DTC - Th/26 (9.12PM)

11 years ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP paoho

Here we are in Miraflores, Lima, Peru. It was a long, long, long hard trip but after 23 hours of work and travel we arrived in Peru and took a litte rest. At 4AM we were up and Mangala arati, Japa, class, individual meeting, nap, meet with Laksmana Das, Nimsar meeting, Japa, Gaura-gadadhara  Devi Dasi meeting, evening program, got modem working, some mango and papaya, new smart phone requieres a soft key to unlock it, so we can't use it in Peru etc.


The only "tool" that works in Kali-yuga is the Maha-mantra. It is so merciful that it will direct us how to use our situationn for serving Krsna.

O.K. Tired. Can't answer mail.

Take rest until Japa Joe.

Hare Krsna / Hare Rama!

Read the KRSNA book.

DTC - Mo(23)

11 years ago by hps in DTC

 A G T S P

Here we are in Murfreesboro, Tennessee still, but not for long. Tomorrow afternoon, Xmas eve day, we go to Tandavika Das' ashrama, and then on Xmas day, at 4.30AM, we start our long, l o n g  journey

                 n into the deepest, darkest jungles of the South American continent! There we shall talk of Jung, Jambavati Devi Dasi, Education in ISKCON and the general work of a Sannyasi.

      [Coming with us?]

Now it's noon. We're doing pretty good. By the mercy of our Japa Joe collegues, 22/26 of today's rounds done. Mangala-arati (Cha Cha Cha), KRSNA book (Lord Siva and Vrkasura), writing and formatting our NOI sized Journal, and long calls to India with Ramagiridhari Das and Professor Samaresh. Oooof!

        [Gotta watch Tandavika Das' phone bill]


Gud werke. Bharatiya-sanskriti proof reading, Harsh's Indian University promotional list, Golka Education's Sanskrit learning kit etc et al.

We offered Lord Nrsmha deva some anniversary cake and tea, and then orange, cranberry, raisin, yogurt, sugar blended to slush.

    [Time for a Gayatri break!]

Then Mail, some web-development, Bh.Vai, Jung, Lord's lunch and visit to NGD's ashram for the evening.

                            >>>>=======>   Vrndavan!

DTC Su]22] - 9AM

11 years ago by hps in DTC

OINK!     OINK! / Whoopp!    WHooooop!                AGTSP            [paohho]]]

How are / WHo are you?? 

Here we are in our cabin in the HOD (Herald of the Dawn).

     Still at 902 Hillcrest, MurfreesBoro, TN, USA....  Do'n well.

Mak'n things tough for the translator.  (Ha! Ha!...!)...  We watched the 8-part "History of the English Language" YouTube. It was great (some parts were a little slow). About 1/3 of the people on the face of the earth have some knowledge in English. Being bi-lingual or more is common. When they were making dictionarys and fixing spellings there were two groups. 1. Wanted to spell it like it sounded. 2. The other wanted to spell it like used to sound in the Latin-Celtic-French... The second group won to so we got this archaic spelling form!

          For Sankirtan English has advantages, but like Latin went to French, Portugues, Spanish, Romanian - the Global English is going to more and more unique, hard, impossibble to understand dialects, Eiii Mate?

Last night NGD and Mother Matsya left home at 6.30PM for an anniversary celebration at the Ramada Inn for Mrs./Dr. Sarasvat's daughter's wedding anniversary. HpSwami and Rtadvaja Swami left to go home.

          When NGD and Mataji walked into the Banquet room in the hotel. Everyone jumped up and said, "Surprise!".   We were all there. [About 100 people]     It was THEIR 30-wedding anniversary!

Oooof!   Were they surprised. It was nice. Great chance to talk to all of NDG friends and relations about Krsna!

          We distributed one, "On Chanting", yesterday.

We finished the Proof Reading of the NIOS-Museum Book. It's good.


Ramagiridhari's Father had to go back for heart-attack tests so we are rescheduling our meeting with Abhi, Me, Aja-govinda about NIOS-Goloka Education etc.

           The Jung writing is really settling down now.

Here's what we got so far:


Carl Gustav Jung and India’s Bhagavata

(rev. 131221)

 “... if you go to other races, to India or China, for example, you discover that these people are conscious of things for which the psychoanalyst in our countries has to dig for months.”[1]

“ We Europeans are not the only people on the earth. We are just a peninsula of Asia, and on that continent there are old civilizations where people have trained their minds in introspective psychology for thousands of years, whereas we began with our psychology not even yesterday but only this morning. These people have an insight that is simply fabulous...”[2]


The authors of this humble article have had the fortune to be involved with psychology, psychiatry, the rigorous and cultural disciplines of Yoga and Indian culture, both academically, professionally and socially for many decades. This has matured into an appreciation that Professor Carl Gustav Jung may very well be best footing on which to attempt to build a bridge between Oriental and Occidental heritage.

What is the world? How should we live in it? Especially, how does the psychological aspect of reality control our lives?

We feel that these difficult questions can benefit from a shared perspective of East and West, something which still has not been done to practical depth.

Taking impetus from strong remarks from learned scholars we have begun to carefully investigate Professor Jung’s ideas, perspectives, character and those of his followers. This investigation has included the famous Tavistock Lectures, documentary videos, organizing seminars at different universities and especially Professor Jung’s own autobiography, Memories, Dreams and Reflections. The first result of this work is a very solid realization that Professor Carl Gustav Jung stands as one of the greatest geniuses of the 20th-century. The depth, breadth and quality of his investigations are astonishing. Some points that contrast strongly with Indian classical thought are obvious, and we have commented on those elsewhere. The question remains, however, where to catch hold of this congenial elephant. From one side he feels like a gigantic snake, from another a tree, from another a rope, a giant leaf, a wall. After letting the idea run around in our pre-conscious mind for several weeks we have really been hit with the idea of starting with what interests us the most: Dr. Jung in India.

With this mercy from our sub-conscious workers, our lot becomes much simpler. Besides odd citations that we have gleaned here and there, we will begin this bridge building effort by systematically reading and discussing Dr. Jung’s visit to India in 1938, and his visions of India during his heart attack of 1944. Our aim in this will be to introduce our project clearly in both the professional and popular communities, with a demonstration of both our expertise and ignorance and thereby develop relations with those whom we can serve as teachers, and those who can help us as our teachers.


In Memories, Dreams and Reflections[3] Professor Jung comments that his journey to India in 1938 arose from an invitation from the British government of India to participate in the 25th anniversary celebration of the University of Calcutta. This strikes us in two three ways:

  • Professor Jung went to India in 1938. Oh, how things have changed in many ways, and, Oh, how things have not changed in many ways.
  • The fame of Professor Jung might be declared, that although a citizen of Switzerland, he was invited by the British government to visit India.
  • One of our principal advisors has been Professor Samaresh Bandyopadhyay, a highly lauded historian of the current age and formerly Head of the Department of Ancient Indian Culture and History at the University of Calcutta. Through him we might look to see if any written record of Professor Jung’s visit to and addresses at the University of Calcutta still survives.

1938 to 2013 is seventy-five years. India has changed, we are sure Professor Jung would also have changed. As we continue this project then we must meet people who have taken Jung’s ideas forward for him. Now we can look at the more durable principles of the Bhagavata and Professor Jung’s philosophy that would not have changed in a mere seventy-five years.

“When we think of the unending growth and decay of life and civilizations, we cannot escape the impression of absolute nullity. Yet, I have never lost a sense of something that lives and endures underneath the eternal flux. What we see is the blossom, which passes. The rhizome remains”[4]

Dedicated to looking at that which is perennial in Professor Jung’s philosophy, we must also introduce our Oriental contrast. That will principally be the Bhagavata-purana, the ripend fruit of the tree of Vedic literature.

Professor George L. Harte, University of California, in the Preface to his A Rapid Sanskrit Method comments:

 “It [Sanskrit] is, like Chinese, Arabic, Greek and Latin, one of the few languages which has been a carrier of a culture over a long period of time. 

Thus, the variety of writings in it, and the quantity of those writings are staggering.  An incomplete list of subjects treated in Sanskrit, usually with great prolixity, is as follows:

  • The four Vedas
  • The Brahmanas and Aranyakas
  • The Upanisads
  • Grammar
  • Epic, puranic, literature  - Including 18 major puranas, 18 minor puranas, and hundred of sthalapuranas.
  • Works on Medicine
  • Logic
  • Astronomy & Astrology
  • Mathematics
  • Lawbooks
  • Architecture
  • Music…

On most of these subjects, there is an immense literature still extant.  Indeed, a rough estimate of the works which will be listed in The New Catalogus Catalogorum yields a total of about 160,000 works… many so difficult that it would take years of study to properly understand them.

…Sanskrit does have its share of great writers: Kalidasa ranks with the greatest poets, Panini is without question the greatest pre-modern grammarian, the Mahabharata ranks with the Iliad and the Odyssey, and the Bhagavata-purana is among the finest works of devotion every written, being equaled in my opinion only by other works in Indian languages.” [Emphasis ours][5].

[1] Jung, C. G.; Analytical Psychology, Its Theory & Practice; Vintage Books, 1970, page 48

[2] Ibid, pg.74

[3] Jung, C. G.; Memories, Dreams and Reflections; Vintage Books, New York, 1989, pg. 274

[4] Ibid, p. 4

[5] Professor George L. Harte (Motilal Banarsidass, Dehli, 1989)


A...ND AND AND Uncle Gismo is buying a NOKIA Lumia 520, smart-phone. [Monkey feels Intellectually Challenged]. We go go to Twitter.

       Did lot packing for www.jayarama.us/gasa (Tour of South America).   Hari Bolo!     Hari Bolo!


DTC - (SA/14) 9.32PM

11 years, 1 month ago by hps in DTC



Time to take rest. Long day. Nice NOD-2 class at Start Meeting this morning. Several calls to devotees. Lunch and NIOS accounting work with Abhaya Narayana. First class Prasadam!

Came to NGD home this evening through the ice and rain. Stay here tonight.

Hare Krsna!!!

DTC - (Th/12)-4.20PM

11 years, 1 month ago by hps in DTC


How are you all???   Here we still are in Tennessee.  The sun is just half-way down behind, "Toots", the famous restaurant across the street. I guess it is related to Krsna's flute?
We have a headache. Maybe from Ekadasi fasting and lots of computer work.
We tried a DTC on the YouTube. Many people wrote they liked it, but . . . .  it takes too long to do daily.

Daily we have our rounds, worship of Lord Nrmshadeva, arati, visit NGDas home. -7 degrees celsius. Bhakti-vaibhava work. Friday Pada-padma class. MOE work. Dr. Samaresh Museum book. M. Jambavati book. Travel preparation. Monkey/Piggy art and diaries and writing for Carl Jung.

Since DTC youtube won't work, we are starting the ASA-Encyclopedia. So far it has four entrys: HpS, Homosexuality, Godhead and Sankirtan. Seems pretty good so far. We will post it.

Today is Gita-jayanti. We will have a program at NGD's home this evening at 7PM. Recite prayers by Arjuna in chapter 11! Then starts 18-days o Battle of Kuruksetra! Maybe Krsna will kill 64,000,000 material desires in our heart in 18-days, to 30 December.

Museum book is edited to page 213 of 273 pages. It's a good book. Useful!

This new format is so we can have a system of Annual Reports that we can get done. Prahlada Nrsmha Das is helping so much. So, many devotees are. We hope people drown in this Christmas Marathon, meet Papa Noel personally and he joins.