Clases de BV ESpañol

9 years, 3 months ago by YugalaKD in Other

Hk Paoho

Mis reverencias Gurudeva

RESPECTO un BV español Sábado SE LE complica  LAD Y JAGAT podría Ser Lunes a las 7 PM es buena hora para Ud.? podría ser otro día si no puede, toca Revisar el C4, SEGÚN Las Guías que nos Envío, y AÚN Falta enviar las Guías del 5 y 6 de canto. 

Muchas gracias por su misericordia, 

Hari bolo!

Su hija Que Lo adora:

Yugala Kishora Dasi

HpS - Jaya. Hay otro post de usted. Voy a leer y responder alla a ambos.

Radhe Radhe Radhe!!!!!!!!!!!

9 years, 3 months ago by H.Rama in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Hare Krsna Maharaja

Happy Radharani birthday!!!!


Today I was seeing one Radharani´s photo of Vrndavan, Krsna-Balarama Mandir, is sooo pretty, sooo beautiful, the most big expression of love and care. I had never seen before, anyplace.

I have little to say, going on, but I have done my vrata of 16 rounds every day, I wish I can do always, soo good.

My days are very normal, trying to see the reality not the reflection. Of course, the Japa is the best help for the “normal days”.

Trying to take care of my sentimental heart, learning but happy.

The next week I will do some question.

I remember your person a lot of times Maharaja, is a gift had meet to you.

Yours, Budanath.


HpS - ASA -  Jaya, Hara!   Hare!!   Radhe!!!      She is very worried about what is happening to Krsna when She is not there to take care of Him, no?    Maybe She tells Subhadra to take care of Rama and Krsna when They have to go to Dvaraka because no one else will be there and They are so simple tht They will not be able to take care of Themselves.

Sita Reporting and Grhastha Ashrama.

Hare Krsna Gurudeva,

Please accept my obeisances and forgive my offenses,

All the glories to Srila Prabhupada.

First of all, I wanted to say that your arrival to Chosica was very helpful for many of us, I wanted to tell you that I will strive to develop the necessary qualities such as patience, punctuality and cleanness. About the initiation, I personally believe that is a difficult decision to make for some authorities because I am still young and somewhat immature, so this situation has encouraged me to improve faster, is not easy for me sometimes but I will try to do my best. I have started reading the Nectar of Instruction again, but this time in English!

HpS - ASA -- Then Hindi!

Moreover, I have a little doubt about your answer to my last letter, was about: duty, asrama and marriage. Being single has not been a problem for me all these years, and that’s principally because of the education I received from my parents and all the classes You Gurudeva! have given here in Chosica when I was a child, I remember that I felt that Your words were instructions for me and me spiritual sisters. So I have always tried not to disappoint You and my parents, and to be honest I think Sita Ram Lakshmana Hanuman have helped me in this process, I have like a pact with my father and is something like if someone tells me or asks me about marriage or something, I will have to answer that my father is making all the arrangements and any doubt about it could be answered by my father… I think it was something like that, fortunately I haven’t had the opportunity to say it. Well my doubt was about this, because I know marriage is my duty and is going to happen in the near future, but I don’t have idea about how is going to happen, I mean I am not planning to hang out with many devotees and then realize who is the right one, however some astrologers have told my father that there is no worry about my marriage, that there is no need about fixing my marriage with a devotee because is already done, something about destiny. So this has helped me to develop a confidence in Krsna, but still I have to say that this confidence is not completely sincere, but is more like afraid. Is this good?, are there some things that I must consider?... I am praying to Sita Ram, Krsna Balarama and Radhe Shyam to help me in this process.

HpS - ASA -- We, ASA, cannot say too much since we are all Brahmacari here in the ASA Comando, so you and your father, mother, brother... need to look for help from good Grhasthas. We all need Ashrama gurus. I can be a good Ashrama guru for Sannyasa candidates. Even then it is for a certain type of Sannyasis, American Sannyasis, if we want to get very specific.

Canakya pandita: Victory come from good advice and good advice comes from many counselorss.

Focus on your place in Sr​ila Prabhupada's, Lord Caitanya's, movement and then your Varna-ashrama requirements will follow easily. You can see, your father and mother have a relationship in terms of their service in ISKCON.

Also, this is Kali-yuga, so we should not expect too much perfection in our marriage situation. Best use of a bad bargain, but if we look at our partners as devotees this can be a lot of fun.

So, not putting too much faith in astrologers only, its Kali-yuga, I hope your parents, brother et al, can help making arrangesments for a nice Grhastha ashrama for you. There are many nice boys also looking for partners.


Next week is Radhastami, and there is going to be a painting contest, I hope I can do a good job painting her beautiful and spiritual form!

HpS -  If you are sincere She will let Her beauty pass through you. Even there are 25-winners that still would not be enough to give us a glimpse of Radharanis love for Krsna, no?

I hope not to disturb and I also hope You are fine!, que el Señor Nrsmha Deva lo siga protegiendo Gurudeva! Hare Krsna!

Su aspirante a sirvienta,

Sita Lalita devi dasi. 

HpS - Thank you!!!    Send us more news as you have time!

Hare Krsna Maharaja.

9 years, 4 months ago by H.Rama in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics, Other

Hare Krsna Maharaja!


I wish your days are perfect.

Tomorrow is Balarama Purnima, and this last days I have had thinking a lot about my vrata for Janmastami. Being honest, I think I should reconsider my votes. Since my last letter, I´ve being chanting sixteen rounds, prasadam, but is difficult for me follow all the vratas. The only I can say to Krsna-Balarama and to You is that I will try my best, but I will be strict with my sixteen rounds.

I think I will go to say this to Balarama, for Janmastami.

Thanks you very much for all.

Hare Krsna Maharaja.

My best wishes.


HpS - ASA - AGTSP....  Make a vow that you know you can keep for one month, until Radhastami. Do it for Radharani. She needs your help. Illicit sex can be reduced by worshipping the Deity. Buying nice clothes for Radha and Krsna.  Intoxicating by offering nice Bhoga to Krsna..

Ofrenda de vyasa puja,nunca enviada

9 years, 4 months ago by mangalanandadas in Other

Jaya Sri Vrindavana Dham

 Por favor gurudevaaa acepte mis reverencias.
 Acá estamos,por su infinita misericordia intentando servirlo . No se de que manera,ya que este año,fue desastroso,en cuanto al cuidado de apegos materiales,pero maravilloso en cuanto a realizaciones espirituales. Y todo por su misericordia. Entendí mil cosas. Y me quedan infinitas por aprender. Solo por su misericordia. Solo por sus pies de loto.Sinceramente no se ya que decirle,lo intento querer consigo hacer ni la mitad de las cosas que me pide y encima las hago mal,me angustia en demasia el no poder amarlo pero lamentablemente solo algunas veces... intento apegarme a usted,me cuesta muchísimo ya que mi karma material es pesado pero lo estoy intentando,fuertemente,no desistí,quiero que lo sepa NO desistí por usted,por que le devo  la vida,le devo su amor ,le devo todo.Que le puedo decir que no le haya dicho,que otros no le hayan dicho. Usted es el manantial cristalino,que purifica mi alma cada mañana. Con su instruccion.Japa,japa,japa,japa puedo decirle esto habiendo realizado lo que significa no seguir su instrucción y romper el contrato. Mi alma depende de usted sépalo,estoy a sus pies hasta que este cuerpo desaparezca.Aunque haya tormentas,vientos borrascosos,aunque el río fluya en direccion contraria ,estoy con usted aferrado a sus pies,aunque haya seguido,dejado de seguir,seguir a medias,aunque siga...En el futuro no se que pasara,pero...sus sagrados y misericordiosos pies ,no los suelto sépalo,sépalo,sépalo se lo repito gritándolo para que lo sepan todos por que mi ego es gigante y estoy orgulloso de tener un maestro como usted.
Sus cualidades son lindas,con su espada destruye mis anarthas,con su misericordia nos demuestra su amor. 
Acepte por favor mis reverencias a sus sagrados pies de loto.Su inconciente sirviente. Mangalanandadas
jaya Gurudeva
 Jaya Srila Prabhupada
Jaya Radhe Syam

jaya Sri Vrndavana Dham

HpS ... Mi Vida es casi la misma Como el suya, pero estoy mas viejo. Espeto vd puede aprender mas rapido que mi.

Fotos !

9 years, 4 months ago by Radha Japa in Other

Pamho Guru Maharaja .aqui le envio fotos de gopal , sus dibujos, algunas cosas que hace franco, le envio una foto de nityananda..franco queria que se la envie cuando este terminada.. pero.. como Usted dijo en bs as.. el momento es ahora.. despues no se sabe que va a pasar! Aun no tiene ropita..espero no estar cometiendo una ofensa??... y fotos de danza en el centro cultural Se que tengo que enviarle la gran carta que le envie, a este blog.. lo hare en breve.. me cuesta resumir tanto.. y debo darme tiempo para hacerlo bien.queria contarle que tras Su respuesta ..senti que los resentimientos qye tuve son tontos.. Tambien senti que mi corazon se lleno de mas amor y me siento muy bien ahora con respecto a esas pruebas que pase. Gracias por Su asociacion Guru Maharaja! Intentando complacerlo: Jp Radha dd.

HpS - ASA - Gracias a  Vd!!!  Adelanta rapido!