DTC Mo(9)

9 years, 10 months ago by hps in DTC



We just answered seven nice letters.

We got a little behind because of the Atlanta Festival. It was a dog killer from hell, but being asses, pigs and monkeys rather than dogs we survived. The Rathaytra was six hours in the hot sun with people whipping us to go faster, but we survived. The mantra yoga booth was full of hyenas laughing at our attempts so figure out what to do there. This is our second festival. Houston was the first. We figured our what to say. we had our banners up. NGD helped us. Abhiseka Das helped us.

We distributed three Yoga kits and 20-Upadesamrtas.

We met a LOT of people and worked on Plans for New Mayapura in Ecuador and BI preaching in Atlanta. O.K. NIrjala ekadasi.