DTC Fr(27)

10 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC

(paoho)  Friday - 27th, 5.53PM.   We just finished the Yahoo mail and now we have to go to NGD ashrama for internet meeting with our BhVai partner, Upendra Das. Canto Four, Maharaja Prthu's Horse Sacrifice.

We just could not get to the Blog mail for three days now!  We have letters from 1 week 6 days ago.

We doing a lot of work for this Nashville Rathayatra. Happens once a year. Think we will catch up on the mail. We looked for any letters with 'URGENT' in the Subject field and didn't see any. Feet still rather swollen. Maybe is sympathy for Laksmana agraja Das.

O.K. See you in a few moments.