Sundara Kanda Ramayan Premiere for Film
Dear Maharaj,
Thank you for your response. We can definitely work with our audiences for an Odissi Manipuri collaboration from Sundara Kanda. However, my primary desire is to find a part in this fortunate opportunity to serve in your mission: promote your cherished project, this film. If I need to learn western theatre techniques to do this, I am very happy to do so too and use whatever training I have 🙏.
your aspiring servant,
HpS - Thank you! So nice traveling with you and Dhruva Das in the Northeast.
Actually, DTC - The Ultimate Trip, is not a cherished project. 😎
A lot of it is "Duty" Rasa, though it definitely is very important to us to make the effort to consolidate a record of our Sankirtan for everyone.
I don't know if the Alvin Ailey Dance Troupe is still active, but see if they have some videos on line to look at. I think they might give nice idea of Western dance drama, and of course Peter Brook Mahabharata seems to be nice way to put Indian stuff in American format.
Thank you.