Vyasapuja Offering

9 years, 1 month ago by pnd in Other

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Dear Gurumaharaja on this auspicious day I would like to thank you for inspiration to the devotional life.

Due to my bad working habbits I had serious difficulties with morning program in last years. Result of this and my harsh mentality is that I am in deep darkness. You are light, always reminding how important is good morning program and good rounds.

Only your excellent example of humbleness, unstoppable preaching and kindness is giving me hope that I could become better person by following your instructions and example.

You are always very mercifull to send some of Your disciples who are visiting Sridham Mayapur to meet. It is enlightening to speak with them and see how everybody resemble you in a different way. Longer time ago there was older devotee (forgot his name), but I remember he is carpenter (from Boise?). When we were speaking I felt you are just sitting next to me.

I am very thankful that you are always helping me from the darkness of ignorance and hopefully I will be able to cause you happiness one day.

This month I took leave from my TOVP service, so I can completely focus on finishing new version of vedabase.com. I am looking forward to present it to you when you come to Mayapur and hope you will love it.

Thank you for everything!

Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha Das (Czech, Mayapur)

HpS - I love you very much Prahlad nrsmha Das. You are a very nice person and I think you just have to make one simple rule in you life, like: "Get 16 rounds done before breakfast", or "Always go to Mangala arati"... Then everything else will get in line naturally from your good nature.

Aren't you going to have any kids?   What's the hang-up?   How long it take you to buy Audi!!

Happy Vyasa Puja!!!

9 years, 1 month ago by H.Rama in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other


AgtGuru and Gauranga!

Hare Krsna!

I am Budanath Das from the little mountain.

Happy Happy birthday, Vyasa Puja.

Forgive me not write before, this last weekend has been like hell, my fault.

I think I must be more serious, I think I'm starting to be very polluted with worldly mentality.

My gift for You is, be very serious with 4/16, not like now. I know that it is the best for me, but is the only important thing I can give to You. I will sent to You more news about be serious.

Hare Krsna!

hps - asa -   AGTSP   paoho.    Is almost 250 degrees farenheit, here in Cordoba, but we try to see these letters.   Must get up early to do the 16/4.

Vyasa Puja _2016

9 years, 1 month ago by dolores lalita chavez in Other




Hare Krsna GuruMaharaja:

En este día tan auspicioso, de la aparición de su personalidad, quiero agradecer su paciencia y misericordia en este proceso de Conciencia de Krsna. Por sus instrucciones tenemos claridad en los objetivos de nuestras insignificantes vidas y  poner empeño en nuestro servicio, el cual, a veces pareciera muy difícil y/o con obstáculos. Sin embargo, por su apoyo y empoderamiento podemos cumplir con algún programa de distribución de libros y/o permanecer constante en la preparación de ofrendas para sus señorías Sri Sri Radha Madan Gopal. Así como en el sencillo servicio de mantener el con algunos arreglos de flores, altar de sus señorías, que humildemente contribuimos para cumplir con este requerimiento.

También quiero recordar a Srila Jiva Goswami en su libro de Sri sandarbha tatva p.17

Explica que la novedad, apenas se considera una virtud en la tradición de la filosofía Brahminica de la India. Mucho más valor es la lealtad en una escuela de pensamiento. Una tarea de los filósofos de la India tradicional no era inventar nuevos esquemas de ideas. Más bien, cada autor se apega a lo que el fundador original de su escuela enseña.

En este caso, quiero enaltecer esta cualidad como Guru, de respetar la tradición y palabras de Srila Prabhupada, solamente comenta y aclara. Asimismo, la cualidad de depender del conocimiento revelado registrado en las escrituras estándar (sastras) y recibidos a través de líneas antiguas o sucesión discipular (guru-parampara)

Si uno tiene devoción pura por el Señor Supremo y la igualdad de devoción por el maestro espiritual, la inteligencia se amplía, y todo lo descrito en estos textos se revela a él (Svetasvara Upanisad)

Conforme ha pasado el tiempo hemos podido confirmar que, en nuestras vidas, con Krsna, se puede todo. Sin Krsna, nada se logra. Por su intermediación hemos sido objeto de una misericordia que nos ilumina para seguir nuestro camino, pues como se cita en la oración: nosotros nacimos en la más obscura ignorancia. Su ejemplo es motivación e inspiración para que nuestras almas aspiren a ser autorrealizadas y algún día morar en los terrenos de grandes almas, junto a Radharani, conservando el deseo de servicio.

El recorrido se hace más ligero porque sabemos que tenemos su apoyo, consejo y visión para nuestro propio bienestar, naturaleza y nuestra poca cualificación para una modalidad bondadosa. Ojalá Krsna lo conserve en buena salud y cuide de su bienestar.

Su inútil sirviente

Lalita Gopi Devi Dasi

HpS - Thank you very much.  We only hope that we have been of some help is making some steady ground in your efforts to preach Krsna consciousness to your family and community and professional relations. We hope this expands and in this life you see the beauty of Vrndavana Dhama.

On this auspicious day, the appearance of your personality, I want to thank your patience and mercy in this process of Krishna Consciousness. By instructions from you, we have clear objectives of our little lives and try to focus on our service, which sometimes seems very difficult and / or with obstacles. However, for your support and empowerment we can fulfill a program of distribution of books and / or remain constant in the preparation of offerings to  Sri Sri Radha Madan Gopal. As in the simple service of maintaining some flower arrangements, in altar of their Lordships, who humbly contribute to get this requirement.

I also want to remind Srila Jiva Goswami in his book Sri sandarbha tatva p.17

He explains that the novelty is hardly considered a virtue in the tradition of the Brahmin philosophy of India. Much more value is loyalty to one school of thought. A task of the philosophers of traditional India was not invented new schemes of ideas. Rather, each author adheres to what the original founder of their school teaches.

In this case, I want to praise this quality as Guru, to respect the tradition and words of Srila Prabhupada, only says and clarifies. Also, the quality of relying on revealed knowledge registered in standard scriptures (sastras) and received through old lines or disciplic succession (guru-parampara)

If we have pure devotion to the Supreme Lord and equal devotion to the spiritual master, intelligence is extended and everything described in these texts revealed to us (Svetasvara Upanishads)

As time has passed, we may be able to confirm that everything in our lives is possible, with Krishna. Without Krsna, nothing is accomplished. For your intermediation we have received mercy that enlightens us to go on our way, because as cited in prayer: we were born in the darkest ignorance. Your example is motivation and inspiration to our souls, to aspire to be self-realized and someday dwell in the land of great souls, with Radharani, conserving this desire to serve.

The route becomes lighter because we know that we have your support, advice and vision for our own well-being, nature and our low qualification for goodness mode. Krsna hopefully keep you in good health and look after your welfare.

Your useless servant

Lalita Gopi Devi dasi

January 11th !!!

9 years, 1 month ago by Sita Devi Dasi in Other

Hare Krsna Gurudeva.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!! Please accept my respectful obeisances to Your lotus feet!!!

First of all I would have to tell You that for me is very difficult to express myself and as a result any speech or offering coming from me will not enumerate all of Your transcendental qualities… however I feel like a need to glorify You Gurudeva as a Great and very Dear devotee of Sri Shyamasundara, just like the mantra we chant everyday that says that we offer our obeisances to Srila Prabhupada and our Spiritual Master because They are very dear to Krsna because They have taken shelter of His lotus feet; I personally believe that is the reason why I feel the way I do that is very rare in me having this thankless, selfish and envious nature.

Your humility, loyalty, sincerity and the expert way of preaching (depending of the person or the group of people) are just the principal qualities I admire most and for me is more than inspiring because not only shows you that this process works, it gives you the opportunity to meet devotees who have achieved the goal of their lives and their level of consciousness is just amazing. And Even living a life only trying to serve that kind of devotees makes your life worth.  

Please Gurudeva forgive all my offenses, I am still trying to make my mind my friend, to curb all of my bad habits, to improve my chant and principles mainly that need all my attention and concern!!!… if there is something else that I can do to help in the future or now please let me know and I will try to do my best! Hare Krsna Gurudeva and I wish You a wonderful Vyasa puja! Tomorrow!!!

Su aspirante a sirvienta,

Sita Lalita Devi Dasi


HpS - ASA --  Thank you for your association.   Canakhya Pandita says that our own senses become our worst enemies from the ages of like 18-25. Maybe is a little different for a young lady, but whatever enerrgy we can save from those battles is our asset for our whole life.

Thank you for your offering. We hope you get taken to Mayapura, Vrndavana...   We have had so much anxiety about this second initiation for you and your esttemed Mother. The obstacles that we seem to face seem terrible, but it seems there are many devotees working so sincerely to adjust these things, so we plan to perform the ceremony on the 1st or 2nd while we ar in Chosica. Then you can go on the altar and touch the lotus feet of Radharan, for whom you have been making garlands for so many years, then ....

Vyas-Puja Offering-2016

9 years, 1 month ago by raktak in Other

Namah Om Vishnu Padaya Krishna Preshthaya Bhutale

Srimate Hanumat Preshak Swamin iti Namine

I pay my respectful obeisances to His Divine Grace Srila Hanumat Preshak Swami Maharaj-who is very dear to Lord Shri Krishna, having taken shelter at His feet.

Please accept my best wishes on the occasion of your 68th Divine Appearance Day.

When Karmi people celebrate their birth-days, it does not make any sense, since they have no spiritual inclination and thus they implicate their existense more and more in material complexities, but in your case, please believe me that you should be proud of your devotional attainments, so celebrating your birth-day is a must thing, it gives to us, to the disciples, an opportunity to glorify the whole parampara through your transparent via medium, All Glories to your pure service to your guru Srila Prabhupad, kindly bless us that we may serve you with the same spirit.

When we say that you are our savior, it is not out of sentiments, it is real. Here is the reason:-We have the tendency to commit sinful activities because of our past conditioning, but always, either out of fear of chastisement from your side, or out of respect for you or for the fear of public blasphemy-they would say shame on you, what are you doing? disciple of such a nice Sadhu and look at your degraded actions, so you are always saving us, directly or indirectly.  A disciple can never pay to his guru for the gifts he receives from him, if he thinks so he is fool number one.

You are a very genuine Vaishnav and you are situated in your own glories, may the light of your pure character always be upon us, and thus we may aspire to follow you properly.

yours servant,

Raktak Das

HPS - AGTSP. paoho. we have very little  ability. we are in argentina with a machine that is 90% inefficient. thank you for your thoughts. we follow the four principles, chant our rounds and try to minimize our acts of stupidity. we have more purification before we can really be bhava bhaktas. the more we purify ourselves, the more others have the opportunity of pure association.