more on VEDA project

9 years, 2 months ago by Cakori Radha in Other

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!     yes, thanking him so much for coming to deliver us the way home

so, we are advancing nicely in the development of this institution... today a very nice friend came "as if send by Radha" and guide us about affiliations and examination boards.  we would like to make an affiliation with Radhadesh, maybe to have senior girls validate certain subjects for the Bs in theology?

HpS - ASA - Is very complicated. Probably all they would suggest is that your students can register for the on-line courses. Even Radhadesa is losing some of their accredidation because they have not got enough students.  The Headmaster of the Vrndavana Gurkula would know Prana Das and Rama-giridhari Das from Nava mumbai, ISKCON Ministry of Education and they would know the official position of Radhadesa, but it is hard to get in touch with them.

GBC meetings now in Pune? soon to be in Mayapur. we have big dreams... and we have this feeling pushing us that the money will come, we just have to make it nice and give our best.

HpS - Yes, is possible. Was possible to win the Battle of Kuruksetra.

We want to have a compleat educational and devotional program, very LUDIC and practical, which we want to become our key elements.


So today and yesterday we heard the name Prana das 5 times... we will contact him ASAP.

How can we contact Yadunandana Swami? Sesa Das? Devoteed from the texas gurukul?

HpS - Yadunandana Swami through the Radhadesa College. Sesa Das almost impossible. He has his family, GBC President, and Minister of Education. It is like trying to contact President of India.

are we going the right way? how can we know?

HpS - About 50% the right way. You can know byu letters like this.  Work more with the local educators, Gurukula, people for information.  Who are you partners in this project?

(our psycologist husband says we have a mild manic depressive case... and we think... yeah, it makes sence...childhood so frustrating, we became devotees young so it became little better, nice to have a goal in this world.... to try to get out of it!!!   not so much depressiveness this past 12 years, more maniac '@'  )

We are at your feet, Srila Prabhupada's mercy...

Cakori Radha Devi dasi.

HpS - Maybe the monkeys in vraja were manic depressives.  Has your good husband diagnosed himself?   Ha!   Ja!   Haaa!

Very urgent

9 years, 3 months ago by radhacaranadasi in Other

Radhe syam!!!

Agtsp Pamho Dear gurudev

Sorry for the urgent letter everything its going nice in vraj, our visa its getting I have to go out of vraj :0( next year.

Today a friend called me to tell me that Bhakti dhira Damodar swami will be giving initiations, so I wanted to ask you if you think it's possible to enter in the fire for the bramin diksa.

As you said before....more be prepared. The ceremony will be tomorrow at 8:00am if you are agree even that you know it's a big step for this burro.

Please Send me a short mail to show to maharaj that you are agree as same as paca gaura p.

This is my E-mail xxx  See you tomorrow japa!!!!! Ys Radha Caran

HpS - ASA -   Here is a copy of the letter we have sent to your indicated address with copy to Girivaradhari-gopal Das:


Esteemed Radha-carana Devi Dasi et al,

Of course, please take second initiation tomorrow. You must then contrive to get a printed copy of the Mantras and then some arrangement so that I can pass them to your right ear by telephone.

We had already discussed this along with Girivaradhari's second initiation and Tungavidya Prabhus letter.

Your humble servant,

Hanumatpresaka Swami


Haribolo. Budanath

9 years, 3 months ago by H.Rama in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics, Other


Pamho Maharaja, Hare Krsna.

I regret the delay, I had my head in a thousand places (mental). I had not sung my rounds (16) a few days, but I have targeted.

Sometimes I can hardly write, although I love, becouse my level is not very high, and only I have very normal questions I´ve heard many times but I exceed either. Or are incorrect questions or stories to a Vaisnava Sannyasi.

You know I am a very ordinary person with a good heart, no more.

These days I have had a personal realization. The other day I woke up at 7:30 to sing my rounds, I was very tired, and singing rounds I located what I felt like my union with atma, my atma and Atma(paramatma or spiritual platform, I think). I feltn the change in the circulation of energi, and I felt one individual consciusness, my self, and felt attached to a river of life. The energi going from the inside out, all around, a union like flowers and roots.

I was very happy becouse I felt that that was the same as over the death, or that I thought.

As always, thanks for everything Maharaja, for the blog, etc. Nectar.

Hare Krsna.


ASA - Wow!    Sounds like something out of Herman Hesse and "Siddhartha". Super. From previous lives, no?    In the middle of all these esoteric realities Srila Prabhupada's books seem more and more potent, no?  Long way to go!!!   Please go ahead!!!

Good news

9 years, 3 months ago by Guna Manjari in Other



Dear Guru Maharaja
We hope to be in good health, excuse our little communication with you. The purpose of this report is to tell an event that happened to us a few days ago; we passed by a house that had opened the door, Guna Manjari saw Deities of Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra (wasted and peeling paint), she told me and we returned us to see, was a woman who said her father owned we consulted a few more things and left. On Friday, September 4, we walked to make locomotion to the temple, when passing in front of the house, again we saw the open door  and approached fortunately was the homeowner who incidentally, has a restoration workshop antique furniture, so we asked for the Deities and told us that found in the demolition of a house 20 years ago. After telling his story with the Deities, we ask buy them and he agreed.
With this situation we feel very fortunate to meet the Lord in this way, we want to know what we do? Do we include in our altar of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai? Should we restore and paint the  Deities?

ASA - Yes, Yes, Yes!   And you should embrace Them in your heart and hope that they like staying in your house for a few days, then They may take you to Vrndavana with Them, no?

The other news is that, on Wednesday, September 9 received the keys to our new apartment. We are very pleased and grateful for the infinite mercy of Sri Krsna with us. We are already living in it. We invite you to our department when coming to Santiago, it is near the temple.

We hope you are fine.
Please accept our humble obeisances.
ss. Candrabhanu Das and Guna Manjari DD.

PS: A photo of The Deities and the other of us with the keys to the apartment.

HpS - Jagannatha lives in Jagannatha Puri!   Thank you so much for such nice letter.


no problems writing on the Blog (part 2)

9 years, 3 months ago by Namacarya das in Other

Dear Guru Maharaja, PAMHO.

You asked. " Do you hav​e Window's 10? We still have same problems."


Answer is: No, I work on a ancient machine which runs Windows 7.

Your servant Namacarya das

HpS - AGTSP!   Oh, dinosauro of Middle East, so nice to hear from you.  Maybe is Window's 10, conflict then.   We can live with it.   Just takes more work.  Guess it will be resolved.  This Blog is so nice.

What are you doing!!!?    Sankirtan.   No news.      You can see what we are doing (dying (Sankirtan)).

no problems writing on the Blog

9 years, 3 months ago by Namacarya das in Other

Hare Krsna dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

You asked " Anybody else experiencing problems writing in the Blog?   When we hit the Enter key, for example, it tosses us to the top of the page.   Hmmm?"


Here , for myself, Blog works as usual, nice and effective <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" /> 

Your servant Namacarya das

HpS - AGTSP.   Do you hav​e Window's 10?     We still have same problems.