5th Report: ART and the SACRED

6 years, 12 months ago by abhiramdas in Other

5TH report ART and the SACRED

Hare Krishna respected Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances
¡All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!
¡All Glories to you!!

After an intense work of more than 16 hours of editing and concordance of text, now yes, Héctor Béjar already has, in Spanish, H.H. HpS interview Kalyan Kumar (many thanks to m. Kamalangui from Chile, m. Candra-muki and p. Gandharva from Peru for their valuable contributions in the translation).

ASA - Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! !!

The interview with Héctor will be next week, maybe it's on the beach or in the Inca sanctuary of Pachacamac, which in Spanish means: "The soul of the earth", any suggestions?

HpS - ASA - No, we have been corresponding with Oscar and talked today with you and Hector. By Srila Prabhupada's desire this looks like it may be a super, super, super, BBC level tool. I sent a report to Dr. Kalyan also.

We have started to make two designs: 1) The bilingual brochure on ART AND THE SACRED and 2) a handout, also bilingual: "ART AND THE SACRED, materials" the content is the interview of HpS and KKC, is it all right?

HpS - Let us see the sample before it is too fixed, please.

Now Dr. Alejandro Neyra is no longer Director of the National Library but Minister of Culture, that is favorable in itself because it is a superior position, but, the current political situation in Peru is chaotic, we hope, Krishna, that this situation does not disturb the academic Sankirtana.

With respect to the visits of the NIOS videos, these have not increased significantly at this time the most watched has 464 visits, then 288 and the least visited 166.

HpS - Hare Krsna!!   Please post the links so we can do our work!

Dear Gurudeva, we will try to establish a weekly report rhythm every Friday

Hare Krishna, his insignificant servant, Abhiram Thakur das.


Hare Krishna respetado Gurudeva, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias
¡Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!
¡Todas las Glorias a Usted!!

Luego de un intenso trabajo de más de 16 horas de edición y concordancia de texto en español, ahora sí, Héctor Béjar ya tiene en español la entrevista de SS HpS con Kalyan Kumar (muchas gracias a m. Kamalangui de Chile, a m. Candra-muki y a p. Gandharva de Perú por sus valiosos aportes en la traducción).

La entrevista será la próxima semana, tal vez sea en la playa o en el santuario Inca de Pachacamac, que en español significa: “el alma de la tierra”, alguna sugerencia?

Hemos empezado a hacer dos diseños: 1) un Brochure bilingüe sobre EL ARTE Y LO SAGRADO y 2) una separata, también bilingüe, en base a la entrevista de HpS y KKC que se llamara EL ARTE Y LO SAGRADO, Materiales o Separata, ¿está bien?

Ahora el Dr. Alejandro Neyra ya no es Director de la Biblioteca Nacional sino Ministro de Cultura, eso es favorable en sí porque es un cargo superior, pero, la situación política actual del Perú es caótica, esperamos, Krishna mediante que esta situación no perturbe el Sankirtana académico.

Con respecto a las visitas de los videos de NIOS estos no han aumentado significativamente en estos momentos el más visto tiene 464 visitas, luego 288 y el menos visitado 166.

Querido Gurudeva, vamos a tratar de establecer un ritmo de reporte semanal todos los viernes.

Hare Krishna, su insignificante sirviente, Abhiram Thakur das.


6 years, 12 months ago by Nanuk in Other

a swami, well, hmm, haha, not, just a co-worker,, you remember sir how ,, maharaja how the,,,,,, peacock thing, which Prabhupada used to say: the real one and then the copycat peacock, a copy, but then he said also that one shouldn't be negative, too negative also about the real one

HpS - Hmmm. AgtSP. We don't understand this Nanuk Ji. Swami is supposed to be more Das than Brahmana Das, no? Servant of other devotees more than co-worker.   We don't remember any peacock example. What is it?  We are little Sannyasi. American Sannyasi. Follow 4-principles striclty except for too much peanut butter and jelly some times; 16-nice rounds, full-morning program etc.   Yes, lot of room for improvement to come. Definition of Sannyasi we take is NOI 1.

Is O.K?

Dandavats Maharaja


Agt Guru Gauranga

Hare Krsna Maharaja. 

I wish You are perfect in all aspects. I am Bhakta Pablo of the Parikrama ,from Spain, the father of Varuna (he is now 10 years old, is Ok)

HpS - No, he should be 15-years old.  Ha!   Ha!  Ha!    So nice to hear from you.

How are You? I am ok. I stay now in Nueva Vrajamandala with Radha Govinda Candra as hosts.

HpS - Ooof!   We talked with Yadunandana Swami for one hour-fifteen minutes yesterday, after several months. He is President.

I had speak with the authorities about be your formal aspirant to initiation, and they say that I must do the disciple course, but it does not have to have a problem, that your opinion is the most important thing. Today I sent the official request, please, let me be Your aspirant Maharaja __/\o_

I have been here for a month after near of 3 month of pilgrim and near four thousands kilometer thinking what to do with my spiritual life and my increase of work and study that I could hardly sleep…one year sleeping max 4 hours, after working and studying, and some days without sleep, then when I finish of work, I take one Parikrama from Spain to Roma-Jerusalem, because I have seen that what I will go to teach Varuna, only to work and be effective like a machine…no. After a lot of consideration, I decided enter in the Vanaprastha Ashrama, live in the house of Krsna with the permission of Srila Prabhupada and Sadhus, and begin to train my death through Seva (now I have 8 years divorced, and I am 39 years old). My though was wait until Varuna was 12 years old, but is possible is to much late to teach to Varuna everything I can.

Please, let me be Your disciple, now I am confidently.

Please, let me be one pearl in the threat.

If You go out of this world without be my Guru Maharaja, what will be of my after Your departure?

HpS - Krsna is the Big Boss always. He makes adjustments for the Little Bosses.

I have a lot of Anarthas, but today I surrender fully to You, Your lotus feet and Your soul (Srila Prabhupada?)

Please be merciful towards one fallen soul like me.

Your eternal servant, Bhakta Pablo.

HpS - Hare Krsna. Just stay at Nueva Vraja Mandala with Yadu Maharaja, Venu-dhara, everyone for a few years. You will get so much intelligence about your personal, individual, eternal service to Krsna.

wrote a letter to ukraine

7 years ago by Nanuk in Other

you don't have to publish this -- yours Nanuk---  

[Several pages of interesting stuff]

HpS - Wow!   AGTSP!     We scanned through the the content and it was incredible. We would have to have much better access to internet and more time to focus in this area to begin to understand your perspective and potency. Thank you.

CC 2.8.138.

7 years ago by H.Rama in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other


Agt Guru Gauranga!

Hare Krsna Maharaja.

I wish You are perfect in all aspects.

Sadhana and principles all OK.

Is very interesting that the goddess of fortune are present there with the gopis. Then, how is the nature of the personal relationship that can't aspire like the young gopis have got?

HpS - ASA --  Hmmm!  They might be able to aspire, but rather than give up being Vaikuntha ladies, they hear of the Vraja ladies and glorify them.

Husband of all the gopis and goddess of fortune. Old gopis also?

ASA - Not exactly, although Madhurya rasa is the essence of all other Rasas.  He is the beloved son of the older Gopis.

Who are the goddess of fortune. The mothers that stay at home and don't go to secluded places?

ASA - The consorts of Lord Narayana in Vaikuntha.

Caitanya is visnu-tattva like said Srivas Acarya???

ASA -  No!!  He is Krsna, Himself, imitating Srimati Radharani.

I think all our movement is based in vibration (one kind of wave)(great devotees are like sharks in that waves, any can't stop)
Maha-mantra (sound and organ vibration), meditation (inner vibration). Spiritual energy (pure vibration), material energy (stopping the vibration of the Brahmajyotir with avidya, inactivity, darkness (zero vibration))
I have realized this, relating with the clearing of the temple. If one clean the temple with his heart, so nice, that attract people to come.
I always was thinking special vibration is impregnated with our service, thanks to the seva energy, but to unite this with the Gayatri and Krsna's flute, the increase of spiritual desire, desire for Krsna, real "I desire more and more...hahaha", is so beautifull and exotic.
The vice society of nowadays need that sex life, very interesting.

Scientifically, all is vibration, the same knowledge. 
I think that are seven islands, worlds, with seven seas, becouse are the representation of other wave vibration, other platfform of life-space-time vibration.
The yogis travel to the Universe through the waves vibrating in our energetic centers.
Travel to the energy, same like be in that space. We heard Maha-mantra to stay with Krsna.

Sorry my english.
I wish like to You Maharaja, is so nice speak about all this thinks!!

I will be attentive to Your twitter acount :)

Hare Krsns and Thanks for all Maharaja.

I will write to You soon explained other things about the last letter.


ASA - A. U. Mmmmmmmmmm.   A. U. MmmmmMmmmm.   A. U. MmMmmmmmmm.   Breath in as deeply as you can. Stretch you lungs, but don't hurt them, then with everything open as you can, as deep as you can chant, "Aaaaaa", then gradually contracting upward chant, "Uuuuu", then with everything, including mouth, closed let the final air and sound come out of the nose, "Mmmmm". The all closed up, don't breath bur meditate on the name, "Hara". Call to Her, "Hare!,  Hare Krsna!  Hare Rama!"

Until you have to breath again...  (don't have too".

Ofrenda Vyasa puja

7 years ago by Devarsinaradadas in Other

Todas las Glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada!
Todas las Glorias sean para SS. Hanumatpresaka Swami

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias
Hare Krishna!

Querido Guru Maharaja:
Aquí me encuentro escribiendo la ofrenda por su Vyasa Puja.

Quiero en primer lugar decirle que Ud. es mi referente, el ejemplo a seguir en mi vida y  la luz que ilumina mi camino.

HpS - Aaaaaawk!    Mejor tomando nosotros como una ayuda ir a Srila Prabhupada y tomar apoyo do otros.

En los momentos más difíciles, un solo pensamiento acerca de su persona  y sus cualidades, disipa las angustias, y mi medio ambiente se vuelve más sublime, feliz y pleno de dulzura. Eso se debe, sin duda, a la magnitud de su poder espiritual.

HpS - Pienso es mas el poder de Srila Prabhupada trabajando por medio de sus herramientos mitad util.

Todo avance que yo pueda hacer, si es que hay alguno, es gracias a su misericordia sin causa, a su energía divina. En su determinación, puedo ver a Ud. como un legitimo representante de Srila Prabhupada y del Parampara.

En su ejemplo veo el correcto camino a seguir , la fuerza espiritual viviente, que mas allá de las circunstancias, determinado a la misión de Srila Prabhupada, y con una fe y confianza inquebrantable a Sri Krishna, Ud. puede atravesar cualquier obstáculo.

Encontré un verso muy bello que puede describir su humor:

puṣpa-gandha lañā vahe malaya-pavana‘guru’ hañā taru-latāya śikhāya nācana

Soplaba una brisa suave, que traía la fragancia de flores aromáticas. La brisa era un guru que enseñaba a los árboles y enredaderas a danzar. (CC Antya 19.81)

Su inteligencia, erudición y sabiduría  incentivan a desarrollarme en el estudio del conocimiento trascendental . El inspirante sonido de su voz en el bhajana, es recordado por mí en el momento de la japa y meditación.

Srila Narottama das thakura dice: ''...Sri Guru es un océano de misericordia, el amigo de los caídos, y la vida y alma de todos...'' (Sri Guru Carana Padma)

Oro por mantenerme siempre bajo la sombra de sus pies de loto, y anhelo poder ser útil en su sankirtana.
Por favor perdone mis ofensas

Intentando mejorar
Su discípulo
Devarsi Narada das

HpS - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna!!!   Refugio abajo del sombro de los pies de loto del Srila Prabhupda, sus ensenyanzas, y claro sus siguiedores en terminos de su avanza, entonces adelante Senyor Narada Das con el Gran Guitaro.