Estimado Hanumatpresaka Swami

12 years ago by Schwarzesteine in Other

Le escribo primero para contarle que haberlo tenido acá en Chile, y haber podido escuchar sus clases e instrucciones, fue para mi una gran fuente de inspiración y me permitió acercarme mucho más a las enseñanzas de nuestro querido Srila Prabhupada.

Y también le escribo porque, leyendo el libro "La luz del Bhagavata", me surgió una duda y necesitaba consultarle su opinión ¿Antes de venir al plano material estuvimos en contacto directo con Krsna? o nunca hemos tenido ningún contacto directo con Krsna anteriormente?

    HpS - ASA -  TlgaSP...  Pfanrh.   No hay tiempo como entendimos en esta nivel.  Antes, despues... todo es aqui, ya...   Hmmm.   Todos dicen es imposible entender la causa de nuestra caida sin advanzar mas a la plataforma donde pasa.   Pero como yo entiendo, si antes estuvimos en contacto con Krsna personalmente y utlizimos nuestra voluntud para relacionar con El por medio de Su energia exterior.  Siempre tenemos miedo.  Es cuasa de miedo. "Soy responsible para mis acctiones !!!".  Pero es hecho, entonces tenemos derecho sentir orgulloso de nuestra servicio.  No mal, pero bueno. I did something nice for Krsna.

También he estado leyendo algunos textos de Bhakti Tirtha Swami (Spiritual Warrior) en donde habla acerca de entidades que son capaces de entrar en los cuerpos de las personas, con el fin de poder disfrutar de las cosas materiales a través de los cuerpos de las personas que poseen. Mi pregunta es ¿Cómo puedo saber o identificar si una entidad ha entrado en el cuerpo de alguien? y ¿Existe alguna manera desde la perspectiva védica de expulsar esas entidades?

   HpS  -  COmo puede entender si hay otro persona en su casa?  Es la misma.  Puede ver que estas deseos no son de Vd.   Claro, tiene que ser alerta, no dormiendo en la casa ni tampoco la mente.  Y eso es la conciencia de Krsna!   Japa, arati, servicio, entonces es claro yo y otro.     Si, hay sistemas de exorcismo y unos devotos conocen, pero basicamente tomamos refugio de Krsna y bhakti yoga y estos mal espiritus se fue!

Espero se hayan entendido mis preguntas.

Además le cuento que he seguido cantando mis rondas firmemente, y me encargo todos los días de leer aunque sea un par de páginas de algún libro de Srila Prabhupada, tal y como usted me aconsejó.

Espero que se encuentre muy bien.

Hare Krsna!


Pablo Gallardo

                 HpS -  Moooo!    Chas gracias para el foto.  Ya puedo recordar a Vd.   Vd es psicologo, no?

Hare Krihna gurudev!!

12 years ago by yemila in Other

HARE KRISHNA , Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada y a usted Su santidad

Soy yemila de argentina , me dio refugio en chile , la ultima vez lo recuerda?

Bueno agradezco sus clases y caminatas , Me llego mucho la de las granjas ya que sinto un compromiso por esa predica que me parece fundamental. ..Como dijo que america latina era para eso,,(en otras palabras,no). Por eso me ayudo mucho este encuentro , ya que pude ver un poco  mas como  es la idea de que funcione, por eso pense que era bueno que estudie , para que haya intelectuales en ellas tambien y se abarquen mas aspectos..

Sueño con que america latina sea un gran abastecedor mundial  de prassadam jeje, sueño alto para el Gran Krishna ..Srila Prabhupada muestra eso no, en su biogafia..??..Bueno Gurudev , entonces para hacer bein las cosas , voy a empezar a estudiar cine , como le habia contado , que es algo que se puede utilizar bein para estas practicas. Y tambein pensaba hacer el bakty yastri con Patrak das por internet ,Usted que opina??

ASA -  Jaya!  TlgaSP!!   Pienso es bueno pero tiene que hacer con la asociacion de devotos locales. Y si hay un programa local es mejor participar en esta programa formalmente y asociacar con devotos como nosotros y Patrak Das inforlmalmente en sus estudios.

O es mejor que me vaya a algun templo a instruirme primero antes de empezar a estudiar ?

ASA - No se los detalles, posible uno o otro!   Canta Hare Krsna, pregunta de unos buenos devotos y toma un decision!

Tambein por favor gurudev si hay algun sistema planteado por iskom sobre las granjas me gustaria tomar mas informacion no solo para mi..hay entrenamientos practicos al respecto?

ASA - La unica que yo conozco es Mar de Plata y los devotos alla en Argentina!

Y Por favor si entendi algo mal digamelo, y si esto no es lo que debo hacer tambein deseo mal interpretarlo.

Espero que este bein de salud Gurudev..Syamasundara!!!

ASA - Bhaktin Yamila Ki Jai!                  Mas noticias de sus investigaciones.      Cuales una numero de contacto?  La hija de nuestra amigo, Oscar Natars, GRAN cinematagrfo, es en Argentina, bueno si puede hablar de Vd. acerca de cine y todo!


12 years ago by tcsd in Other

PAMHO     AGTSP...     Dear GM, In Chapter 15 of NOD about Spontaneous Devotional Service, I am wondering if there is another synonym for 'attractive' because I am not clear about how envious and fearful beings can be considered attracted to their object of envy and fear. Is the message in these paragraphs that being envious or fearful can be considered spontaneous attraction, however, they cannot be considered devotion, bhakti?

  Jaya!  -  AGTSP   paoho... Why is this so small?   Robot!    Yes, we are envious of Krsna because He gets all the best food first erc.     So we are attracted in envy.  Duryodhana got all the Ksatriyas together in one place at one time to hurt the Pandavas, Krsna's devotees, Krsna. He was empowered to do this "krsna anu silanam", empowered service to Krsna. He got them all in one place at one time so Krsna could finish off His mission of incarnation quicky, but it wasn't "anukulyena", it was "pratikulyena". First means with a CONSCIOUS intention to please Krsna, the second means wih CONSCIOUS desire to hurt Krsna.  This is "anyabhilasita sunyayam.." NOD 1.1.11.
It's cited in NOI.

The essential verse of the BRS (NOD)

Danurdhara Swami's "Waves of Devotion" gives so much detail with grafics to help understand the NOD, Sceicne of Devotion.

So these are not types of raganuga bhakti?

    HpS - No, this is like Karma-yoga.  Linking your passion to Krsna.

"The gopīs may be considered to be examples of spontaneous love in sensual attraction. The gopīs are young girls, and Kṛṣṇa is a young boy. Superficially it seems that the gopīs are attracted to Kṛṣṇa on grounds of sex. Similarly, King Kaṁsa was attracted to Kṛṣṇa because of fearfulness. Kaṁsa was always fearful of Kṛṣṇa because it had been foretold that his sister's son, Kṛṣṇa, would kill him. Śiśupāla was also always envious of Kṛṣṇa. And the descendants of King Yadu, due to their family relationship with Kṛṣṇa, are always thinking of Him as one of their members. All of these different kinds of devotees have a spontaneous attraction for Kṛṣṇa, in different categories, and they achieve the same desired goal of life. The attraction of the gopīs for Kṛṣṇa and the affection of the members of the Yadu dynasty are both accepted as spontaneous, or rāgānugā. The attraction of Kaṁsa to Kṛṣṇa in fearfulness and the attraction of Śiśupāla in enviousness are not accepted as devotional service, however, because their attitudes are not favorable. Devotional service should be executed only in a favorable frame of mind." YHS tcsd

         HpS - See...  the Gopis and Yadus are distinguished.  Kubja is attracted to Krsna in conjugal love to enjoy with Krsna.  LIke somebody who wants to gratify their lust with Prasadam, but will only take Praletsadam. Prabhupada says that we have to be careful because Krsna associates with this Shakti only some times, but with the service attitude conjugal Sakti, Laksmi, all the time.
But someone like Kubja who is attracted to Krsna as the Supreme candy will advance if She doesn't commit offenses.

Take Prasadam for lust and eventually you will think about Krsna and want to take Prasadam like the Cowherd boys have lunch with Krsna!


12 years, 1 month ago by Bhaktina Romi in Other
Dear Gurdeva
                        I hope your health keep improving and about the initiations have no hurt your body.
GuruMaharaja, you and Srila Prabhupada gave me the mercy, accepting me, you show me the way to serve. You give me the chance Gurudev, I can never bring back all the things you give me. I only want to stay attached to your holy lotus feet, fulfilling my promise, my life has change Krishna blessed me with your association. I have no word to reciprocate, all the things you give me. Dear Gurudev your discipline and your surrendering inspire me each step. I hope Krsna give me the intelligence and the mercy because of my wish, to be an atom of your holy lotus feet.
Thanks Gurudev for never let me fall.

your practicing of servant
Rati Mañjari Devi Dasi
 HpS -            Hare Krsna!!!   AGTSP   paoho.  Thank you for you letter, but actually we are 91% selfish embeciles.  Any good qualities that you see in us are very much the result of the tolerance and enthusiasm of Srila Prabhupada to use any idiot to accomplish his service.  Of course, you can also take advantage of his mercy directly and indectly and be useful.                Rati manjari Ki Jai!

Isvara Parama Krsna

12 years, 1 month ago by bhaktin angela in Other

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las glorias a Sri Sri Gouranga y Nityananda

Todas las glorias a usted Gurudeva

Mis mas respetuosas y humildes reverencias <img alt="smiley" src="" title="smiley" />

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja !!!!! las rondas van bien , se me complica terminarlas  pero al final del dia termino con las 16 rondas y cada dia trato de seguir mas estrictamente los 4 principios, perdone mis  ofensas por favor. <img alt="" src="" title="" />

Amado gurudeva  estos dias he estado orando a sri krsna para que esta humilde sirviente suya algun dia pueda complacerlo a usted, rogando para tener siempre apego a sus pies de loto y apego a sus instrucciones, mi unico deceo es complacerlo.<img alt="" src="" title="" />

Este domingo doy examen para entrar a la carrera de economia estoy estudiando <img alt="" src="" title="" />, de alguna menera siento que no debo tener apego al resultado y que solo dependo unicamente de Srimati Radharani y de Krsna, pido su misiricordia para poder complacerlos y cumplir con mis deberes prescritos no se que tenga preparado Krsna para mi, es una insertidumbre pero solo deceo servirle eternamente.<img alt="heart" src="" title="heart" />

su eterna sirviente apsara gopi devi dasi

              ASA - Jaya!            TlgaSP...    Si es un hecho...    Esforzamos con todo abilidad y tomamos refugio de Krsna para ser exitoso en nuestra esfuerza!     Mas importante que el contendio es el professor.   Busca buen profesors.

Hare Krsna!

12 years, 1 month ago by nitaysoares in Other

All Glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai!

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!


Hare Krsna Maharaja, 

Thank you very much for the last answer you gave me in the response of my last letter, I fell really blessed by my chance of having your association for a feww days in Santiago, I really enjoyed your classes and I was particullary interested in the academic preaching you showed me, I boughth some of the books you showed in your class and recently I picked then and they are a really interesting aproach for a diferent group of people. I have uncles and ants working as university teachers, and I'm really eager to show then some of the books I bought, maybe some time when you are in Brazil you may be willing to do a program in their university? 

I've been chanting my 16 rounds, following 4 principles, now I'm in US visiting my family, and visiting the temples in NY and the 26 2nd avenue. I'll be back in Sao Paulo friday.

I really hope you are felling rested and better from your health, hope to see you in US when you are here as well and hopefully you will let me have your mercyfull association, how can I check the dates from your tour? 

             HpS - ASA -  AGTSP!      paoho.   Calendar always ys updated at

If you don't mind would also like to ask something, hope not to botter you...

Talking to professors and cientists, once I got asked, "ok so the karma of someone decides some stuff in your life, but we genetically prove that some deseases pass genetically from father to son and so on, but let's assume that the karma puts you in the family with the desease in question, but what about the deseases like alcholism, or even some addictions that some people may have that are genetically stronger in one or in other? Some people are genetically inclinaded to be addicted to tobacoo but never smoked in their lives, but some will never quit smoking, so what is the role in karma in this cases?" 

  HpS it is hard to understand the exact lgic of the questions.  also the interent is bizaare here and we cannot read what we are typing until two minutes after we type it so many spelling mistakes.
Some times the inclinations from karma as expressed n the genes are very strong. We cant avoid them. Do we expect to find a "chaste" dog?  He/She is a dog, they will be FORCED to have sexual relatins.   In other situations, species, families, the impuse is not so strong so  we can control it by our free will some times or always.  Is this the question???

I really apreciate the time you get only by reading this, and hope i don't botter when writing to you... Hope to see you soon, and thanks again for everything!

Your aspiring servant,

Rafael Nitay- Sao Paulo Brazil

    HpS - Jaya!    It is n bother..   It is mery.  Other wisw we  only can go out on the street and join the 400 people moving aroudn the city cienter eating watermelon and getting ready for the wiskeu and rum this eveing!    More!!