DTC 3(Tu)

6 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna



Our life must be just like your life --- difficult.

We are all spirit souls carrying a half dead donkey.  The Karmis do it for Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll.    Oofff!!!!!     We do it for Mangala arati, Class, Letters to the Editor, Travel Plans, Guide Others.

It takes work.

Now it is 6.00PM      We are catching up on the Letters, but we also have to catch up on the NIOS Blog posts.   The tickets for South America took about an hour.  We had to juggle the Nashville, Houston, Mexico, Lima, time and then try to get the ticket to Lima....   Interjet was a catastrophe. We had to call and talk with a lady. Then the times were bad for stopping in Mexico and about $800.

So we looked on Expedia.com and got flights with stop in Mexico for $650, but it was just at night. Then we changed one day and the United flight direct was $550!   So, we just visit wonderful Mexico other time.

Post the dates to three calendars.

Post the $$$ to three ledgers.

Now we go walking!

Thank you.  Regular class in the morning is very fine way to fix your mediation for the whole day.

DTC sa(30)

6 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna.


Paoho & bw.

Our eyes are starting to fall apart. We can only do so much work on the screen now.  It is good. Krsna is pushing us to chant and dance more. We will go out now and chant in our Sannyasis suit at Wallmart, the mall. We have seven more rounds to do!

It is hard chanting alone here. We only see people, NGD and Dr. Desai and Vijaya Ji in the evening and then when we walk there is a lot of practical talk about financial and time management.

But if we are in a big temple like Houston then there are so many devotees who want talk and we cannot work alone like we do here.

Also, we are still learning how to stay constantly at the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada (picking up peanuts).

Devotees need to write books with the expertise of Sir Author Conan Doyle, "Sherlock Holmes", et al. The Sr. Bhag. has to be put in modern language, dramas, novels, for us Shudras.

Class this morning was great. Mangala arati was great. We got up late (2.48AM) because of late program outside last night and then had long walk/talk with Radhika, NGD, Dr. Desai et al.


  Kapi Dhvaja is late

      But chant Hare Krsna at any time

  And there is nothing more great.

All the plans, motivation, will come from Harinama.

Never think that there is any serice higher than chanting Harinama at the feet of our Acharya at any time.

DTC sa(23)

6 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna.

AgtSP.   Here we are in Alachua, ISKCON New Raman Reti. Our residence, the Guest House, is about 10-minute walk from the Temple. There are six of us here for the Education Conference residing in three rooms.   The Conference is in the Bhaktivedanta Academy. A  few mosquitos but no aligators.

Conference in going well. So far we give it a score of 75% perfect.

Real perfection is constant chanting of Hare Krsna.....!    It is 10.15PM.  We take rest now and get up early for the bath and Japa. About 40-devotees in Mangala-arati


See the cows, see the sun,
They all in groups like to run.

Dance in the air in the belly and soul.
Dance with the Gopas, "Hari Bol!"

In the conditioned state the Maha-mantra liberates us. In the liberated state it guides us to our proper service to Guru and Gauranga, Radha Krsna.

DTC Su(17)

6 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna.
What do we do in Goloka?
Do we pick flowers and herbs for the lunch?

Everyone there is so light, that even the sight and smooth smell of wild flowers, moves them all a great bunch.

It is the same here, rapt reader.
Do not think that there is nothing in plan.

Krsna can send in a moment a big or a very small man.

Kirtaniya sada harih.
Not for liberation, to get proper guidance on what to do, how to see?

* * *

 Now let us write before sunrise.

 All the banks and markets are closed.

 Only the  mind and the Mantra,

Will serve as our soul"s repose.

DTC su(20)

6 years, 8 months ago by hps in DTC

           Hare Krsna.

AGTSP   paoho.   The hay fever, allergy, reactions are intense.
Makes it difficult to breath,

But, deep down the Prana is flowing well and from that we can adjust the external air flow.

The health of deep Prana, spirit, comes from remaining celibate and chanting Hare Krsna / Hare Rama and honoring Prasadam.

Chant HK/HR at the lotus feet of Krsna w/i your heart always.


  • How was your day?
  • Did you learn a lot about how to improve your service?
  • Now it is 8.48PM.    Read about Krsna's pastimes, KRSNA book etc. and rest for a few hours.    Tomorrow we are back into the drama of developing Vrndavana Dhama, the Sankirtan movement, following Srila Prabhupada (forever)...

Who are better Christians, the Jesuits or the Hare Krsnas?  

DTC 10(Th)

6 years, 8 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna,

T. Brown here.

AGTSP  paoho.    How are you?  How is you vehicle?

We have a lot of heat in the body.   Only way to move heat is with heat. Doctor suggests six cups of hot fennel tea each day.  If we keep on dancing, chanting and being happy to the end of this body, then we can do the same thing in Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON life after life.                             .I don't want to kiss Krsna.   Yuck!!!       I want to be eight years old with Krsna and all the boys in Braja, forests, cows, cowherding, playing, discovering, obeying our parents.

+ + +

Tomorrow is Ekadasi. The Mother of invention for those who cook.
Candramukhi Devi Dasi recomends potatoes and milk.

+ + +

See you in Mangala-arati.   We listen to the different Bhajan Kirtan leaders each day and understand so much from listening to them. We try to help their music reach Radharani's ears and also offer ours.