DTC - Fr(8)

11 years, 11 months ago by hps in DTC

   AGTSP   paoho.    The internet connection in Radha-desa is not good in the afternoon or evening yesterday so we could not write our Diary...   Every evening we are having NOI symposium and try to go tot Bhakti-vaibhava level.  Is very nice. Lots of devotees.   As we just try to talk about things spontaneously the class goes into depth and it seems that even in four or five evenings we will just cover maybe two or three verses and purports!

We arrived Wednesday morning. Crashed for a few hours and gave class Wednesday night.  The yesterday they had us give class in the morning. One hour meeting with Yadu Swami and Dina-dayal Das about on-line education, and then NOI in the evening. We also fought with the robot and after 1/2 hour found out how to remove the partition on our external hard drive and made a back up of our files!  Actually were several other complications.

We beat ourselves for not working enough, but seems that maybe we are working O.K. We can desrire to be like Rupa Goswami, utsahan, but we should have patience, dhairyat.

            We are really struggling to catch up with the Blog letters.   100 vyvasa puja letters has got us drowned.  We look for "Urgent" letters.

In anxiety not to be doing Dr. Bandyopadhyay's work!             NIOS work....   Hare Krsna...   We are compulsive personalities.   Slow down, Tom!  Chant Hare Krsna and be happy. Learn to decline work. Set a practical standard of what you can do.  Keep the important things first and be sure that your work is well coordinated with others.  Then everything will get done for Srila Prabhupada very nicely..

DTC - We(6)

11 years, 11 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP!    paoho.    Here we are in Radha-desa, Le Petite Somme, Brussels, Europe, Bharata-varsa. It was a long...  hard...  trip but our Yoga and the MERCY of Srila Prabhupada made it possible.  We were six hours in transit... tran-sit ....   in Newark but we had final fone conversations with several devotees and that was time well spent. Then over night in the dark to Brussels and then to the Castle.  Mother Matsya's puris with vegetables were wonderful, Lord Nrsmhadeva seemed to be growling in ecstasy.

Some, good amount of sleep, rest, and we feel quite well.  We gave and recorded the first of three evening NOI-3 seminars. Now we will look at the letters to the editor a little bit and take rest for the night. We have to be careful because we have to run on batterys until we get an adapter.
See you at Japa Joe tommorrow 1.30AM Brussels hour.

DTC - Tu(5) Airplane to Brussells

11 years, 11 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP   paoho.    3.38AM.     Up since 1.15AM with Japa Forum, but some rest also.  In three hours we leave for the airport.    Will be six hours in transit in Newark.
Brother Ass is definitely getting older (and wiser). I guess that means he's a real wise-ass??
Have two more important letters to write. Little packing. Mangala arati for Radha Natabara, and Blog letters.
We can't handle all the Vyasa puja offerings!!!    Most of the them are similar. Thay have all been very nice. Thank you.  Whatever good qualities you see in us is probably 99.999% the tolerance and mercy of Srila Prabhupada and the devotees.    We will just glance at the first few words of the remaining offerings and post them without comment. They are so much better than last year. Seems like we have become Brahmanas. Next Goswami!

Tom Brown, a Traveling Creature.

DTC - Mo(4)

11 years, 11 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna,   Hare Krsna...
      (((paoho)))           Oink!     Oink!       Whoop Whoop.       Here we are in Murfreesboro afloat in service good and rich.   The problem is to satisfy that transcedental, esoteric, exisitential itch.
             Each day we die for drama, mystery,  personal elan, with Krsna in Goloka, that's the only plan.    Books the basis and  NOI amongst them is the basis of the base, and eight is the the basis of the basis of the base!
                    The KRSNA book!!!   Book...        O.K.    Time for today's Japa!
We're catching up on on the Blog.
     Our eyes can't handle much screen.
                Today will be banking, final letters and we're off for the Belgium's jewel!     Radha Gopinatha!

DTC - Fr(1)

11 years, 11 months ago by hps in DTC

            A G T S P !     (((paoho)))         Here we are in the Guest Room in Nitai-gaurasundara Das' home. Jayapataka Swami, Hrdayananda Goswami, Nirajana Swami, Satsvarupa Das Goswami have all stayed in this room. Prabhu's esteemed father, famous Hindi scholar, left his body here.
It's 10.19PM. Time to take rest. We had so, so much work to do in the last four days at Tandavika Das' home. All of our physical possessions, files and there. He we should be able to do a lot of work on catching up on the phone and Blog communication, then Tuesday we start this four month Journey to the Far East.
Our vision is stressed everytime we use the computer.  We are definitely hearing reduced. Our short term memory is not what is used to be... but our intelligence is continuing to expand. The classes to Peru this morning and here tonight were so nice!!!!   We can appreciate the BG and SB so much more. Some people say that this is Maya, should engage in more gross work. We should see Krsna in whatever work He gives us but in the beginning He appreciates we are inclined to a certain service, Karma-yoga, like Arjuna.
O.K.  That will lead to Jnana-yoga and to Dhyana-yoga and then to pure Bhakti-yoga
Ha!    Ha!    Ha!     In the end just chant  HK / HR!!!!

Jaya  Sri Sri Guru, Gauranga.

O.K.  (Om Krsnaya namaha) ...  Take a nap until 1.15AM.   Got our goal of 28 rounds done today!!  Tha you Krsna.  Was a very nice day.   We hope it all culminates in very great book distribution....   Tom Brown (MONKEY).

DTC - Th(31)

11 years, 11 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP   paoho.    9.44PM
We have a headache like six elefants.  Jaya!!!!           Time to take some rest.     We see that any intelligence that we have for our work comes from Krsna.  If we want to worship demigods He gives us the determination to do it. If we want to strive for a post, a PhD, a job, a marriage partner, He gives us the intelligence that gives us the enthusiasm.
All we can do is chant the Maha-mantras at the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada.
Dadami buddhi yogam tam... then He will give us personal indications that the results are His choice.
Such a kind Friend.
Such an ingenous Friend.  Such a happy Friend!!!
How can we help Him??

Hare Krsna / Hare Rama

We have to be willing to make strong readjustment of our plans. To be connected with Krsna!