Dtc fr(18)
AgtSP Paoho.
We are so tired we cannot even squeak.
Packing pictures, beds, blankets, tents, potatoes, guestssssss, brains, cinema graphic episodes...
. . . 📿🙂🙂🙂
AgtSP Paoho.
We are so tired we cannot even squeak.
Packing pictures, beds, blankets, tents, potatoes, guestssssss, brains, cinema graphic episodes...
. . . 📿🙂🙂🙂
Wrote an entire DTC and then, the "labor saving device", robot, erased it!
you gotta read the letters we write to others to get help for your own problems, because they are for you also.
Now, 11.55PM we will rest our aching head and remember our happy heart, and thank Guru and Gauranga that we have been able to participate in their Sankirtan!!!
Hare Krsna.
See you tomorrow in this world or another!
Walking alone in Vrndavana with Srila Prabhupada. Some devotees nearby. He is a most personal servant of Krsna. He discusses confidential things.
He wants to be our personal friend for every, who never betrays us.
The entire humor of the spiritual world, even including God, is to be the servant of others.
Our body is tired.
That is good. Our computer is having old age problems, but we can adjust.
We feel that someone is alive when there is the possibility of learning something new about, from them. Rupanuga Das has "died" but when we have these memorial events, as we had today. then we see that there are so many new things to learn about him from other of his associates, that we see he is still alive, teaching.
Sunday Feast in New Ashokavan with PTD cooking Pizza; Abhirama/Maria, JgD/Carolina (Rasarani, Madhavi), Bhakta David.
Very potent full evening program and now a few moments with you, our ASA Sankirtan party.
Where is Sita?
All day long the party led by Hanuman, Jambavan, Angada, would head south like a tsunami. Going through each house and its rooms, sheds etc. They would stay in touch like a flock of foraging birds by Tweeting?
Now it is 9.15PM. We hope you relished the many hours of broadcasting today and it inspires your search for Sita. We hope that we can give more and more inspiration. She is waiting for Rama's ring.
Tom Brown ASA
The sun is as 4.49PM in Sta. Eulalia, Peru.
It is dark and cold outside.
Hope you have been following the Tweets:
Spiritual life good. We see that getting up early and getting your rounds done well results in ability to do Sankirtan in the middle of chaos.
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18th will come JGD and family from Chile and Mathuresa Das from Bolivia (where we were supposed to go).
Answered Whatsapp and Blog mail that had Priority Codes from the Kapi Dhavja et al.
"PC FMP/KDh" is not, NOT, N O T the Priority Code. That is the name of the priority code. Like television is the name of the machine, but not the machine. The PC for the fortnight is in the KDh.
Any body who cannot understand this has very low intellectual abilities.
😇 😇 😇
FROM 3.15AM to 2.45PM there was no electricity or internet.
With PcD and B.D(Swiss) we had a better than every Mangala Arati!
Then japa,
Then sunlight,
Then SB 1.1.4 class,
Then Prasada and Emergency Diksa Adjustments by Third Party Telephone with Art Das!!!
WE WILL join FEP at 6PM with Diksa katha and give Gayatri mantras afterwards.
Hare Krsna. Hare Rama.
See you soon. (In your siddha deha)
Hare Krsna!
🐒When Hanuman found Sita he jumped up and down and kissed his tail!
WE GOT the results from the complete Co-vid test and it was also positive.
Yet, we have no symptoms?!
Breathing easy.
Trip to Bolivia cancelled.
What to do????
NoI 3 - Remain enthusiastic! Utsahan.
Visa can be extended?
So many people depending on you.
Leave for Santa Eulalia again today.
In quarantene we will stay.
50-rounds we will say.
Wikipedia we will pay.
From Japa comes Kirtan.
🦍 🦍🦍 🦍