DTC Th(18)
A G T S P ! (((paoho))) 9.41PM. We have 24/26 rounds done. We've answered all letters up to one week ago (looked for any with URGENT in the Subject field). Some letters longer eg. South America travel plans.
We are in Tandavika Das' Ashrama tonight, but tomorrow we go to Murfreesboro and NGD home and our NIOS office. There are many things happening with NIOS. Some with the Ministry of Education. We are trying to develop things very seriously in South America. Our plan for writing is very clear now. We have the Japa Joe Power Point done. Now we will start a Word Dialog with Dr. Carl Jung. We'll do that by re-reading the Tavistock lectures in the next few days.
We need a publisher.
NIOS??? Miguel Polo??? IECOO??? ASA???? (If all else fails (Then we will probably be going to Goloka very soon)).
Well that's all. A little clip of KRSNA book from the You Tube, Vatsasura, and take rest. Thank you so very, very much for your association!!!! TB/BW et al...