DTC - 5/Th Cuera Amara, Mexico

12 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

            A G T S P ! 


We've had a lot of letters to answer today.   W fought the good fight and tried to answer them well.  Of course, we could all be going to hell, but we seem to have at least some connection to Krsna and Prabhupada and all of our Hare Krsna, Masters.

Tommorrow is last day in Cuera-amara. We will have four...  FOUR  ... classes!    Pretty good for a dying Monk (ey).

1 - CHosika with LAD, CMDD.....

2, 3, 4 - Local unit of 1-/2 hours each for NOI, PDP and Istagosthi with the B'caris.


We have learned how to die a pristine death.

Go to heaven in a chariot of Crystal.

  Yet, the Holy Names are so pure that even the weakest man in the world can touch Them with his feeble lips and tongue and throat and breath and mind and heart, and ask Krsna and Srila Prabhupada to help us understand our real position and get out of this mess and return to Them in our original form!

Hanuman was shot full of arrows, wacked on the head, at times.

But he didn't care.

He just shook it off, picked up the nearest, biggest, meanest rock he could handle and shot back!

We are not evil.

God is not evil.

That is just Rakshasha bunk.  We throw it all off and take hold of Srila Prabhupada's feet! and the Holy Names!              Hmmmffff!

JayaRama.US !

DTC Th/28

12 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna, Moo Chachas y   Moo Chacos!               AgtSP.      Here we are in Mexico. Our body seems about 90% recovered, but seems that if we slack on our diet even a little it starts coming back.      O.K.    Is very natural diet.

We just answered all but one of the letters.       Many programs in education here.  Preparing for the NOD-2 seminar in Houston 10-21 July. Then Rathayatra en San Francisco!              So much to do in education.   Basic principle is read Srila Prabhupada's books morning and night in the association of devotee(s).   Nothing else really matters.   Hiranyaksa is challenging Varuna to a fight in the SB right now.

       "Hey, I'm too old, Dude. Why not go fight with Lord Visnu?  He'll kick your fanny as you run from the fight!"

We are also reviewing the GBC, Child Protection Office, Manual. Seems good, but also seems room for important revisions.  Trash-9000 is filling up.  Olnly 91,000 more  words of trash before we start writing useful stuff. We hope to convince one scientist to become a devotee.

DTC (Tu/26)

12 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

Oink!       Oinnk!                    Whoop! Whoop!                   Bleep/Bleep!

                         A G T S P  !   >paoho>       He we are, Piggy, Monkey, Robert the Robot, in Houston.  Today we will fly to Mexico. Yesterday we had super Sankirtana with meetings to organize the NOD-2 Seminar when we return to Houston in two weeks and then we also made a lot of progress in organizing the big program with the Houston Medical Center in September.

Jaya!                Create interest, distribute book.

O.K.  Let's cut through the letters like the flowing Ganga!

a letter from Guadalajara MX

12 years, 6 months ago by AKD in DTC

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias
Soy Radhika d,d, de Nueva  Nilacala de Guadalajara; Jalisco México.
Disculpe mi atrevimiento pero cuando me avisaron que Ud. no podría hacer su viaje por motivos de salud, me dió mucha tristeza, porque obviamente no estamos preparados para recibirle, quisiera que supiera que aunque yo quiero tener mas sinceridad y estoy en el proceso adecuado, observo que no tengo pureza, y debo ser  paciente y determinada.
  Sin embargo quiero decirle que sus aspirantes a dicípulos y dicípulos siempre esperan con ansiedad el momento de verle y escucharle  y eso  ha contagiado a este corazón lleno de contaminación y quería que supiera que deseo y deseamos todos los devotos de Nueva Nilacala que se recupere pronto.
 Por favor mándenos sus bendiciones para estar siempre empeñados en servicio devocional y verlo pronto.
Su humilde sirviente Radhika d.d.
[email protected]

HpS - ASA -  TlgaSP              mahatmanas tu mam partha...    we are under the divine energy, ISKCON.                    Thank you for your letter.             I hope we can meet while we are in Mexico, Cueramara, Monterrey if you like.

DTC (Sa/23)

12 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

Oink!       Oink!      Whoop!         Whoop!            Beep/Beep!

AgtSP      Paoho & BW!               Here we are in Dallas. It is Vyasa-puja of Tamal-krsna Goswami.     Very, very, very intense festival.    Many, many devotees here.   Many, many very profund recollections of pastimes with Goswami.

Shyama-sundara Das recalls taking Maharaja to the dentist for a root canal surgery. He told the dentist he didn't need any anesthetic. The dentist said that was impossible.   Goswami, said, no, just put on my headphones and I will listen to lecture of Prabhupada.

Shyama-sundara Prabhu was just a few feet away from Maharaja and experienced the whole pastime.   Full root canal, oral surgery, no anesthetic.

Many other profound recollections.    We spoke of our little experience.

           Traveling is so hard to offer exactly what you want to Lord.

              Very nice hosts!            We put too much salt in the offering

                          Yesterday.     Body shaking!      Yet, nice soup
                                  rice and effusion as suggested!
                    O.K.  Mail!      TPP!      Today is book release.

DTC (Fr/22)

12 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

Oink!   Oink!     Whoop!     Whoop!               Hari!                  AGTSP  (paoho)

Here we are on our big, comfortable bed in Sri Rupa's room in Saligram and Mataji's house in Dallas!       It was a five hour trip from Franklin to here. We scuttled to Kalachandi's restaurant and got something approximating our our miracle diet for Lord Nrsmhadeva's Stress Recovery. Came back and  R E S T E D. A lot of interesting discussion with Sri Rupa.   A lot of people gonna be here for the weekend.  Gonna show our book.

O.K. Answer a few letters and off for Evening Program.

Still have TPP work to do!