Happy as a clan...er clam

11 years, 10 months ago by chas d lind in Other

Dear Maharaja Hanumat Presaka Swami,

Pamho, AGtSP!  Time waits for no man, so I thought I’d better get a note out while I can.

How was Nirjala Ekadasi?, I’m still lemon-juicing till Sunday, then maybe a drop of sweet rice from NJP. Was contemplating current activities and all is simply so wonderful…job, house, and semi-sweet wife, like how amazing that I get such mercy.

Now am contemplating how to gracefully get out of it all and dovetail my existence to reality. So the house is on short-sale (since we’re over 50% upside down), finishing last of school (I can use the job for the resume) and tolerating co-workers who cuss more than drunken sailors. As far as my dear wife goes, she’s ready to bail out of America (except for financial attachments). Me, Well, I’m just glad to get the 16-4 in, though as a responsible grhastra I must do the needful.

Basic goal is to get situated in Mayapur and South Africa, splitting the year between them should suffice for sadhana and preaching. How this will occur isn’t all dialed in as yet and I know when I make plans dear Krsna begins to smile. Will keep the desire in mind, but not be too attached for I may be going to hell for all I know… anything to serve Our Lord.

ISV is having the Panihat Festival and am longing for devotee association, guess will go for the “virtual reality” for now, such ecstasy in the pastimes of Lord Caitanya and Nityananda. We’re attempting a Berkeley visit tomorrow with our friends, Dar-Shawn & Sharajini. At least some locals are favorable to our practices of Bhakti-Yoga.

All in all, it seems my heart longs for Mayapur Dham, but how much I can handle there is another story, in time we’ll hopefully find out, think it would be good for all involved. Modesto, and even California has too much luggage for me, would like to let it all go.

We’re looking forward to your association soon, for that always gives us a re-charge to deal with the struggle in our material existence. S.F.Ratha-Yatra is the 22ndof July, hope you can stay for that, if not we’ll work something out.

All Glories to your Service,


caitanya caritamrta das, das anu das.

PS: Here’s a little story from the internet:

Dear Granddaughter,

The other day I went up to our local Christian book store and saw a “Honk if you love Jesus” sticker.

I was feeling particularly inspired that day because I had just come from a thrilling choir performance, followed by a thunderous prayer meeting. So, I bought the sticker and put it on my bumper.

Wow, am I glad I did! What an uplifting experience followed.

I was stopped at a red light at a busy intersection, just lost in thought in about the Lord and how good he is, and I didn’t notice that light had changed.

It’s a good thing someone else loves Jesus because if he hadn’t honked, I’d of never noticed.

I found lots of people love Jesus!

While I was there, the guy behind started honking like crazy and then leaned out his window and screamed,”For the Love of God!... Go, go…Go, Jesus Christ..GO!”

What an exuberant cheerleader he was for Jesus!  Everyone started honking, I just leaned my head out the window and started waving and smiling at all those loving people, I even honked my horn a few times to share in the Love!

There must have been someone from Florida back there because I heard them yelling something about a “sunny beach”. I saw another person waving in a funny way with their finger in the air, I asked my teenage grandson riding in back what that meant, and he said it was a Hawaiian good luck sign or something.

Well, I’ve never met anyone from Hawaii, so I reached out the window and gave them the good luck sign right back. My grandson burst out laughing…he too was enjoying our religious revivials!

A couple of people were so caught up in the joy of the moment they got out of their cars and started walking towards me. I bet they wanted to pray or ask what church I attended, but this is when I noticed the light had changed.

 So grinning, I waved to all my brothers and sisters and drove on through the intersection. Before the light changed, I felt kind of sad that I had to leave them after all the love we had shared. So I slowed the car down  a bit and leaned out the window and gave them that Hawaiian good luck sign one last time as I drove away.

Praise the Lord for such wonderful folks!

Will write again soon,

Love Grandma

HpS - AGTSP    pamho.  Wow, what a    F U N N Y   article.   So, nice.  It comes so close to the truth.  Wham.                 Your plan to move to the "Holy Dhama" seems cool, but it is Kali-yuga and basically there are no good "places" in Kali-yuga.   Yes, some places may be better for us that others.   I know some devotees who get lost in big Temple atmosphere and are very happy with a close Temple President and about 11-devotees running the Temple.

Others thrive on the Big Temple and the Big Festivals.    So always looking for best diet, best Temple, best climate ... but ... in the current Age we are looking for the Best Sankirtana Party (for us).  This Blog is a humble effort at Sankirtana party.   Keep us informed. Improve the definition of your Sankirtana and then you can improve your definition of your position in a Sankirtana Party!!

Hare Krsna Respected Guru Maharaj

11 years, 10 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Other

Hare Krsna Respected Guru Maharaj,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.
    By the mercy of lord, your will be in good health. I will always pray for your good health.

    I was missing you Maharaj a lot for last 2-3 weeks. Thinking about your health, travelling.
    Also i was remembering the 2 days association with you, which i can not forget in my life.

    It is not accuately 2 days rememberence. I saw you, in my dream on 08 May 2012, you were
    saying something but unfortunitely, i was not able to remembere when i woked up.

    I saw you agin in my dream, when i was traveling for Vrindavan.

    When i realized your wish - 'you want to left this world from vrindavan'. From that day,
    i miss you always. Don't know...why. Don't know the reason. Even i was not able to share
    my feeling on this to any one. so thought to write to you. So just writting.......

    Guru Maharaj, as you instructed, I always keep necture of instruction with me.
    and learning bengali to read 'chatinya-chatrimitra' also re-started reading of

    Tomorrow, we have two celebration in our temple - Dahi chida festival & Jaganath rath-yatra.

    Guru Maharaj, please always bless me so that i can always love lotus feet of Srimati Radharani & 

your servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - ASA - ....    AgtSP         paoho    So nice to hear from you.  We are back in USA.   We see that so many things around us, the politics, the ecology, religious institutions, have great defects, but this Sadhana bhakti, gift, of Srila Prabhupada is always pure. Hare Krsna!   Then we find our little world of plans, tools, association and we can do our little fight in the army of Srila Prabhupada to establish ISKCON in the Kali-yuga!     More news as you go!

Mayapur Academy for Deities worship training

11 years, 10 months ago by Caitanya candrodaya das in Other


Accept my most humble and respectful obeisances !!

I  desire to study this deity worship because i know this is gona help me  for avance my spiritual life and  i will learn how to serve to krishna from good devotees , and is very auspicious for learning  this kind of things in Sri  Mayapur Mayapur . and i will  become a good brahmana  if you  bless me and i wish  to . 

I request you please help me with a letter of recommendation , i'm applying for  scholarship Application .

I already i have the letter of  recomendation of my guardian  , he is Gurusevananda Prabhu , also from  the temple presindent from Brasil - Franco da rocha "sao paolo " Sri krishna Das prabhu , also  from the Gurukul " Bhaktivedanta Academy " , so please Gurumaharaj i request you  give me your blessings .

Can you send the letter of recomendation to me  and also  to Mayapur Academy to these e-mail address

- [email protected] 

HpS - ASA -   Jaya!   Jaya!   Sri Caitanya, Jaya Nitya-ananda!          Hare Krsna.  Is very nice to have contact with you these last few weeks.          We looked at the link as suggested and we encountered the direct requirement that we were wondering about. The Mayapur Academy course is for those with second initiation. You haven't taken that yet and it seems to us with our limited knowledge that you have not yet been steady enough in a good position be ready for Second initiation. You seem to be making good progress toward that position and Krsna is more concerned with how we are making progress than with how "advanced " we are.

So, seems that you should go ahead with your service in the Office of Congregational Development and stay in touch with us through this Blog, and then as youi are steady there then you could take second initiation. A course on Bhakti-sastri is what you probably need now, rather than the course on Arcana. O.K?

- [email protected]

I need to fill this : Scholarship Essays

 Can you  check this link : http://mayapuracademy.org/scholarship

Vanca kalpa!! 

y/s Caitanya candrodaya das .


11 years, 10 months ago by David Leyton in Other

¡Mis humildes reverencias para Sri krshna Caitanya!

¡Mis humildes reverencias para Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada!

¡Mis humildes reverencias para usted Guru Maharaj!

Querido Guru

Antes que todo le pido disculpas por no haberle escrito antes, mi nombre es David Leyton M, vivo en Santiago de Chile y trabajo en contabilidad, la última vez que hablamos, (de las pocas veces) fue en el Goura Purnima de Bs As (08-Marzo-2012) y fue mi segunda vez que me acercaba a usted para conocerlo personalmente, desde que estuvo acá en Chile, pero a pesar del tiempo que no le he escrito, me he acordado mucho de usted.

El sábado 19 de Marzo fue mi primera reunión de hermanos espirituales refugiados en sus pies de loto y fue muy linda experiencia, se nota que lo quieren mucho.

Me reporto a usted comentándole que estoy cantando mis 16 rondas todos los días, cumpliendo mis 4 principios, dando servicio en Food for life los dias sabados y asistiendo al curso de Bhaktas del templo los domingos.

Maharaj, me comentaron también que usted está o estubo enfermo, con dolores en el pecho, espero que ya se haya recuperado, le deseo mucha salud, espero que se recupere pronto, ya que usted es una gran personalidad y me gustaría volver a verlo y hablarle.

¡Mis humildes reverencias para usted Guru Maharaj!

Hare krsna

HpS - ASA -  TlgaSP!!!!!    Sr. David Leyton....  Muy bien oir de Vd.   espero bueno communicacion como puedo recordar a Vd!   La consciencia de Krsna es un viaje enterior.   Hay un enfermidad en la riaze de nuestra conciencia y tenemos que curar, eliminar?    El Libro KRSNA cada noche???

Saranagati Dasi Mexico Reporte de Sadhana y Dudas personales

11 years, 10 months ago by sarahii in Other

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Todas las Glorias a Sri Guru y Sri Gauranga!!!

Todas las Glorias a Usted!!!!

Querido Gurudeva por favor acepte mis muy respetuosas reverencias, segimos en la lucha: 4 principios,rondas, progrma para Sri Nitay Caitanya Candra y servicio fijo 2 veces por semana en la cocina de la deidad, hacemos Japa Joe cada que se nos es pocible obtener un poco de micericordia. 

Estamos celebrando el aniversario de los 40 años de la visita de Srila Prabhupada junto con Ratha Yatra y contamos con la visita de HG Malati DD a la cual gracias a su micericordia pude servir un par de dias, es un nectar poder escuchar de sus pasatienpos con Srila Prabhupada es muy inspirador.

Por otro lado el motivo por el cual le escribo es para informale sobre mi situacion desde hace un par de meses atras, el que lo aga hasta ahora es por que no savia como decircelo ya que yo nunca le avia expresado nada sobre esto a Usted la situacion es esta: desde meses atras queria pedir sus bendiciones ya que he estado relacionandome con un Devoto de Dallas dicipulo de HH Giriraj Swami Maharaja, el fue Brahmacari por 6 años el lo conocio a Usted en 2007  y ahora estamos intentando llevar una recion seria, Maharaja Giriraj Swami y las ahutoridades de Dallas  estan  deacuerdo pero yo  no podia dejar pasar  por alto el saver que piensa Usted acerca de esto? En verdad me apena tener que escribirle sobre esto pero es algo que no quisiera hacer sin sus bendiciones , ya que sin ellas el dicipulo no puede hacer nada.

Por favor perdone mi insolencia y mis ofensas 

Su aspirante a Sirviente Saranagati Dasi

HpS - ASA -  Jaya!    TlgaSP ! ! !          Muy bien oir de Vd.  Por que "me apena"???  No es algo raro.   Devahuti y Kardama Muni fueron casados y tiene buen hijo, Kapila!     Jaya.   Como se llama el estimado devoto?

Time link from TPP does not work

11 years, 10 months ago by Namacarya das in Other

from TPP: We’ve posted the article from the Encyclopedia Britannica on our website: www.jayarama.us/archives/time-brt.htm

ASA -  Drat!      AGTSP!    Your right.  It's not there, nor the KD sub-directory nor the Root directoy nor either of my two folders on my Hard Disk.  Well hope to find it int he course of Sankirtana!


Dear Guru Maharaja, PAMHO, AGTSP.

The link does not work.

Your servant Namacarya das

HpS - ASA - Thank you sooo much for telling us!