Hare Krishna, theater and things

8 years, 5 months ago by Nanuk in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Finally I got the email adress!

Please accept my humble obeisances, may all Glories lay upon HDG A.C.B.S. Srila Prabhupada!

I've been struggling and it is good, it is Slavic. This email list gave just new hope. My problem is that I have a puppetry project now completely on my shoulders. First there was 3, 2 and me in project, but the mother of the idea for the theater(had seen one in Scotland) is now somewhere, and another,, I started doubting is she qualified to things she wanted to do, on my frame(it's good that I controlled my anger, because I had very clear feeling what should be the quality). So now I am alone in the project. I would like to do it forward, but sometimes I feel I lack confidence, maybe I haven't let it all go then, still. Before I studied free-energy technology, and still I have for example now in post office the second version of ELFE http://trade.adgex.com.au/elfe . I know that the history is very much written by statoil, through the Rockefeller foundation. About vimanas and all, but I would like to do the theater, I thought Gajendra's story maybe from SB. One of your disciples made already a question on my behalf about the storylines for puppetries.

I'm reading SB 10. And I would have liked to ask you, is it right, when I always say that the vedic culture, if it would be on another planet the skymap would be centered to that planet, ofcourse I can understand that the seas are mostly for human astrology, ring like seas upon on which the planets do those flower like shapes when they go closer and further, but keep their position on the sky.

The theater http://www.hcteatteri-.weebly.com/

Hare Krishna!

P.S. My name is Nanuk Henrichs and I am born in Turku 1981, and now living in Turku, Finland. I have lived with “bhaktas” for a one year. Another with diksha, soon as I get to my own place, tomorrow I have keys. I will do much more harinama, because it will be close to city. I have played harmonium and singed on street alone quite much. I appreciate only few people for a long time, and I had problem with drinking and my father still very much have. But I haven't drank since I started chanting 16 almost 4 years ago soon,  or 5 years, but my childhood is gloomy, there was even criminal cases against my father about pedophily and things. So very intelligent people,  should have stayed with lsd, not to alcohol, it's demoniac. Still faith is the only thing that matters

HpS - Hare Krsna, Nanuk Henricks.   I don't know which mailing list you are to refering. At 70-years old our Donkey has small short-term memory, but your interest in cosmology seems very nice.
Yes, alcohol can rot the soul.
Renunciation and sitting peacfully and chanting Lord Caitanya's Names can access the same fineness and irrationality. Everything is preliminary to the Rasa-dance of Krsna and the Gopis.

Gracias Querido Gurudeva por la oportunidad de servicio

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada:

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias a sus pies de loto.

Su estadia en Bolivia fue muy revitalizador para muchos devotos, en especial para mi persona, estoy infinitamente agradecido por permitir que sea su sirviente, yo se que hay devotos mucho mas cualificados que yo para atenderlo de una forma mas adecuada, pero usted siendo tan misericordioso conmigo permite que una alma tan condiciona como yo intente prestarle servicio.

Estar a lado suyo es como estar en Vrindavam, mi mente no se agita, no siento ansiedad, mi alma se innunda de felicidad trascendental, y siento como sus clases van despejando toda duda o especulacion.

Espero pueda concretarse su llegada a Bolivia, para el mes de Enero del año proximo.

Atte. Su eterno sirviente Jiyada Nrsmha das.

HpS - Hare Krsna. Era un gran ayuda tener su asociacion durante estas viajes. Muchas gracias su ayuda experto. Ya estamos en Houston pero Lunes regresamos a nuestra base de Nashville. Esperamos mejor comunicacion por alla.

Tambien, muchas gracias a todos lo Bolivianos y mucha esperanza para exito para sus programas!!!   Aprecen muy buen oportunidad.  La Paz es el Brahma-loka del unverso!

Hariii!!! bol. Budanath

8 years, 6 months ago by H.Rama in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Agt Guru and Gauranga!!!

Agt Srila Prabhupada!!

Hare Krsna Maharaja!

I´m Budanath das, from the little mountain.

I hope you are very good in all aspects

I have spent many days trying to write, but I can not find something to say that is not nonsense.

The other day on the 50th anniversary of Iskcon, I had the best day of my life.

A drop of nectar fell on me, and I had a very strong personal experience, that still hits me. Maybe it's silly

For some matter, time and space, on all the time, were canceled and it seemed that lived a sociable conversation, outside the logic, where at peak times, material image sparkled and was part of a conversation or reality that had nothing to do with what was seen, except for the presence of Paramatma.

In the plains, like today, Paramatma seemed to have a thousand faces and mouths, they observed objectively, but aware of everything

Something drives me to find this present, mystical, behind everything, including sensory logic

It was like looking back to childhood friends. No sense to use logic

There is only one way to repeat that experience, that ever-present reality ... 16 rounds, 4 principles, and service

It has given me great enthusiasm experience. Enthusiasm

I hope I can go mad for Krishna one day, or tomorrow, or today, and forget everything. I think that Krsna likes to ask that.

I try to be more regular writing, and especially reading

In a week I tell you that I have read and how long. Follow your tweets, blog, nectar

Lack done much in the kirtan, bhajans, festivals, devotees, pure souls. I will try to buy a Harmonium.

Thank you very much for everything

Tulasi is very well.

Yours, Budanath das.

Hare Krsna.

HpS - As I understand from Academic Psychological studies, many people have these 'psychotic' experiences, or 'religious' experiences, but they seem to be natural experiences. With the perspective of SB we can use them., Narada muni describes his experience in SB 1.6, no?

I have had experiences like this some times. As you say, by good regular Sadhana we can become quite purified quite rapidly and experience a more profound perception of the world.

Yes, we find that reading leads to writing, leads to trying to read systematically. Let us try to get Sita out of the clutches of Ravana. Let us try to get many the innocent souls out of this world. We have to look for them then...


8 years, 6 months ago by Bhakta Martin in Other

Hare Krishna, por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias

En esta oportunidad quería comentarle un poco mi situación para que la sepa. Bueno, como le comentaba, el año pasado acabaron los estudios de psicología pero decidimos venir al templo este año para mejorar en el apego a Krishna e intentar ayudar al movimiento de Srila Prabhupada. La idea es estar durante este año 2016 y el próximo año 2017 comenzar a buscar empleo y volver al lugar donde estaba viviendo. La idea también es poder vivir este proceso en el templo para generar una base, y luego llevar las practicas durante toda esta vida. Generalmente tratamos de absorber todo lo posible del proceso para que nos sirva permanentemente.

Quería darle las gracias por las respuestas que nos ha dado y es inmensamente valorable que nos ofrezca su ayuda para acercarnos a Srila Prabhupada. Es muy importante su ayuda para quienes queremos volver a Dios lo antes posible.

Finalmente, quería pedirle algun consejo para la situación en la que estoy, y además preguntarle ¿cuál es la importancia de la prédica para mantenernos concientes de krishna de forma permanente? pregunto esto ya que he leido una carta en la que Srila Prabhupada menciona que la persona que predica pertenece realmente a la cadena de sucesión discipular. y además los amados asociados de Sri Krishna lo hacían en los pasatiempos junto a Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Muchas gracias por su servicio a los Vaisnavas y a los que estamos intentando serlo, todas las glorias sean a Srila Prabhupada, todas las glorias sean a Sri Sri Nitay Gauranga.


HpS - ASA --  Predica es natural, no?  Cuando aprendemos algo quieremos compartirlo con otros, no?    Predica puede ser con personas con quien relacional de una manera agresivas para el primero vez, parar la gente en la calle, pero tambien con miembros de nuestra iglesia.

Ramananda Rai occupado en nirjana bhajana, solitary worship.

Nityananda en Sankirtan

Padre y hermanos de R. Rai en negicio y administracion.

Gadadhara en Ksetra sannyasa, staying one place with a vow and serving the Deity.

The Spiritual Master knows the aptitude of each disciple and engages them all properly.


Saranagati Dasi MÉXICO

8 years, 6 months ago by sarahii in Other

Querido Gurudeva por favor acepte mis reverencias, estamos contando los días para verle, y queremos ofrecerle mi hogar para que usted descanse en el trayecto a Houston, si el tiempo de aduana nos lo permiten, por favor permitanos prestarle un servicio

Su aspirante a sirviente Saranagati Dasi .

HpS - ASA -- Hare Krsna!    Esperamos podemos salir de la aduana facilmente y encontrar a todos Vds. para un buen reunion. Gracias!

sankirtan monterrey

8 years, 6 months ago by gadadhar in Other

por favor  acepte mis  mas humildes y respetuosas reverencias.

todas las  glorias  a Srila Prabhupada.

querido gurudeva , estamos  tratando dde seguir  en la mision de  sankirtan es dificil pues vamos  en contra de la corriente,  por favor disculpeme  por  no escribir  antes , pues  estaba demasiado enrredado en asuntos  domesticos   y no encontraba  un equilibrio,  hace un par de meses  que  estoy recuperando mi sadhan y el servicio de predica.   estamos  esperando un segundo  niño en la  familia  mis  actividades  son entorno a el restaurante , familia y templo,  estamos preparandonos para el proximo festival de jala yatra  31 de julio nos gustaria que  estubiera presenta.

HpS-ASA --  Sradha sabda visvas kaha...   Solamente por ejecucion de Bhakta, todo la demas servicio a iglesia, familia .... va a ser realizado en una manera natural. Primero de Bhakti - Canta Hare Krsna como puede oir. Entonces 16-rondas entusiastas y 4-principios. No te preocupes. Esta en los manos de Radharani.
Tambien nos gustaria participar en Jalayatra pero estuvimos involucrado en esta reunion de educacion en Houston en esta fecha!    Haz una festival que Vd. le gusta.

mi servicio en el templo es en educacion  y me gustaria prepararme mas  y tomar cursos con usted gurudeva  , como hago para mantenerme al tanto de cursos de  educacion. 

att su aspirante  a sirviente gadadhar gosai das

HpS - O.K. Reportaje del Japayatra y como Vd. le gusta, y sus amigos.