DTC - Th(6)

10 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC

Here we are in Tandavika Das' Ashrama in Franklin, Tennessee. They are son kind to give us some shelter for our service. It is a challenge to decide how much we should rest this body and how much we should push it.

Definitely we there is big room for making our "resting", recreation, more Krsna conscious, but... pur eyes and heart cannot function at 66-years old like they did at 46-years old.

We answered the three most recent letters and chose one older one.

In this way maybe we can maintain the Blog communication for some time more.

We did our on-line banking. Are packing for Houston, Mexico, pick our bead bag up and chant one Mantra every few minutes.

Japa Joe starts in 15-minutes.

Kapi Dhvaja got off and and and.... We really started serious Tava-pache-pache writing. That is clearly our 1st writing priority. We are using a 9-3/4  x 7-1/2 inch hard-bound note book and it is going very, very well. We got a lot of impetous, as always, from reading Satsvarupa Goswami's books.

So, we are really seeing how much, Guru, NIOS, ASA work we can do. The contrast of our visit to India with association of senior devotees and no internet was very, very helpful in getting a contrast. Now we are applying it.

Honestly our energy has improved like 7-times in the last few days after this travel. We were fighting with cold weather every day for three weeks, all of us.

Very, very important now is this weekend when we will go to visit Nitai-gaurasundara, Abhiseka et al. They had new inspiration from the ILS meetings etc. My plans and abilities depend on them, all of you.

We hope to meet with ASA devotees in Mexico and Krsna-Balarama Das.

Hare Krsna. . .

After all considerations these size notebooks seem the best and handwriting seems superior and then they can be photo reduced 2/3rds for direct publishing or re-edited if they have value. We will write TPP Step One, Step Two... Running behind Srila Prabhupada, After words to the NOI. Thank you all.

Twitter is still good but will see how it balances with these DTCs.