Ofrenda de Vysa puja

8 years, 11 months ago by abhiramdas in Other

Eternally grateful
Om ajnana-jana-salakaya timirandhasya jñana
Caksur one yena military tasmai sri-gurave namah

I was born in the darkest ignorance, and my spiritual master opened my eyes with the torch of knowledge, to him I offer my respectful obeisances.
Om Nama Krishna-Vishnu-padaya presthaya bhu-tale
Srimate Hanumatpresaka-iti suamin namine

I offer my respectful obeisances to His Holiness Swami Hanumatpresaka who is very dear to Lord Krishna because they took refuge in His lotus feet.
Dear and Respected Gurudeva, on this glorious day of your Vyasa puja and glorification to Parampara humbly bow down to you and I offer my respectful obeisances.
The first verse of our daily invocations, 90 minutes before sunrise says "The spiritual master receives the blessing of the ocean of mercy. Just as a cloud pours water on a forest fire to extinguish, the spiritual master delivers the afflicted extinguishing material world the blazing fire of material existence. I offer my respectful obeisances to the lotus feet of the spiritual master, who is an ocean of auspicious qualities. "
You are evident in many auspicious qualities, so let me at this day of Glorious Appearing mention some of them.
Determined and detached: the first time I attended one of his lectures went with several devotees had some musical instruments, and some other mothers prasadam books, everything was fine except that no one came to the auditorium. I remember that after several minutes appeared Dr. Bazan and brought a guest, the architect Walter Leon. But you gave a lecture as if the audience was filled Ricardo Palma, that surprised me and showed me clearly that you are fully determined and detached in service to Srila Prabhupada because he can attend one or many people like you with enthusiasm and so expert submits the message of Lord Caitanya.
Humble Intelligent and Honest: in recent conversations with Dr. Ramón Mujica (National Director of the National Library of Peru) asked who appreciates more in you and he told me "He understands what he wants, has its clear concept maps and knows transmitting them with humor, that makes it an attractive person, but it has not done or proud or arrogant, when one is easy to realize that it is very insightful and genuinely humble. At another point, Dr. Eduardo Gastelumendi (president of the Peruvian Society of Psychoanalysis) mentioned "these days to find people who are intelligent and honest, while it is difficult but finding a scholar and academic completely honest as Hanuman Swami is very difficult, I wish there were more like him, I think thanks to providence know him. "

Dear Gurudeva and Hanumatpresaka is "Hanuman was sent by the Lord Ramachandra to give his ring to Sita Devi", similarly You are: an envoy of Srila Prabhupada to expand and develop their sankirtana mercy and please Lord Nityananda and Lord Caitanya.

Guru Maharaja, you are indispensable in our lives, the perfect example inspires us and helps enthusiastically practicing spiritual life, so, let me offer my eternal gratitude, thank you for waking up and encourage us to develop our relationship with Krishna (sambandha) and and act according to that relationship (abhidheya), to finally reach the ultimate goal (prayojana).

Gurudeva with utmost sincerity that I have I ask pardon and forgiveness for all my sins. I am a clumsy disguise of good intentions, but I have faith in the chanting of the holy names so I try to keep in mind the most precious instructions: Get up early and sing 16 good rounds.
S. S. Hanumatpresaka Swami Maharaja ki Jaya !!
Srila Prabhupada ki Jaya !!
Gaura Nitai premanande. Haribol !!
Hare Krishna Gurudeva, his insignificant disciple, Abhiram das Thakur. Callao, January 11, 2016

Thank you ARTD. Your work is so, so, very wonderful. You could do so many other things, but you have dedicated so much to Srila Prabhupada's service without proper compensation. We are in Cordoba. Almost dying from the heat, but we keep our little ife going. We are trying to give people the nectar of Srila Prabhupada's consciousness, Radha Krsna, happiness.
We hope we can do it together forever. We hope we can be with you in Mayapura very, very soon.

Vyasa Puja Offering

8 years, 11 months ago by Candrarekha Devi Dasi in Other

All glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
All glories to his Holiness Swami Hanumatpresaka

Dear Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeisances
On this day of your Vyasa Puja, it really is very difficult to express what my heart feels, have been very fortunate to receive the mercy of Krsna to be able to have your company on this important date, because you have been a mainstay in my little progress in Krishna consciousness and to see life from another perspective.

Although I am not a qualified soul, I offer my prayers, my good wishes to you on this day, that Krsna always take care of your health, keep your heart filled with much happiness.

I would also like to thank his cute loving gesture always be available to educate through their answers to my questions, to guide me in the best way in this path of Krishna consciousness, to be an example to me every day, just with power  or listen to you, I have been taught to be more tolerant, to learn more qualified persons, to accept my mistakes, to accept that we can´t flee start from the duties in this life, thanks for helping soul to see all souls as equal, no one is more than another, that we have to be love between us, we must accept ourselves with our virtues and our defects and achieve great triumphs together as devotees. Thanks for helping me to always keep my feet on the ground, and I never forget my position as my duty, thanks for always encouraging me to everything that can happen has a solution and see which is great merciful arrangement of Krishna.
In short, and I sincerely believe that I could never stop thanking every selfless gesture on your part, this makes me feel a great debt to you that one day I hope to give back in some way.

Apologizing for any offense and my little english, and I wishing, you have always wonderful achievements in the company of Krsna, I pray to lordships, for someday to please him with my services, and to be a better disciple for you.

Happy Vyasa-Puja

Your aspiring servant
Candrarekha Devi Dasi ( Santiago - Chile)

HpS - Jaya.  Put in more paragraph breaks in your letters. They are perfect. Write more. Write more. Write more!!!   Become a poet like a network of lightning in the beautiful monsoon sky.

Vyasapuja Offering

8 years, 11 months ago by pnd in Other

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Dear Gurumaharaja on this auspicious day I would like to thank you for inspiration to the devotional life.

Due to my bad working habbits I had serious difficulties with morning program in last years. Result of this and my harsh mentality is that I am in deep darkness. You are light, always reminding how important is good morning program and good rounds.

Only your excellent example of humbleness, unstoppable preaching and kindness is giving me hope that I could become better person by following your instructions and example.

You are always very mercifull to send some of Your disciples who are visiting Sridham Mayapur to meet. It is enlightening to speak with them and see how everybody resemble you in a different way. Longer time ago there was older devotee (forgot his name), but I remember he is carpenter (from Boise?). When we were speaking I felt you are just sitting next to me.

I am very thankful that you are always helping me from the darkness of ignorance and hopefully I will be able to cause you happiness one day.

This month I took leave from my TOVP service, so I can completely focus on finishing new version of vedabase.com. I am looking forward to present it to you when you come to Mayapur and hope you will love it.

Thank you for everything!

Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha Das (Czech, Mayapur)

HpS - I love you very much Prahlad nrsmha Das. You are a very nice person and I think you just have to make one simple rule in you life, like: "Get 16 rounds done before breakfast", or "Always go to Mangala arati"... Then everything else will get in line naturally from your good nature.

Aren't you going to have any kids?   What's the hang-up?   How long it take you to buy Audi!!

Happy Vyasa Puja!!!

8 years, 11 months ago by H.Rama in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other


AgtGuru and Gauranga!

Hare Krsna!

I am Budanath Das from the little mountain.

Happy Happy birthday, Vyasa Puja.

Forgive me not write before, this last weekend has been like hell, my fault.

I think I must be more serious, I think I'm starting to be very polluted with worldly mentality.

My gift for You is, be very serious with 4/16, not like now. I know that it is the best for me, but is the only important thing I can give to You. I will sent to You more news about be serious.

Hare Krsna!

hps - asa -   AGTSP   paoho.    Is almost 250 degrees farenheit, here in Cordoba, but we try to see these letters.   Must get up early to do the 16/4.

Vyasa Puja _2016

8 years, 12 months ago by dolores lalita chavez in Other




Hare Krsna GuruMaharaja:

En este día tan auspicioso, de la aparición de su personalidad, quiero agradecer su paciencia y misericordia en este proceso de Conciencia de Krsna. Por sus instrucciones tenemos claridad en los objetivos de nuestras insignificantes vidas y  poner empeño en nuestro servicio, el cual, a veces pareciera muy difícil y/o con obstáculos. Sin embargo, por su apoyo y empoderamiento podemos cumplir con algún programa de distribución de libros y/o permanecer constante en la preparación de ofrendas para sus señorías Sri Sri Radha Madan Gopal. Así como en el sencillo servicio de mantener el con algunos arreglos de flores, altar de sus señorías, que humildemente contribuimos para cumplir con este requerimiento.

También quiero recordar a Srila Jiva Goswami en su libro de Sri sandarbha tatva p.17

Explica que la novedad, apenas se considera una virtud en la tradición de la filosofía Brahminica de la India. Mucho más valor es la lealtad en una escuela de pensamiento. Una tarea de los filósofos de la India tradicional no era inventar nuevos esquemas de ideas. Más bien, cada autor se apega a lo que el fundador original de su escuela enseña.

En este caso, quiero enaltecer esta cualidad como Guru, de respetar la tradición y palabras de Srila Prabhupada, solamente comenta y aclara. Asimismo, la cualidad de depender del conocimiento revelado registrado en las escrituras estándar (sastras) y recibidos a través de líneas antiguas o sucesión discipular (guru-parampara)

Si uno tiene devoción pura por el Señor Supremo y la igualdad de devoción por el maestro espiritual, la inteligencia se amplía, y todo lo descrito en estos textos se revela a él (Svetasvara Upanisad)

Conforme ha pasado el tiempo hemos podido confirmar que, en nuestras vidas, con Krsna, se puede todo. Sin Krsna, nada se logra. Por su intermediación hemos sido objeto de una misericordia que nos ilumina para seguir nuestro camino, pues como se cita en la oración: nosotros nacimos en la más obscura ignorancia. Su ejemplo es motivación e inspiración para que nuestras almas aspiren a ser autorrealizadas y algún día morar en los terrenos de grandes almas, junto a Radharani, conservando el deseo de servicio.

El recorrido se hace más ligero porque sabemos que tenemos su apoyo, consejo y visión para nuestro propio bienestar, naturaleza y nuestra poca cualificación para una modalidad bondadosa. Ojalá Krsna lo conserve en buena salud y cuide de su bienestar.

Su inútil sirviente

Lalita Gopi Devi Dasi

HpS - Thank you very much.  We only hope that we have been of some help is making some steady ground in your efforts to preach Krsna consciousness to your family and community and professional relations. We hope this expands and in this life you see the beauty of Vrndavana Dhama.

On this auspicious day, the appearance of your personality, I want to thank your patience and mercy in this process of Krishna Consciousness. By instructions from you, we have clear objectives of our little lives and try to focus on our service, which sometimes seems very difficult and / or with obstacles. However, for your support and empowerment we can fulfill a program of distribution of books and / or remain constant in the preparation of offerings to  Sri Sri Radha Madan Gopal. As in the simple service of maintaining some flower arrangements, in altar of their Lordships, who humbly contribute to get this requirement.

I also want to remind Srila Jiva Goswami in his book Sri sandarbha tatva p.17

He explains that the novelty is hardly considered a virtue in the tradition of the Brahmin philosophy of India. Much more value is loyalty to one school of thought. A task of the philosophers of traditional India was not invented new schemes of ideas. Rather, each author adheres to what the original founder of their school teaches.

In this case, I want to praise this quality as Guru, to respect the tradition and words of Srila Prabhupada, only says and clarifies. Also, the quality of relying on revealed knowledge registered in standard scriptures (sastras) and received through old lines or disciplic succession (guru-parampara)

If we have pure devotion to the Supreme Lord and equal devotion to the spiritual master, intelligence is extended and everything described in these texts revealed to us (Svetasvara Upanishads)

As time has passed, we may be able to confirm that everything in our lives is possible, with Krishna. Without Krsna, nothing is accomplished. For your intermediation we have received mercy that enlightens us to go on our way, because as cited in prayer: we were born in the darkest ignorance. Your example is motivation and inspiration to our souls, to aspire to be self-realized and someday dwell in the land of great souls, with Radharani, conserving this desire to serve.

The route becomes lighter because we know that we have your support, advice and vision for our own well-being, nature and our low qualification for goodness mode. Krsna hopefully keep you in good health and look after your welfare.

Your useless servant

Lalita Gopi Devi dasi