DTC Th(18)

11 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

    A G T S P !     (((paoho)))                9.41PM.   We have 24/26 rounds done.    We've answered all letters up to one week ago (looked for any with URGENT in the Subject field).    Some letters longer eg. South America travel plans.

We are in Tandavika Das' Ashrama tonight, but tomorrow we go to Murfreesboro and NGD home and our NIOS office.  There are many things happening with NIOS. Some with the Ministry of Education. We are trying to develop things very seriously in South America.     Our plan for writing is very clear now.   We have the Japa Joe Power Point done. Now we will start a Word Dialog with Dr. Carl Jung. We'll do that by re-reading the Tavistock lectures in the next few days.

We need a publisher.
   NIOS???      Miguel Polo???     IECOO???             ASA???? (If all else fails (Then we will probably be going to Goloka very soon)).

                Well that's all.    A little clip of KRSNA book from the You Tube, Vatsasura, and take rest.    Thank you so very, very much for your association!!!!    TB/BW et al...

DTC Tu(16)

11 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

   AGTSP....   paoho.     We made it!      It was a long, hard struggle, but in the end Lord Nrsmhadeva prevailed. After two autos, two airplanes, three airports and 9-1/2 hours of travel we are sitting in "our" room in Franklin, Tennessee.

Gotta headache but doing O.K.

Trip was Booooring!

Impersonal.  Only personal thing was one passenger who sat next to us on Phoenix to Nashville. Didn't get any books to take with us, but chanted 45-rounds!

O.K.  8.40PM    KRSNA book and take rest.   Japa Jose is set for the new hour.

TB/BW  ...

DTC Mo(15)

11 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

14 Letters in about 1 hour and 20 minutes!    AGTSP    paoho.   That's 80minutes/14 letters = 5.714285714285714 minute/ letter.   We have little headache etc after doing it but is mercy.  Unless we can serve the devotees we will probably serve our senses.

Now it in Monday 5.36PM in Srivasa Thakur, Kumari Gita-priya and Srimati Mailini devi dasi's home,ashrama.         We have 14-rounds only today.  During Japa Joe we were losing conneccion, napping!   Happens, very very rarely.   We had 8 hours of classes both Saturday and Sunday.

   Now we have got the last of our stuff from CCD and M. Subra's home and our other luggage packed.  We leave at 7.30AM for the airport here in San Jose and arrive in Franklin (at Tandavika, Musa, Kosa, and M. Minas home) at 9.30PM time here!  Long trip. We can chant some more rounds on that trip.    Will be a lot of physical stress, pain, but is worthwhile.

We are now finished with our Europe, India, USA, South America, global travel. Now we have to put writing about Goloka in the front. If our energy returns and it is good for writing then we will go to South America.  Europe and  India... the rest of the world.

In any case we are all going to die (so better to die doing Sankirtana).

          Sunday, SKYPE with Me, Rama-giridhari and Nitai-gaurasundara.  Abhiseka, NIOS, Sri(ni)vasa et al are looking to import 350 of the Goloka Education Sanskrita sets and sell them!!!            Arrange a consultation visit for Prana and Rama-giridhari for the Houston Temple for establishing the first NIOS-Goloka Education Primary School in USA.

        Talked with Dr. Samaresh this morning. Distributing our books with him is going ahead, albeit slow. As more people can help Abhiseka, the more we can do.

              O.K.  At 6.30PM we go to evening program in Rasa Das' home.   Still have lots of rounds to chant, Bh. Vai to read and bath.  Guess we do the bath and chant Japa in route and more tommorrrow and read tommorrow.

KRSNA book and hot milk when we return.  Thank you!!

DTC Fr(12)

11 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

          AGTSP    paoho....   It's 1.24AM.    We have 6-minutes before we start Japa Joe. We are in Srivasa Pandita Das' home/ashrama in Fremont (San Francisco) California.  Our health is fine for a 65-year old ass.       We are doing all kinds of Bhakti-vaibhava and MED programs here.  Again it has been very,  very busy!   We have 1 week and 6 days worth of letters to answer.  Today we should get to them!

Yesterday we got up for Japa joe at 1.12AM.  Washed, water, cherrys, Japa-joe, 30-minute nap, yahoo mail, mangala arati, unexpected trip wit Srivasa to Vaisesika Das home and read Radhika's book, left it with Vais, talked with him about ed. dev, b'fast, little nap, more mail to rama giridharai about goloka education, to berkeley with sridhara, 2-hours with lokanatha das, drive 3-hours, little K'video, take rest!!!

OK>   Japa Joe!!!    Thank you!

DTC Th(4)

11 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

          A G T S P !
Here we are in ISKCON Boise, Idaho. It was a long hard journey from Denver, Colorado, but we made it. Ananta-rupa Das and Radhika and Gopala, Prabhu Yadubara Das, Panda-vijaya and Adrian are here with other devotees, family, from Vrndavana, Utah, Seattle etc.   We worked like cross-eyed beavers to get our Power Point show on Jagannatha Rathyatra ready for last night . It is posted at the Web-page (4.7MB) and the semi-final revision of Japa Joe (6.4MB) also:



Now we are getting ready to leave for Rathayatra at 9AM. It is 8.08AM now. We have 17/26 rounds done.

We answer some letters.

We have a packed schedule:
~Today Ratha from 9AM-1PM. Arati-Prasadam (Class?) 1-3PM. Evening Program [Yadubara Prabhu]
~Friday - SB AM with Evening Program by M. Visaka DD 
~Saturday - SB by Srivasa Pandita Das; Picnic - Taking Jagannatha to Vrndavana Forest by HpS; EP Yadubara Prabhu.
~Sunday - Lecture: Appearance of BvThakura by 11AM by ASA.

Things to Do:
1. Sastric Educational Development for Sesa Das and Vraja-bihari Das.
2. MED Web-page with Dinadayal and Rama-giridhari Das
3.1 NIOS - Primary School Franchise Development with Rama-giridhari Das
3. 2 NIOS - Dr. Bandyopadhaya
4. Bh.Vai for San Jose.

5. Stuff on the Calendar each day (like Hawaii Class!).

DTC Tu(2)

11 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC



Here is a link that Professor Annette sent us of photos from the University program in Ft. Collins, Colorado.


Also, Srila Prabhupada is always citing the Instructions of Lord Rsabadeva. Even in NOI.  They include 5.5.5    easy to remember     and start at 5.5.1...   And he cites them in the Gita at 5.2!!!

The Madrid Rathaytra was a booming success with nice litte cart, hundreds of devotees, maybe 500,000 plus people in the street seeing the parade, clapping, snaping, chomping prasadam!

Now it's 4.50PM.   Busy all day.     Actually went for a walk under the nice trees.  Saw BEAUTIFUL old, elegant, brick homes. Reminded us of Vrndavana!   Ostensibly we were going to to the Dollar Store to look for a frame for a super drawing that Sugopi gave us so that we could give it out as a present at the Education Symposium tonight.   We were wondering if this was all Maya and we should have our "nose to the grind stone" instead.

We found a frame.  Chanted a lot of rounds.  Got refreshed.  Looked at the Dollar Store offerings and then went to the counter.    "How much is that?"

"That will be $1.08"