Reporte de actividades

3 years, 9 months ago by jayadevagoswamidas in Personal Sadhana Reports

¿Este reporte de actividades viene siendo como un escalon en la practica de servicio devocional?

Pienso que si!!!

Le escribo por este medio despues de muchos meses o quisas años de no practicar la escritura,

para comunicarme con Ud. Aqui eatoy

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada y su mision

Todas las glorias al mobimiento de sankirtan del Sr. Caitanya Mahaprabhu

Y Todas las glorias a su servicio devocional querido Gurudeva.

Estoy en una etapa de mi vida un poco difícil por querer dejar " vida de apegos" en mi casa, la rutina y el templo como un lugar donde me he desarrollado una gran parte de mi vida.

En el templo practico poco servició pero voy cada semana: los lunes y martes como pujari y me gano la vida elaborando pan el resto de la semana como ud. sabe, no sin antes cantar todas mis rondas temprano por la mañana.

Soy consciente de mis debilidades sin quebrantar los principios regulativos.

Hoy le escribo para pedir su consejo y permiso...


Shall be this activity report been like a stepping stone in the practice of devotional service?

I think if!!!

I am writing to you here after many months or perhaps years of not practicing writing,

to communicate with you. Here I am!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and his mission

HpS - ASA --- Jaya!

All glories to the sankirtan ceremony of Mr. Caitanya Mahaprabhu

HpS - ASA -- 😀 😀 😀

And all glories to your devotional service dear Gurudeva.

HpS-ASA -- 🙏

I am in a stage of my life a bit difficult for wanting to leave "life of attachments" in my house, routine and the temple as a place where I have developed a large part of my life.

In the temple I practice little service but I go every week: on Mondays and Tuesdays as Pujari and I make a living making bread the rest of the week like you. You know, not before singing all my rounds early in the morning.

I am aware of my weaknesses without breaking the regulative principles.

Today I am writing to ask for your advice and permission ...

HpS - ASA - Gracias por su carta. Es muy bueno tener noticias tuyas, pero no conozco los detalles exactos de tu vida y situación, por lo que no es posible darte ningún consejo exacto.

En general, Chanakya Pandita dice que la victoria proviene de los buenos consejos y los buenos consejos provienen de muchos consejeros. Así que hable con mucha gente buena que conozca los detalles de su situación.

¿Quieres tomar Sannyasa en ISKCON?


Estas son formalidades pero si estás inspirado son posibles.

De manera informal, es natural que cuando los hijos se casan o abandonan la casa, el esposo y la esposa comienzan a aumentar su desapego, por ejemplo. déles la casa a los hijos casados y simplemente guarde algo y espacio allí donde pueda visitarlos, y bríndeles los valiosos consejos y la asociación que desearán a medida que avanzan en su ashrama de Grhastha.

¿Esto ayuda un poco?

Por lo general, tardamos al menos tres días en responder el correo del Blog.


3 years, 9 months ago by bhaktadamian in Personal Sadhana Reports

((Debajo hay traducción))

 Hare Krishna Maharaja

Por favor acepte mis más humildes reverencias a sus pies

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Todas las glorias a usted!

¿Cómo está Maharaja? Espero que todo bien. Que su salud esté bien. (que no duela la cabeza!)

Antes que nada, quiero agradecerle sinceramente por todo lo que hace por todos nosotros, por sus discípulos, aspirantes y bienquerientes, porque gracias a su constante asociación (que no aprovecho como es debido) estamos dentro del barco, con esperanzas de salvarnos con un barquero tan experto y amoroso.

Quiero contarle algunas cosas que quizás también le pasen (o le hayan pasado) a otros practicantes del proceso de Conciencia de Krishna.

Hay una gran frustración en mi vida material, que siento que me aleja de Krishna, en vez de acercarme. Y me enojo con Dios por mi desdicha.

Nuestra filosofía nos dice que es mas elevado tratar a Dios como un hijo que como un padre. Porque a un hijo uno lo sirve siempre, 24 horas del día, incondicionalmente. En cambio a un padre, uno le pide que le provea lo que necesita, que le solucione los problemas, lo culpamos de nuestros fracasos. Y como nuestra posición constitucional es de sirvientes de Dios, se parece más a la de “Nosotros padres, Krishna hijo” que a la de “nosotros hijos y Krishna padre”...

¿Como salir de la idea de que Dios debe proveernos de todo y satisfacer nuestros deseos y sentidos?

En el capitulo 1 del Bhagavad Gita, verso 32-35 hay un significado de Prabhupada que siempre recuerdo. Aquí Arjuna llama a Krishna como Govinda, en su estado de sufrimiento por no saber qué hacer. Y Prabhupada dice en el significado: “Arjuna se ha dirigido al Señor Kṛṣṇa por el nombre de Govinda, porque Kṛṣṇa es el objeto de toda clase de placeres para las vacas y los sentidos. Con el uso de esta significativa palabra, Arjuna señala que Kṛṣṇa debe darse cuenta de lo que a Arjuna le satisfaría los sentidos. Pero Govinda no tiene la función de satisfacernos los sentidos. Sin embargo, si nosotros tratamos de satisfacer los sentidos de Govinda, entonces los nuestros quedarán satisfechos automáticamente. En el ámbito material, todo el mundo quiere satisfacer sus sentidos y quiere que Dios sea el abastecedor de esa satisfacción. El Señor satisfará los sentidos de las entidades vivientes en tanto y en cuanto estas lo merezcan, pero no en la medida en que ellas lo anhelen. Mas, cuando uno toma el camino opuesto, es decir, cuando uno trata de satisfacer los sentidos de Govinda sin desear satisfacer los suyos propios, entonces, por la gracia de Govinda, todos los deseos de la entidad viviente quedan satisfechos.”

Entonces, ¿como salir de ese lugar de espera de que Dios nos solucione la vida?

Otro tema que quería preguntarle es que en el Upadesamrta se dice que nuestro servicio devocional queda arruinado si seguimos las reglas y las regulaciones de las Escrituras únicamente por seguirlas y no para avanzar espiritualmente... En un estado de falta de fe a veces nos vemos haciendo las cosas sin entusiasmo y de manera mecánica (y obvio que sin amor!)

Hace poco tuve una crisis profunda. Mi fe tambaleó. Aún está frágil. Estoy en la posición neófita, (posición kanistha adhikari), y cuando estoy muy insatisfecho con mi vida, mi fe flaquea y me alejo de Dios. Y no quiero alejarme de Krishna.

Estoy siguiendo con el sadhana estipulado. Cantando 16, 4 principios bien. Distribuyendo libros de SP. Algún servicio en el yatra local. Lectura de Bhagavatam y estudio de bhakti sastri. Tratando de seguir con el proceso lo mejor que puedo.

Gracias Maharaja, necesito ser sincero con usted. Lo que me alegra es que cuando veo su imagen en mi altar, siento cada vez más cercanía, como que cada vez lo conozco y aprecio más a usted, y eso me alegra.

Gracias por todo y por su paciencia con este paciente enfermo.

Saludo cordial, Bhakta Damián de Traslasierra, Córdoba.

Hare Krishna Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances at your feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to you!

How is Maharaja? I hope all is well. May your health be fine. (don't hurt your head!)

HpS - 73-year old donkey!

First of all, I want to sincerely thank you for everything you do for all of us, for your disciples, aspirants and well-wishers, because thanks to your constant association (which I do not take advantage of properly) we are inside the ship, hoping to save ourselves with a boatman so knowledgeable and loving.

ASA = AGT the Captain! We just shovel coal in the basement.

I want to tell you about some things that may also happen (or have happened) to other practitioners of Krishna Consciousness.

There is great frustration in my material life, which I feel is drawing me away from Krishna, rather than closer. And I get angry with God for my misery.

Our philosophy tells us that it is higher to treat God as a son than as a father. Because one serves a child always, 24 hours a day, unconditionally. Instead of a father, one asks him to provide what he needs, to solve the problems, we blame him for our failures. And since our constitutional position is that of servants of God, it is more like that of “We parents, Krishna the son” than that of “we children and Krishna the father”…

How to get out of the idea that God must provide us with everything and satisfy our desires and senses?

HpS - By accepting the informatin He is sending. He is merciful. He has sent Srila Prabhupada for your association through books, devotees, rituals! These will make you see that the President of your country is not your servant, so how can God be your servant.... but the pres. is you servant, and Krsna is your servant, but He trying to give you good things, not unlimited candy so you get diabetes and suffer your whole short life.

In chapter 1 of the Bhagavad Gita, verses 32-35 there is a meaning of Prabhupada that I always remember. Here Arjuna calls Krishna as Govinda, in his suffering state for not knowing what to do. And Prabhupada says in the meaning: “Arjuna has addressed Lord Kṛṣṇa as Govinda because Kṛṣṇa is the object of all pleasures for cows and the senses. By using this significant word, Arjuna indicates that Kṛṣṇa should understand what will satisfy Arjuna’s senses. But Govinda is not meant for satisfying our senses. If we try to satisfy the senses of Govinda, however, then automatically our own senses are satisfied. Materially, everyone wants to satisfy his senses, and he wants God to be the order supplier for such satisfaction. The Lord will satisfy the senses of the living entities as much as they deserve, but not to the extent that they may covet. But when one takes the opposite way – namely, when one tries to satisfy the senses of Govinda without desiring to satisfy one’s own senses – then by the grace of Govinda all desires of the living entity are satisfied.”

 So, how to get out of that place of waiting for God to solve our lives?

HpS - Answer above. Krsna is sending mercy. Accept it. No special, secret formula. NoI 7. 🙂

Another topic that I wanted to ask you is that in the Upadesamrta it is said that our devotional service is ruined if we follow the rules and regulations of the Scriptures only by following them and not to advance spiritually ... In a state of lack of faith we sometimes see ourselves doing things without enthusiasm and mechanically (and obviously without love!)

HpS - If we do them for some other reason. Follow the Niyamas for getting a good son, or are offensive and neglect them like Maharaja Bharata.

I recently had a deep crisis. My faith faltered. It is still fragile. I am in the neophyte position, (kanistha adhikari position), and when I am very dissatisfied with my life, my faith falters and I turn away from God. And I don't want to get away from Krishna.

HpS - Me neither. He is tough guy. Once we come to Him, even a little bit (Eg."Prasadam tastes good!") He works very hard to keep us on the boat.

I am continuing with the stipulated sadhana. Singing 16, 4 principles good. Distributing books from SP. Some service at the local yatra. Bhagavatam reading and bhakti sastri study. Trying to go through the process the best that I can.

Thank you Maharaja, I need to be honest with you. What makes me happy is that when I see your image on my altar, I feel more and more close, like every time I know and appreciate you more, and that makes me happy.

HpS - If you see good qualities in us, you are seeing how Srila Prabhupada uses a donkey as a messenger.

Thank you for everything and for your patience with this sick patient.

Kind regards, Bhakta Damián de Traslasierra, Córdoba.

Checking in

3 years, 9 months ago by Nityananda-rama dasa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please accept my humble obeisance's, All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Gurudeva, I apologize that I haven't checked in for quite a few months.

ASA - AGTSP!!! Yeah! You should! What's the news? Without news from you we suffocate!! 🐵 🐷

I have been trying to be better at keeping in touch. I always feel awkward sending a message when I do not have a good reason to. I know that you are busy and your time is occupied in serving Prabhupada, ISKCON and the devotees.

HpS - ASA -- Don't worry about TB's comments above, but just write to say, Hello, I'm associating with..., I'm chanting 1, 16, 35 rounds a day...

My sadhana is stable. I am chanting, worshiping, reading, listening and eating. I must admit it is not always enthusiastic, but it stable. I have also have had the great fortune of being able to help answer the questions of some brand new devotees online.

HpS - Super, Super, Super!

Materially, I am still teaching linguistics at the local university. It has been taking quite a bit of time and energy, especially with distance teaching.

HpS - That poetry which does not describe the glories of the Lord (He is the taste in water) is a waste of time.

Materially, there is also something that I would like to mention and then ask a question about.

On January 26th of this year, my mother, after years of struggle with physical and mental illness, decided to forcibly leave her body by hanging herself. I was able to be present with the body for the cremation and place garlands from the bodies from Sri Sri Radha-Giridhari and Tulasi leaves from Sri Giridhari's lotus feet with her corpse.

I wanted to ask your advise on whether or not having a sradha ceremony for her. I know it is very late to it, but I have not been if it is appropriate for someone who has committed suicide.

HpS - We can always chant some Japa, Kirtan, read SB-CC, in front of a picture of her. Would have been best if you did it as soon as you got the news. Even now we chant with the hope that she can here us. Good benefit for her. With your effort she is going up.

In life I had been able to serve her prasadam and bring her to the temple to see the Deities and the devotees. I am not sure if you remember, but she also came to the temple when you gave a talk at the San Diego the last time you graced this city with your presence. In death, as I mentioned, prasadam was placed with her body. I have tried to do what I was able to help her to be more Krishna conscious.

I still have material attachment and I know how she suffered in this life, especially in the months leading up to her suicide and I want to be able to do something to ease her current suffering. I know that she greatly appreciated when a sradha was held for her farther when he left his body and it was also a good preaching opportunity.

HpS - Again, Japa etc in front of her picture. SB 10.47.63

I also know that the brahmin who did the sradha for my grandfather commented that normally devotees do not have sradhas.

In short, I want to ask if it is appropriate to have a sradha ceremony for her because of the way she left this life, if my desire to help ease some of her suffering in appropriate and, ultimately, if it is even appropriate for a Gaudiya Vaisnava to have a sradha ceremony for a family mentor.

HpS - Same answer. Chant for her! She came so close to Lord Caitanya, that unless she is a very mean person, she will go up!! Take birth in Nabadvipa????

Find ways to put Krsna in your classes (BG 10)! Thank you.

Your servant,

Nityananda-rama dasa

Soldado atento...!?

3 years, 9 months ago by GAURA KARUNA SAKTI D.D. in Personal Sadhana Reports




Este instante es importante para mi, porque aun deseo ser parte del Sankirtana de SP bajo su refugio o morir en el intento.

Mis rondas vienen mejorando, poco a poco, mi mente puede dar muchas excusas pero tomaré la responsabilidad de mi negligencia, como conversamos en la ultima entrevista personal que tuve con usted, estuve de pareja con P. Ananta K. d. Ahora esa relación terminó hace casi 1 año. (El mundo artístico que frecuentábamos era muy muy bohemio y desbordado como para seguir un estilo de vida Hare Krsna.

Estuvimos asociándonos más con M. Jambavati (lei que se accidento, quizá por eso dejó de escribir) la osa mayor, nos a invitó a realizar distribución de libros SP, juntas, también con P. Lanka V. D. M. Yúgala k dd, con quien compartimos muchas perspectivas y quien me apoya llevándole maha a mis hijos, etc. haciendo amistad de la forma más genuina que tengo para ser.

Mis hijos Nitay y Balaram este 2021 comenzaron a vivir con su papá, para llevar el ultimo año escolar y seguir estudios superiores. Ellos están formando su autonomía de pensamiento y decisiones. Los extraño, pero al parecer están bien, su papa puede darles más aparatos tecnológicos y cobertura para sus estudios, ellos necesitan ahora creo un varón como apoyo, y su papá quiere estar cerca a ellos también. veremos como va este aspecto.

Estoy laborando en ONPE (oficina nacional de procesos electorales) como años pasados, pero estamos al sur de Lima, una provincia que se llama Cañete- Asia, siempre hay oportunidad aquí de hablar de Krsna, a veces pongo sus clases con buen volumen y escuchan , preguntan, quieren saber del yoga, vegetarianismo, y explicamos de acuerdo como los veo. Nuestro contrato acaba quincena de Abril, no queremos renovar, porque queremos ver la posibilidad de estar cerca de ud. los meses que pase en Perú, somos "multiaprendices" podemos aprender cualquier servicio.

Agradecemos a Srila Prabhupada por su legado, por darnos a Maestros que inspiran a la REALIDAD como usted lo hace, gracias por SU VIDA dedicada a ofrecer cada minuto al servicio devocional transcendental como usted lo hace, gracias por enseñarnos a mirarnos dentro de nosotros mismos.

Gracias por ayudarme a recordar que quiero vivir para Krsna aun desde nuestra pequeñez.

Gracias por aparecer seguido en mis sueños, tengo la seguridad de que toda su misericordia va más allá de este plano físico, aun con almas confundidas como yo.

aspirante a sirviente.

PD: edité esta carta de la carta de informe que envié para su VP, nosé si llego, por eso envío esta carta. Se que no hay grandes noticias, perdone que no escriba seguido. estar lejos de los devotos en Gaura purnima (la pase laborando) me lanzó hacia aquí.

Gracias a nuestro hermano Patraka por su amistad admirable.





This moment is important to me, because I still wish to be part of SP's Sankirtana under his shelter or die trying.

My rounds are improving, little by little, my mind can give many excuses but I will take responsibility for my negligence, as we discussed in the last personal interview I had with you, I was in a relationship with P. Ananta K. D. Now that relationship ended almost 1 year ago. (The artistic world we frequented was too Bohemian and overflowing to follow a Hare Krsna lifestyle).

We were associating more with M. Jambavati (I read that she had an accident, maybe that's why she stopped writing) the big bear, invited us to distribute SP books, together, also with P. Lanka, VDM. Yúgala k dd, with whom we shared many perspectives and who supports me by bringing Maha to my children, etc. making friends in the most genuine way that I have to be.

My sons, Nitay and Balaram, this 2021 began to live with their father, to take the last year of school and pursue higher education. They are forming their autonomy of thought and decisions. I miss them, but apparently they are fine, their father can give them more technological devices and coverage for their studies, they now need a male for support, and their father wants to be close to them too. We will see how this aspect goes.

HpS - It sounds good. In Kali-yuga we expect maximum(!!!) 80% properly social arrangements, no? That's the BEST we can expect. The rest is accomplished by being Sankirtan partners in Srila Prabhupada's army, Lord Jesus Christ's army...

I am working in ONPE (national office of electoral processes) like past years, but we are south of Lima, a province called Cañete-Asia, there is always an opportunity here to talk about Krsna, sometimes I put their classes with good volume and they listen They ask, they want to know about yoga, vegetarianism, and we explain accordingly how I see them. Our contract ends the fortnight of April, we do not want to renew, because we want to see the possibility of being close to you. the months that I spend in Peru, we are "multi-learners" we can learn any service.

HpS - If we come to Peru it will probably be in September...

We thank Srila Prabhupada for his legacy, for giving us Teachers who inspire REALITY as you do, thank you for YOUR LIFE dedicated to offering every minute of transcendental devotional service as you do, thank you for teaching us to look within ourselves.

Thank you for helping me remember that I want to live for Krsna even from our littleness.

HpS - He's a real rascal! Maybe your should worship a more practical persona like Jehovah or Allah or Sriman Narayana. 😁

Thank you for appearing often in my dreams, I am sure that all your mercy goes beyond this physical plane, even with confused souls like me.

HpS - Krsna uses us, you, me, devotees through the Paramatma.

would-be servant.

PS: I edited this letter from the report letter that I sent to your VP, I don't know if it came, that's why I'm sending this letter. I know there is no great news, excuse me for not writing often. being away from the devotees in Gaura purnima (I passed her laboring) threw me here.

Thanks to our brother Patraka for his admirable friendship.

HpS - Thank you so, so much for writing! Thank you so, so much for being a good person. Very, very good person. Your honesty and sincerity (and sense of humor??) radiate out through the world you inhabit.

Yes, there were too many letters at Y-puja, January 1st. Asked if people could send and annual service report on THEIR birthday.

Thank you. Respects to your sons and husband.

Viaje a New Vrndavana

3 years, 9 months ago by Rohini kumar das in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krsna

Gurudeva por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias.

Intentando ayudarlo en su sankirtan continuamos atendiendo a nuestras señorias Goura Nitay en casa desde mangalartik, yapa, SB y estamos dando prasadam a travez de Vrindavan House (fast food vegan) asi nos hemos mantenido durante la pandemia.

Algunos fines de semana vamos al templo.

Guru Maharaja recibi una invitación para ir de cocinero en el restaurante Govinda de New Vrindavan EEUU por un periodo de 6 meses y me piden que presente una confirmacion hecha por mi Guru dando a conocer que si estoy iniciado y 2da iniciación.

Disculpe que lo moleste con temas como este.

Pero intentare ir si krsna asi lo desea se realizara.

Su eterno sirviente Rkd desde Paraguay

HpS-ASA - AGTSP!! Paoho...... We just got to this letter. I cam three days ago, and we also read your other letter labeled "Urgent" with same theme. Thank you for your determination. It is not a molestation.

"Rohini-kumara Das, Raul Ramirez Flores, 28 Feb 1986, 16 Aug 2006", this is you, no? Did you take second initiation? No, record of it, but our records are not perfect.

Hanuman, HpS and Rambo

3 years, 9 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaj, PAMHO, AGTSP,

We were struggling with our physical body, slept 14= 6+4+4 in 16 hours.. On Gaura Purnima, just did evening program. Then prayed to Lord Gauranga for help.

he gave this video

Hanuman Goes to Lanka from ASA Audiovisual.

We pasted pictures of different stages/poses in our room. It helps us to do some practical exercise.

ASA - Harsh goes to Lanka!

Harsh Pradhan's mind like the Character of Rambo played in Renunciant, yet selfless fighter. He fought alone to release prisoner in Russia captured fort. We have meditated on this character a lot.

ASA - Rama (Bol)?

Then the flash came , what Rambo did was reflection what Hanuman ji did when he went to Lanka. WoW. WoW.

Everything here is a reflection of Goloka, no?

HAN-u-MAN, went to Lanka, found sita, then went for full-on attack.

We heard many times from your lips of allegory/metaphor of Hanuman finding Sita (devotional activity) in the living entity, who is caged in inside demoniac army of mind, ego and conditioning. Hanuman Ji does not go for front on battle, but in stealth mode to interact with Sita, without any demon (ego and mind ) know it.

HpS - Then he decides to come out after his mission is accomplished and wreak a little havoc.

Senyor, for the Sake of the world, can you expand on the allegory of Hanuman goes to Lanka?

For a preacher, sometimes he becomes small to evade the Doorman (who are they in Human body), sometime he fights with Lankani the gatekeeper etc.

It will be nice meditation for us at least, who have archetypes of war movies. So why not be Spy like a Hanuman and Warrior like Hanuman.

May be there should a web-page: or

Monkey salute,

please accept a Banana

Material world movies are reflection only

HpS - We've heard that Srila Prabhupada told George Harrison that he could write songs based upon those of Bh. Vinode Thakura. He said, BVT says that life is unstable like a drop of water on the leaf of a lotus flower and you can say that it is unstable like a drop of water on the leaf of a ROSE!

So, modernizing the analogies, pastimes, is universal, no?

We've done it to some degree with the Sundara Khanda.

It seems we can consolidate some of these ideas in our DTC-UT World Classical Literature, which we are doing, now.

Sunday we will give a class for ISKCON Houston. Maybe we could do it then. We will meditate on your illuminations and try to do the proper thing!!

Hanuman goes to Lanka.

Another letter. Let's go:>>>