dtc su(26)

4 years, 9 months ago by hps in DTC

We die!!


Hard work all day. Yesterday, resting, but still working!! Only God can keep us safe!

Many good letters today. Super letters.

https://monkeywarrior.com/detail/11055/ has some very detailed answers!

Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet are soft, and stand in the sand, of sri vrndavana dhama.

We try to handle the mail that comes our way, but seems if we do the Blog, then Yahoo has to wait for another day.


O.K. Rest our brains, before they go insane, and make a PPTX for this evening!

Lord got four old, crispy, flaky chapatis from Mrs. Desai, and milk for breakfast. Then cream of celery Kitri/soup for lunch.

15-rounds done!

DTC 14(Tu)

4 years, 9 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP Paoho. AgtSP!!!!! Maybe we had too much pudding Prasadam at lunch and had to sleep too much! Tomorrow we will try to take less.

It is so, so, so nice to be able to cook for Lord Nrsmhadeva ourselves every day and then try to become more and more expert in offering and honoring Bhoga and Prasadam!

We have been in complete quarantine for 12-days now. Maybe we go out for Office Supplies etc in two days. Market for raisins and nuts? Still, if Abhiseka and Manjari can buy for us it is safer.... but how will this virus be quarantined? Even if one person has it, it can start again. We are trying to live like demi-gods and fly in the sky!!! But we have bodies and actions like hogs and dogs, so naturally there will be bad reaction. Better to live in the village. Keep health, nutrition, politics local with a broad perspective. Vedic!


Met with Miguel Polo, NgD, heard M. Isvari's nice class, joined, Nashville Kirtan, cut some grass, met with Abhirama and Arjuna, Blog, Whatsapp and Yahoo mail, DTC paper copy. O. K. now we can rest. It is like a tennis game with Krsna, Maya, the balls (days) keep coming and we have to strike them back. If we win the game we go back to higher level of service!


Thank you Pandava, CMDD, Jagat.... for your letters!

DTC mo[13]

4 years, 9 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna. AgtSP..... Paoho. Brown and White here.

8.55PM - We are dead. Rather be sitting in bed, but we need to answer six or seven letters before we are dead.

. . . .

9.40PM. So, 45 minutes reading and responding to Blog posts. It is time very well spent. We also offered Lord. Some very liquid pudding, and honored the remnants. Still we have a stomach pain, so we will chant Hare Krsna from our heart and let our spiritual perspective deal with the stomach. Body and shawdow, hari kirtan heart and stomach.

We have answered all the KDPC labeled Hare Krsna, that was last fortnight, except for two from Spain and keep working on those with the current. KDPC. KDPC is not the KDPC. The KDPC for each fortnight is in the Letters to the Editor Section of the Kapi Dhvaja!!

We work on the paper copy of our Diary of a Traveling Creature almost every day. Our technical skill is getting better and better, but we still have problem with distribution. We are thinking of scanning then and posting daily... by Twitter/Blog, but that didn't work today.

No, SB class this morning. We needed rest. Jagat-pavitram Das gave very sweet class.

11.30-12.30 we did online class to Croatia with Namacharya Das and M. Nirgata Devi Dasi, Devaki Das and Amsterdam Raja.

We had to take time to prepare for it. We are burdened from adminstrative challenges in several centers, just like you. We have essays, long letters to write for Viplavah, Solaris, NIOS for Sony Shamdasani.

We had our daily Calendar meeting at 9AM. It is open to every one. Ask us for the meeting number in FMP etc.

As part of that we also met with Karuna krsna Das for about 20-minutes. Very nice association.

Wednesday we will give SB class in the morning, Peru hour, then start FEP Chile hour. We won't give tomorrow.

Thank you,

Hare Krsna.

Now we have stomach ache, little head ache, and always struggle to keep pitta in the body.

Only Krsna, Sankirtan of the Holy Names can deliver us from this ocean of faults.

DTC fr(9)

4 years, 9 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP... Paoho.

When we were children our Mother and Father used to both work for the US Goverment. They were middle level employees. We lived in middle class neighborhoods, but it was like 1955 and everything was very simple. The phones had the circle that you rotated,,, click, click, click.... if no one was there, there was no answering machine.

People went to church.

Sometimes we had stomach aches and would lie on the couch and suffer while the television played in the living room and my mother and father and brother and sister would do things and watch.

Now we have a little bit sore throat, eyes, etc.

Ha! Ha! Ha! Washing this body. Getting free from disease is like washing coal. It is only clean with it is completely gone.

Gone back Godhood! Wrestle with Krsna.

Very nice day. Up early for Japa. wrote about six pages of DTC today. Talked with Dr. Samaresh, Harilila Das, Tandavika Das, prepared and presented Hawaii class. Cooked Pease porridge for Lord, had a nap and then went on to the porch for Japa and there were two bags of groceries there!

Split peas


Parsley, carrots, celery, oats! Some one knew exactly what we are offering. Was it Gaura Nitai!?

Now we have three dozen carots, one and one half gallons of milk etc!!

Mrgari gave away his bow, dinner ticket, and ended up with more that he could eat with his wife! If I become a devotee, what will I eat!

See you in heaven!! (TB: This is heaven!) Oh, we forgot! Thank you.

DTC we(1)

4 years, 10 months ago by hps in DTC

Good night!


So, many people saying, "Do not travel. Stay here." but it is like telling a doctor, "Do not go to your clinic". So many of our tools are there is Nashville. Our Ashrama is there if we are going to be doing any preaching by the internet, postal, methods, developing projects with Oscar, Ambarisha et al.

Our team is there. NgD is there.

So, we will travel tommorrow.

Now is 10.23PM. Head ache has started to appear. Time to stop writing letters. Was very good day. We have contact with like six households here. We all keep Brahmnical distances. Don't meet all together at the same time, receive them rather than going out.

Long discussion with Latin American GBC team today and few hours with Srinivas Das, M. Sundara-radhika Devi Dasi (Kama-Murari-Bala-Ananta-Nanda...)


***46 The forest of Vrndavana charms the hearts of the entire world and makes it thirst after the sweetness of the ocean of bliss. How is it that by the cooing of Vrndavana’s cuckoos, parrots, and other birds, even Lord Krsna’s flute, which maddens the entire world, has become bewildered and silenced?

*****47 The transcendental amorous passion of Sri Sri Radha-Muralidhara increases moment by moment without limit and all Their Gopi friends become plunged into the ocean of transcendental bliss. O Vrndavana, this is your great transcendental glory.

48 Alas, alas, if one does not worship Sri Radha’s lotus feet, then when She is displeased, Lord Hari, who is submissive to Her, becomes very difficult to attain. Without taking shelter of Vrndavana, how is it possible to attain Her feet, which never travel to any other place?

***49 As the girls of Vraja blissfully sing, play musical instruments, and wonderfully dance, and as the sky of Vrndavana resounds with the beating of drums and is filled with a shower of flowers, Sri Sri Radha-Krsna sweetly sing and dance.

****50 The vina makes no sound, the flute does not call, the cuckoos do not warble the fifth note, the gopis become silent, and Lord Hari gives up His love-talk, when Sri Radha sings the glories of Vrndavana.

DTC 31(Tue)

4 years, 10 months ago by hps in DTC

hare< [KRSNA (hare Rama)] !

9.16PM. Brother Ass is going blind, heart and respiration failing etc.

Prabhod ananda Sarasvati - Treat your sense, donkey, roughly!

  • Today was SB class. Is so satisfying. We are studying for teaching. If we can give SB, Canto 1-2 to people that is wonderful. The Gopis recite SB, no?
  • Then breakfast offering of five kinds of fruit and avacado.
  • Then collect our brains, then discover our flight had been canceled and then choosing the new option. Now we leave Boise at 7.45 AM Thursday (April 2) and arrive Nashville 2.15PM and look for an Uber ride to Murfreesboro. So looks like we will be available in the morning and evening on Rama-navami but not for Anandamaya Das' program as scheduled.


Talk-ed with Art Das for 45-minutes about Peru Teleconferences, Calls, for April 1st-15th. We will make a movie with Oscar and Ambaris/Vrsabhanu et al that will win an Oscar for Oscar. Karuna Virus.


Then there was an EarthQuake at 5.30PM! The whole building was shaking. People was running from the houses! This is all the same bad influence as the Karuna Virus, no?


Then we joined the Nashville 15-minute Daily Anti-virus/Prema Kirtana, and finished our rounds and doing let, let, letters!

[Upendra Das visited with cookies for the journey. We chanted for 30-minutes and discussed a little politics and Satsvarupa Das Goswami's books!]
O.K. 9.30PM (With hot milk, Srinivasa Das read from the "Genealogical Table of Lord Krsna" about how Krsna was not attached to any of His wives (??? 😎)
  • You can see the snow in the mountains that surround Boise, that came





today. [Fred, the grey, fluffy cat is on patrol everyday. We want to hang a sign that says, "Hare Krsna" around his neck]

😐 😐 😐 Thank you!!