DTC Su(7)

11 years ago by hps in DTC

  A G T S P !

Monkey - Piggy here in beautiful Melbourne by the Sea Australia.  A really opulent, big Temple.   Old building. Prabhupada built....    Yesterday we had Japa Joe from 1.30-3.30AM, SB class (full temple room) from 7.30-9.00AM, drive to Prof. Mabbett's beautiful  home in the hills one hour and excellent program there with about 7-fantastic indologists until 5-pm, one hour drive to the Urban Yoga Center with two hours with fantastic new age, Western people, then up at midnight for our San Jose Bhakti-vaibhava program (all ekadasi and change for time for daylight saving's time), then no Japa Joe to get minimal sleep and then SB class this morning.

Raktaka Das, Madhumanjari Devi Dasi, Dhanesvari and Dhruva and so many are REALLY helping us.  We are learning a LOT about our body. The LOB programs are going well. We are meeting any temples and devotees who want to develop these.

We canceled 1/2 of the programs they had planned for Sydney, Next stop and now feel like we are going to be able to handle our BhVai, NIOS, and MED work.

O.K.  >>>>==========>   Letters.