DTC - Su(13)

10 years, 9 months ago by hps in DTC

A G T S P !
Here we are 8.39PM in NGD living room Abiseka, Manjari and Mataji are in other rooms. We feel little sick, but that is not surprising considering it is the material world. Seven out of the eleven BIG nails that hold the rain gutter on our roof have come loose from the wind. We found an old ladder in the garage, a hammer and climbed up and pounded two of them back in.

The second rose bush is about 90% dead, so after giving it two weeks of chance to come back we trimmed of the 90% and left the two per cent. With hard work and digging holes for our News Box we are getting good exercise. Then we only do so many hours a day of computer work for the eyes.

We also talked with Abhirama Das in Lima for 1/2-hour. It was so nice to talk with him after about two months. All the university programs are going ahead, but we are both getting a deeper foundation estabilished for our lives.

We did Bhakti vaibahva work with Sri Hari Das.

We are making an appointment to look at a free space in the Global Mall that an Indian friend is offering for a regular Sunday program here.

We are always doing TPP-Composition Book writing.

Then we

came to

NGD Ashrama

about 6PM

and did

some cor e spond dences. Especially we have been having a series of letter exchanges with Prahlada-nrsmha Das from the USA, Bhakta Phillip, after many months of no communication. He is continuing with his determination to distribute pre-1977 BBT books but our relation as Diksa guru is not working at all, so we are wishing him well and certainly accepting that we have not been perfect in the relationship and hoping to be a Vartmana-pradarsika Guru if we can and also hope to get his mercy if possible.

Ultimately Radharani is more powerful, clever, than Durga, and so the tendency is for us to return to Krsna, and as much as we can help things will speed up, and that's good for Krsna!

Letters caught up to 5-days ago. Now we start to work on the Annual Reports.

O.K. Hare Krsna!

See you in Cyber space, Heart Space.

Tomorrow Kapi Dhvaja!

DTC - Th(10)

10 years, 9 months ago by hps in DTC

                     S    Prabhupada! !    paoh ..o'.......       We are sitting at NGD dinning table. He is doing e-mail also. We just had some Gauranga potatoes. Ekadasi Prasadam. We have done 35-rounds. We feel like we are floating!  Hmmmmm!  Dizzy. Only raisins today.
Finished half of out BhVai Essays. The story of Prthu Maharaja. Hard to imagine, no? There really was a Satya yuga. There really was a Prthu Maharaja. We kind of have some kind of celestial consciousness at times, kind of now, and then we slip back into the gross, mechanical, plastic colors of the modern world. There are wild-flowers growing in our yard. First this color. Then that color. They grow like a carpet. So BEAUTIFUL. The world is trying to decorate herself with faerys, even in this Kali yuga. Krsna is trying  to bust through.

Now, KRSNA, Last Chapter. Dvaraka is greater than Mathura!!  It says.

DTC - We(9)

10 years, 9 months ago by hps in DTC


Brother Ass has pains in his waist. It is 8.58PM at NGD home and we are alone in the living room on our individual lap-tops. Out letters are just about caught up. Only about 15 letters un-answered. Before it was 60!

Today we had to give our eyes a rest. I don't knnow if we can continue with BhVai and so much computer work. We have started to do gardening. We are right on a main street and a lot of people walk by so we are going to make a little garden space and put up a post to distribute so regular publications.
It seems there is a subculture of nice people here and we have to dig in.

So many preaching opportunities.

Constant Japa is not just to distinguish Yoga Maya from Maha Maya. It is also to distinguish which service we should do. Should we give milk to Krsna or save His milk on the stove!

We are putting regular posts on Twitter and a regular Class at 5AM on Start Meeting.

DTC - Mo(7)

10 years, 9 months ago by hps in DTC


We are dying!  These Krsna conscious austerities are killing us. Japa every day. Mangala arati, letters, essays, plans, gardening. <img alt="smiley" height="24" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="24" /> <img alt="smiley" height="24" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="24" /> <img alt="smiley" height="24" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="24" /> <img alt="smiley" height="24" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="24" /> 

"The kingdom of God is for none but the completely dead"

Maybe we will die today!

Will we be well known after we are dead?

Bh. Vinode Thakura said that if you can do your service your whole life with no concern that anybody notices it, that is pure devotional service.

Today we trimmed the hedges, washed and ironed our clothes as usual. Offered an orange, yogurt, almonds, Mother Matsya's chile and Murari cow's milk and a bananana and some of M. Matsya's subji this evening to Lord Nrsmhadeva.

We did our power-point show for SB Hawaii for Friday and thought a lot about whether or not we are a cheating Swami and Guru.

We answered some secret letters from some crazy or super sane people and caught up the Blog letters to just one week ago except for about 5-letters left from India.

We went for our 44.5 minute walk with NGD as always and it was COLD and WINDY!

Did our first draft of our Vyasa puja offering after lots and lots of thought.

Next few days we have to finish our 15-pages of Bhakti-Vaibhava essays.

Really we can't do all this. Most of it is really being done by Krsna. He inspires our mind and intelligence and the work goes on!

Tommorrow is the anniversary of the Appearance Day of Lord Ramacandra. It can be the birth of a new level of spiritual life for us if we chose, use our intelligence, beg borrow or steal, but get ghee for Krsna.

<img alt="angel" height="24" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/angel_smile.png" title="angel" width="24" /> - <img alt="devil" height="24" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/devil_smile.png" title="devil" width="24" />

TB/BW et al

DTC - Fr(4)

10 years, 9 months ago by hps in DTC



We are not staying at NGD Ashrama for the weekend so our internet is still limited. We will visiti his house tommorrow, Saturday, morning for the Peru and ISV programs.

Hare Krsna!

DTC - Th(3)

10 years, 9 months ago by hps in DTC

Oinkitty! Oinkitty! Oinkitty! Whoop!

Here's thhe DTC with the scoop!

How will Patrak Das translate that!

Today was pretty good. It's 8.50PM now. Will write this DTC and then drive the Oldsmobile back to the cave. Takes 12-minutes. Every evening we go for a 2.25mile walk with NGD. We discuss all the ISKCON news.

At the Ashrama we are fighting with lust, eating too many sweets.

Today we nailed up the two pieces of the roof that had come loose. It is a big effort to get the right tools. Then we worked on NOI. We are doing a PPT (Powerpoint) for the first part of the first verse to see how it does with the audio and everything. It is a nice experiment with nice result. It is 35MB so maybe hard to post. We try.

The logic in Srila Prabhupada's books is very, very exciting, practical and funny.

If you have it you can "solve death", get connected with reality, Vaikuntha, be a prison guard rather than a prisoner, play with Krsna.

Krsna created us to play with Him. We have special abilities that no one else has - chess champion.
  We also did a power-point for the Hawaii class tommorrow.

We are still fighting with our economy and the internet. Just like you also, no?
We have only texting during the day except for the weekends. So far it is good. It makes us read and write more. We have a lot to do.

No, requests for the TPP Composition Book One. We were reading it last night. Couldn't put it down.

O.K.  We are all in this bad movie sitting side by side absorbed in the movie and forgetting that we have our real bodies and the real world is outside.