DTC - Tu(29)

11 years, 11 months ago by hps in DTC

ASA Apes,
A G T S P !      (paoho)     Here we are in Franklin, Tennessee (Giriraja Ashrama). We are with Tandavika, M. Mina, Kosa, and Mosa. Trip yesterday was like ten hours. We were COMPLETELY exhausted, but still we were able to check Dr. Polo's letter from San Marcos University and then call Dr. Messier here in Tennessee.
Their ideas are much more clear now, so our idea of ourselves is also much more clear. They do not have much service for us, so we have to approach Srila Prabhupada for service and share it with others.

Our new alarm didn't work, so we didn't get up until 4.30AM and so we missed the Japa Forum. Tommorrow should be O.K.    1.30AM, Nashville hour.

Now we have to pack-up for this four months of travel, out in the field.   LOTS of WORK.

O.K.   7.42AM (5/25-rounds done).

Now we listen to Srila Prabhupada's class, and then chant more Japa and review the Blog letters.
Tom Brown (MONKEY)

DTC - Mo(28)

11 years, 11 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP  paoho.   5.26AM      Leaving for airport for trip to Nashville.   Up at 1.15 AM  Japa Joe.  Nap. Bath. Pack. Puja and no..  time to read and answer letters, but we will do it, and we do look for those with URGENT in the Subject field and answer them first.  Kapi Dhvaja is up on the Web Page.

Our health is fine, we are chanting Hare Krsna!!

See you soon!!   Monkey... Piiggy.

DTC/PP - We/23

11 years, 11 months ago by hps in DTC

    AGTSP....   (paoho)...  Here we are in Boise, Idaho, New Bihar-van, suffering and enjoying.  It is 4.02AM Mountain Time. We have chanted 20-rounds since 1.30AM.  Mangala arati is 6AM.  It's 15-degrees below freezing. We some terrible dreams from all the social stress of dealing with devotees emotional problems and anger. However, that also seemed to give us clear conscoiusness of how to deal with the problem.
Basically we have to chant Hare Krsna ceaselessly. What every other action is approved by the chanting then we can add it, a vase for the flowers.
Anjana Suta Stuff is going on O.K. ABC Branch management, writing, itenarary. Basically we chant and then whatever ideas, plans come they are nice, and then we can jot stuff down for the Calendar.
O.K.  We answer some Blog posts and get ready for our class on NOD2 at 6.45AM.  Thank you.

P.S. Look for "waterfall" on the Youtube and you get very, very nice video of a waterfall. The sound is nice. Maybe the breeze blowing Krsna's hair, the grass in Vrndavana, is like that.

 = = =

AGTSP .... (paoho) ... Aquí estamos en Boise, Idaho, New Bihar-van, sufriendo y disfrutando. Es hora de la montaña 4.02AM. Hemos cantado 20-rondas desde 1.30am. Mangala arati es 6AM. Está a 15 grados bajo cero. Nosotros, unos sueños terribles de todo el estrés social al tratar con problemas emocionales y la ira. de devotos. Sin embargo, que también nos pareció dar conscoiusness clara de cómo tratar con el problema.
Básicamente tenemos que cantar Hare Krishna incesantemente. Lo que toda otra acción que sea aprobado por el canto entonces podemos añadir, un jarrón de las flores.

Anjana Suta cosas que está pasando ¡está bien ABC Branch gestión, redacción, itenarary. Básicamente canto y entonces las ideas lo que sea, los planes de venir ellos están muy bien, y entonces podemos anotar cosas por el calendario.
¡Muy bien Respondemos a algunos puestos Blog y prepárate para nuestra clase en NOD2 a las 6:45. Gracias.

DTC Mo/21

11 years, 11 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP   paoho.   This has crashed three times!    We are in Boise.  Our hearing a little deaf.  Snow and ice here.  Below freezing all day. Devotees nice.  20-new B'caris, so lots of introductory preaching. Still seems time for writing will be O.K.   Internet and robots like 87% perfect, so Japa Joe at 1.30AM Boise time should be a go for tommorrow morning.  Hare Krsna.

9.41PM.   KRSNA book and nap to 1.15AM.   38-rounds today!

Thank you!    Sankirtana!

Dtc Su 20

11 years, 12 months ago by hps in DTC
AgtSP Paoho. Here we are in Nila madhava Dhama, Seattle, until tomorrow. Lost our Japa Joe connection this morning but should be better tomorrow. We go to Boise tomorrow. Sankirtan is very good. Broadcast of class at previous link at 6.30pm. J Hari bolo!

DTC Fr/18 [PP]

11 years, 12 months ago by hps in DTC

     Oink!   Oink!    Whoop!      Whoop!




                                                                                               Whooop! !   !                     AGTSP     paoho & bw...  Here we are in Fremont, California, Ashrama de Srivasa Pandita Das, Malini Devi Dasi and Gita-priya...     Now, 4.18AM.  We have 16-nice rounds done.  We have successfully recovered 87% from our flu attack and we are packing to go to the airport at 6.10AM.

[PP]   TlgaSP   Pfanrh.  Estamos en San Jose, California preparando salir para aeropuerto a las 6.10AM.  Ya son 4.20AM.  Jaya!!  Hoy dia vamos a Seattle.   Todo el trabajo de ASA es a tiempo.

MONKEY: Most of our ASA work is on schedule.  We live in a bubble of time and space dominated by the feet of His Divine Grace. Now we will answer a few letters because we won't have connection later.  More Japa on the airplane and lunch and rest in Seattle and then to the Temple for "Every Bear Can Dance" ie. we are all Sankirtana men!

PIGGY:  Revisamos unos cartas y adelantar arrelgando la equipaje y vamos a Seattle. Por la tarde seminario de Sankirtana!!             Vamanos!