DTC Tue(29)

8 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

Dead done dog tired.

Hare!  Hare!  Krsna...   Chosica to Lima.     Lima, Cusco. Cusco, La Paz.       Yet, the results are worth the inversion.  Now we prepare for the Evening Program. We are camped with Dharmaraja Das in the flat of Very venerable Devota on the 19th story of these residential towers.  Her father was a General in the Bolivian Corp of Engineers.

   There is very little air here. Like 8,000 feet high.    Head-ache and brain strokes can be easy. It is cold. Down to freezing at night.

The trip from the airport [13,333 feet] was delayed by a General Strike by the indigeneous people for three days.

We need your advice on Strategy. We get it from our Japa best but it also needs the eyes of all the rest.

"Solaris" is a good center as far as we know.

Abhirama Thakura and Laksman Agra Ja appear this moment in the top-ten of our hallucinations of partnership. Sankirtan.

Chant One round [bathe, write Dr. Samaresh].

DTC 24(Fr)

8 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krishna

The Sacred Psychos conferences was a Great success. We had thousands of donkeys galloping in the street and then asking for more instructions. Now we got 30-minutes to pack our bags and then later we go to Chosica.

See you there.

DTC Su(19)

8 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC

paoho & bw.

Here we are in Abhirama Das house, ashrama, in Callao, next to Lima. It is a little cool. It is 4.00AM. Everyone is sleeping because they were up until 2AM picking up NGD and the three ladies at the airport. The Psych and Sacred symposium is going along very well. We are already meeting very nice, complatible, powerful people and moving the Sankirtan of the Holy Names forward.  Today we go to Chosica to the BIG TEMPLE with NGD and everyone.

Our body, Brother Ass, is O.K. (almost 70-years old, so teeth, eyes, memory et al are failing [but intelligence is increrasing {we think}]), except for some more Poison Ivy rash that we got when we attacked the plants in Tennessee before we left.  It could be MUCH, MUCH worse, and we will see it the body can take care of it before we go to more sever efforts (steroids again).

We answered all the letters to three days, but now we should do some Japa, so we have not got to any of the Disciple reports etc.

We are working on this.

We are keeping pretty good balance of work and recreation.
O.K. Japa. Today or tomorrow is the Kapi Dhvaja.

So, so, so much help from all the devotees here.

DTC Mo(13)

8 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna


paoho. We made it to Houston. Hari Lila das is looking at this letter.

We answered so much mail. Prepared for the Third Canto, Bhakti vaibhava class tonight. We wish we could do more.

We can't do everything, so we have to set out priorities.

DTC 6(Fr)

8 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna!!!        The wind it blows,
The snow it grows,
But naught the matter if our rain-coat holds.

Do the things around us touch our heart?
Are we conscious of what is happening in our heart?
I am very conscious of my face: The set of my lips, the tensions in my eyes.
Is my face happy???       Aaaah, then "I" must be happy.

We see some happy things in the world around: Trazan married Jane, but then we see how this affects our heart.

What is in your heart?
We try to put the light of God therein. To sing and dance and before it bend.
To saturate the world around with the love we find from it.
To let the tale of T and Jane, but reconciled with this base, in our heart.


We didn't get up until too late!    FMP was very robust with 11-participants.
Then we offer Potato potage to Lord and kept half in our tiffin for lunch.
Japa, banking research, calls MOE with good results, off to the Smyrna Medical Center to meet with Dr. Amit Singh. We got lost in the GIGANTIC maze, but he found us and looked at our leg.
"It's not going to go away", hesitant pause, "I think you should go on the steriods again".
We walked across the lobby. $15. 15-capsules for 15-days.
Back to the Bank --- Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna --- $2000 for South America, $11.53 for NIOS credit card, $101 for HHR account ....  Take lunch, take the pills:
                                                 b oO0-ng!

:njkb   -     We can see the




p     in air pressure in the heart.      The nausea, but it should work.    That's life: The best use of the bad bargain. Get three extra years of life now, by selling three extra years at the other end.   Ha!    Ha!    Hare!

O.K.   NGD gone to Chicago with family.   Excellent news from Candra mukhi, Thakur Ji et al in Peru.  We go for a walk with Dr. Desai.    Tomorrow is PDP in the morning.   Last yard work.   Packing.   "Prak-kathana".
1. Kirtaniya sada harih
2. 16-good rounds daily +++
3. 4-principles strictly (chocolate???)
4. FMP
5. FEP      [FEMP]
6. Sankirtan [ Blog, Yahoo, Telefone. meeting with partners and making plans. One partner is the Supersoul]
6.a. - Writing Prak-kathana (Foreward to NOI)

DTC 6(Mon)

8 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC

Can we live on Havisanna and milk each night at eight?

Well, we can try it.

Trying different services for Krsna. Even Prabhupada was experimenting in the new world. Speculation on the basis of Sastra. How fun is KC!   We can contribute something new!

- All the letters answered up to three days ago.

- Got a little rash on our leg. May be poison ivy.

- Conference call to India with Rama-giridhari Das. Houston Education Symposium is going well. Very solid educators registered.

- Then one with Dr. Samaresh. He is little sick from the weather.  He is getting help from a printer who can do the pre-press work etc. He is getting very passionate about the technical, materialistic, nature of modern education. He says that obviously the Temple and the University were one in the past and we should be pushing to go back that way.

- Then called , "Robbie". He said he could cut our grass. He is a neighbor and only wanted $ 35 instead of $50 like a professional. Waiting for him to come I attacked the hedge where the poison ivy lives. Very careful not to touch it and wash the clothes and tools afterwords. May have to decimate the hedge (unless we get decimated).

- Let Brother Ass rest as he wanted today and then just cooked Havisanna, Split Garbanza bean and rice kitri. Little mik tonight.

- It is 6.37PM.  Full light outside. Traffic has died down. NGD just called that he is home from the Mental Hospital, so we will close up the cave and head for his house, 11-minutes, and go for a walk, and sing Gaura-arati and kirtan.


Thank you for all the wonderful letters.

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna!!