DTC 27(Sa)

5 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

We are in Lima. We traveled from Buenos Aires on Wednesday. The Pan American games just started here. 5,000 participants and 500,000 spectators (and gamblers and tiplers). The internet crashed last night and has not come back. We could not join the Ministry of Education meeting.

so painful.

and we have been involved in mediating management conflicts that involve GBC, Zonal Supervisor and National Council.

Stomach aches but excellent results.

Excellent progress on Education and the Sacred, shopping, devotees care.

so many nice devotees here.

must stop now. Using devotee's hot spot, cellular data.

Hare Krsna. There is immortality for those who give love to others, everyone. 😀🐷 🦍

DTC Tu(23)

5 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

Tom B. Here.

Our life is one long near death experience.

I guess that is true of everybody, but some are realizing it. Some take Al Kohall or Ko Kaine to drive their senses so that they seem to be alive but that only brings more death sooner.

Fast today, dead tomorrow.

At least we keep on moving and in the Kirtan we can dance.

We see that this Yoga works. The internal body becomes more and more lose and can sing and yell the Holy Names from the core of the heart.

We lament new Bhaktas who don't know the future ahead of them. The depth they are going to experience.

Hare Krsna.

We are back in Buenos Aires. It is very nice. There ar pythons everywhere in the street with tooth picks.

We brushed the Temple with rust to keep them away, and it seems to have worked.

Tommorrow we fly again with Ambarisa Das motocycle engine and Rati manjaris compas and ... so much help. Pancha, Nikunjna, Jahnava, Campaka, Nanda, NARAYANA!!! So many more. Thank you.

We have a lot more letters but our eyes are failing.

Oink!!! Here we go.

DTC Th(18)

5 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

Brother Ass is running on fumes. AgtSP. Paoho.

He is good guy though.

Read the letters we answered? Hope they help you. Krsna can put us in the mode of pure goodness at any moment. Only one requirement - No selfish desires.

Now write speech for tonight!

Mayor and five more people will talk.

Post it here.😀

DTC 9(Tu)

5 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna. Our life seems to be a constant near-death-experience.

Daily Sankirtan. Letters to the GBC, Regional GBC and Zonal Supervisor. Philosophy. Trying to answer letters from devotees.

In Mangala arati and Gaura arati we consciously push our body and mind to death. It is wonderful. Die to live.

Hare Krsna! Also letter to the Goloka Foundation Board of Directors.

Panch tattva Das et al are keeping us alive.

Letter to the MOE.


O.K. Down we go... two nice personal consultations, Arati and Nectar of Instruction part one.

Simon Legree went found a door in his basement.




5 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna. Hare Rama.

our energy is still low but fundamentally our body is healthy. No gas in the tank. Used it for a good cause - Sankirtan in Peru!

Thank you Maria, ARTD, Caturatma, Palika, Mitravinda and five more devotees who helped as much and maybe even more. 😁

Cold in BsAs and seeing up camp eg. Just got bath soap and computer coming.

the programs seem to be on schedule…GBC, Nios, ASA, going back to Godhead

Kapi Dhvaja is waiting for the computer.

much more energy today then yesterday. 🐖🐖🐖

Reviewed Yahoo, WhatsApp and Blog mail. Lot to answer.

okay. Japa. Gaura Arati. Sadhu Sanga.

thank you.

DTC Tu(2)

5 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna!

Brown Tom here and White Buck.

We are in Buenos Aires. It's about 50 F at 11AM. Cold, but so far we are adjusting. Devotees are very attentive to our needs.

We just exhausted all our energy in Peru/Bolivia. Wonderful programs: Bellas Artes, national fine arts academy, San Marcos University. Montessori and Waldorf school chiefs, ISKCON teachers and administrator and students!


Promotional work.

We are so low on energy and our eyes are weak and our throat so sensitive that we can't get more that 11-minute rounds done and have to take a lot of rest for Brother Ass.

Is wonderful! We are learning wonderful things about silent Japa. Your chest will vibrate with the Mantra. You can always connect with the Holy Names in a personal fashion: Oh, Radha!!

No laptop yet. Writing n our cell phone with our portable keyboard. We got our bivouac tools down!

Internet is as slow as molasses in January.

Hare Krsna! Hare Rama!

Keep on plugging.

Srila Prabhupada - Krsna can put you in the mode of goodness at any moment. Only one requirement, we have no selfish desires.