URGENT!!!!!....Pandaveya Spain.

4 years, 1 month ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Hare Krsna Gurudeva!

Agt SP!

Agt Guru and Gauranga!!!

How are you doing? I hope very well.

HpS - AGTSP!!! paoho.... Hey, that is not an urgent question!! 🙂

Today I am writing to you ahead of time because today I am very clear about what I have to talk to you about. It is a controversial topic, and very very rare. Dangerous maybe too.

ASA - 😮

Yesterday, after months of doing a medical health follow-up, some former colleagues from the hospital where I studied have confirmed that someone in my house is poisoning me. I am not surprised, since once I had to leave my parents' house because I suspected the same thing, but this time, the health workers have told me that I have two options, poisoning or a miracle, proven.

After three times I entered a series of diseases or symptoms that did not disappear with anything, but if I started to cook myself, or just drink milk from a freshly opened bottle and never leave it until I drank it all, then, suddenly, all my symptoms disappeared. In less than a day even, or in 1 or 2 days.

They have found toxic traces in my blood, which can only be from poisoning, so this is my current situation. Incredible but true.

HpS-ASA - 😟 What could be the motive???

I have spoken with some old police friends and they have told me that I only have two options: I solve it my way and that nobody knows, or I have to let myself be poisoned again, and run to do a quick analysis to be able to file criminal charges against my parents and brother, because all three are involved.

I've caught my mother throwing things into my food, and my father too. I have not been able to catch my brother yet, but he makes jokes about the matter, so he knows and is a sure participant.

My police friends have told me that these things are almost impossible to catch in time with evidence, unless I get poisoned again, for the 4th time this time, but the truth is that I have already been through this many times, so now I am drinking only milk for days to nullify the poison and feed myself, and at most a couple of potatoes cooked at night, because I have been told that if I only drink that freshly opened milk, and only eat freshly cooked whole potatoes, it is almost there is no way they can put poison in my food. Now, after 3 days, I'm like I'm 20 years younger.

I tell you all this, because I think that it can help a lot to other people, who are being manipulated to make them look crazy, when in reality, it is very easy for them to be involved in a conspiracy against them, especially if they are not from the satanic energy vampire groups who are trying to create a new world order based on the exploitation of people and the brain death of children to be possessed and controlled by demons.

I have been fighting these people since I was 20 years old, and for 22 years I have been fighting without stopping, and on many many occasions, literally fighting for my life.

Many years ago I promised myself that I would either die at the hands of these people, or I would destroy them all. Thanks to Lord Nrsimhadeva, I have been fighting these demons for 22 years, and I have not yet fallen.

ASA - Have your formed partnership with others in this endeavor?? ? That seems very important, otherwise the very forces we are trying to fight can make their purposes seem like our own. For example, if we consider Osama Ben Laden killed so many unarmed men, women and children in the name of Allah, then we might consider that the Satanic forces had tricked him into doing their work, thinking that it was Allah's work.

So, important to keep Sadhu sanga in these things. Sadhu sanga, scriptural basis and the example of the great Acharys.

My ex-wife uses these satanic energy vampire techniques, and my son, because of my ex, I think he's already lost too.

My parents and brothers also belong to this group of satanic energy vampires, but since I am not, and also they cannot with me ... they have tried everything, black masses, possessions, poison, madness, etc. But my promise to Nrsimhadeva, for some reason, was fulfilled, and I am still in the gap, like a good soldier of God that I am.

There is a subtle, yogic technique that appears to be very effective against these people and their subtle entities. When I use it, they can hardly alter my energies at all, and apparently they hate it.

The technique is... (ASA - Edited because this is a public audience and the technique involves things related to the lower, though within the bounds of the 4-principles, Chakras.)

I use this simple technique when I want not to allows the demons to bother me.

Perhaps, in other people it does not work the same, since I have been doing yoga for years, and maybe my conscious body is in another kind of body, and it is posible that dont work the same ... but I doubt it, really.

People don't believe in these things, but then they are all day doing satanic energy movement techniques, which leads to their ruin, as it is satan's trick for people to turn into two-legged animals. Action Reaction.

It is true that people who defend themselves use similar techniques, and they are not as bad, but they have to be seriously corrected so that they do not lose their future, since the fact of entering that kind of fight is already a victory for the Devil, because those techniques destroy the soul. For this reason, I do not respect anyone who uses these techniques, whether they help me or not, because it is like badly educating them.

HpS - ASA -- That is what I was saying! If we are careful to offer unopened packages, containers, and uncut vegetables to Krsna then automatically it precludes the possibility of poison. Of course, Prahlada is very good example in of people in the house trying to kill, him, but of course we are not Prahlada and so we must adopt means according to our nature.

I don´t understand why people not fight fisically this people, is very easy. Try to control your energíes, in karma laws, is the same that cut you with a knife. Is not bad think kill this people. God see that good. Karma also, it is only auto-defense.

HpS - We can consider that in Vrndavana only Krsna and Balarama kill demons. The devotees chant Hare Krsna! Hare Rama! and take shelter of Rama-Krsna. Of course, Krsna empowered Arjuna to do His work for Him, but that was ONLY after Arjuna understand BG perfectly and Krsna was directly present as his chariot driver. I am now remembering that Srila Prabhupada said just that, that we can kill demons for Krsna if Krsna is personally driving our chariot and telling us who to fight with and who to forgive.

I do not usually give importance to the . . . .. [ASA - Have to jump ahead because this is not directly applicable to our fighting style...😇] . . .

Forgive me from the heart Gurudeva for all this stuff, but I think that many people will be able to benefit from these things, or at least know, that there are others in the same situation, and that there are people like me, who even physically fight against these people, so don't worry, it's only a matter of time before they're sent to hell, and Hades told me in person on a trip I took to hell so I could see exactly what it was like.

It was incredible ... I tell you in another letter.

Finally, I want to say, that I am almost sure, that the Covid is a tool that these Satanists use just as Satanists do with their elders, relatives, etc. So that they die or become their slaves for fear of being killed. Satanists are trying to kill humans, because they are not, they are unhappy and unfortunate creatures that the only thing they know how to do is hate. Do not trust yourselves, since it can be a brother, father, neighbor, boyfriend, girlfriend, etc. Be alert and on guard. They know they have little time left here, and they want to take away as many souls as possible.

At Your feet. Your disciple.

Hare Krsna Maharaja.

P.D: The Dakinis I see are like that, I don´t know exactly why, is possible for the Tamo-Guna. So much beauty, power and aggressiveness together that they give fear and pride. They are not of this world...sure...hahaha

HpS - Thank you for this letter. There is no way on earth that I can make too much of a comment on these topics. Like you say this is not the process for everyone. Real demons attacked Krsna and the Vraja vasis. In general devotees, are protected from these people, but I do hear of others who describe things like you. So have to fight in the newspapers. Some in the higher planets, some.... but read SB 1.8, Bhisma's instructions to Yuddhisthira about Y's use of force to serve Krsna. What justification does Bhisma give?

Re: Hare Krishna!

4 years, 1 month ago by mittalga in Other

My dear Maharaja,

Dandavat Pranams. Namaste!

Thank you very much for your reply.

There is a world outside which is fundamental. In this world, there is body. In this body, there is consciousnesses. Materialistic people think that this consciousness is produced by matter or don't think much about it. We reject this idea.

Second view is as follows:

There is world outside which is fundamental. In this world, there is body. In this body, there is consciousnesses. This consciousness is also fundamental and not product of matter. It occupies space in this body. In this second view, outside world is still starting point. This is how I used to see the world earlier. This world . . .

HpS - Outside world?

. . . is created by Krishna. In this world, I am eternal, unborn, ever existing and part of Krishna (Gita 15/7 - mamaivānśho jīva-loke jīva-bhūtaḥ sanātanaḥ).

HpS - Yet, we existed in the spiritual world before this world was created?

Third view is to start with consciousness. Consciousness is most fundamental. Paramatma and Atma illuminate ego and mind (Gita 15/15 - sarvasya chāhaṁ hṛidi sanniviṣhṭo

mattaḥ smṛitir jñānam apohanaṁ cha). World of images, perceptions, sensations etc gets projected in the mind. Mind identifies with these projections as Me and Mine and cycle of samsara starts. Consciousness is witness (seer) of the world including objects, body and mind.

This third view is huge fundamental shift in how one sees reality. This is our experience also. When we wake up, mind which is illumined by consciousness comes into existence before outside world. In the dream, mind creates another world which appears as real while we are dreaming. When we hit stone in dream, it hurts. When we are in deep sleep, mind is not active. There are no thoughts, no perception, no sensation and no mind. Still, consciousness (atma) exists. Seeing that I (atma) am illumining all 3 states (waking, dream and deep sleep state) and I remain distinct from these states which come and go is big shift in vision of reality.

When I am reading 11th canto of Bhagavatam (especially trying to understand sanskrit texts), I see that Bhagavatam is pointing out reality which starts with consciousness. Same text which I read earlier give totally different meaning after this shift in how I see reality.

There are 2 references of [to?] "I". When reference of "I" is on body and mind, then Ram is my master and I am His servants. All objects including body and mind belong to Him. When reference of "I" is on "atma" illumining mind, then I am His amsa (part). Reference of "I" is slowing moving towards "atma" illumining mind and senses.

Sriram is doing 2nd year computer science in Texas A&M. He has very strong work ethic and is noble person. Anjana is in 12th grade and applying for college. Few days ago, Anjana asked me - "Dad! where are your bones!". I said that they are in this body. Then she mentioned that she used to think that bones are in her. But now she can clear see that she is different from the bones. Bones are not in her. I felt that I am doing something good as parent. Sriram claims himself as an atheist. I remind him that Gita is science of Atma. As long as he accepts that he exists, he is following Gita. He, the atma, is eternal, ever-existing and part of Paramatma. That is true whether one accepts this truth or not. So everyone is follower of Gita. I am quite hopeful that one day the knowledge of Bhagavad Gita will be revealed to him.

Anandamukhi decided to leave 5 years ago. So we got divorced. I try to maintain good relationship with her.

Thank you very much for reading this email.

Dandavat Pranams,

Gaurav Mitttal

HpS - Thank you. Thank you with news of the family. I was thought Mataji had left.

I would make this comment on your Sankhya.

I would say that it starts with Ananda and not Cit. Love and not Consciousness. We primarily are lovers, servants, followers. Then there is Cit and then Sat. Of course, they all exist simultaneously. Balarama is the Sat or Sandhini potency.

Pradhana, external world, exists eternally, with Maha-visnu, like a piece of cloth with Mahavisnu. Then the 2nd and 3rd purusa avatars agitate it because the kids, the Jivas, want to play Mommy-Daddy, and it starts to take form like a puppet. The cloth gets marked, cut, sewed, ornamented, and the Jivas enter into some of the parts of it, and call it their puppet.


BG gives little description. SB 2 and 3 .... give more.

Dissertation Adviser

4 years, 1 month ago by satyavatidasi in Other

All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Dear Hanumat Preshak Swami,

Please accept my humble obeisance at Your lotus feet.

I was trying very hard to open an account in blog but it was difficult because in India and my country nobody use this blog. But by the mercy of Lord Krishna, I met Your good disciple Vrajendra Kumar Das from Colombia in Vrindavan and he kindly helped me to open an account in blog.

Now my next project is to send to You introduction to my research work on the time aspect form [from] Srimad Bhagavatam and to prove the necessity of such research at present moment. I am 100% sure that Your Grace can uplift my humble work up to very high level. I am in very need in Your help.

So if Your Grace mercifully will allow me to send to You introduction to this work I will be very much content. And please excuse my poor English, so I will try all my best to write in understandable manner.

I am very happy to write this letter to Your Grace and I am feeling very much satisfied by Your Great compassion to such poor fallen soul as myself.

Falling on the dust at Your lotus feet

Your eternal humble servant Satyavati Dasi from Vrindavan

HpS - Hare Krsna. We are old, blind, and stupid. We don't have the ability to read any more, but if you start with a one or two line summary of the thesis here we can comment on that and then go on to some more maybe.


Such a big topic. A couple of sentences to summarize your thesis.

Kapi dhvaja 29 de NOV

4 years, 1 month ago by Patrak das in Other

Hare Krishna Querido Gurudeva!!!!!!!!!!!

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las Glorias a USTED.

Por favor acepte nuestras reverencias familiares. PAMHO

El boletín ya está (en ingles y español) en el grupo de Facebook, este es el enlace:


Estamos a unas semanas de terminar las clases en el colegio. Estamos muy cansados pero felices de poder compartir y aprender con los niños y las niñas.

No somos muy hábiles para poderle dar consejos de como mejorar este boletin. Desde nuestro punto de vista es muy bueno y muy variado. Gracias a este boletin podemos saber mas sobre usted.

Aun recuerdo cuando el boletin era escrito a mano. Es otro sentimiento. Tenemos algunas copias guardadas como un tesoro.

Muchas gracias por darnos este grandioso servicio. su misericordia es increíble.

EDT (Patrak das & Antuanette )

HpS --- Thank you all. How is your venerable Mother? Your Aunt live nearby also?

How old are your students?

What are you teaching them?

Of course, you are teaching them what is life, by your attitude, no?

Can you describe a couple of them?

HARE KRSNA!!!! .../\o.. Pandaveya Spain

4 years, 1 month ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Hare Krsna Gurudeva!

Agt SP!!

Agt Radha and Krsna!

I hope that you are very well in all aspects.

HpS - Need a lot of improvement, but life is nice in many ways.

I, very good Gurudeva...never materially, of course.

I don't know what to tell Maharaja, because what I like to talk about, or people do not talk, or is confidential, it seems.

HpS - Let your "Inner monkey and piggy" speak for you.

I've been trying for days to find the inspiration to know what to write to You, but since I have not found a solution to the problem, I'm going to write something that seems natural to me.

ASA - Better than something that seems un-natural!!

I often think about life, Krsna, etc.

I imagine that in spiritual advancement, practitioners receive more and more cascades of energy, of all kinds, without discrimination and en masse, like the flow of the river ganges falling on their heads. It seems to me that, a river of life flowing.

HpS - Hmmm. Would seem that we get out of the material stream, which means we see how it is the result of a spiritual stream, no?

Some people only want to wet their face, others only their hair, etc. But in my practical experience, when you discover your face towards the waterfall of life, or towards the massive flow of life, you will not find breezes from the forest brushing your face, but a massive and ruthless force, that like rocks 5 kg, they don't stop putting pressure on our faces. That to me is Parvati and Siva in direct but impersonal experience.

ASA - !

In my opinion, if one opens his soul to that massive force constantly, he will suffer and enjoy massively in every fraction of the time. One second is very long on this matter.

HpS - Yes, requires different kind of body.

My personal experience tells me that pressure increases as one detaches oneself from the world, and I have seemed to experience 2 paths in increasing pressure. One helps us, and another just annoys.

The one that helps us is caused by observing the world and how it works. The pressure is progressive, and it matures in the initial and intermediate stages, in the advanced stages, one, the only thing you can do is receive the pressure and give thanks.

The one that bothers us is caused by plans outside our destiny that are created in our mental dreams.

In both cases, Parvati uses agents of the material world

Everything is my opinion, the fruit of my direct experience

I believe that demonic people, agitated by the dark aspect of Parvati (or of the Virgin Mary), know nothing more than to bother so that Parvati is pleased ... with us, not with them.

The worst thing that could have happened to this world is the industrial revolution, since before the world was a world of regions, laws of the "place", forbidden areas for humans, direct knowledge of other species or different races, or demons of many classes. Physical, non-physical. Human, non-human. Now people are enslaved and educated by butchers, and they answer "good, good" just like sheep.

HpS - Yes. In many ways it began with World War I, no? That was the first really mechanized war.

I always remember some words that the Virgin Mary repeats a lot to seers of all times and countries "whoever says he is mine and does not abandon the path of deception, will suffer". Or as the Bible says, "the lukewarm are the worst, because they are neither one thing nor the other"

HpS - Revelation of John!

I'm sorry Gurudeva that I write to you without order, but I didn't know what to say

I think the same as You Maharaja, this world is depressing.

I hope you are in good health, Gurudeva, and the days pass quietly in Krsna consciousness

My humble obeisances Gurudeva

Hare Krsna Maharaja, buen día.

Hari bolo Hari bolo, Hari Hari.

HpS - Thank you very much!! What are Siva and Parvati called in the spiritual world? In this world we see a reflection of that Vaikuntha form in the mirror of Prakrti. Is very nice letter. Must move from Brahman realization to P'atma, to K como vecino.

Hare Krisha! - gokulananda

4 years, 1 month ago by mittalga in Other

My Dear Maharaja!

Hare Krishna! Pranams! Namaste! This is Gaurav Mittal. I hope you remember me. It has been almost 9 years since I had last conversation with you. I read your blog quite regularly.

HpS - Honestly I think about you pretty often!! How's the wife and family? How is your self relization.

Suppose we see object like table outside. Is there really table outside as we see it? When light hits the retina, special cells called photoreceptors turn the light into electrical signals.

ASA - Rods and cones. We studied psychology, perception in the university. We think that we have a smart ass!

These electrical signals travel from the retina through the optic nerve to the brain. Then the brain turns the signals into the images we see.

HpS - Oooop! WIthout the Paramatma, Atma, and Mind (Which uses the brain, no?) they would not be 'turned', no?

Object outside is interpretation of those electrical signals in one specific way. Can there be another way to interpret those electrical signals?

ASA - Sure!!! Look up optical illusions on the internet and you'll see how we see things differently again and again based upon the senses, the mind, the intelligence, the soul....

Can those electrical signal convey true reality? Where does object truly exist? It only exists inside in mind in form of image, perceptions and sensations projected onto mind. If we look deeply, we will find that independent existence of object outside is just a belief. Object independently existing outside is convenient, consistent and practical belief.

ASA - Social convention, toys maintained by the SUpersould for the noisy children.

In terms of reality, we can be sure of only one thing. That awareness or consciousness in which object appears exists.

ASA - Rene Descartes: Cogito ergo sum, no?

That awareness / consciousness is our real unchanging Self. Unfortunately, we identify unchanging self with objects due to illusion of maya. True Self (ATMA) is eternal, seer, witness, without any change, beyond time and space. Time and space are mental constructs and ATMA is beyond these mental constructs.

ASA - This is Brahman realization, no? Then Paramatma, I can realize that I have relation with a Super-self, Paramatma, Collective sub-conscious.... intuition, insight.

Bhagavatam describes this mental filtering of true reality as illusion. Few verses which describe it:

SB 11/7/7: My dear Uddhava, the material universe that you perceive through your mind, speech, eyes, ears and other senses is an illusory creation that one imagines to be real due to the influence of māyā. In fact, you should know that all of the objects of the material senses are temporary.

SB 11/23/49: Persons who identify with this body, which is simply the product of the material mind, are blinded in their intelligence, thinking in terms of “I” and “mine.” Because of their illusion of “this is I, but that is someone else,” they wander in endless darkness.

Different experiences like pain, pleasures etc are in the mind and I am totally distinct from mind. They don't even touch me. This is beautifully described in Bhagavatam.

SB 11/23/56: The false ego gives shape to illusory material existence and thus experiences material happiness and distress. The spirit soul, however, is transcendental to material nature; he can never actually be affected by material happiness and distress in any place, under any circumstance or by the agency of any person. A person who understands this has nothing whatsoever to fear from the material creation.

Upadhi means to appropriate some other quality as oneself. There is awareness and there are objects which awareness (atma) is aware of. There is seer (Atma) and seen (objects). I (the seer) has appropriated objects (not self) as self. Rupa Gosvami says - sarvo upadhi vinirmukta - devotional service starts by not appropriating these upadhi - which means to rest in ATMA and not accept body and mind as belonging to self (mine) or as self (me).

The chapter SB 12/5 is final instruction of Sukadeva Gosvami and chapter is also titled - "Śukadeva Gosvāmī’s Final Instructions to Mahārāja Parīkṣit".



I wanted to find out your understanding on Bhagavatam 12/5 and Uddhava Gita especially chapter Bhagavatam 11/23. I hope you can share your understanding.

Thank you very much.

Dandavat Pranams,

Gaurav Mittal

HpS - Thank you!!! We kind of gave our idea above and discussing a whole chapter, SB 12.5, here would be hard, but after considering our comments, maybe there is some subsequent ideas, verse, from the Uddhava Gita!!!