DTC (Su/19)
A G T S P !
Sunday, 8.48AM. We just came back from the ASA cave. Now we are in Nitai-gaurasundara Prabhu's living room. M. Matsya is cooking Indian breakfast for everyone, (for our breakfast we had milk-banana and one homemade cookie in the blender offered to Lord Nrsmhadeva.) and talking with her relation who got in from Dallas at 9PM last time. Her relation is with her husband and daughter. They will continue driving very soon because they have to drop the young lady off at Duke University so she can continue with her school....
...and we have heart a-rythmia. Usually our heart makes one nice beat, pump, every second, but now it is making one good profound push every 3 seconds and a lot of flutters and half strokes in between. That causes the chest pains, weakness etc. Showed Nitai-gaurasundara Ji and he asked why it was happening. I said I didn't know but I was craving banana blended with milk which is potassium and calcium. He nodded and suggested I might need an EKG (electro cardio gram).
Makes us really think that at any moment we can get choked out of this body. We hope we go to Goloka to help Krsna and all of this friends take care of the cows. We can be monkeys and give the warning when tigers are in the vecinity.
O.K. Let's look at the letters. Chant Japa. Call friends (free on Sunday). Go to Franklin for a few days. Have 24-hour kirtana/symposium, Rathayatra, NIOS accounting meeting.
Hari Bol! 8.58AM (R-5/36)