DTC - Sa(4) - 2.19PM
Esteemed Devotees,
Paoho. Here we are in Mar de Plata. Finally internet but very, very packed programs. We are like the only Sannyasi to visit here in 8-months, so of course there is so much class and istagosthi time. Yesterday we did the brochure for the Jung Class and it will be useful again and again. Then we packed up and went to the LOFT. It is an excellent place about 10 feet high, 100 feet long and 20 feet wide with very natural wood and plant and textile ornaments. Three foot tall gaura nitai deities from nadadvipa. About 40 regular and about 80 new people came last night. It was a very great challenge for us to try to synthesis "Science, Psyche and Spirituallity: Carl Jung's Ecounter with the Bhagavata", but full attention and questions were there for 1-1/2 hours.
Now we are trying to answer some e-mail and the go to the Farm Corner Stone laying and take bath and honor a cup of milk within 36 minutes. (Ha! Ha! Ha! Ho! Ho!) Lotz of Fun!!