DTC - Su(23)

10 years, 10 months ago by hps in DTC

paoh..o'......      Here we are back in Tennessee and now in Murfreesboro in Nitai-gaurasundara Das and families home. We are trying to move back into our office here. We are still sorting out things from this travel and the mail has piled up. Now it is 1.24AM and we answered the Yahoo mail and looked for URGENT Blog letters but didn't see any. Now we go to Japa Joe.

We will be staying here with only short trip to Washington DC and Houston until the end of July.

Push, push with patience to become perfectly engaged. More intensely engaged.

DTC - Th(20)

10 years, 10 months ago by hps in DTC

   A G T S P ! ! ! 
paoho... Just got back from Texas-Mexico. Was again packed! Very nice, but such travel and work is killing us (faster than we think it should), but our Sup(p)er Intelligence Plans are going ahead to save us.

Now we have no travel plans until 14th May. Then we go for a week for the Temple opening in Texas. Then no travel plans until 21st July. Then looks like a Texas, Arizona and Pacific Northwest tour.

After that, again, no plans.

!OINK!      We are O.K.    Got some health, energy, purity (lots of demonic arrogance too). We were able to check for URGENT letters but have not done the General Mail for the last like five days. We will do it.

Also, the Kapi Dhvaja was delayed because we have been in transit almost continously. We will send it now.

The Tweeter account for huber_robinson is working pretty good and we get stuff off there all the time.


<big>Hari Bolo!!!</big>

DTC - Su(16)

10 years, 10 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP paoho. We just headed for Mexico. We just could not answer letters yesterday but we are keeping pretty up to date. We should be back to work on Monday. Follows our like regular report to Dr. Samaresh.

= = = = = = =

Jaya Sri Krsna!

Esteemed Professor et al,

Thank you so much for your call. We missed it but the record and voice message was there. We made it to Houston,Texas for this Goloka Education, Primary School system work last Wednesday, 12 March. After one week back in the USA we had just barely recovered our vitality and as expected this trip has put us right at the edge of exhaustion again.

As I write it is 16th March, Sunday, Gaura-purnima and we are headed for the airport in a few minutes. We will go from Houston to Mexico City just for the day, returning to Texas tomorrow morning. We must deliver some money for one disciples emergency jaw surgery, meet with the Regional Representative for our ISKCON Education Ministry and participate in the excellent Gaura-purnima festival.

We are just barely vital. We are feeling a little nausea, vertigo etc. but spiritually quite well! Back in Houston on Tuesday we will talk to our local book distribution center, Krsna Culture, help Rama-giridhari Das design the Ministry web-page and so forth. It is a lot of work but is so, so valuable. As we are able to set up Houston as a model ISKCON primary school maybe a dozen more could be started in the USA within one year.

Back in Tennessee on the 21st we will then sit tight for two months! On the 14th May we come back to Texas for a week again for the new Temple inauguration. They have 2-meter tall beautiful Murtis of Radha Nila-madhava and will be opening a Temple with the same grandeur to honor them.

Honestly we feel we are getting our work load under control.

We answered 15-intense letters yesterday, many involving very personal anxieties. We are so happy to be useful to disciples and friends, and we are learning just how much of this we can do. As I'm sure you know this takes a very heavy toll on one's personal strength.

We have never felt our writing and academic work was better organized than now. With this commitment to a handwritten notebook we are gradually seeing everything in perspective in reviewing and organizing the rather extensive work we have previously done and hope to do in the future.

There is no news of the Felicitations volumes reaching Bombay yet so I will have to start that bloodhound work of calling Omkara Das and seeing what happened. Again, Vanderbilt University has our review Journals online and we will work out a good method of regularly visiting their library. Then we will be ready to market the Felilcations and Museum volumes both. We talked with Radhika for about one hour with Rama-giridhari Das and there are several development with the American Association of Religions (AAR) that will be very favorable for NIOS's work.

So, we need to close here for the moment and do our last dash at packing and we are off to Mexico. We are very sincerely trying to call also, but honestly it takes a lot more energy than these correspondences so we hope to get to it as we get back to Nashville and can recoup our energy a little more.

Thank you so, so much for you personal tolerance and attention to us and of course your general educational efforts for humanity.



DTC - Mo(10)

10 years, 10 months ago by hps in DTC


Thanks again to Prahlada-nrsmha Das and his esteemed wife for so, so much for their help while we were in Mayapura. They are very great saints. We hope they get all success there.

We have recovered after a week back in USA. We were really, really exhausted.

Now we are starting to clear up the Blog mail, answer all the new letters and a few older ones daily, but when we go to the disciple reports we can't tell which ones we have already answered!

We are asking Prahlad how to distinguish that.

We are Tweeting.

It is 4.48 PM. We are in Radha-Natabara's ashrama and then at 5.30PM we and Tandavika and NGD will meet about meet about the Strategic Plan for NIOS.

We have really, really, really been making a lot of progress in our own Strategic Plan for our life, service. we feel that we are quite insincere: Lusty, greedy, selfish, but may have some sincerity and Srila Prabhupada, our Acharya, is keeping us engaged.

Looking at our many, many projects, responsibities, we have been quite successful in getting our promises under control. We only have 275% more service that we can properly do.

(Haw! Haw! Hare~~)

After years of efforts at writing we have finally been successful to restrict ourselves to making 'TPP: Tava-pache-pach -- Afterwords to the NOI' our first priority.

Also after unlimited experiments we are using 9.75 x 7.5 inch Composition Notebooks. It is working well. We got a LOT of empetuous, as we always have, from Satsvarupa Maharaja's journal.

We started writing March 5th and now we have 57-descent pages done in 'Step One'. It is like our duty, whether it is good or bad, we have to work to make it good. We have to integrate our other writing, previous writing. It comes before this Blog, letters everything, but of course these other writing works should all follow behind with even more significance.

O.K. Time to give Brother Ass a break!

Thank you so much.

DTC - TH (6) - Dr. Samaresh

10 years, 10 months ago by hps in DTC, Personal Sadhana Reports

Esteemed Professor Samaresh Bandyopadhyay et el,

This is your wayward servant, Hanumatpresaka Swami reporting, Thursday, 6th March.

After we talked from Vrndavana we finished our intensely refreshing visit to the Pandits and places of the Holy Dhama. It was very, very cold there and even the entire three weeks in India so our body was exhausted from fighting with the cold alone.

We went to Delhi at 1.30PM on 28th February with Sriman Harsh Pradhana and had excellent reception by the ISKCON Temple.

We rested very little and said, 'Good-bye' to Harsh and then joined a 1-1/2 hour presentation and discussion on presenting Bhagavata philosophy and cosmology in the formal science areas. There were about 15-professors and professionals present.

After that one hour rest and up at 11:15 PM to go to the airport. One man was killed on a scooter two cars in front of us and then it took 2-hours of standing in lines to get to the Boarding Gate for Brussels.

7-hours in the dark in a tine seat we arrived in Brussels.

We found some clean cheese and offered it to Lord Madan-gopal and then honored the remnants.

We were about to die then of exhaustion, but got in the Boarding Line for the all night flight to New York like good soldiers. When we got to the counter the girl accepted our Boading Pass and smiled at us and tore it into pieces.

Our beffuddled, exhausted mind was about to panic and jump over the guard rail fearing that we had broken some rule and Armed Security Forces would seizes us in a moment, but before we could act on that hysteria, she smiled and handed us another Boarding Pass saying, "You have been upgraded to First Class".

We smiled and said, "Oh, thank you", wondering, "Why us, Lord?".

Arriving on-board we discovered we had a persona servant, a seat and little cabinet that fully reclined to a bed and a white table cloth for each meal, although we declined the pig, chicken and beef and took only fruit milk and nuts.

Honestly without that we could have died of heart failure.

In any case, there were more rigors after that and in all it took 28-hours of hard travel to get back to Franklin, Tennessee. We were COMPLETELY exhausted and barely capable of moving for several days, but it is testament to our Yoga that we are beginning to move again.

We have made great personal and social advancement in the last few months by all these efforts, and specifically we have a a very clear method of fulfilling what seems to be our main responsibility in these last few years or even days of writing.

We, and everyone else, are accepting that we cannot travel like before or even handle so many projects, so a lot of our work now is seeing who we can inspire to continue with this work. It is a very happy project.

This weekend we will be staying at Ravi's home. It is about 45-minutes from here. He was also exhausted by the return journey.

Frankly speaking we consider it a great honor to be able to associate with you in all these personal and professional efforts and if you let us we will continue with this work although in this less physical and more inspirational aspect.

We hope things are super successful at your end also.

Some snow and sunshine here.

Your fallen servant,


DTC - Th(6)

10 years, 10 months ago by hps in DTC

Here we are in Tandavika Das' Ashrama in Franklin, Tennessee. They are son kind to give us some shelter for our service. It is a challenge to decide how much we should rest this body and how much we should push it.

Definitely we there is big room for making our "resting", recreation, more Krsna conscious, but... pur eyes and heart cannot function at 66-years old like they did at 46-years old.

We answered the three most recent letters and chose one older one.

In this way maybe we can maintain the Blog communication for some time more.

We did our on-line banking. Are packing for Houston, Mexico, pick our bead bag up and chant one Mantra every few minutes.

Japa Joe starts in 15-minutes.

Kapi Dhvaja got off and and and.... We really started serious Tava-pache-pache writing. That is clearly our 1st writing priority. We are using a 9-3/4  x 7-1/2 inch hard-bound note book and it is going very, very well. We got a lot of impetous, as always, from reading Satsvarupa Goswami's books.

So, we are really seeing how much, Guru, NIOS, ASA work we can do. The contrast of our visit to India with association of senior devotees and no internet was very, very helpful in getting a contrast. Now we are applying it.

Honestly our energy has improved like 7-times in the last few days after this travel. We were fighting with cold weather every day for three weeks, all of us.

Very, very important now is this weekend when we will go to visit Nitai-gaurasundara, Abhiseka et al. They had new inspiration from the ILS meetings etc. My plans and abilities depend on them, all of you.

We hope to meet with ASA devotees in Mexico and Krsna-Balarama Das.

Hare Krsna. . .

After all considerations these size notebooks seem the best and handwriting seems superior and then they can be photo reduced 2/3rds for direct publishing or re-edited if they have value. We will write TPP Step One, Step Two... Running behind Srila Prabhupada, After words to the NOI. Thank you all.

Twitter is still good but will see how it balances with these DTCs.