
5 years, 5 months ago by ricardo.cifuentes108 in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Todas las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada

Todas las glorias a Goura Nitay

Haré krishna maharaj

Por favor acepte mis reverencias, soy Richard Cifuentes de Santiago de Chile, tengo 36 años y conocí a los devotos hace mucho tiempo atrás. Hace algunos años comencé a asistir regularmente al templo de iskcon Chile en Santiago y en su última visita escuché sus clases y realmente sentí una inspiración profunda en mi corazón. Soy estilista pero actualmente me ocupo en distribuir inciensos y libros de Srila Prabhupada.

Maharaj realmente espero poder interactuar con usted y poder conocerlo más.

Se despide

Su sirviente

HpS - Hare Krsna. Desculpa tan mucho tiempo responder!! Estuvimos en Gira de Sud America etc. Ooooof! Estuvimos entrando en contacto con tan mucho gente que es imposible responder a cartas. Todos los desafillos son oportunidades de Krsna purificarnos del diferente apegos, vanidades. Adelante! Espero podemos ser util por Vd! Vamos a visit a Chile mes del Noviembre.

Hare Krishna

5 years, 5 months ago by purnamasidevidasi in Other

Dear Gurudeva:

Please, accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Today is Ekadasi. I read some days ago that you consider a good communication routine, writing in the blog every Ekadasi or skipping one.

Tomorrow, I am flying to Slovenia with the Spanish youth devotees. We are going to celebrate Balarama there. During 8 days, youths from different European countries will have the opportunity to have fun together, in a devotional environment.

We will return on August 20th and the 23rd, we will go to NVM to crelebrate Janmastami and Srila Prabhupada’s appearance. After this, we will go back home to get ready for back to school.

I am in contact with Abhyram prabhu, who, very kindly, informs me of everything we can do here to serve you better. Now, we are a group of devotees searching for academics to contact to.

Hoping I can serve you with this little capacity .

Your servant,

Purnamasi devi dasi

HpS - Thank you. In peace we can find ourselves. and when we find ourselves we can wake up!!! You seem to be on the right path. Just go on. A little bit longer and you will discover very interesting things about yourself and the people who have always lived around you.

Hare Krsna Maharaj

5 years, 5 months ago by jibeshdas in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Hare Krsna Maharaj,

  Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

  All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

  All glories to Guru parampara.

  This is Jibesh Das from Malda, am writing with the help of HG Girivaradhari-Gopal Das.

  Hope you are good in health and doing well.

  Sorry for posting letter late, actually doing book distribution village-to-village so 

  less contact with connectivity so could not able to reach Girivaradhari-Gopal Das.

  while, will try to write as much as possible.

  Maharaj, following 4x16 for many years. i was working as goldsmith for many years and 

  left this job around 2 and half years back after that doing book distribution in 

  villages of bengal.

  am 35 years old and elder son. we are 4 members in our family. Mother, 

  younger brother, sister-in-law and me. we have our home in Malda city ( near ISKCON

  temple ). Mother is also follower of ISKCON.

  Leading a bachelor life and will continue so.

  Please accept me in your shelter for to serve Srila Prabhupada.

your aspiring servant,

Jibesh Das

HpS - Very nice to hear from you! AGTSP. paoho. Your service is great inspiration to us. Sorry we are slow answering! Also going village to village.

What about taking Diksa from more local ISKCON guru and let us be a Siksa guru with his approval? In any case we just want to be of service to you.

Pula 15.07.2019. report

5 years, 5 months ago by Namacarya das in Other

Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Let me tell you about my (or as you like to say „our” which I also like and feel appropriate) last wanderings and some thoughts.

In Serbia for the last 15 years there is summer Hare Krsna camp. I was never able to go there because I always work during summer „day in and day out” every day. This year my sister joined our rental business and in the calendar I saw a „hole”, a possibility to go to the camp. It is 800km away from Pula, it meant 10 hours drive in one way. And I could go for only four days. That is, one day going there, be there for the whole two days, and go back to Pula on fourth day. So, we went. Met friends after 15 years, their children grew up in fresh, tall, youthful bodies. It was nice. Spent a lot of time catching up with friends. There is something when meeting devotees after 15 years and reflection that „we are still here”. We had fun, wisdom, kirtanas, scrubbing big pots and oven casseroles after night pizzas together, one toilet and bathroom per 10 persons, and it was all - sweet. Kindness is an impression of those days with devotees.

There was an idea of meeting with Indradyumna das, as he has a home 20 km from that camp. But he is working in Germany and could not make it to come.

Moreover, we had people going with us in the car up and down. Found them on the website where car rides can be offered and shared. At the end of the ride, they offered an appreciation of our yogic perspective on life.

HpS - Wow! AgtSP. Paoho. Sorry so slow to answer. You can see we have heavy travel schedule. On the road we meet many people every day, so there is no time for letters!!

How did you know these devotees from before? I only know that you visited Spain and Croatia?

Back in Pula, activities go as usual with apartments, tourists, challenges, headaches, etc. It is so busy in the summer. Because not only tourists come to Croatia for a swim in the Adriatic Sea, but also our friends come to visit us. So, we have many things going on.

I do not have many things to write as I do not travel often. Of course, I travel a lot on the chariot of the mind in the hope that these travels would bring me closer to the charioteer of Arjuna.

Your servant Namacarya das

PS: what would be a proper way to write “das” ? Is it “Das” or “das” ?

HpS - I don't know. I this Das is better. It is like a title, Nama-charya, PhD.

PS 2: when writing a title for this letter I understood that my last letter was precisely one month before this one.

HpS - There is a God and His Name is Urukrama! Please write again. Look for the preaching opportunities that Krsna is sending. The rest will follow like your shadow.

Purificación: ¡Perdí mi vuelo al Santo Dham!

5 years, 5 months ago by YugalaKD in Special Category A, Other

Hk pamho querido Gurudeva empece a escribir por instrucción suya.

7 de Agosto del 2019.

Novela: Camino al Santo Dham

Purificación: ¡Perdí mi vuelo!

Después de un largo viaje estático, lleno de aventuras, de conocer gente muy amable, pasar hambre, frío, prestarme wifi de extraños para comunicarme, de correr para llegar a tiempo a migraciones y continuar sin parar, estoy en Brasil en el templo de Suzano, un lugar muy hermoso, vistas para postales, el templo es como una hacienda aquí la familia de Radha me acoge con mucho cariño, como un miembro más de la familia.

El día de mi partida camino al aeropuerto me sentí muy agradecida pues las personas me ayudaban con las maletas, el croquis de los devotos, era muy bueno, no había forma de perderse, Radha me mando una excelente lonchera, en metro llegué al imponente aeropuerto Guarulhos de Chile, felizmente un bus nos dejaban en el terminal correspondiente, a pesar de salir con anticipación había mucha cola, cuando toco mi turno casi al final el counter me explicó que faltaba un documento, que tenía treinta minutos para buscarlo, lo conseguí minutos después que counter cerró, la señal de fiwi fallaba por ratos, mi hermano espiritual Abhirama desde Perú, compadecido de mí desgracia, gestionaba en tiempo récord el documento, a pesar que rogué y supliqué, no me permitieron volar, y en un instante el sueño de todo una vida… se acababa en un instante, como si una torre de casinos cayera, así de frágil es la felicidad, en un momento estas riendo y al otro destrozado, posiblemente uno de los momentos más tristes de mi vida. Mi hermana Nitya Kishora que paso por una experiencia parecida me consoló explicándome que debía llorar y molestar a los counter al día Sgte. para sensibilizarlos y me permitieran volar. Pernocte en el aeropuerto, me puse a cantar, cante como 30 rondas, por un instante, pensé en regresar, dar lastima en mi país, pero no duro mucho, inmediatamente pensé que en tiempo record colectaría el pasaje, distribuyendo libros como en la maratón y volver rápido tal vez para kartika, pensaba. Preguntando terminé, en la línea de vuelos Etiopian Airlian, y una simpática señorita me explicó, que recién el miércoles podría viajar presentando todos los documentos. Después un joven vio mis papeles y me explicó que como perdí el vuelo, pagaría una multa y que me presentara al día Sgte. Una luz de esperanza brillaba sobre mi otra vez, así que regresé al templo, me alegré de no optar por quedarme un día más en el aeropuerto, tener la asociación de los devotos en el sadhana y programa estático de la mañana, rogar a la deidad a la hora de Govinda para que me permita viajar, me fortalecieron la fe. Me vestí con sari, lleve prasadham, y bendiciones para esas personas que actuaron como la energía ilusoria, probando mi determinación en mi resolución de llegar al Santo Dham, para que sean compasivas conmigo. En la clase se habló de Bali maharajá, como en un instante Krsna lo despoja de toda su opulencia, creo que en un momento pensé que todo era fácil, me enorgullecí de mi buena fortuna por poder ir al santo dham, tal vez pensé que lo merecía, las pruebas sutiles se inician. Pero por la misericordia de Nityananda, del Guru, y Prabhupada podemos ir al Santo Dham, para avanzar espiritualmente. Las deidades del templo tanto la murthi de Prabhupada y las deidades parece que me dieran bendiciones para ir con bien, curiosamente las deidades de Jaganantha son las mismas de hace 9 años atrás, cuando por primera vez, fui a Brasil para un encuentro de educación y recuerdo que atendimos a las deidades con mi hermana espiritual Candra mukhi. Fue muy bueno saber que detrás de este viaje están las bendiciones de muchas personas, que me ayudaron desde antes de la maratón, cabe mencionar que todo esto es la misericordia de Krsna, al fin su plan coincide con el mío, Él me pone esta prueba, que lo único que ha hecho es acrecentar mi deseo por ir a Vrndavana y Mayapur. Por favor, Gurudeva deme sus bendiciones, sin ellas estamos perdidos.

Su hija que lo adora:

Yugala Kishora Dasi


Hk pamho dear Gurudeva I began to write by his instruction.

August 7, 2019.

Novel: Road to Saint Dham

Purification: I lost my flight!

After a long static journey, full of adventures, meeting very kind people, going hungry, cold, lending me Wi-Fi from strangers to communicate, running to arrive on time to migrations and continuing without stopping, I am in Brazil at the temple of Suzano , a very beautiful place, seen for postcards, the temple is like a farm here Radha's family welcomes me with much affection, as a member of the family.

On the day of my departure on the way to the airport I felt very grateful because people helped me with my bags, the sketch of the devotees, was very good, there was no way to get lost, Radha sent me an excellent lunchbox, by subway I arrived at the imposing airport Guarulhos de Chile, happily a bus left us at the corresponding terminal, despite leaving in advance there was a lot of queue, when it was my turn almost at the end the counter explained that a document was missing, that I had thirty minutes to look for it, I got it minutes After the counter closed, the fiwi signal failed at times, my spiritual brother Abhirama from Peru, sorry for my misfortune, managed the document in record time, although I begged and begged, they did not allow me to fly, and in an instant the dream of a lifetime ... it was over in an instant, as if a tower of casinos fell, this is how fragile happiness is, in one moment you are laughing and the other shattered, possibly one d and the saddest moments of my life. My sister Nitya Kishora who went through a similar experience comforted me explaining that I should cry and annoy the counter Sgte day. to sensitize them and allow me to fly. Overnight at the airport, I began to sing, sing like 30 rounds, for an instant, I thought about returning, hurting in my country, but not long, I immediately thought that in record time I would collect the passage, distributing books like in the marathon and come back fast maybe for kartika, I thought. Asking I ended up, on the Etiopian Airlian flight line, and a nice lady explained to me, that only on Wednesday I could travel presenting all the documents. Then a young man saw my papers and explained to me that since I lost the flight, I would pay a fine and that he would introduce me to Sgte. A light of hope shone on me again, so I returned to the temple, I was glad not to choose to stay one more day at the airport, to have the association of devotees in the sadhana and static program in the morning, to pray to the deity at the time of Govinda to allow me to travel, they strengthened my faith. I dressed in sari, wear prasadham, and blessings for those people who acted as the illusory energy, proving my determination in my resolve to reach the Holy Dham, to be compassionate to me. In the class there was talk of Bali maharaja, as in an instant Krsna strips him of all his opulence, I think that in a moment I thought everything was easy, I took pride in my good fortune for being able to go to the holy dham, maybe I thought that Deserved, subtle tests begin. But by the mercy of Nityananda, the Guru, and Prabhupada we can go to the Holy Dham, to advance spiritually. The deities of the temple both the Murthi of Prabhupada and the deities seem to give me blessings to go with good, curiously the deities of Jaganantha are the same as 9 years ago, when for the first time, I went to Brazil for an education meeting and I remember that we attended to the deities with my spiritual sister Candra Mukhi. It was very good to know that behind this trip are the blessings of many people, who helped me from before the marathon, it is worth mentioning that all this is Krsna's mercy, at last his plan coincides with mine, He puts me this test The only thing he has done is to increase my desire to go to Vrndavana and Mayapur. Please, Gurudeva give me your blessings, without them we are lost.

His daughter who loves him:

Yugala Kishora Dasi

Thank you, India,

5 years, 5 months ago by Dhruvānanda DAS in Hot Topics, Other

Hare Krishna maharaja,

Pamho, agtsp.

Thank you for your patience, and thank you for your replies to my letters.

Your point about all philosophy comes from a person is brilliant. I have heard you say it before. But the impact is even bigger when it hits close to home.

The wonderful thing about Krishna Consciousness is that, as we go through different stages, dealing with different impurities in our motivation and consciousness, the Good Lord arranges many things synergistically for our benefit. Two days ago, I heard this wonderful class by Srila Prabhupada, delivered on the 3rd December 1975, in which he completely dismantles māyāvādism. He said (paraphrasing)...

"You love your home because you live in it. You love your body because you live in it; you love yourself - the soul. And, who is the source of your soul? Vishnu, Krishna... mamaivamsa Jiva loke jiva bhuta sanatanah (BG 15.7)... Just like Dhruva maharaja, he wanted so many material things, but when he found the source of everything, when he saw Vishnu, he only wanted to serve Him with love. We do not want to merge with our source, we want to serve. When the child cries for mother, when he finds his mother, he does not want to climb back in the womb. No, the child cries for his mother because he wants to have loving exchanges with his her."

Jai Srila Prabhupada!!! Jai HHHPS!!!

SP Lecture link -

Dr Mabbett

As mentioned in previous letter, Dr. Mabbett and I are scheduled to meet 9th August. I will keep you posted as that develops.

India October

My (big) little birdie said now's not the time. More time working on qualification is necessary. So, I will not come to India in October. I really look forward to someday being qualified to meet with you in Vrindavan again, maharaja. Please continue to guide me so that I too can sit at the table with Jesus.


I enjoy participating live in the classes... such elevated sanga... But they are very late for me (10:30pm) and, therefore, maybe, my participation is with rajasic and tamasic tones. The recordings are better suited for a person of my qualification, who is too fallen to even enter the temple, yet. Please keep posting the recordings on twitter. Your classes are my caitanya (living force).

Hare Krishna!

Your servant

Dhruvānanda (from down under) Das

HpS - Jaya!!! Hari Bolo! Hari Bolo! How is the Japa Mala. Do you knead your beads, feed your beads and wear them around your kneck all day so they can do great deeds?