Testing posting letter

4 years, 1 month ago by Yamuneswar Das in Other

Does it work?

HpS - Another, earlier letter posted by (?) Prahlada nrsmha Das. Yamunesvara Das from Manipura can open his account. Write letters, but not post them. I had the same problem when I tried with his User name and Password.

Hare Krsna Gurudev

4 years, 2 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Other

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,

  Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

  All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

  All glories to Guru parampara.

  Gurudev, stick to a specific temple seva/service is good or bad ?

  [I] mean, attachment to a specific temple is good or bad? or we should 

  open to serve anywhere/temple?

HpS - Queens of Dvaraka are attached to their palaces. That's what Krsna wants, no? Yet Narada Muni visits all the palaces, so it seem like different devotees have different service. For you it seems good to be attached to a certain temple now, but later you may become traveling preacher.

Your servant,

Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

Hare Krsna Gurudev

4 years, 2 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Other

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,

  Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

ASA - Lettuce feet.

  All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

  All glories to Guru parampara.

ASA - Jaya! Lord Caitanya, Six Goswamis, Narottama Das Thakura...

  Gurudev, do you think i should bring down the Gyatri timing ?

  Last letter for reference - https://monkeywarrior.com/detail/11893/

ASA - Our great American President, Abraham Lincoln, said, "A man's legs should be long enough to reach the ground". We understand that an elephant needs one kilo of rice and an ant needs 1 gram. Some people need five minutes for their Gayatri Japa and others 10 minutes. Chant with meaning.

Your servant,

Girivaradhari-Gopal Das


4 years, 2 months ago by petti in Other

Hare Krishna Maharaja

Please take my obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

(Google translator)

It has been a long time since my last letter, I apologize for this. I know that you have many occupations and I think that my letters or reports may be insignificant and that there are urgent matters that you must attend to.

HpS - Srila Prabhupada said that when he needed to know about someone Krsna would inform and usually externally! Of course, our older godbrothers, sisters are vey good gurus for 90% of the questions.

Maharaja I want to ask you many questions and at the same time none since you always answer them in each class, it is as if every doubt or pain that arises in my heart you know it and in some “magical” way you answer them the next day in your classes.

HpS - Krsna uses the devotees.

I write this paragraph with tears in my eyes as I am very excited because Krishna and Radha give me the intelligence to appreciate you, Prabhupada and each of your instructions. Infinite thanks for all the service you do. It is a great honor for me to have met him in this life.

Lately I have again that sense of urgency that I had when I was a child, I felt and feel that there is little time left and that it is urgent to know God and start serving him in the right way, the time is now!

When I was a child I did not have access to this knowledge or guide but I listened to the heart, now I have the knowledge at hand, I have your guide but my mind and anarthas are the excuse for not following the urge of urgency that is in my heart.

¿How can I deal with guilt and spiritualize it?

You show us what to do and how to do it, yet I don't do it 100% every day (some humans are still scoundrels). I understand that it is a process (little by little).

 Moving forward slowly has helped me to be firm in my convictions, however with each passing year I am more aware that I could have done better and that is where the guilt comes from. I believe that this guilt or low esteem for my service is not helping me to cleanse my mind and heart to better meditate on the holy names of God.

HpS - NOD says that we we should feel bad for our failures, but not 'enjoy' our suffering. Lament to get knowledge, and then go ahead!!

Every time I ask you questions I feel that they are silly since everything is in the books, I should study them better and more every day. Sometimes I find the answers this way and that is why I do not write to you but I need your guidance, although my questions are irrelevant, I feel that I need to hear it directly from you to create that impression in my heart that motivates me to continue moving forward.

I apologize if I have made a mistake and I appreciate your service. I wish good health for you.


Stefani S. Michelena (Petti)

HpS - We are stupid, but maybe because we have been hit on the head by Maya 25-times we have learned something from the scriptures and you can then get some benefit and only be beaten on the head six times. We hope your students will be even more quick!

Very nice lettes!


4 years, 2 months ago by petti in Other

Hare Krishna Maharaja

Please take my obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

(Google translator)

This time I am writing to you in response to your questions in my previous report.

Their questions were the following:

  1. ¿Have there been problems participating in the Temple programs in Santiago? No details, just an overview.

A: I currently live in a city that is 848.3 km from Santiago called Valdivia. It is for this reason that I do not actively participate in temple programs. I like this city, it is small and there is a lot of nature, it is favorable for my mind to live here, far from the chaos of Santiago.

However, on 11/7/2020 I arrived at the temple in Santiago and stayed until 12/23/20. Everything happened against my will, Krishna and Prabhupada trapped me in their home all that time hahaha Jay Srila Prabhupada. Everything I learned was wonderful, I will tell you more in my Sadhana report letter that I will send after this letter. Currently I returned to Valdivia to regain my health and resume my work activities.

2. ¿Have they improved with the new administrative provisions? On the road you travel, success is guaranteed!

It took me a while to answer this question since I can't answer something I don't know, that's why I decided at that time to do a “field work” and go to Santiago. During the month and a half that I was a resident of the temple, I can extract the following insights:

The new administration intends to do better than previous administrations. Mother Maha Anandini DD and Prabhu Jagannatha Caran D proved to be willing to listen carefully to suggestions and make changes for the benefit of the congregation.

They are striving to resolve pending issues from previous years and at the same time take the temple forward despite the fact that the restaurant and the store are not working, for this reason the temple does not receive economic income, only donations from some enthusiastic devotees.

I want to highlight the service of a married couple composed of M Gita Govinda DD and P. Dina Dayal D. Disciples of M. Bhakti Bhusana Swami. Currently the two of them are in charge of the worship of the deity in all their schedules, also of the BBT Chile department and in charge as ashram heads for the temple residents. They are very young, no more than 27 years old, and they are striving to move the temple forward.

The current situation in the temple is a little far from excellent but the people involved are striving to learn every day and do things better.

If you have more questions about this please let me know, I will be attentive to your response.

In my next letter I will write about my temple services and sadhana.

I wish good health for you. Hare krishna.


Stefani S. Michelena (Petti)

HpS - Thank you for your news! Understanding administration is NEVER perfect or and even getting something reasonable accurate requires to listen to many different perspectives. However, in Kali yuga we can associate [NOI 5-6] and chant Hare Krsna and have perfect relations with each other.

You city sounds nice!!