
8 years, 8 months ago by Sundari Radhika in Other


HpS - Monkey Piggy. Yes, we are here, but yes a little slow.


8 years, 8 months ago by H.Rama in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other




Greetings Maharajá, Hare Krsna.

I am Budanath das, from the little mountain.

I hope you are good in all aspects, I'm fine.

These last days my sadhana has been good

Thank you very much for your advices

Maharaja, I would like to tell you something of my days, and ask a question.

When I think about being aware of Krsna, see everything and everyone as part of Krsna, even I, it comes to my mind be a "das anu das", and that helps me not to get involved physically with people or objects, without pride, but in the end I become agitated, and I can not concentrate because of the variety that I observe, or that's what I speculum, but today came out of my heart a mental image of Paramatma that said to me, that everything is him, and I do not have to part company from him, as I watch the variety ... resting on him?

Is a correct vision?

HpS - ASA -- It is a little bit complicated question. Basically we have to see the variety but NOT forget the integrity, Paramatma, AND see the Integrity but not forget the variety. Our goal is to see how everyone can SERVE Krsna. Everyone. Then we will see it in a more intimate way as the family life of Vraja as we advance. In MaDHYMA ADHIKARI stage this is not possible so we have to: Love God, be friends to the devotees, help the innocent and avoid the demons.

I am reading and seeing Youtube classes. Introduction of SB 1, and the liberation of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya,CC 2.6, from the lectures from olds TPP-CB. Also I´m writing somethings.

Thanks you very much for all Maharaja. I saw your class of Vrndavan about Indra and Brihaspati, sooo nice see you, and listen to you.

Yours, Budanath das.


HpS - Can you send some more biography of yourself? !

Hare Krsna Gurudev

8 years, 8 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Gurudev, Hope you are good in health.

    There were lots of things in my mind during stay in Vrndavana with you.  

    We all normally get many instructions from you, your lectures, your quotes,
    but if a pupil gets a personal blessing from spiritual master, Pupil treasures
    that and keeps it in his heart for forever. And it benefits disciples,
    specifically in bad situation.

    If we just follow your instructions and serve Srila Prabhupada, then at the end,
    you are going to take us all back home, back to Godhead, where we would be able
    to talk and play with Krsna. Correct ?

HpS - We are just presenting ourselves as servant of Srila Prabhupada. We have posted our Guru-tattva ideas on the web-page no. Our instruction is to accept Srila Prabhupada as he is living and communicating himself at this actual time in his books. In the NOI he says that if we finish chanting our prescribed number of rounds we will be elevated to the stage of Uttama adhikari. Maybe at that stage you will discover that you are an eternal associate of Lord Narayana or Varaha or Prsna0garbha or...  Sri Krsna. O.K., at that stage you can figure out the higher details.  It was very nice being with you in Braja.  Dr. Samaresh talks about your service and character a lot. More programs.   Very nice to see Pune. Thank you!!

    We all are practicing but we are not knowledgeable. so you words, instructions
    matters a lot for us.

    While, stay with you, we realized that your life is so perfectly organized for Krsna.
    You had perfect time for waking up, for japa, for bath, for the communication and then
    you left for Krsna's wish.

    i am very proud of being your disciple, will keep my given promise till the
    end of life. Need your blessings so that we can make a little for Radha-Krsna.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das


8 years, 8 months ago by Carlos Rold in Other


Words to my Lord: Sri Krsna, my heart is full of contradictory desires and my mind is full of suffering. I just cannot go out from this material entanglement that I've created for myself because of ignorance. Just only You, my Eternal Lord, can take me out of this miserable condition.

I wish with all my being that one day my Lord Krsna, through the mercy of the person whom I desire for spiritual instructor, allow me understand and make it real in my inner self this now I just wrote. 

My hope is that you, Guru Maharaj, teach me how can I get approach to Krsna and maybe someday I will be able to understand how to love and to serve the Supreme Being properly. Please, I beg you, remember about me through the coming time and, plaese, talk to Krsna about me and my family, we all here wanna be accepted for our Lord as His servants.

Everyday I think of Krsna and Srila Prabhupada. And everyday I think about your person, Guru Maharaj. Everyday I say your name in my prayers, I do this without your permission, it is ok ? please, forgive me, but it is one way that I can feel connected with you.

Infinite thanks to you. I'm deeply grateful for this opportunity that you have given me with your first instructions.

All blessings to you, your disciples and any people around you...

Your aspiring disciple and servant, 
Carlos Rold.


8 years, 8 months ago by Carlos Rold in Other


Personal conclusion statements

I am not this body, nor niether all the bodies where I lived once since immemorial time. 

I'm so tired of staying holed up in a house fighting with maya. Today I know my condition is due to karma I have accumulated in this life and past lives, are the consequences of so many mistakes I've made, also are product originated with actions through which so many people I damaged once. But I have to resolve this material entanglement where I am and thus set myself free of all death and birth. Some day I will can serve adequately my Lord, only thanks to His mercy.

Maya strength is such that can dominate the mind completely. The mind leads fake ego from illusion to illusion, that's why it is so important set the mind on the appropriate level of consciousness and this is the ultimate goal of any search, Krsna Consciousness; if we do not make the effort to set our mind on Krsna every time, we will falling again and again into the darkness of the material entanglement.

Our most important activity should be a constant practicing to train the mind. This is the ultimate goal of any attempt to dominate the mind, spoken by many yogis since the beginning of the ages and so fashionable today in mouths of so many fake prophets who speak of mastering the mind, but without indicating the suitable way to carry out the process, without indicating the right object of our attention. We must strive to work with our attentional energy so that we can make Krsna the object of our senses, the goal of all activity for small it could be, in the meaning of our lives, we must direct to Krsna each one of our actions, even getting up in the morning and at bedtime, showering, brushing teeth, drink water and eat, study and work, etc., all  our activities to be closer and more close of Krsna, trying hard always to respect at least the 4 regulative principles. Our routine should be taken as a way to restore the original position and transcendental activity of the living entity: serving eternally the Supreme Being.

If we do not connect with the appropriate level of consciousness is the fake ego who suffers and drag the soul into the darkness of transitory material life and may even lose the opportunity wich represents this human existence in particular.

If maya it ain't playing to my favor yet, is just because I keep dragging impurities in my mind and doing offenses and I do not realize.

"...mind is the cause of captivity and mind is the cause of liberation... the mirror of mind will be cleaned up..."


now, will come the last one


8 years, 8 months ago by Carlos Rold in Other

All the glories to you, all the blessings to you, Guru Maharaj...

Many many thanks for your desire about the Nobel Prize... really you've done me laugh too much!!!!  was so funny!!!   I'm not a genius, but in fact the opposite...

So, as you asked me, I will send the letter in 3 smaller parts. Here I go with the firs one:


Then now I will share some of his teachings that have been very usefull to me over the past few months:

Once he told his disciples in San Francisco, while walking one morning by the Golden Gate Park: "...those who want to see God, must first have the qualities to can see Him. They must be purified. As the clouds covering the sun now, ordinary people think, 'oh! the sun has not come out'. But the sun is there, our eyes are covered..." Using the same metaphor of the sun, commenting on the teachings of Lord Kapiladeva, Srila Prabhupada states: "...the Absolute Truth is like the sun, which comes out for all to see. The sun does not hide, but we can try to hide ourselves from the sun closing the doors. To see the sun, we have to open the door. By the same way, Krsna is there, God is there..."

"...living entities are controlled by their previous actions ..."

"You can say who is God only in 5 words: Krsna is the Supreme Controller. If you are convinced of this and preach enthusiastically, success will be assured and you will be giving the greatest service to all living entities..." This is why a devotee has to understand vedic philosophy, he has to be prepared to answer any question.

With respect to some of his disciples had returned to their former way of life, materialistic, Prabhupada tries to find those sincere souls who would remain, that was the important thing, he said: "a moon worth more than many stars".

About the importance of practicing austerity: "...a devotee, accepting what nature provides, use his time and energy in spiritual life... the city is made by man and the field is made by God..."

Vairagya: bhakti-yoga is so strong that if we practice, we automatically refuse to serve maya.


now, will come the next one