Candra-mukhi DD - Pandava-ekadasi, Shelter for Ladies.

10 years, 10 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics
Hare Krsna, Beloved Gurudeva ¡¡¡
A G T S P ¡ ¡ ¡
I hope this meets U in really good health ¡¡¡
Thanks for your association and inspiration. Our Sadhana has improved a lot. Japa joe at 1:30 am has helped us a lot.. Mangal artik is nice.. service is better now. Our sole Bhakti Sastri student Radha govinda dd is young and she is very nice. Her association is helping us a lot.
I am focusing as U advised me on my BELOVED GAURA NITAY They are so merciful and kind ¡¡ They are helping us a lot ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ We are under Nityananda's lotus feet shelter.
Bhakti vaibhava study is extremely nice for us ¡¡¡¡¡ I have realized that Srimad Bhagavatam is our very means of conquest in this age ¡¡¡¡¡
Association with  good devotees like Madhumanjari dd, Palika dd, Sundari Radhika dd ¡¡¡ extraordinary ladies ¡¡¡ helped us A LOT¡¡¡¡¡¡
I am pretty busy so Maya can not get in ¡¡¡ I have to finish my Doctor Thesis in education THIS YEAR, also a lot of work in my university and in the temple ¡¡¡ It is nice, helps to keep our heart clean and our conscious up ¡¡¡
NEWS: The whole set of Srimad Bhagavatam IN ENGLISH has arrived at our home ¡¡¡ mercy from Palika dd I am paying it in parts I am so happy Krsna Himself as His literary encarnation is at home JAYA 
Nevertheless on the other hand I have one concern.    U said one thing to me in your last email ¡¡ 3 ladies alone unprotected ¡¡ Just one nice dog ¡¡¡ 
My mother, sister and me .. U are a sanyasi You can protect me with your instruction and mercy BUT here in Peru where can we take shelter??    Who can be take care of us here ?? 
Also next on June 19th it will be Pandava nirjala Ekadasi any specific instruction for me for this Bhima ekadasi?? that can help me ?
Thank U all so much
Trying always to be your disciple
Candramonkey dd
               HpS - ASA - Jaya!   AGTSP....   paoho.  Sorry has taken eight days to answer this.  Too much work.  We have to surrender more to get power to do more service!  Jaya.   From our experience there was no emphasis on Bhima-ekadasi while Srila Prabhupada was here, at least not in San Francisco Temple. It started after he left.   Recently Guru-prasada Swami, Guna-grahi Swami and Bhanu Swami among others investigated this and the conclusion was something like, there is no specific scriptural injunction nor instruction from Srila Prabhupada to do Nirjala ekadasi on this ekadasi.  Of course, every Ekadasi can be nirjala ekadasi as we can do it and must at minimum be a fast from beans and grains, all with the purpose of increasing devotional service, especially hearing and chanting about Govinda. Read the Krsna book with someone else on Ekadasi!
I don't know who specifically you can take as social-psychological-practical shelter now that your father is not present, but the basic principle is super important and if you pray to Krsna I think he will give you help. For example you have  a relation with Pallika Devi Dasi. O.K.   She and her good husband may be natural people.    Another practical thing would be to sell or rent your house and buy a house near to the Temple in Chosika or something like that.  There are so many ways to start heading in the right direction, and ultimately because it is Kali-yuga and Varna-ashrama-dharma is so weak, Krsna, Himself, is inclined to become father, brother...   but  better to look for the physical representative he is sending.   Please let us all know your progress in this regard. It is very important.  Temple President should help.

Opinión sobre blog HPS

10 years, 10 months ago by jayanta in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports, Hot Topics

Querido Gurudev: Pamho. TgSP y seguidores fieles.

Gracias por sus consejos. Los brahmanas siempre dan buenos consejos para el bien general.

Su español es mucho mejor que mi inglés. Gracias por comunicarse en español!

Mi opinión sobre el blog es que debe ser para "animar" a los devotos, para aumentar "utsaha" (esfuerzo con inteligencia) con buenas noticias, propuestas de mejora (objetivos) individuales y colectivas, etc. La critica (opiniones negativas) deberia ser muy estricta y ajustarse a algunas reglas. Hay un dicho que dice:

"Dios me libre de juzgar a un hermano sin haber calzado durante un mes sus zapatos"

Creo que antes de publicar una critica en un foro público como internet:

Hay que estar seguro de que lo que se publica es verdad.

El que hace la critica debe aportar soluciones y debe estar muy comprometido con la solución.

Hay que analizar bien si la critica va a mejorar  a los devotos o proyectos. No olvidemos que cuando criticamos un proyecto estamos criticando a los devotos que lo estan llevando. (de la misma manera que cuando criticamos  un edificio estamos criticando al arquitecto que lo diseñó).


            HpS - ASA -  TLGASP.  pfanrh.  Si, todo es un hecho.  We tried.. Esforze seguir y predicar esta norma como antes pero somos Buck White, Tom Brown y Tio Gismo aqui con ayuda de HpSwami y nuestro Castellano NO es bien.  Entonces todo el mundo tiene que entender que para nosotros leer las cartas con inteligencia es como Vd leyendo una carta en Portugues.   Ooof.        Tratamos mejorar.  No deja ayudar nosotros.    Esperamos no solamente nosotros pero todos leyen esta carta y mejorar cosas!

En cuanto al Yatra español, creo que vamos en buena dirección y la velocidad ira aumentando cuando el camino se vaya haciendo mas ancho. Mi visión es que los proyectos deben funcionar administrativamente independiente y luego todos los devotos de todos los proyectos debemos reunirnos (mínimo una vez al año) para sravanam, kirtanam, tomar prasadam, preguntar confidencialmente, abrazarnos, hablar con devotos afines de nuestros de nuestros retos, problemas, etc. En definitiva hacer algunos Festivales en común. En Agosto tenemos todos los lideres una reunión con GBC y otros devotos importantes para trazar un recorrido de encuentro y ver que cosas podemos hacer en común.

            HpS - ASA -  Muy bien....  Muy bien.  Pero yo pienso el Consejo Rectorial tiene que tener reuniones como cada dos meces al minimo con los devotos, no?   Y cosas importantes escritos como todos puede trabajar con un vision juntos  y   fijando cosas, proyectos para un templo fijado.  ... "This is our goal until Janmastami and then we will review it all".   Yes.... Vaisnava relacions before Administrative relations.  Administrative, Varna-ashrama relacions based upon Vaisnava relacions. Jaya.  Being DRAWN into this discussion by twenty devotees.  Sentimos que el sendero es muy adelantado como antes progressar y si dejamos ententar no vamos a encontrar mejor situacion en ninguna otro sitio en ISKCON!

Gracias por su servicio a Srila Prabhupada y a ISKCON y a toda la comunidad de devotos. Pienso que usted se comporta como un sadhu; aunque el titulo oficial de sadhu, pienso que no debe darse hasta que no se deja el cuerpo.

Sin mas se despide

su sirviente

Jayanta das

               HpS - ASA -  Jaya.  Oink!  Oinnk!   Whoop!  Whoop!   Mas!!

Ur Lotus Feet / Reading Alone

10 years, 10 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics

Hare Krsna Respected Guru Maharaj,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

             HpS - ASA   -   Apple Blossom Feet (maybe)

    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

               HpS - ASA - Jaya!
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    This letter is answer to your earlier letter.

    Guru Dev, Your feet is always lotus. There is no doubt. You present Sri Sri Radha-
    Kunjabihari to all of us so we don't have any doubt.

           HpS - We sleep like 8-hours in a day often. Srila Prabhupada slept 4-5 usually. Often when we are tired we watch bio-graphys and documentaries rather than read the Krsna book.  This is symptom of Madhyama-adhikari. No spontaneous attraction, 100%.  Apple blossom feet, by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada.  No "Maya" that breaks four principles. Relating bio-graphys to KC. Material desires under control and diminishing, but if we try to imitate Srila Prabhupada's position we won't advance. 

    No, there is no study partner. We Read alone. During reading, We collect/write lots of   questions and doubts and go to temple and then discuss with Temple Bramachari,
   (whom i report at the local temple).

         HpS - Aaaah!   So that is not reading alone.  You are with him in Vani. Perfect!  Who is this B'cari?

    Your words always give me strength, Like, When you speak with the convection that
    we have Beadd-bag and Prabhupada's book so no need to worry, even if we go to hell. We
   should not worry.

    I live with your words and will live with your Words.

    You speak about Sri Radha-Krsna with such a convection, which i never find anywhere.

    As you advised, We will surely search your lectures in the ISKCON Juhu, website.

    Actually, we were looking for your lecture & question/answer session on BG 9.22.

    Thank you, Guru Dev.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

                HpS - Jaya!  AgtSP.  All glories to your ISKCON Temple!      Sorry little late to answer... one week.  We are doing better.  Recovering from so much service AND pushing not to do too much now!         O.K.  Join us for the rest of today's letters!

CC Nectar

10 years, 10 months ago by Gadai in Hot Topics

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!!!

Todas las Glorias a Sri Caitanya Maha Prabhu!!!!!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj, reciba mis afectuosas reverencias, espero  tener  la misericordia de poder escribirle siempre, aunque algunas veces el tema del internet  falla.

Lo que pude leer en el Caitanya Caritamrita “Adi Lila – Cap. 11, texto 13” es que Abhirama Thakura  fue anteriormente Sridama Thakura.  Por orden de Sri Nityananda Prabhu, Abhirama Thakura llegó a ser un gran Acarya y predicador  del  servicio devocional. Por el poder recibido de Sri Nityananda Prabhu, estaba siempre en éxtasis, y era sumamente bondadoso con todas las almas caídas.  Se dice que si ofrecía reverencias a cualquier piedra que no fuera una Salagrama-sila, inmediatamente se rompía en pedazos.  También tenía un látigo  y a cualquiera que tocase con él, se volvía inmediatamente un elevado devoto de Krsna.

Es lo que encontré sobre Abhirama Thakura , lo más probable es que en capítulos posteriores encuentre más comentarios  sobre  Abhirama Thakura.  ¿Qué grandes almas estarán por aquí?

También pude encontrar este texto muy importante en el “Adi Lila, Cap. 10, texto 158” Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami,  se dice que era experto en cocinar, todo lo que cocinaba sabia a néctar. Sri Caitanya Maha Prabhu  Se sentía muy complacido de aceptar los alimentos que preparaba Raghunatha Bhatta Goswami.  El Señor Caitanya le ordeno que fuera a Vrindavana para reunirse con Srila Rupa Gosvami, también le dijo que no se casara, que siguiera siendo Brahmacari, y también le ordeno que leyera el Srimad Bhagavatan constantemente. Así es que fue a Vrindavana y allí se dedicó a recitar el Srimad Bhagavatan para Srila Rupa Gosvami.

Se dice que Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami nunca hablaba tonterías ó temas mundanos, solo oía hablar de Krsna las veinticuatro horas del día “Krsna Katha”. Nunca se interezó en escuchar  cuando se blasfemaba contra un devoto.  Hasta cuando había algo que criticar, solía decir que, como todos los vaisnavas estaban ocupados en servir al Señor, a él no le importaban sus faltas. Se dice que en el pasado fue la Gopi llamada Raga – manjari. 

Interezante, No criticar, No blasfemar, No ofender, seguir cuatro principios regulativos, 16 buenas rondas,  Mangal Artik, leer los sastras  y no nos iremos al infierno!!!  Quizás solo un instante.

En lo personal estas enseñanzas nos han quedado bien claras, no ofender a nadie, es muy importante para el avance espiritual, de lo contrario nos caeremos por nuestras ofensas, solo debemos seguir las enseñanzas del  Guru, Sadhu y Sastras. Todo servicio es muy importante, siempre le estaré muy agradecido por sus consejos Guru Maharaj.

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj, un Abrazo.  Nos vemos en las calles!!!

Gadai Gauranga Das

HpS - ASA -  Super Gracias!!!    TlgaSP!!    Pfanrh.      Mas....  Caitanya caritamrta es nectar.   Busca para personas en Sankirtan quien puede comprar un set completo, no?    Espero advanza muy rapido en su servicio!!!!!!!

Tilak in the Office

10 years, 10 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Hot Topics

Hare Krsna Respected Guru Maharaj,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

             HpS - ASA --  Apple blossom feet, maybe.

    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Guru Dev, we have grown hair for keeping 'Shikha'. But we feel, in office, It could not be good. we feel, pople make a distance from me, if we go this way. They don't talk freely.

    we put full 'tilak' in office time so see my 'tilak', people avoide to face me.Actually we
    put tilak for 24 hours.We like it to put always.

    We spoke about shika with local temple bramachari. They advised, we can shave head
    completely, if we feel there is issue in office.

    We seek your openion on this. We will follow accordingly.
    Thank you, Guru Dev.
your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

              HpS - Jaya!   AGTSP...  paoho.   Lord Caitanya shaved completely according to time place and circumstance.   We need to see the exact combination of not frightening people and at the same time motivating them to look for Krsna.  Yes, advice of local devotees would seem to be very useful.   Tilak I don't know.  Maybe be good. Maybe it is good that some people don't want to talk with us at first, eliminates bad association, and after some time we see that people search their own hearts and adjust.

pysch as sci-3

10 years, 10 months ago by harsh_horse in Hot Topics

hare krsna maharaj pamho agtsp.
thank you very much for replies to our blog querries.

             HpS - ASA -  AGTSP!!!    Sorry this took five days.  Our daily program here is from 10am - 1.30PM    then back again from 3.30PM to 6PM.  Then in those off hours everything else has to be done.  It is hard work so by the end of the day we have headaches and cant even touch the keyboard, but we saw your letter and we've been waiting to get to.

1. is it fine that we keep on posting pysch research, as contribution to this blog. please see this lecture i dont know if u can attend this course or hear some lect. but it is good refresher of pysch. u can download slides, transcripts of lectures etc

2. continuing to point that MS word is an idea.  the intreseting part is that even though it is idea, it is represented by binary language in the to some storage device and transferred. so even software is transmitted through hard ware... every hardware has also some compatibility with range of software only.. it can not work with every software

           HpS - It can also be printed out on paper.   We could start C++ for example and go to Binary.           I "get" and idea?    Where does it come from?   No hardware involved.        We are continuously receiveing ideas, no?  A little perspective and it is obvious that inumerable ideas are coming and we ar accepting or rejecting.

how does it apply to humans...

3. we also see that if you keep an answring such questions on the blog.. then such answer may become basis of book for yourself.

trying to contribute in sankirtana some ways
harsh pradhan
P.S.  Our son plays gopal deity as toy. he holds gopal from neck,lifts him up, kisses on nose then put back.. is such activity offensive to any one? our deity is made of brass

              HpS -  It's O.K.  should teach him that Deity is special.  Needs special treatment. I think he can understand!    More Psycho-letters!