3.35AM (Tu/28)

12 years, 4 months ago by hps in DTC

      Oink!     Oinnk!     Heeeeeeee  Hawwww!

AGTSP    paoho.   We just finished Japa Joe Forum.   Sometimes we Chat a little too much.   Chat can become Chant without the "n" (Names!), yet if we just chant mechanically without Chating about the Japa, Krsna, Radharani, then that is also not good.

    Mix, Kirtan, Japa, Books, Puja, Karma-yoga    to     improve your Japa!

                  O.K.   Let's answer a few letters before push Brother Ass in the shower.

Buck White/Brown Tom.....

          {We're in Murfreesboro still....    Radha Natabara Ashrama}    !

DTC (Sa/25)

12 years, 4 months ago by hps in DTC

     AGTSP       paoho       It's 7.11PM.      Usually we go for our regular walk at 7.15PM.     Nitai-gaurasundara Prabhu has a 2.1 mile route he follows.   It is AMAZING. We walk all that distance and we always come back within 43-46 minutes.  Amamzing, doesn't vary by 3-minutes!

Last week we did a strong writing project every day. We were adjusting our new office space. Today Saturday we have taken it a bit lighter and are doing simple but important follow up on NIOS office and office systems, Calendar for Texas and Peru.

O.K.  (Om Kesavaya Namah).  We write letters until our Doctor calls us to walk!   He is very regulated.

     HpS - ASA!

DTC (Th/22)

12 years, 4 months ago by hps in DTC


Today, Thursday, we taked with Dr. Bandhyopadya in India about his felicitations volume and calendar for India and Australia.          We wrote an intense letter to the new professor of comparative religions at MTSU inviting her to come to our Symposium 8th September and meet all our NIOS friends.      We finished our paper for the Center for Spirituality and Health, Houston   ...  etc.    Our eyeballs can't take too much computer time anymore.          Sri Krsna Sankirtana Ki Jai!          Heart is 90% regular.   Hot at the office.    Lots of spiders.   Will get to Blog letters next!

DTC (We/22)

12 years, 4 months ago by hps in DTC

     A G T S P !         Paoho.   9.03PM.     Ashrama Nitai-gaurasundara Prabhu.   Only 55% left on the bettery so have to bee brief.  Left plug at the office.  Save it all for Japa Joe, 1.30 AM  that's were we'll go.  Our Sankirtana was pretty good. We finished the essay for the 8th Sept NIOS symposium. GOt more respnoses from difererent nice schilars. We type and it doesn't apea for 15 seconds.     Tommorrow we work on the essay for Texas.   Medical center.

Lot of lettrs but o battery.  think it is Krsna's trick to save our eyes.  O.K.  Hari Bolo!

DTC (Mo/20 - 6PM)

12 years, 4 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP    paoho.   We are not mad.      We are no mad.    We are not mad.

           And you?

Are you also not mad!

                      Very not madder than we are not mad!

Ha!              ha!                      HAW!                         We shall sell buttons with big, big, sinister faces of Lord Jagannatha and Baladeva with fangs. (Little fangs).  We saw a picture like that from Puri.                I guess They have those in the mood or Lord Nrsmha deva.      He was Krsna gone            MAD              !      Grrrrrrrrrrr!     Nobody messes with my devotee!!!!!!!!!           Now we get some liquid for Brother Ass and have an ecstatic Srimad Bhagavad gita class!                (Because we are not mad!    And only sane people read Srimad BG, that's a well know fact.  Mad people don't read the BG.         I mean what could they get out of it???

Well I guess thay could get a "Hari He" perspective on life from Arjuna: "Hari, He! Help!".           And Hari did.  Put it all in proportion and the fig the twigs!  Snuffed the devils!)



DTC (Mo/20)

12 years, 4 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP   paoho......    We came to Franklin!     Our sever heart arhythmias stopped after lunch.  Maybe we just had a salt shortage.   Pulse is pretty regular and strong now, but we still have some chest pains on the left side.  Maybe just left overs.

Hari Bol!

Hari Bol!

How much longer do we have?    Do you see signs of leaving soon?   Makes you think what you are doing should have a lasting content to it. You won't get a chance to do it again.

Here is nice letter and our answer from/to Partha sarathi Das.

PSD- Pamo agtSP! JAYA!!! Hope your well. Sounds like an amaing program!!! Wish I was there with you. What kind of cake was it? Did monkey and piggy get a piece? Yes the mind brings problems. But Krsna always arranges nice memories at the time of death for his devotees. A friend of mine your godbrother HG Syamlal Pr. has two brain tumors, cannot remember anything but Srila Prabhupada.... so lucky in my opion. Guess this is what we strive for at the time of death, just remember our spiirtual master, and in that way, we are remembering Krsna through His representative.
Just gives more impetis for going home this life. Who wants to stay here? More important to bring people with. Funny thing in Brhat Bhagavatamrta, when Gopal Kumar reaches the abode of Maya, the worshipable Deity is Krsna as Mohini Murti..... he is asked if he wants to do puja... and says no, and prays with all his heart... interesting that the last place to stop before Godhead, the worshipable Deity is the Supreme Lord in His form as a women???? What do you think?
I know Misra Prabhu, he is wonderful. Sure I can help him if he wants. I am not so advanced, but will try. I thought you were printing our last email exchange to your blog, I didn't see it. If not, you can print this one.
Sankirtan is going well, did some Kazak BG's the other night after I gave a short class. Today giving a sankirtan class to 200 Devotees.. pray for me it goes well...
Here are 2 nice verses:
“Victory ! Victory ! Victory !

I behold something wonderful: all the inauspiciousness of the living entities is destroyed, no one is going to hell, Yamaraja has no more work to do and the effects of Kali yuga have ceased to exist. This is because all over the world an increasing number of Lord Visnu’s devotees are singing His names while dancing and playing musical instruments.”

Nammalvar, Divya-prabandha, Tiruvaymoli 5.2.1
kalyananam nidhanam kali-mala-mathanam pavanam pavananam
patheyam yan mumuksoh sapadi para-pada-praptaye procyamanam
visrama-sthanam ekam kavi-vara-vacasam jivanam saj-jananam
bijam dharma-drumasya prabhavatu bhavatam bhutaye krsna-nama

"May Sri Krsna's blessed name, which is a reservoir of all joy and auspiciousness, the destruction of Kali-yuga's sins, the most purifying of all purifying things, the saint's food as he traverses the path to the spiritual sky, the pleasure-garden where the voices of the greatest saints, philosophers, and poets play, the life of the righteous, and the seed of the tree of religion, bring divine auspiciousness to you all."
HpS -- Jaya! AGTSP paho. We were going to post the last letter but got drowned by many things. So we for sure post this one, but if post directly there then we can answer there and is more secure. There are several Marathon winners on the Blog. Of course, most of them speak Spanish but that should be a problem. We got a fire here!
Today we finished updating our Pada-padma Chapter Study Guide for the Bhakti-vaihbava program that is trying to get stared in Houston. Was lot of work with the Study Guides are quite nice now. Useful. The updated version is at: www:jayarama.us/archives/pdp-csg.doc
O.K. We go to the Blog and post this!