DTC 26(We)

5 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC

Today two hours with Miguel Polo and his students: Solaris, Education and the Sacred symposium. Then the Dean at Jesuit university. So much excellent information of the history of Catholic church in South America, and plans for symposium.

Repaired memory chip.

Much individual preaching and two medium books distributed. 🐔🐷🐂

Chanting Japa.

DTC su(23)

5 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP . paoho. 6.00PM The Festival in finished. It is depressing, cold, lonely... Ha! Ha! Ha! Getting dark.

Some chest pains from the altitude.

Such nice devotees.

Some a very mature after years of solid devotion, Gurus.

Hare Krsna.

Now we pack and head for the airport! Zoom! Zoom! Zoom! Cochabamba ba to La Paz. Rest for five hours in coffin in the airport and then catch the flight at 4.30AM to Lima ma!

Just creat a nice atmosphere for Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet!

The music (and dancing should be sweet).

You will meet many great devotees there and your little songs with help swell the tide on which they ride!

DTC sa(22)

5 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC



We are still in the Bolvian, National, Festival. Mathuresha Das, Om Kesavaya Das, Apsara gopi Devi Dasi. The altitude and cold are taxing our strength, but so much help in accomodations. Gandharva Das is doing a Seminar for the Ministry of Education now.

We went over our things to do. Shorted our files, priorities and things are going pretty well. We looked at the Blog mail and answere the oldest and very nice letter, from Harsh. He is our old, old friend. He is a very determined person.

O. K. Lettuce look at the Yahoo mail then we will talk with Caturatma Das with Mathuresa Dasa about the administration challenges in Peru.

Thank you!

Got 16-rounds done.

DTC fr(21)

5 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna! AGTSP. Paoho. Here we are in Tiquipaya, Bolivia. It is the national festival and is cold in the shade (and our room is in the shade mostly).

We are suffering a little bit from headache and nausea, but keeping up a pretty good pace with our reading and writing.

Two hours of lecturing last two days: Every Devotee is a Book Distributor (Purport Distributor (Maha-mantra Distributor.))

Monkey got a letter from his uncle, a monkey's uncle!

"Esteemed Nefue, Tom,

This is you uncle, Bleecher. We make everything white.

Thank you for the book: Hare Krsna and the Good Life.

We red it three times and understand that better than bleaching our passions white is to use their engines to move us toward THE GOOD WORLD, we are learning specific how to do that and can see that more we follow the four lusty principles avoidance, then we ca trust our intuition as to what please our deity.

Thank you for the book!"

DTC tu(18)

5 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC

Now it is 5.27PM it is getting dark here in Lima and of course, that is depressing.

Hare Krsna.

The sunshine gives us mental life.

When we don't have it we start looking for it in different directions such as our stomach etc.

Krsna is the great Sun!

We have basically caught up on our mail!

Now we have to send a letter to Subhra Devi Das about the Bh. Vaibhava exams in Houston and then a related letter to Atul k. and Gauranga darshana Das.

Then little nap and off to the airport!!

Thank you for your letters!!!



DTC sa(15)

5 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC


We are in Madana-bihari's Dhama!

ISKCON Peru (Lima (Chosika))). The Sun comes up and goes down here, but different than Tennesse. In any case the Santo Nombres, Holy Names, never change. Hare Krsna, Hare Rama.

We are exhausted, as usual. We are in the middle of a weekend seminar on education. The devotees are doing, Beautiful, intellegent, practical programs on kids education, the Holy Names, etc.

Now it is time to take milk and rest