DTC 24(SU)

8 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna.

AGTSP.Paoho. 9.19pm. Shyama arati, Nila madhava temple. 100 people here.

Goodnight Radha Krsna.

Symposium finished.

Exhausted. First chance to rest since we got here, for two hours.

Maybe we have time for Blog letters now. They are big priority.

Hari Bolo.

DTC 12(Tu)

8 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna.

We are about to explode. Maybe there were too many peas in our porridge today.   It is 5.49PM.   We have already had two or three pretty intense programs today and now we will have a birthday party for Abhi Thakura's good wife, Maria. Then we will go to the airport and chant rounds until midnight, fly to Mexico. There are about 25-devotees here and increasing. So often so many devotees want 'just one minute Maharaja' at the last minute, but really they want to explain their specific situation, often in great emotional detail, and then receive a solution.
Mangala ananda said recently, "After seven years I have realized that you are my Guru, not my psychologist".  If you have both it can be a very happy life (forever).

Hare Krsna.

What does Krsna want (to play)?   We can be the center of attention of hungry wolves, or people offering us money, or ... but really it is Krsna who is the center, so we can just relax and let him direct us as He likes.

Lao Tzu - One should conduct then affairs of the Empire in the same way a beggar would fry a small fish.

Hare Krsna.

DTC Su(10)

8 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC



We are weak minded, or have a limited amount of mental strength. Getting up in front of 65-people and expressing your ideas is a very intense experience for us. Our Ayurvedic doctor, Rupanuga, tolds, "One, maybe two lectures a day". We see it's true. Yesterday we got up early. Did full morning program. Did two personal interviews. Was always the Example of  many eyes. Did an intense breakfast with five people as planning meeting. Class befor and after breakfast and then planned to come back for the afternoon, but... as soon as we were alone, we almost collapsed. Felt Krsna grounding us.

Ooof.  Afternoon off doing nonsent mental work (with one more intense meeting with Hare Krsna Dasi and Patraka Das when they came to see us at our Ashrama.)
Part of the reality is that this goes on Day after Day.

We think it is a good thing. We have to learn how to adjust our selves. This is the spiritual world. Surrounded by devotees. We all just have to learn how to live in this atmosphere, no?
O.K. Answered all the mail to three days ago.

3.47AM.  Rush with bath,Puja and 12-minute walk to the Temple.

Hare Krsna!!!!!!    Japa, Japa, Japa....  vidya vadhu jivanam.

Today we have packed progam until about 3.30PM, Then we go to Lima and meet with Rupananuga and Abhirama Thakura.  Thank you so much Radha Gokulananda.  We hope this KC movement expands to give you relief from Your suffering in this material world.

DTC Fr(8)

8 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna.    AGTSP    Paoho and Bw.   We are late sending the Kapi Dhvaja. Got back to Chosica and there is 110% work here. Anandavardhana Das arrived from Chile last night. Very happy to see him. Daily meetings with Nimsar and Education Symposium Marathon.

Answered all the mail to 4-days ago.

Monday we meet with Ramon, Miguel Polo and Eduardo at the National Library to make more plans for NIOS.
O.K.   (Om Kesavaya Namah). Bath, Puja, Temple >>>------>  Kiss the dust at Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet.
Eating less, late at night. ELLAN!

DTC Tu(5)

8 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna.

Sitting in Mother Puspanjali's living room on the 19th story of this residential high rise in La Paz, Bolivia. About 7-devotees chanting Japa, dressing Krsna, preparing for our trip to the airport and Lima.

Brother Ass still has the allergy on his left wrist, but seems to be gradually diminishing.

Little stomach ache and head ache and vision ache and respiration ache. 7AM now. Answered all the letters up to three days ago and downloaded and transfered Hari lila Das Saturday, God father, Canto Three review to our Cell phone so we can review it on the airplane trip to Lima.

Sankirtan, Sankirtan, Sankirtan.
>>>  Gayatri, bath, pack, 7.30AM >>> Airport.
It is only the miracle of Srila Prabhupada's yoga that we can be working in this heavy atmosphere.

DTC 1(Fr)

8 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna...    We are still in La Paz.   It is 5.42PM.   Outside we can see big, big mountains around, a stones through away.

Eagles circle the valley. Andeanan music fills the air. It is cold and little air, but our Yoga is strong.

Lunch at Mathuresa's home today. Peas porridge.  Now we have a BIG celebration of 50-years of ISKCON. Minister of Defense et al invited. We leave in 15-minutes. Very good cultural program. We are supposed to speak for 20-minutes. God help us, can be a very big and effective event. God engage us.

Our Yahoo account has been blocked. Tell others. Probably will be blocked until 13th July.

Tried to call Ananda vardhana Das in Chile today but no luck.
Tommorrow we go to Cochabamba.

Wrote about Divorce today.

We see ISKCON growing in political power and influence, but see that the center is still the individual connection to Krsna: Big, small, cook or queen, unless we are a society of 16-enthusiastic rounds minimum, 4-princples strict, yogis it will all fall apart.