Hare Krsna Maharaja. Budanath das

8 years, 6 months ago by H.Rama in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other


Agt Nimai and Nitai

Hare Krsna Maharaja.

I hope you are fine in all respects. I remember a lot about you.

Thank you for everything you do, I look at the blog as twice daily

For me, it's like watching the mail away from home.

Tulasi forest continues to grow, I am very happy. Yesterday I used the first leaf in an offering…it´s dry alone.

I've had good and bad days. I can hardly be aware of Krsna, in every thing, every moment, in every action, but lately, when I'm fine, I feel as if I started being aware of Krsna for the first time in my life. I have always believed I had many accomplishments, and ultimately begin to seem like an illusion.

I think I could never make a conscious action of Krsna, because I have never been free to choose, and every day this is changing a lot, or I think, thanks to the saintly devotees and Krsna's mercy. It's like open arms, and had a door in each hand, the world of Krsna, or the material world.

I imagine that sooner or later I soured, hopefully not, but I want to thank the Parampara, starting with you, not abandon a poor fool like me.

How I can keep this "yellow brick road" without deviation?

A big hello, Hare Krsna.

P.D .: I'll try to send you a cookie recipe.

Yours, Budanath das.

HpS-ASA - Hare Krsna. AGTSP. Keep association with devotees and follow the relative principles of hearing and chanting.


ASA cookbook

8 years, 7 months ago by Namacarya das in Other

Can you collect the previous and future cookie recipes? Maybe they can be a part of an ASA cookbook: Bachelor Beans.

ND: Yes Guru Maharaja. It will be my pleasure to do it. Thank you!

ASA - -(:0)/\___

reverencias desde Santiago de Chile

8 years, 7 months ago by rodrigo hernandez piceros in Other

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Querido Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis más humildes reverencias

¡Hare Krishna Gurudeva! Acá Bhakta Rodrigo de Santiago de Chile.

Me hubiera gustado mucho escribir antes, escribir a usted, pero el tiempo pasa muy rápido, los días, semanas y meses pasan muy rápido. Y estamos haciendo más cosas  de lo que podemos realizar.

Por favor acepte mis disculpas. Pensamos en usted mucho, por lo menos tres veces al día.

Ayer sábado fue una alegría infinita escuchar su voz en la clase de Starmeeting [StartMeeting] , yo quería saludarlo pero todavía no sé usar bien este programa/robot de Starmeeting. Es primera vez que escucho una clase suya por starmeeting.

Gracias a madre Candramukhi dd pude entrar a la clase.

Esta carta es solo para saludarlo, hay muchas noticias que quiero contar a usted en una carta que espero escribir esta semana.

Sin sus bendiciones no hay vida posible.

Su aspirante a sirviente

Bhakta Rodrigo

HpS - Hare Krsna.  Una carta corta pero simple como translate.google.com puede traducir.    Respuesta y otro carta!!   Vamos a Goloka. Mucho servicio para nostros alla.

Hare Krishna Maharaj Ji, please help --1

8 years, 7 months ago by Narayan Sharma in Other

Respected Maharaj ji,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Thank you so much for your association in Pune Iskcon temple, Sri Sri Radha Kunjabihari.

Sorry I could not write you for long time because i was sick

Maharaj ji, did you get the  malaga devottee available online - on the phone, please let me know, thank you very much.

HpS - Hare Krsna. We tried but could not. No one I could contact knew his where abouts well enough to readily contact him. Then, we were drowning with other work so we could not put more effort into! Seems you must take shelter of someone stronger than this poor dog.

I'll be grateful for the same, thanks

Your servant,


HpS - ASA --- How is your Sadhana yoga?

Confirming receipt

8 years, 7 months ago by Janard1108 in Other

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj


Hare Krishna. I do not know whether you received my last letter from about a week ago, which was at least a few paragraphs in length.

Please confirm either way so I may resend if necessary.

Thank you.

Your servant,

Janardan Das.

HpS - AGTSP.  We just answered, and then corrected, one. Is that it?   I vaguely remember another and I answered it as far as I know. Hare Krsna!  Hare Krsna.


8 years, 7 months ago by Janard1108 in Other

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj,


I am very excited to be connected to the Monkey Warrior Sanga!

Thank you for inviting me onboard.

All glories to your service.

Your servant,

Janardan Das.

HpS. - .Where are you?