DTC - Sa(4) - 2.19PM

11 years ago by hps in DTC


Esteemed Devotees,
Paoho. Here we are in Mar de Plata. Finally internet but very, very packed programs. We are like the only Sannyasi to visit here in 8-months, so of course there is so much class and istagosthi time. Yesterday we did the brochure for the Jung Class and it will be useful again and again. Then we packed up and went to the LOFT. It is an excellent place about 10 feet high, 100 feet long and 20 feet wide with very natural wood and plant and textile ornaments. Three foot tall gaura nitai deities from nadadvipa. About 40 regular and about 80 new people came last night. It was a very great challenge for us to try to synthesis "Science, Psyche and Spirituallity: Carl Jung's Ecounter with the Bhagavata", but full attention and questions were there for 1-1/2 hours.

Now we are trying to answer some e-mail and the go to the Farm Corner Stone laying and take bath and honor a cup of milk within 36 minutes. (Ha! Ha! Ha! Ho! Ho!) Lotz of Fun!!

DTC - Sa(3)

11 years ago by hps in DTC

Esteemed Devotees,
We just got to Mar de Plata. We had no internet in Buenos Aires, It was two, three days packed to the neck. The Vyasa-puja celebration was wonderful. Classes with devotees wonderful and then driving for 4.5 hours here to Mar de Plata. Now we go to a Jung Program. We just finished a Spanish and English brochure for the program that we can use for other programs.

Letters are answered to 1 week 4 days ago. Now we send the Kapi Dhvaja, late as it is!

DTC - (We/1) - 3.35AM

11 years ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP. We finished our rounds early and answered letters up to 1 week 1 day ago. Only one or two people in Japa Joe these last few days. Interesting. Tomorrow it starts two hours earlier. Fly to Argentina today.

O.K. gotta pack and then at 5AM>>>> On the road.

Hare Krsna! / Hare Rama!       A new year for Rama!

DTC 31 Dec

11 years ago by hps in DTC

Here we are again in Miraflores. The Temple is above the restaurant, Govindas, and our Guest room is open on to the Patio. There is a Sankirtan Marathon Feast just fninishing.  It is 6.16PM and seems the sun has set in the Pacific Ocean, 10-blocks away.

We have fierce head ache. Must be careful. Could get a brain stroke. Things are going very well. We have had little time to write. Yesterday was visit to Laksmana to work on M. Jambavati's beautiful biography. Full program in the Temple in the evening.

And always devotees are coming for consultation.

We answered the letters to 1 week 3 days and all the ones label URGENT.

We've packed up. Came from Chosica to Lima, spilled a bottle of bleach in the taxi. Had intense meeting with Professor Dora Bazan and Rupanuga Das. She just recieved a prize as one of the two best professors in all of Peru from the National Assembly of University Presidents.

O.K. run for bath, Gaura-arati, class, Japa, rest, 5.00AM on the road to Argentina!!!

AGTSP     paoho.

DTC Sa(29)

11 years ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna. AGTSP


Three days in Lim and everything going at like 90% efficiency. :LOT: of reaction the Goloka Education Sanskrit kits. We came to Chosica after lunch at Candramukhi's house with her sister and fifteen devotees. Big program last night, this morning and now we are headed back for a (PRE) Vyasapuja with about 200 devotees.

Mail is answered to 1 week 2 days. No "URGENT" letters.

Hope to have little more time later!!

DTC (Sa/28) - 11.30AM

11 years ago by hps in DTC


Here we are in Miraflores, Lima, Peru. Oooof. Fasting 'till noon for Ekadasi. Little stomach-ache and nausaea, but feel the benefit for the body and consciousness.

Everyday is packed with university and temple and individual consulting programs. Internet is pretty good. Yesterday, Abhirama Th. Das arranged discussion and lunch with five BIG, BIG professors.

Our old and recent friends. Very nice progress. Really fixing a strong program when we return on "SCIENCE, PSYCHE AND SPIRITUALITY: The Encounter of Carl Jung and the Mystical Yoga of India".

Of course, our Bhakti-vaibhava essays still need some work. We havn't posted our disciple lists recently. Mail is back to 1 week and 2 days, and we have about twenty annual reports to answer.

Are people receiving our answers????

Today we had full morning program in the Preaching Center. About 50-people for class and then on line class now e-mail, bath, pack drive to Chosica with lunch in Candra-mukhi Devi Dasi's home.

Hare Krsna!!!