Ofrenda a Hanumatpresaka Swami en su Vyasa Puja 2016

9 years, 1 month ago by Bhaktina Romi in Other

AGTSP. PAMHO Gurudeva le envío aquí mi ofrenda y la de un devoto que me solicitó que se la haga llegar.

Nama Om Visnu Padaya Krishna Prestaya Bhu Tale 
Srimate Bhaktivedanta Swamin iti namine
Namaste Sarasvati deve gaura vani paracarine
Nirvisesa suñyavadi pascatya desa tarine

Nama Om Visnu Padaya Krishna Prestaya Bhu Tale 
Srimate Hanumatpresaka Swamin iti namine
Namaste Sarasvati deve gaura vani paracarine
Nirvisesa suñyavadi pascatya desa tarine

Querido Gurudeva:

        Amo a Srila Prabhupada porque usted me enseñó amarlo, intento servir en su misión porque usted sirve, cumplo con mis fotos de iniciación porque usted los cumple. Usted me enseño cómo es que un discípulo debe actuar y al mismo tiempo como un maestro espiritual debe hacerlo.

Todo lo auspicioso en mi vida, usted lo ha cultivado. Gracias gurudeva misericordia por su mirada dulce al entregarme mi japa de iniciación es ese el Samskara que siempre deseo recordar, esa mirada que me hace amar a Srila Prabhupada, servir a su misión y esforzarme en ser firme en mi vida espiritual. Gracias por aceptarme como su discípula y por confiar en mí a pesar de mis evidentes falencias no concibo la vida sin su presencia en cada una de mis actividades. Todas las Glorias sean al Parampara, Todas las Glorias sea a Srila Prabhupada, Todas las Glorias sean a Usted!!

Acepten por favor mis reverencia postradas a Sus Sagrados Pies de Loto.

Quien desea permanecer siempre bailando en el eterno Kirtan de Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Su Hija.

Rati Manjari Devi Dasi.

+++Ofrenda de Prabhu Mathura Hari (Jayapataka Swami)+++

Para Su Santidad Hanumatpreshak Swami:
Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias al polvo de sus pies de loto. Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!
Le escribe un insignificante sobrino espiritual discípulo de S.S. Jayapataka Swami para saludarlo en el dia de su Vyasa Puja y honrarlo según mi capacidad. Su sola presencia me permite ver el significado verdadero de vida espiritual y cuanto esfuerzo debo invertir aún para intentar volverme un devoto del Señor.  
Adoro sus clases y en particular la forma en que presenta el conocimiento vedico y la especial manera de hacer llegar a la audiencia al siddhanta final. Es evidente que sus acciones y sus palabras estan en total concordancia.  Tomo su ejemplo y aspiro a seguirlo para el placer de mi maestro espiritual,  de los devotos en general y para el placer de los Acharyas previos. 
Muchas gracias por su asociación de la cual no me siento merecedor pero que aún asi llega hasta mi persona de una u otra forma. 
Tenga Ud. un excelente dia de Vyasa Puja junto a sus queridos hijos espirituales y a todos los demas devotos del Señor. 
Lo saluda atentamente y cae a sus pies: Mathura Hari das
Buenos Aires-Argentina

HpS - AGTSP   Thank you for your kind thoughts. We are trying to let Srila Prabhupada use us and the faults that you see in us are probably real and the good qualities, Srila Prabhupada's mercy.  Thank you for your wonderful, wonderful, won, won, wonderful association in BsAs.    We hope to be more involved with you all in your preaching.

Ofrenda a Gurudeva, por Vyasapuja 2016

9 years, 1 month ago by anandamayadas in Other

Dear Gurudeva.

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias.

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

śikṣā-guruke ta’ jāni kṛṣṇera svarūpa

antaryāmī, bhakta-śreṣṭha,—ei dui rūpa

Hay que saber que el maestro espiritual instructor es la Personalidad de Kṛṣṇa. El Señor Kṛṣṇa Se manifiesta como la Superalma y como el devoto más grande del Señor.(c.c.adi lila 1.47)

ācāryaṁ māṁ vijānīyān nāvamanyeta karhicit

na martya-buddhyāsūyeta sarva-deva-mayo guruḥ

«Hay que saber que el ācārya soy Yo mismo, y que no se le debe faltar al respeto de ninguna manera. No hay que envidiarle, creyéndole un hombre común, porque es el representante de todos los semidioses.» (CC Ādi 1.46)

Dear Gurudeva, accept my humble obeisances All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I started this my humble offering, with these two verses of Caitanya Caritamrta, to glorify properly. This task will be a great purification for me. I've been looking for God since childhood, thanks to the books of Srila Prabhupada, I could find it in its original form.

Thanks to Srila Prabhupada know that Balarama is adi guru, and is manifested internally and externally. It manifests externally as the spiritual master, who is not an ordinary person. It is a fact that in this world and in this age of Kali especially that there are many impostors posing as Gurus and Guru are in various stages of enlightenment. All these concepts can generate discussions among the devotees, and it is for this reason that many take different directions.

In my particular case, I consider it a great fortune to have come to formalize my bow in the family of Srila Prabhupada. I am completely convinced that Srila Prabhupada is that great personality sent by the Lord Caitanya, who hoped the previous Acharyas to enable prediction of Lord Gauranga to spread the holy name all over the world, and that makes me very proud. I relate to Srila Prabhupada not only through reading his books, or in the worship of the murti, if not, I consider my strongest tie, which I have with him through his sincere disciple you. "No one comes to the Father except through the Son" and in the case of Srila Prabhupada through his representative, and my great fortune is that I have only a Guru who is a direct disciple of Srila Prabhupada.

My good fortune is that I have to you, as my beloved spiritual master. Now I have almost 15 years, as a formal disciple, and although I struggled a lot with my practices and votes, I can still stay close. It's not just sentimentality. You are a sincere and very dedicated to the mission of Srila Prabhupada disciple. His determination to execute sadhana for many years makes it one of today acharyas for vaidhi sadhakas. His impeccable character and detached from selfishness and vanity, shows the standard, we must purify our hearts catch up with the process. Its educational and academic spirit are becoming a true revolutionary in our society Iskcon.

Your child's soul, when it gets sensitive, or share time with other children, or simply when swinging on the swing. His charisma and power in conferences, always enlightening devotees, expert way to answer questions, and getting stronger instruction of Srila Prabhupada's books. His intense love for his disciples, always trying to be near them, to guide, to correct, to excite them. His indifference to worldly things or those that have nothing to do with Krsna.

Its so expertly similar treatment to all, well-wishers and opponents, and many divine qualities could write pages, and does not want to pass myself off as someone who knows too much, because no one can fully know the pure devotee. I have only mentioned some of their qualities, but of all those, a quality is very prominent, "humility" In the scriptures it is mentioned that "The more humble, more advanced" and You are living proof of that.

Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, no doubt. Srila Prabhupada is a bona fide representative of Krsna, he is our Acharya, no doubt. You wanted Gurudeva is a genuine disciple of Srila Prabhupada, no doubt and we have a connection with you, it behooves us to be genuine, not to lose that connection. Once I gave him a hut flower in the temple, and you dance very beautifully before Radha Madan Vihari, with flower in her danda. Although it is difficult to explain, my materialistic heart was conquered by his devotion. Please accept my obeisances again and accept me in the shelter of your your beautiful lotus feet.

                      His silly disciple Das Anandamaya

HpS - ........    ........     .................         By the mercy of the Spiritual Master even a dog can swim across the ocean. . . .    See you in  a few days. .... We have fought so many battles together...  Bigger ones to come.

Ofrenda de Vyasa Puja

9 years, 1 month ago by Bhakta Francisco in Other

Dear Guru Maharaja, please, if you wish accept my prostrated to the dust of His Lotus Feet bows.
You are like the sun, traveling tirelessly, bringing His light, a light of hope that illuminates the fallen souls of this world, transmitting to his knowledge and accomplishments in Krishna consciousness, explaining such a complex and complete science in a simple and easy to understand, knowing how limited are.
You tolerate long and endless trips surrounding himself with sinful, envious, lustful people who have the good fortune to understand that they have the wonderful opportunity to interact with a Vaishnava, a pure devotee, a saint, who only think every time how to get us This materialistic entanglement plunging us more in this illusory energy; Supporting schedule changes that disrupt both good rest, changes in climate, different food in each country and many other problems that can not even imagine and all, for our benefit, regardless of how uncomfortable as you continue to travel continues to tolerate !!!!
You educate us, with love, despite our stupidity, faults, and other offenses anartas corrects us with fatherly love that only wants the best for their children no matter how many inconvenience this will cause you taught us to be happy in Krishna consciousness with joy that every moment is manifested in his wonderful smile.
So, you are a role model, teaching not only with his words, also with their acts and every moment of his glorious life, shows us how to be a gentleman, a Vaishnava eternal servant of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krishna, a perfect Disciple, delivered faithfully to follow the order of his spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada.
Maharaja, thanks for letting me be part of your family, for my part, I honestly do not find a way to thank you for everything you do for us, I pray to You and Krishna to someday be able to be useful, in the way you choose.
Life after life, trying to serve his servant aspiring to disabled
Nandaraja das

HpS - __/\(o:)- _     Your association while we were in Buenos Aires was very inspiring. Please put service to ISKCON first. Let Krsna arrange everything else. Time to become a hero and die.

Querido Guru Maharaja, por favor, si Usted lo desea acepte mis reverencias postrado al Polvo De Sus Pies de Loto.
Usted es como El Sol, que viaja incansablemente, llevando Su Luz, una Luz de esperanza que ilumina a las caídas almas de este mundo, transmitiéndonos su conocimiento y realizaciones en conciencia De Krishna, explicando una ciencia tan compleja y completa de una forma sencilla y fácil de entender, conociendo cuan limitados somos. 
Usted tolera largos e interminables viajes rodeándose de gente pecaminosa, envidiosa, lujuriosa que no tiene la buena fortuna de comprender que, tienen la maravillosa oportunidad de relacionarse con Un Vaisnava, Un Devoto Puro, Un Santo, que solo Piensa a cada momento en cómo sacarnos de este enredo materialista que nos hunde cada vez más en esta energía ilusoria; Soportando los cambios de horario que tanto perturban el buen descanso, los cambios de clima, la alimentación diferente de cada país y tantos otros inconvenientes que ni siquiera imaginamos y  todo eso, para nuestro beneficio, sin tener en cuenta  cuanto lo incomoda, usted sigue viajando sigue tolerando !!!!
Usted nos educa, con amor,  a pesar de nuestra torpeza, faltas, ofensas y demás anartas nos corrige con Amor de Padre que solo quiere lo mejor para sus hijos sin importar cuantas molestias esto le cause usted nos enseña a ser felices en conciencia de Krishna con alegría, que se manifiesta a cada instante en su maravillosa sonrisa.
Así, Usted Es un Ejemplo a seguir, enseñando no solo con sus palabras , también con Sus actos y a cada instante de su gloriosa vida , nos muestra como es ser Un caballero, Un Vaisnava, un eterno sirviente de La Suprema Personalidad de Dios KRISHNA, un perfecto Discípulo, entregado fielmente a seguir la orden de Su Maestro Espiritual Srila Prabhupada.
Maharaja, gracias por permitirme formar parte de su familia, de mi parte, sinceramente, no encuentro la forma de agradecerle por todo lo que Usted hace por nosotros , oro a Usted y a Krishna para algún día tener la posibilidad de serle útil, en la manera que usted elija.
Vida tras vida, tratando de servirlo, su discapacitado aspirante a sirviente 
Nandaraja das

Ofrenda Vyasapuja 2016 - Alankrti Devi Dasi

9 years, 1 month ago by btna andrea in Other

"Nacimiento tras nacimiento uno recibe una madre y un padre, pero si uno recibe la bendición del guru y de Krishna, entonces conquista la energía material y regresa a Dios por medio de la adoración del Señor." 

¡¡¡¡Todas las Glorias a Sri Sri Goura Nitay !!!!
¡¡¡¡Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!!
¡¡¡¡Todas las Glorias y mis más sinceras y respetuosas reverencias a usted querido Gurudeva en el auspicioso día de su aparición!!!!

The year that happened was a very complex and intense physical, mental and emotional demands on all year.
Everything made me think I was running behind diamonds when all I found broken glass and stones were worthless ...
But behind all this there was something else, perhaps Krishna wanted desapegara me even more than the idea of ​​wanting to be foolishly happy, thinking that if I have this, that if I am in a different situation all better, eventually it is also an illusion to trap even this material world, and feeling almost on the precipice you Gurudeva appeared again and again, through dreams, messages that make you reopen your eyes and heart, that one stops and wonder I'm doing Krishna, where I want to run my life ... maybe want to always be on the edge of the precipice or prefer to be in a more stable and secure site serving Gurudeva Srila Prabhupada and to you.

In my heart of stone
I know there's a spark of sincere love for you
you melt even the hardest hearts
you transform even the stones in beautiful flowers
you care for each of us
if only we are useless disciples like me
they can not do much
they advance to a crawl
and that they have the qualities to serve as you deserve

A few weeks ago I had a beautiful dream ...
I walked the streets looking for my house, asking people if they knew how he could get there, but no one could give me an answer, went to a bank where they were all shouting and banging, I myself was beaten and was to defend myself, but I told myself that I do here wasting time and kept walking ... I went looking for my home and in the street I find four little monsters that cross my path and will not let me move, I do not know where I get a sword and short in half, go my way in the distance I see several devotees entered a house and run to where they are, they are preparing a big cake and decorate with garlands and flowers, were waiting for their arrival, they told me to take decorate these cookies, all were doing service cooperation, when we heard that you came to see me .... pulled down to give my obeisances while Jay Gurudev said !!! Alankrti you said to get up !!! and he gestured with his hand as if you were writing and tell me Escribeme ... being so awkward is that Gurudeva told him I had to study so much, I had so much to do ... and you looked at me like this world is Thus, the material world can be very hard and difficult, but was returning to say Escribeme ... (that was clearly his instruction) ... you were very happy to see us all and we were so happy to see him, one of the Gurudev said devotees want to know about the accomplishments he has had, eschucharlo want to share with you, having your partnership, we've missed you so much, she spoke of feeling we all had in our hearts that moment, all eyes filled with tears excitement and love, you also said that we want to sit down, sing and share so that sat and began to sing the Holy Names ...

If I want to be somewhere in the world it is here with you,
with devotees
with Srila Prabhupada
that's where you are my true home,
that is the refuge that have been searching life after life
It's right here where I wanna be.

"Oh Vaishnava Thakur, ocean of mercy! Have mercy on this your servant. Purifíqueme the shadow of his lotus feet. I humbly take their feet."
"Krishna is yours You are able to give it to me, because that is his power I am unfortunate and simply run after you screaming.. Krishna Krishna!".

I'm very lucky to have you as my spiritual master, I hope appreciate that every day, I thank Krishna for having put in my way Srila Prabhupada, thanks to him I met you dear Gurudeva, thanks to you my life has meaning and an address.
My obeisances again and again
Your aspiring servant Alankrti Devi Dasi

HpS - AGTSP.  Please write simple sentences and then put them into translate.google.com. You have so much to say. We want to hear it. Do you think that an ordinary person becomes a devotee? You are continuing this from a previous life. You were a monk (or maybe a monkey) in India and now you are here. Get to work. Don't be so confused by your environment. Girls need fathers, husbands and grown up sons. Ask Krsna to arrange that.

Ofrenda de Vysa puja

9 years, 1 month ago by abhiramdas in Other

Eternally grateful
Om ajnana-jana-salakaya timirandhasya jñana
Caksur one yena military tasmai sri-gurave namah

I was born in the darkest ignorance, and my spiritual master opened my eyes with the torch of knowledge, to him I offer my respectful obeisances.
Om Nama Krishna-Vishnu-padaya presthaya bhu-tale
Srimate Hanumatpresaka-iti suamin namine

I offer my respectful obeisances to His Holiness Swami Hanumatpresaka who is very dear to Lord Krishna because they took refuge in His lotus feet.
Dear and Respected Gurudeva, on this glorious day of your Vyasa puja and glorification to Parampara humbly bow down to you and I offer my respectful obeisances.
The first verse of our daily invocations, 90 minutes before sunrise says "The spiritual master receives the blessing of the ocean of mercy. Just as a cloud pours water on a forest fire to extinguish, the spiritual master delivers the afflicted extinguishing material world the blazing fire of material existence. I offer my respectful obeisances to the lotus feet of the spiritual master, who is an ocean of auspicious qualities. "
You are evident in many auspicious qualities, so let me at this day of Glorious Appearing mention some of them.
Determined and detached: the first time I attended one of his lectures went with several devotees had some musical instruments, and some other mothers prasadam books, everything was fine except that no one came to the auditorium. I remember that after several minutes appeared Dr. Bazan and brought a guest, the architect Walter Leon. But you gave a lecture as if the audience was filled Ricardo Palma, that surprised me and showed me clearly that you are fully determined and detached in service to Srila Prabhupada because he can attend one or many people like you with enthusiasm and so expert submits the message of Lord Caitanya.
Humble Intelligent and Honest: in recent conversations with Dr. Ramón Mujica (National Director of the National Library of Peru) asked who appreciates more in you and he told me "He understands what he wants, has its clear concept maps and knows transmitting them with humor, that makes it an attractive person, but it has not done or proud or arrogant, when one is easy to realize that it is very insightful and genuinely humble. At another point, Dr. Eduardo Gastelumendi (president of the Peruvian Society of Psychoanalysis) mentioned "these days to find people who are intelligent and honest, while it is difficult but finding a scholar and academic completely honest as Hanuman Swami is very difficult, I wish there were more like him, I think thanks to providence know him. "

Dear Gurudeva and Hanumatpresaka is "Hanuman was sent by the Lord Ramachandra to give his ring to Sita Devi", similarly You are: an envoy of Srila Prabhupada to expand and develop their sankirtana mercy and please Lord Nityananda and Lord Caitanya.

Guru Maharaja, you are indispensable in our lives, the perfect example inspires us and helps enthusiastically practicing spiritual life, so, let me offer my eternal gratitude, thank you for waking up and encourage us to develop our relationship with Krishna (sambandha) and and act according to that relationship (abhidheya), to finally reach the ultimate goal (prayojana).

Gurudeva with utmost sincerity that I have I ask pardon and forgiveness for all my sins. I am a clumsy disguise of good intentions, but I have faith in the chanting of the holy names so I try to keep in mind the most precious instructions: Get up early and sing 16 good rounds.
S. S. Hanumatpresaka Swami Maharaja ki Jaya !!
Srila Prabhupada ki Jaya !!
Gaura Nitai premanande. Haribol !!
Hare Krishna Gurudeva, his insignificant disciple, Abhiram das Thakur. Callao, January 11, 2016

Thank you ARTD. Your work is so, so, very wonderful. You could do so many other things, but you have dedicated so much to Srila Prabhupada's service without proper compensation. We are in Cordoba. Almost dying from the heat, but we keep our little ife going. We are trying to give people the nectar of Srila Prabhupada's consciousness, Radha Krsna, happiness.
We hope we can do it together forever. We hope we can be with you in Mayapura very, very soon.

Vyasa Puja Offering

9 years, 1 month ago by Candrarekha Devi Dasi in Other

All glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
All glories to his Holiness Swami Hanumatpresaka

Dear Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeisances
On this day of your Vyasa Puja, it really is very difficult to express what my heart feels, have been very fortunate to receive the mercy of Krsna to be able to have your company on this important date, because you have been a mainstay in my little progress in Krishna consciousness and to see life from another perspective.

Although I am not a qualified soul, I offer my prayers, my good wishes to you on this day, that Krsna always take care of your health, keep your heart filled with much happiness.

I would also like to thank his cute loving gesture always be available to educate through their answers to my questions, to guide me in the best way in this path of Krishna consciousness, to be an example to me every day, just with power  or listen to you, I have been taught to be more tolerant, to learn more qualified persons, to accept my mistakes, to accept that we can´t flee start from the duties in this life, thanks for helping soul to see all souls as equal, no one is more than another, that we have to be love between us, we must accept ourselves with our virtues and our defects and achieve great triumphs together as devotees. Thanks for helping me to always keep my feet on the ground, and I never forget my position as my duty, thanks for always encouraging me to everything that can happen has a solution and see which is great merciful arrangement of Krishna.
In short, and I sincerely believe that I could never stop thanking every selfless gesture on your part, this makes me feel a great debt to you that one day I hope to give back in some way.

Apologizing for any offense and my little english, and I wishing, you have always wonderful achievements in the company of Krsna, I pray to lordships, for someday to please him with my services, and to be a better disciple for you.

Happy Vyasa-Puja

Your aspiring servant
Candrarekha Devi Dasi ( Santiago - Chile)

HpS - Jaya.  Put in more paragraph breaks in your letters. They are perfect. Write more. Write more. Write more!!!   Become a poet like a network of lightning in the beautiful monsoon sky.