Urgente: libro de Bhakta Rodrigo Hernández Piceros

6 years ago by rodrigo hernandez piceros in Other

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Querido Gurudeva

Por favor reciba mis humildes reverencias.

Esta es mi primera carta a este blog después de su visita a Chile. Muchas gracias por su visita y misericordia. Espero que usted se encuentre muy bien. Que su hermano burro esté muy bien.

Todo este último tiempo yo he estado con muchas actividades: trabajo con mis padres, mi vida material y espiritual, otros proyectos culturales, etc.

Sin embargo, me gustaría minimizar mis actividades y compromisos desde este año 2019 hasta dejar el cuerpo, para poder dedicar más tiempo a mi vida espiritual.

Que en primer lugar sea mi vida espiritual, centrar mi energía en mi sadhana y poder formalizar mi compromiso con ISKCON y usted, ser un verdadero aspirante a sirviente.

Esta carta es muy breve. Lamentablemente mi libro de poemas "Visiones, sueños y mantras" recién estará en mis manos el día 14 de enero aproximadamente. El deseo de usted era llevar ejemplares a México, le pido mil disculpas.

El libro lo hemos revisado una y otra vez, y otra vez y otra vez y otra vez, y otra vez. Y cada vez encontrando una palabra que cambiar, algo que corregir. Este miércoles hicimos la última corrección en la imprenta y firmé el 'contrato' para que la imprenta haga su trabajo (sólo serán 300 ejemplares impresos).

Además de bipolar, somos un poco obsesivos y también muy inseguros.

Esperamos hacer un evento donde presentaremos nuestro libro al público, estamos haciendo gestiones para conseguir un buen lugar.

Hace muy poco supe la mala noticia que un amigo de la época donde estudiábamos periodismo en la Universidad Andrés Bello dejó el cuerpo, y recién este viernes supe que mi amigo se suicidó.

Se suicidó con una dosis muy alta de insulina, no era diabético pero eligió esta manera de morir. Mi amigo quedó con muerte cerebral y a los 9 días su cuerpo dejó de existir.

Él fue muy importante en mi vida, podría decir que fue 'mi hermano mayor', alguien que me mostró muchas cosas: Gracias a él conocí la obra de muchos poetas y pintores surrealistas.

No hablamos los últimos años porque él y yo tomamos caminos muy distintos, pero fue alguien muy importante en mi vida.

Ya han dejado el cuerpo varios amigos de mi generación, sus nombres aparecen en mi libro. REALMENTE estoy realizando que NO debo perder tiempo en tantas cosas, solo dedicarme a lo esencial. Y que lo realmente importante es Conciencia de Krishna.

Ahora son las 17:28 hrs de este domingo 30 diciembre, voy saliendo al templo para el programa de la tarde.

De seguro cuando lea esta carta ya será año nuevo.

¡FELIZ 2019!

Que Krishna y Srila Prabhupada cuiden de usted a cada segundo.

ss Bhakta Rodrigo Hernández Piceros

HpS - Hare Krsna! Estoy luchando con el demonio. Soy el demonio! Pero adelante! Haz lo que podemos. No es sorpresa quien es loco en esta mundo. Es sorpresa quie en sano. Esperamos encontrar copias de su libro en algunos partes!!!!! Hare Krsna. Hare Krsna!!!!!! Krsna va a ayudar Vd mucho. Accepta la misericordia. 

Krishna´s Basketball Team!

6 years ago by Andrea Ramirez in Other

Hare Krishna!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Please accept my must humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

Maharaja i hope you get to feel better, there are a few things that are natural and very good for nausea, depending on what its causing it , for example nice mint tea would be really useful.


"when the pressure reaches its heights, it naturally invites its own end" its that quote presented as an analogy to Kansa´s behavior?

ASA - Also your finger nails!

We humbly do our best to keep it all covered up!!

HpS - Why did he go there? Do they have first class basket ball?

Maharaja spent a week here, and as he told us, he likes to spend time in the temples to recharge from the association with the devotees, what a blessing when is us who get recharge from his nectar, so that may make us a Basketball team, the basketball team that wants to win the cup of Krishna´s Consciousness!!

HpS - They crucified Jesus in their last lifetime.

And that´s a point i was trying also to reach! who was Jesus? what is his relationship with Krishna? i have always wondered this Maharaja.


chanting 16 rounds on point, and association with elder devotees as maharaja recommended, to be always thinking of and remembering Krishna!

I´m back on track on following the blog and the answers to other letters maharaja!

Always appreciating the time you take to answer the letter and hoping you get better!!

Bhaktina Andrea


HpS - ASA - Hare Krsna!!! Save your circle of aquaintances by telling them about Krsna!

Bh. Andrea - ""when the pressure reaches its heights, it naturally invites its own end" its that quote presented as an analogy to Kansa´s behavior?"

ASA - We don't understand.

Bh, Andrea - who was Jesus? what is his relationship with Krishna? i have always wondered this Maharaja.

ASA - Srila Prabhupada appreciated him as GREAT servant of God, our Guru. In general Srila Prabhupada did not give great details. Just like he did not give great details for even other bona fide Indian Gurus like Ramanuja Acharya. He said that they are bonafide and certainly anyone can follow them and go to Krsna, and if you are then let us cooperate for the preaching.

Thank you for your news! More!

A Shooting star on the blog

6 years ago by Piero Saavedra Torchio in Other

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to you Maharaja


Sorry Maharaja for don’t write to you before.

ASA - AGTSP. Sorry for not answer more quick!

I still in the temple, now with more responsibilities in the administrative subject, The service of the commandant of the temple are now distribute in three persons. I have more responsibilities in the way to administer the services of the temple. I don’t have the authority to rectify to the devotees, so two other devotees are see the problems with the different persons. Now, we have meeting all the weeks with the presidents and another day with the devotees, for see the necessities and health of us and to how improve the service.

I feel good, I feel happie, i still go to sankirtan to take more souls to Srila Prabhupada.

Now finished the process of the project “Cabildo Cuequero”, the capitulation process.

ASA - What is this??? Espanyol?

I’m Still live, chanting maha mantra, the nectar of devotion, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada. Thank you dearly master, I owe everything to you, you conect me to Srila Prabhupada and take me to Golokavrindavana.

Hare Krishna!

Pd: In a class you said that have you see a paint of Krishna that is very similar to syamasundara, can you send us please? I want to see Krishna!

HpS - Awk. Can't put it here but will put in our web-page for everyone to see: http://jayarama.us/archives/krsna-chin.jpg

Very best wishes with Commando en Temple. Our respects to everyone!!!!! Santiago will save the world!!!


6 years ago by candra108_mukhi in Other

Hare Krishna Beloved Gurudeva


We do not deserve it but we all too greedy and we want the handwritten DTC 2018

Nov 18th Dec 22nd

Thanks Gurudeva

Trying to be your disciple

Candramukhi dd

ASA - Jaya! AGTSP & paoho. Thank you for your association!! Right after we published the Kapi Dhvaja we had the brilliant (?) idea that we should chop off the spine of the Composition Book (75-cents), scan it on Office Max' s autofeeder (15-cents a page) but not spiral bind it and distribute it. Rather we should go through it and extract the important pages that could be collectedm, for example, in the ASA Encyclopedia on different themes.

So, with your blessings, that is what we are doing.

Yet , we are devotees of Lord Krsna, so any pious good lady's request should never go in vain (https://vedabase.io/en/library/sb/8/17/17/). Thus, we have just sent a copy of the PDF scan to your "nityananda..." address. Is that O.K? Then we shall arrange to deliver some of our, Tom Brown/Buck White, original Trash literature to you and your community at the first possible date.

What is your physical address? Address in Lima?

Thank you.

Please engage us more and more in your wonderful Sankirtan

Joan of Arc reporting !

6 years ago by Andrea Ramirez in Other

Hare Krishna!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Please accept my must humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

HpS - AgtSP!!! We look at our feet and they look pretty youthful. That is amazing for 70-year old American feet. Must be the miracle of Yoga, miracle of Srila Prabhupada's path.

Maharaja , i hope you are in good health and doing good!

HpS - Actually we feel very bad. Oooof! Oink!!! Body is aching. Some nausea. Where is the Sun of the Yadu dynasty? Where is the baby that Devaki lost in a moment after He appeared?


Well, it´s been a while since the last time i wrote,

HpS - ASA - Yep. Everyone thought you had gone to the Great Banana Forest in the Sky.

. . . but i decide to take a time to organize everything to be able to handle all this that is under my responsibility, my daughter, my occupation and my devotional service.

ASA - Also your finger nails!

At the moment I'm following my principals at point, reading more and attending to the temple and Bhavagad-Gita classes as much as my occupations allows me. i started to do my service in the temple´s kitchen, and starting my bhakta course this month. i had a time were my job, my occupations and some health issues kept me really busy so i wasn't able to attend to Sunday´s service here at the temple, but i´m better now and everything for now is on point. H.H Bhakti Bhusana Swami was here in Panama a couple of weeks ago,

HpS - Why did he go there? Do they have first class basket ball?

i attended to his classes and kirtan he did in the Bhakti-yoga Center here in Panama.

I´m Venezuelan, and as i knew Maharaja was there before he came to Panama we got a chance to talk about the situation there. many question came to my mind, and i asked few to Maharaja Bhakti-Bhusana, but some other came to me after he left the country, and i was wondering to ask this questions to you, as a way to clarify some doubts i have.

first question would be: What could be a reason for the collective Karma this people are suffering, and i refer specifically to spiritual matters.

HpS - They crucified Jesus in their last lifetime.

. . . if there is, could you give me an example of an ancient civilization that has had to suffer collective karma? i would really appreciate your answer, so i can be able to understand the aspects of karma better.

HpS - Aaag! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanjing_Massacre


etc. etc. Taking birth in USA where Mac Donalds is King is also the Karma of all the people.

Association with Maharaja was pure nectar, i asked for advises to keep my Sadhana steady, and he told me to associate with elder or more experience devotees, to keep my service and bhakti strong and growing!

thanks for you valuable time and for reading this!

Hare Krishna!!!

HpS - Thank you for news of Maharaja! We sit and talk sometimes. https://www.vedabase.com/en/cc/madhya/22/113

Hope we get pictures here soon!!! Read the answers to other letters!!

Art and Sacred España

6 years, 1 month ago by arina in Other

Haribol Hanumatpresaka Swami! PAMHO! AGTSP! Yes, I saw some videos from Nios Image, but you asked me i I wanted to write something for the magazine Solaris. ¿? Write where ? My teacher has answered the message, he says that the topic inspires and interests him a lot, but he does not think he can contribute much. He says we'll talk about it in September. I have asked him to warn me before September. He lives in Valencia, but maybe he can travel to Madrid, Barcelona or Guadalajara. I will inform you when I know if he wants to participate or not. Here in Nueva Vrajamandala, I'm going to do the disciples' course and the Bhakti Yoga course. thanks you! Arina.

HpS - Hare Krsna! AGTSP!! This letter was 4-months ago. We were not able to answer almost any letters for months while traveling. Now we seem to be getting our feet on the ground here again in Tennessee, but then, end of January we will travel again.

Nice thing is that we got to meet you in bodily existence while we were in Spain.

I have never met anyone more intelligent or more compassionate or more humble than Srila Prabhupada. I hope you can also get to know him very well. If you know a superior person, or have a superior idea, he is the first to be eager to meet them or understand.