DTC Th/28
Hare Krsna, Moo Chachas y Moo Chacos! AgtSP. Here we are in Mexico. Our body seems about 90% recovered, but seems that if we slack on our diet even a little it starts coming back. O.K. Is very natural diet.
We just answered all but one of the letters. Many programs in education here. Preparing for the NOD-2 seminar in Houston 10-21 July. Then Rathayatra en San Francisco! So much to do in education. Basic principle is read Srila Prabhupada's books morning and night in the association of devotee(s). Nothing else really matters. Hiranyaksa is challenging Varuna to a fight in the SB right now.
"Hey, I'm too old, Dude. Why not go fight with Lord Visnu? He'll kick your fanny as you run from the fight!"
We are also reviewing the GBC, Child Protection Office, Manual. Seems good, but also seems room for important revisions. Trash-9000 is filling up. Olnly 91,000 more words of trash before we start writing useful stuff. We hope to convince one scientist to become a devotee.