
12 years, 8 months ago by hps in DTC

A G T S P !      (paoh)                   Meaner than a junk-yard dog! !          Our tongue, throat and mouth still are infected rather.          Ooooooo!      Aaaaah!            Arrrrrgh!                   Gronk....    Don't spread, don't get bettah!                  H mmmm m?         Feel a little general fevah, and rest a bit, but not much change.    Head'n to three weeks now????         Should be dead or should be cured.           Doc Vivek, and Doc Ravi and Doc R'anuga and Doc Common Sense all say it's stress.      Rest.       O.K.              Not much else to do.

And the arthitis in the right thigh is little stronger.   We'll be walk'n with a crutch soon.      Haw!       Ha!                  Ha(Re!)                       Old-age is a good fr'n of a devotee.

          Learn to compensate.   Srila Prabhupada took regular massage and that controlled his rheumatism.            The parts assemble and disassemble to make our toys of play.    He!   He!         But only Govinda lila is for yesterday, tommorrow, today.

SOme Letters >>>


12 years, 9 months ago by hps in DTC

Here we are in Tandavika Das' Ashrama in Franklin, Tennessee.  Our health is still an issue. The terrrible inflamation in the throat is down to 5% but still inflammations in the mouth and tongue and infected feeling in the body. Seems we've caught up on all of our USA/South America work, and now things are going at a sane pace, so we will take more rest. That's what the doctor orders

So, we go to the Blog letters now!


12 years, 9 months ago by hps in DTC

Here we are in Tandavika Das' Ashrama in Franklin, Tennessee.  Our health is still an issue. The terrrible inflamation in the throat is down to 5% but still inflammations in the mouth and tongue and infected feeling in the body. Seems we've caught up on all of our USA/South America work, and now things are going at a sane pace, so we will take more rest. That's what the doctor orders

So, we go to the Blog letters now!


12 years, 9 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna, Hare Rama

Jaya Krsna Balarama!                    A*T*S*P                   paoho & bw > > >    Here we are in Lokesh Prabhu's apartment about 20-minutes from the Temple. Our throat inflamation is little reduced. Shaved. Look civilized. (It's an illusion). Now we look at the Blog posts.  Taking a hog's load of extra rest, but still the work seems O.K.  Gave class this morning on like chapter 82 of the 10th canto, "Krsna and Balarama meet the Inhabitants of Vrndavana (at Kuruksetra)". It's the basis of Rathayatra. The Festival of India has about 20-tents set out. Devotees are starting to arrive. Meeting a lot of nice people. Will distribute Prahlada-Nrs. VEDABASE.COM cards. Have not got any NIOS cards??!!         Will text Tandavika and NgD  >>->

(DRAT!     We just realized we missed the classes in Chosica and Hawaii.    We got back from the morning program at the Temple and practically speaking fell into bed   DRAT!  (but being sane guess we needed the rest))


12 years, 9 months ago by hps in DTC

Krsna, Krsna, Krsna, .....        He!                   AGTSP...   paoho...   We made it to Atlanta. It was one austerity after another. Today is Ekadasi. We have an inflamation in the throat, but nice room, nice Prasadam and 18-rounds done. Now we can rest, recharge the batterys. We have EXHAUSTED the bodys energy. Time to recharge.

Answer some letters!


12 years, 9 months ago by hps in DTC

 A G T S P !

Paoho / Bw

Monkey - Pigee here, in Brussels.   We almost died on this journey from Albert Road, ISKCON, to here, ISKCON Hindu Forum Europe. We drove at 5.30PM to the Sealdah Train station and let off the Harsh Pradhan with all his magical feets while great monsoon clouds formed over head. Then we proceeded alone, undaunted, into the gather storm to Dr. Samaresha's Nil-kamal ashrama in Lake Town. There, the next day, we finished all of the points and accouting for the book and the seminar. At 5.45PM we were again in the vee-hickle with Mr. Mondal as our shepherd and made it for check-in in the former Dum-Dum, Kolkatta airport. Plane 1/2 hour late.  Zoom!      Zoom!         Z o o m !                8.15-10.15PM zee aeroplane flu to Dal Hee!

More transit. Thirty minutes in lines for transfer.


Zoom!     Zoom!           Z o o m !                2.20AM we took to wings and all night in the dark with a pious Hindu girl next to us. Didn't say anything to the B'cari. Order water not soda, and the veg-meals! (We had fruit plate).

All the while sore throat, like some low grade virus.

All the while trying to chant Japa. Sat on our bucket, played our flute, people apporached us to root for The Toot!                   Looked at the movies there was Sherlock from Homes, episode number two so we turned it on without sound and watched the scenic beauty of Britian while in the dark Japa made sound.

Then a Kung Fui of Dragons, just as absurd, but beauty of nature with Japa we heard. SO, we got to Europe at Noon (by our old Hindu Clock), Jita-krodha was waiting and to the center we rock. SOme bread and some cheeses, so apples and orange and six ours resr and our bodies forlorn. Yet there's strenght in the heart to we rehydrate and walk, on the streets of Old Brussels and more Japa we clock.

Look, see, cigar-ette butts in abundance dot all the path, no book stores worth noting and at last a fine park we hath.

A hundred babies laugh and play.

   Their Momis wipe them of all things grey.

Three jugglers practice but all folks smoke!

  Nicotene is for insanely pained folk.

Oll Korrect. We have 26/32 rounds done. We read SB 3.14. We must not our special discovers for Srila Prabhupada's glorification, Sankirtana, answer some letters, evening program, in-transit!