72-years old our donkey, motorbike, is falling apart. 2024 is estimate of final survival. We hope to be devotees in our next life.

Sorry for not writing to you more often. I always feel that I am in your debt and I don't do much to remedy it.

HpS - I feel the same way!

I'm a little better from my last report. I have improved my rounds even though I still miss 16 rounds every day. All four principles are fine. I am participating in mangalarati with you, although the time change did not suit me. I am working with a family of neighboring devotees as a kitchen helper and with the heat I start at 7:30 am just when mangalarati starts now and on Tuesdays and Thursdays I go to the Mandir Radha Krsna in the mangalarati neighborhood (the construction that Kesava swami did in a small piece of land donated by Pancadhara das, there is still a lot but we have a very beautiful finished room and a half finished bathroom, now we meet there). Last Tuesday I gave a little half hour Bhagavatam class for the devotees. I am raising my deities almost every day, although not always at the same time. I also take care of the mandir's treasury service. I am a little better in my physical energy, I started an ayurveda cleanse about 20 days ago.

Thank you very much gurudev, the little I can do is thanks to you, sincerely !!!

His disciple who loves him very much, mother Campaka can dd.

Hare Krsna gurumaharaja !!! May Krsna raise him closer to His abode each day.

HpS - Super. You think this is not a battle of Kuruksetra? Everyday somebody died and at least Arjuna, everyone go shot full of arrows.

Focus on the rounds. Everything else will improve in the most efficient way if you do that.

Respects to the devotees there. Honestly your association and news are very important to us!!!!! The world.

Update from Boise and a question

4 years, 2 months ago by Nick Delffs in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja, please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you! 

I am listening to your English classes almost everyday. Very grateful to the devotee who posts them on to FB.

These classes are our saving grace..though they are beyond our capacity to understand. The humor, insight and the personal stories that you tell are very uplifting and bring us closer to Srila Prabhupada’s books. Thank you Maharaja. I am here because of you. Your personality have always been so familiar and inviting to me.

HpS - Hmmph! We have always been inspired by you and your family. Maya may knock Nick Deffs down but he got back up!! 💪 "Okay, if that way won't work, maybe this way!!"

Maharaja, you have inspired me to take work seriously and by Krishna’s grace and your mercy I have carpentry work that is creative and challenging and my boss is favorable to KC.

HpS - Same Dude you described before! Very interesting!

I am very thankful for this. Because of you I am trying to always remember that the money that I make is Krishnas and should be used in His service.

So many great devotees have left us here in Boise. We are missing their association and feel foolish for not taking more of their association when they were here. The work load around the temple is heavy and the physical association with devotees is scarce but we are holding to our morning program at the temple and at home with Aja. Needing to develop our evening program. We are trying to read Krsna Book every night and do kirtan.

ASA - Super! Super! Super! I think that if we can be KC in these circumstances, we can also do it in a coffin! (At last a little peace and quiet! (But then another buddy, body). Things will change. Guaranteed. But Krsna and His Associates and His pastimes are eternal.

Sadhu Sanga Prabhu (You have been on the Vrindavan Parikrama with him. He used to have a different name that started with a T) his good wife Sudevi Mataji and their fiery son Dhruva have moved here from Bellingham WA. Anadi and I feel very like minded to them and we seem to all work very well together. We are very grateful for their help and guidance.

HpS - Great!!! Yes, we lived through the Parikrama with him several times. It is like having lived through the Vietnam War with somebody. We really miss his association. Respects to him, them. She speaks "Mexican", no? How is his mothe?

Married life is difficult! We are trying to have a good sense of humor about it all and not get to entangled or attached but it is very difficult.

HpS - Ha! Ha! Ha! ... but Vanaprastha is tougher and Sannyasa is even more tough! but in the end you are as pure as gold! They erect monuments to you in citys. You become a person on the stature of Narada muni and the Parampara acharys. On the other hand the problems are all created by us, and as soon as we say, "Nityananda! Prabhupada", with our hands raised with a loud voice, we know how to use Grhastha Ashrama etc. very well!

Considering getting therapy again but this question comes up:

Is revealing ones mind in confidence to a professional, non devotee therapist not recommended? 

HpS - No, but to a nice Mexican lady, Catholic, is okay. Just gotta understand people in terms of NoI-10. Then even Karmis and Jnanis can help us in our service. Of course, it often happens that therapists say that they go more help in their personal life than they feel they gave in the sessions.

Thank you for all of your online classes and for being a torch light in this dark material existence🙏🏻

Your aspiring servant,

Nitisara das 

HpS - To us you seem like you are in the top 5% of humanity on the planet. Go ahead!!!!! Do you continue with the music? Looking for a different audience? Don't need a lot of people. You tube videos. Respects to the Better Half.

Manipuri Window

4 years, 2 months ago by Yamuneswar Das in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Sri Guru Parampara,

Radha Krsna Ki Jay, Gouranga Mahaprabhu Ki Jay, Goura Bhakta Vrinda Ki Jay

H. H. HpS Maharaja! Dandavat Pranam!

H. H. B. S. Damodar Swami, Ki Jai!

Srila Prabhupada, Ki Jai!

Hare Krsna! Please accept my humble obeisances unto Sri Guruji Maharaja’s Padama Charan that I am so happy to get Guruji Maharaja's reply so soon, and it is the same address written not to write in this blog.

In my previous letter I had asked the differences of "Mantra and Gaitri" and Guruji replied as HpS - We do not understand your question too well. Can you give details? The details are as under : 

1.     Guru

Mantra : Eing Srigurube namah;

Gayatri - Eing Srigurudevaya bidamahe krsnanandaya dhimahi tano guru:



2.     Gouranga Mahaprabhu

Mantra : Kling Srikrsnacaitanyaya svah.

Gayatri : Kling Gourangaya bidamahe biswambharaya dhimahi tano goura:


3.     Nityananda

Mantra : Kling Nityananda candraya svah.

Gayati  : Kling Nityanandaya bidamahe balaramaya dhimahi tano Rama


HpS - Hmm? We still do not understand. 😟 Can you send your whatsapp number or e-mail address and we could communicate in some more detail about the Mantras.

 I am now reading Bhagavatam 11:20:30. Narrating the different concepts of happiness in general public and bhaktas spiritual views. Normally everybody thinks that the greatest happiness is the Maya; but the real happiness is worship of Sri Krsna – because He is the only sources of happiness. Actually, even now, I can’t experience the feeling of happiness in chanting Mahamantra and seeing the Murti. When I will get the same feelings which were experience by Gosvamis and other bhaktas? Sometimes tears rolled down from my eyes but could not grapes [grasp] the idea of happiness in my practice.

Guruji! Please guide me if there is any mistake in my practice or in the systems.

Yours fallen servant,

Yamunesvara Das

HpS - You have tears from the eyes but you are not happy?

One time Hari-sauri Das described that he was traveling as Srila Prabhupada his secretary and when they arrived at the airport many devotees were there and chanting and dancing in great jubilation. Then the same thing happened when they arrived at the Temple.

When they got to Srila Prabhupada's room, Hari-sauri Das said that he wished he had the love for Srila Prabhupada that all the jumping and chanting devotees had, and then Srila Prabhupada looked at him and said, "Oh, you don't want to be my secretary any more"?

Hari-sauri Das felt terrified and said, "No, Srila Prabhupada, I want to continue as your secretary as long as you will keep me!"

Srila Prabhupada smiled and said, "That is love".

So the real test of love is not that we feel some ecstasy, but that we are attached to doing practical service for Krsna. We feel that we HAVE to chant our rounds. That feel bad when we don't do it.

Yes, Krsna, His murti should become so very nice to see afte we do regular service to Them.

Do you have Deitys in your home?


We may have tears, trembling etc or maybe not. It may take some life times to become purified, but we won't give up. That is all we can say. Get advice from others also. Tell us what they say!

Personal Sadhana - Daily Activities

4 years, 2 months ago by divya in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances, All glories to you. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Guru Maharaj, hope your health is fine...wish to see you soon in Dallas and get an opportunity to serve you one more time.

Guru Maharaj please forgive me for not writing to you for the last two months...

I have been following four regulative principles and chanting 16 rounds and by your causeless mercy doing some sewa in the temple. We have sewa every wednesday and thursday. So we are lucky enough that we get chance to take darshan twice a week. It has been a year now I have been doing tulasi sewa in the temple. Despite the flaws in me she is so so merciful and it feels as if she is reciprocating.

Tulasi Maharani at our house is also doing well, hope we take good care of her in winter. Now we have two tulasi pots and few small ones are comming up. We try to take good care of her.

HpS - We hear She likes

  1. Association
  2. Warmth
  3. Sunlight
  4. Water.

Guru Maharaj thank you for the reply of the previous letter. In the previous letter ( you had asked me my Civil name and date of birth. My Civil Name is Divya Iyer and my date of birth is 26th September 1989.

HpS - We found them, but still have not posted them because we are evil! (and old (and stupid [but pretty happy with association of devotees like you all])) 😎

Guru Maharaj we got the DTC Book and the Prasadam which you had sent for us. I felt so fortunate and happy that my spiritual master is so merciful that he remembers and sends somethings to his disciples. Many devotees here share their experiences with their spiritual masters and relish...i was not able to understand their feelings... But when I got the parcel from you...i was on cloud nine and still relish what you had sent. Thank you so much for so much mercy upon us Guru Maharaj. It is so nice to feel that we are always under the protection of such merciful spiritual master.

We have finished studying 19 chapters of Nectar of Devotion for Bhakti Shastri course, and soon in couple of weeks we will be having our exam. After completing Nectar of Devotion we will be doing last book Bhagavad Gita.

HpS - It is just our personal taste, but we like doing NIO, ISO, BG, then NOD. For BhVai we can do NOD Southern section! Really is practical development for our service.

We are also regularly reading Bhagavatam Canto 4, and we have completed Chapter 12 and will be starting Chapter 13. We have started reading Bhagavad Gita second time, though not on regular basis.

ASA - SB 4.12. - Is interesting seeing how Producer, Director understand Dhruva Maharaja.


Guru Maharaj, please let me know if I could be of any help for you in editing "Japa Joe". I would be fortunate to do it and be of some help to you.

HpS - Aaaah! We thought you had already started. Please think about how it can be edited as a little book to help Lord Caitanya's Sankirtan. We can adjust it a lot. We could do other books:

  1. Return of Japa Joe.
  2. Japa Joe Goes to Harvard.
  3. Japa Joes Last Japa.
  4. Son of Japa Joe.

Please always keep me in your service Guru Maharaj.

Yours eternal servant

Divya Sri Devi Dasi.

HpS - Thank you. Our respects to Their Lordships!

Santiago Searchlight

4 years, 2 months ago by ramanretidevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Goura Nitay

Todas las gloria a Srila Prabhupada

Hare krishna, Gurudev, comienzo este reporta contándole que estoy bien regule mi sueño. hace un tiempo comenze hacer yoga para este burro débil con el tema de la pandemia no he hecho natación lo extraño mucho pero ya vendrá, así que el yoga ha sido un aliado para fortalecer mi cuerpo. Además de esto sigo con mi predica por teléfono leyendo la biografía de Srila Prabhupada y el upadesambrta a 7 chicas muy contenta resolviendo sus dudas y preguntado como están dos veces por semana, sigo trabajando con tres pequeños lecto escritura con pawerpoint a travez de zoom, mi familia muy bien todos muy favorables para hacer mi programa en casa con mis deidades. En este mes de Damodar con p Lakshman comenzamos hacer nuestro programa levantandonos como siempre a las tres de la mañana para cantar nuestras rondas, lectura del CC leo yo p. Laksmana escucha, luego Magalarati con usted en la tarde seis treinta mechita con la canción luego p Lakshman lee traducción, Bg antes de descansar (nueve de noche mía) leo el krishna book y el prabhu escucha. a pesar de la distancia tenemos un buen programa diario a través del teléfono

muchas gracias por su atención espero estar haciendo una buena predica por Srila Prabhupada, con sus bendiciones todo mejorará se despide su humilde sirviente Raman Reti devi dasi


All glories to Goura Nitay

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Hare Krishna, Gurudev, I begin this report by telling you that I am fine with regulating my sleep.

Some time ago I started doing yoga for this weak donkey with the theme of the pandemic I have not done swimming I miss it a lot but it will come, so yoga has been an ally to strengthen my body.

In addition to this, I continue with my preaching by phone reading the biography of Srila Prabhupada and the NoI to 7 girls, very happy, solving their doubts and asked how they are twice a week, I continue working with three small reading writing with powerpoint through zoom, my family very well all very favorable to do my program at home with my deities. In this month of Damodar with p Lakshman we started doing our program by getting up as usual at three in the morning to sing our rounds, CC reading .I read I p. Laksmana listen, then Mangalarati with you, in the afternoon, six thirty, Mechita with the song then p Lakshman reads translation, Bg before resting (nine at night of mine) I read the krishna book and the prabhu listens. despite the distance we have a good daily program over the phone

Thank you very much for your attention, I hope I am doing a good preaching for Srila Prabhupada, with your blessings everything will improve.

your humble servant, Raman Reti devi dasi, says goodbye.


AGTSP p a o h o ...... There cannot be any better program! Krsna will do the magic. Of course, it may be something very private or public. We hear that Srila Bh. Vinod. Th. said that if you can do your service your whole life and no one even notices what you are doing, that pure devotional service.

Who are the Seven Ladies? Can we see a little bio-data from them? What is the goal of life?