DTC (es)/ May 7
Su sirviente y discípulo.
Citta Hari das
HpS - Estimado CItta Hari Das - CHiclayo, Peru,
Su sirviente y discípulo.
Citta Hari das
T L G A S P !
pfanrh. Aqui estamos en Tennessee con Tandavika y Giri dhari!
Los vuelos de Lima fuerte, ciertan fue, y hoy dia otra vez a d e l a n t e !
Ya vamos a las cartas!! Despues vuelo a Atlanta, Brusells y simposium en Educacion!
A G T S P !
Good morning, Dudes (buenos dias, Moo Chachos). Son las 1.14AM aqui en Choseeka. B'cari Ashrama. Its 1.14 am here in the B'cari ashrama in Choseeka. Llegamos ayer despues de una semana bien l a r g a en Llima. We got here yesterday after a long week in Lima. Programas en la universidad. You don't need a translation for that... We are tired. (Somos cansados). But happy (Pero feliz). Nuestra vida es 80% catastrofia. (Our life is 80% catastrophy but we have hope because we are basically following Srila Prabhupadas foot steps and we are sincere in our little service), pero tenemos esperanza por que estamos seguiendo basicamente en los pasos de Srila Prabhupada y estamos sinceros en nuestra servicio pequeno).
Fin de semana estamos aqui...... Weekend we are here.... Y lunes (and monday) regresamos (we regress)... a LIma para unos horas (to lima for a few horas) entonces (then) avion por noche a Miami ( airplace by night to Miami).. Jaya. Comenzamos Japa Joe, taller de Japa for WebEx. (We commenxce Japa Joe, workshop of Japa por WebEx)
Oink! Oink! WHooop! WHoop!
todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupadha
Todas las glorias a Sri Sri Goura Nitai
Querido Guru maharaja... Mis respetuosas reverencias a sus pies.....
Me pudiera dar su mail. Por favor.
HpS - TlgaSP Pfanrh. Quien es??? Monocito tiene su caja de cartas:
pero no lea cartas de chicas si no hay copia a un hombre sano!
We just finished reading the Aleph as linked by Bh. Ignacio from Valparaiso as possible object of comparison with Virat Rupa Darshana of Mother Yasoda. It was interesting, but did not have much profound substance. Eating the bananas of the mind, no? Brahman realization. Seems that there is realization of the virat-rupa-darsana from many cultures. Of course, BG chapter 11 is wonderful description of this. Yet, the vision did not have a permanent effect on Borges. Was this because of a lack of a devotional attitude as decribed in SB 2.1? Bahunama janmanam ante ... After many lifetimes such elevated Jnanis become devotees.
Krsna is pure substance. The source of all the beauty of the Virata rupa!
= = = =
Acabamos de acabar de leer el Aleph según lo ligado por Bh. Ignacio de Valparaiso como objeto posible de la comparación con Virat Rupa Darshana de la madre Yasoda. Era interesante, pero no tenía sustancia mucho profunda. ¿Consumición de los plátanos de la mente, no? Realización del Brahman. Parece que hay realización del virat-rupa-darsana de muchas culturas. Por supuesto, el capítulo 11 de BG es descripción maravillosa de esto. Con todo, la visión no tenía un efecto permanente sobre Borges. ¿Estaba esto debido a una carencia de una actitud piadosa según lo descrito en el SB 2.1?
Bahunam janmnam ante… Después de muchos cursos de la vida tales Jnanis elevados se convierten a devotos. Krsna es sustancia pura. ¡La fuente de toda la belleza del rupa de Virata!
Diary of a Traveling Creature
Friday 13, 2012
Prabhupada Ashrama
Ferrenafe, Peru
(Castellano Sigue)
How are you?
On Tuesday we went to the beach. It's only an hour from here. It was great. There was a little old town next to it with old buildings. The smell and roar of the waves makes yu so happy. We started building a Dvaraka and eveyone else got involved. It had walls, towers, parks everything. It was so beautiful that it was hard to say good-bye.
Maybe Patrak has some pictures.
Then Wednesday and yesterday we worked, worked, worked on our Radha-desa presentation and the Bhakti-vaibhava studies.
Piggy sat on Bhakta Kindle Reader and there was a snap sound and he doesn't work anymore. That's happened to so many people! U.G. is trying to fix him in USA.
We are a whole week behind on answer letters but we ar pushing to catch up. We look for letters labeled URGENT and answer those quickly.