Letter of Franco Bone

3 years, 9 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga!

My obeisances at His lotus feet, His Holiness Hanumat Presaka Swami,

HpS - The only lotus feet we have are those of Srila Prabhupada as he steps into our ISKCON lives and dwellings. You have those also, no?

Radha Japa Prati Jalpa dd, told me that You are willing to be my Diksha Guru, I was sincerely surprised by Your mercy. At this time I am not singing my 16 rounds but I am sure that with His blessings I will make it through.

HpS - We are willing to be Diksa guru under the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and HIS Iskcon for the whole world. You can do the job also! What to speak of you. We always hear about you from RPJDD, and want very much to serve your Sankirtan however we can!

In 99.99% of the cases 16-rounds are very useful for anyone. Maybe take a vow to chant a certain number until the next Ekadasi eg. four, or whatever you are sure you can do!! Then see the result.

With all these situations like the pandemic it reminds me that death follows us on every side and it would be very good for me to work for Krsna and His devotees, to purify this existence, Your guide would be very good. At this moment I feel like in the Brahman, floating.

Excuse me for my writing, short. I am not a man of many words, I like listening more.

Eternally grateful, a poor soul caught in illusion:

Bhakta Franco

HpS - So, happy to hear from you. We always remember one movie where Clint Eastwood said, "I don't talk much, but when I talk, my pistol speaks for me."

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LWJdzXDSmQ is maybe where it is. In English... 🙄


Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Todas las glorias a Sri Guru y Gauranga!

Mis Reverencias a Sus pies de loto Su Santidad Hanumat Presaka Swami,

Radha Japa Prati Jalpa dd, me contó que Usted está dispuesto a ser mi Diksha Guru, Sinceramente me sorprendió Su misericordia . En este momento no estoy cantando mis 16 rondas pero estoy seguro que con Sus bendiciones lo lograré. Con todas estas situaciones como la pandemia me hace recordar que la muerte nos sigue a cada lado y sería muy bueno para mi trabajar para Krsna y Sus devotos, para purificar esta existencia, 

 Sería muy buena Su guía. 

En este momento me siento como en el brahman , Flotando.

Disculpeme mi manera de escribir, resumida. No soy un hombre de muchas palabras, me gusta más escuchar.

Eternamente agradecido, una pobre alma atrapada en ilusión:

Bhakta Franco

Update CMDD

3 years, 9 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna beloved Gurudeva:


It was very pleasing to our soul to have your darshan, at least via internet, when you were in Richmond. Your smile gives always solace to our existence ¡¡¡

HpS - It was after one year of living in our little cave! 😀 Experiment in travel. So nice to have M/Arati with live bodies. So, nice to shar beautiful altar with our virtual Sanga. Thank you.

I continue teaching in two universities sometimes Saturdays and Sundays as well. Nevertheless, we refuse to be a full time professor due to that will affect our Sadhana. With this pandemic state we teachers have the challenge to learn new techniques for distance education. I'm thrilled to learn new things.

HpS - It seems that many communities have been tested by this Karuna virus. The shopping mall community has d i e d. What has happened to Saga Falla Bella in Peru? On the other had ISKCON seems to have done well. Seems many people are appreciating the ISKCON, H/K movement, can do well, prosper, in many circumstances.

Maybe New Ashokavan will be a good model for all of Peru?

I was wondering if I can travel to the USA in order to get the Co-vid 19 vaccination. Here in Peru-patalaloka it seems that we need to wait for a long time. M Subhra was investigating for me, my cousin as well. What do you think about that? I was also thinking to be near some friends due to I do not know how my body will react.

HpS - We don't know. We had to wait until health care, essential care, folks over 75 years got theirs. It is by state. Subra would know better. Here none of our community has had much more than a very mild reaction. Then, it is mutating! Have to learn to live in a little village (with naughty Gopal) and then these things are automatically controlled.

I have some news about my life, one friend of mine, Claudia Cáceres (she is psychologist), is going to move to my house for some time. Her parents decided to sell her house, without telling her. She has 2 kids. They are going to live for some time with their father. They are divorced. She is going to rent one room. She is a nice girl, very intelligent and warm - hearted.

ASA - Super! She has cat also? P'pada said that anyone who follows the four principles and doesn't cause a disturbance is welcome on our land... Maybe she can reconcile with her husband.

I always recall the words from my mother "Always help the elders" Maybe in the future I may turn my house into a place in which the elders can hang out.

HpS - Village!

The only practical service that I have is in Chosica. I give SB classes, actually a group of ladies give classes every Saturday. This Saturday is my turn. Please your blessings in order not to speculate and say something useful.

HpS - May the dead bless the dead! We always pray that we don't do the same! I guess that because they give SB classes that is why we can say that they are, stay, ladies. I can see that my Karma is at the door at any moment leading me to become stupid, lusty beast. Srila Prabhupada!!

Srila Prabhupada!!

... Srila Prabhupada!!

... ... Srila Prabhupada!!

That is all what I have to report.

ASA (TB/MP) --- Hey! Are there art pictures of your altar attached? Ulysses? Sister?? Cats?? (My God, we put your sister in the same line as the cats!!!) She's a great person, no? So, lucky to have a nice sister.


Thanks for your association see you at FMP

Trying to be your disciple CMDD

Follow Up on Reply to Go Das

3 years, 9 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

Respected Senor,


Can you elaborate on the line "Until we learn to lover everyone we will never be worthy of everyone's love. It is our independent free choice.

Of course, in the Madhyama adhikari stage this means learning to avoid the things that make us hate them. That is part of our independent process of love."

Esp the words - "independent process of love" as context of Madhyam Adhikari.

Which your grace (My Holiness [Sannyasi] 😁 😁😁) wrote in https://monkeywarrior.com/detail/12299

Trying to [change??] self from Sugriva to Hanuman

HpS - ASA - We have free will. It is part of our fundamental nature. In Madhayama adhikari stage it is beginning to manifest. Like a child or even a dog can make personal choices if the circumstances are kept in the mode of goodness for them, no?

High MA, low MAdhikari...

Even if spouse, boss, is mean to us, we can make the choice to not become a victim, to try to understand the situation and help them.

Bali may never appreciate Sugriva in this lifetime, but doesn't mean that Sugriva has to become his enemies enemy.

Some help?

Humbly Announcing Wedding.

3 years, 9 months ago by kancanarangidevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaj,

Dandavat pranam,

Please accept my humble obeisances unto your lotus feet (lettuce feet).

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

All glories to Gour Nitai.

First of all, please forgive me for not communicating with you in your blog never before.

I, Kancanrangi Devi Dasi from Cachar , Assam, India, one of your desciples under the instruction of H. H. Bhakti Anand Haridas Maharaj, would like to inform you that I am going to move into Grihastha life and the wedding ceremony will be held on 28th April 2021.

HpS - AGTSP!!! Read the story of Kardama and Devahuti in the Third Canto with your fiancEe, respected husband. We hope that Krsna enlightens both of you and all others involved to execute the sacrifice of Grhastha ashrama perfectly, and make Him and Guru very happy.

We humbly beg your blessings upon us that we would become a good Grihastha in future.

By the mercy of Gour Nitai may you live healthy and blissful. Dandavat pranam Guru Maharaj.

Thank you.🙏🙏🙏🙏

HpS - We all thank you! Please! Send pictures of the weddings with names of the people involved.

By the grace of Hanumatpresaka Swami, I've made the disciple list.

3 years, 9 months ago by stopngo in Personal Sadhana Reports

I'd like to share good news with those who follow HH Hunumauntpresaka (Hanumat-presaka) Swami's blog, where I get my advice and instructions from.

I've taken his main instruction of never give up, and always chant the holy names of the lord.

After about three years I've been added to the list of becoming his deciple (disciple).

This brings me great peace of mind, and feel much more connected to the Vaisnavas and the Parampara.

HpS - It is a great honor for us to be able to help you in this or other capacity. Srila Prabhupada has taken some notice of you??? Why not??

This is the mercy of guru, one who has spilled gallon's of blood to bring me and others to a position where we can become more than we've ever imagined. to be free of the conditions that have bound one to our needs and wants, and to stop the downward spiral of life.

HpS - AgtSP who made his Generals out of Mud!

To a higher standard of life that knows no bounds. it's assuring to know there's someone helping you in the endeavor.

My purpose now is learning to be the servant of the servant of the servant. which I've seen the master teach by his example tirelessly giving of himself.

I wanted to share my good fortune and looking forward to being of some service to my fellow comrades.

Hare Krishna

You're servant Mike Jarvis

HpS - We came in contact with Bhakta Michael a few years ago. As we remember he was in Seattle and trying to get formal initiation then. We've had nice conversation. Then, a few weeks ago, Badri-naryana Swami formally recommend Mike as a candidate and we had a very nice phone conversation while we were in Richmond with Subal, Mataji and everyone.

He was in the merchant marine for several years. His ships went to Asia and now he is retired and can do full time service in the San Diego temple.

Senyor Miguel Jarvis... please send us some news of your service each month. Your realizations of Radha Giridhari et al!!!

Mandara Sakha Das Reporte Abril 2021

Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaj

Hope you are well. I am writing you this letter to tell you a little about my existence, using the google translator.

HpS - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna!🙂

A few days ago I am living in the south of Chile with my fiancee, I no longer live in Santiago with my mother, and that has been something very beneficial for my Sadhana. Here every day I see the mountains, there is a lot of nature, which makes me connect more with goodness. I feel calmer internally, there is less noise, I can sing rounds appreciating the place, I can read peacefully, I can even get cow's milk naturally. What I don't have now is as much association with devotees as before, because few devotees live in this city, and because we are in quarentine it is difficult to see them. But my association now is through the internet in different types of preaching. So we adapt to the current circumstance and make the best of it.

HpS - Live in a village and quarantine the village from outsiders.

As I mentioned in the previous letter, now I work through the internet with psychology and vedic astrology. As for most of the people I serve, I advise them on chanting the hare krishna maha mantra, as well as understanding the eternal principles that Krishna expose in his Bhagavad Gita.

This fills me with joy, and with your blessings I hope I can do a better preaching service to these people.

HpS - I guess it fills them with joy and Krsna also.

I want to do something in a group, taking advantage of internet platforms that allow it, since so far my preaching is for each person individually. So I want to prepare a topic, expose it, and give a space for people to comment. Which I find interesting, since I have always been struck by creating a more open and supportive space for dialogue.

Finally Guru Maharaj, I want to tell you that yesterday I had a dream with you, in which you gave me 2 books; one that was called attachment and another that was called detachment. That made me think a lot and I wanted to ask you.

What is the balance between the two? I think that in my neophyte level I tend to be very extreme and go from one extreme to another extreme, but I think that balance is important, even taking the life of Buddha as an example.

I humbly say goodbye, thank you very much again for the efforts that you make for Krishna, here too we are trying to serve with the capacities that we possess.

HpS - Nirbandhe Krsna sambandhe, yukta vairagya ucchate. Rupa Goswami defines detachment as detaching things from Maya and giving them to Radha.

Cook everything for Krsna.

Of course, this develops in phases from Vaidhi bhakti to raga-anuga etc.

So, we don't detach from anything. We attach to as much as we can, for Krsna. If they give the USA nuclear missle force, accept it. We can use it for Krsna?

In the begnning we cannot see how to use it all for Krsna, so we have to balance:

  • 2-10AM Prayers, hymns, Goodness.
  • 10Am - 6PM - Make money, plans, Passion, Banks, Businesses. 
  • 6PM - 2AM - Happy Hour at the bar. Ignorance.

FOR KRSNA more and more.



Hare krishna Guru Maharaj espero que se encuentre bien. Le escribo esta carta para comentarle un poco sobre mi existencia, usando el traductor de google.

Hace algunos días me encuentro viviendo en el sur de chile con mi esposa, ya no vivo en santiago con mi madre, y eso ha sido algo muy beneficioso para mi sadhana. Aquí todos los días veo la montaña, hay mucha naturaleza, lo que me hace conectarme más con la bondad. Me encuentro en mayor calma internamente, hay menos ruido, puedo cantar rondas apreciando el lugar, puedo leer apaciblemente, incluso puedo conseguir leche de vaca naturalmente. Lo que no tengo ahora es tanta asociación con devotos como antes, porque en esta ciudad viven pocos devotos, y por la pandemia es difícil verlos. Pero mi asociación ahora es a través de internet en diferentes tipos de prédica. Así que nos adaptamos a la circunstancia actual y le sacamos el mejor provecho posible.

Como le comentaba en la carta anterior, ahora trabajo a través de internet con psicología y astrología. Por lo que a la mayoría de las personas que atiendo, las asesoro en el canto del maha mantra hare krishna, así como también en el entendimiento de los principios eternos que expone krishna en su Bhagavad Gita. Esto me llena de alegría, y con sus bendiciones espero poder realizar un mejor servicio de prédica a estas personas. Deseo realizar algo grupal, aprovechando plataformas de internet que lo permiten, ya que hasta el momento mi prédica es para cada persona individualmente. Entonces deseo preparar alguna temática, exponerla, y dar un espacio para que las personas comenten. Lo cual me parece interesante, ya que siempre me ha llamado la atención crear un espacio de dialogo más abierto y de contención.

Finalmente Guru Maharaj, le quiero comentar que ayer tuve un sueño con usted, en el que usted me daba 2 libros; uno que se llamaba apego y otro que se llamaba desapego. Eso me ha hecho pensar mucho y quería preguntarle. ¿Cuál es el equilibrio entre ambas? Creo que en mi nivel de neófito suelo ser muy extremista y pasar de un extremo a otro extremo, pero pienso que es importante el equilibrio, tomando incluso la vida de buda como ejemplo.

Me despido humildemente, muchas gracias nuevamente por los esfuerzos que usted hace por krishna, aquí también estamos intentando servir con las capacidades que poseemos.