DCT Tu(3)

10 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC


We have a headache that just won't stop. Started after we got pulled into our third conflict resolution effort on the third continent. (I guess the Pandavas had it worse.)


We can't do the 5AM CC reading in Spanish because we also have our SB work for BhVai and Hawaii each day . Really if we do a little each day then we can handle it. Adding the 5AM CC class is too much. It was fine when it was NOI, but we had the physical book but Spanish we have to work from the computer and the stress on our bain is about six times greater.

Then the stress for ISKCON Educational Development and Ooof, gotta slow down or we will get a brain stroke.

OINK!  OinK!  oINk!

Tomorrow is Bank, Post-office, Office Supply store and maybe we get some printing done for Atlanta Festival.

We weren't born to be happy!

(But we want to die making Radha happy)

DTC Mo(2)

10 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC


We are mad! Only Krsna can save us!

Hare Krsna, Hare Rama.

We worry about NIMSAR. Our lawn was a jungle, but after several hard battles we won. Now we are preparing for Festival in Atlanta. We will have a booth on Mantra Yoga and 30-minutes on stage. About 3,000 people will come. We will present "Education in ISKCON".

We answered the the Frogs in the Blog letters up to 1-week and 2-days ago. Is nice!! Thank you.

O.K. Letter to Dr. Samaresh and go for a walk.

DTC Sa(31)

10 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP paoho.
Headache. HEADACHE.  H E A D A C H E !     Brain strokes are God's way of telling you, you are thinking to much.

We are happy, doing a LOT of work for Texas program. NIOS. BhVai.
We really have to learn our own position more. We are trying to be the  controllers too much.

Hare Krsna!

Be happy! Become great Goloka vasi!!!!!

DTC Mo(26)

10 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC

OINK!  OINK!  WIggle, wiggle!
Here we are in Franklin with oats on the griddle.
How are you?   We are doing pretty well answering the mail.

Of course, we also Tweet pretty often.

Today is Memorial Day. It was called Armistice Day too start with, the Day the Armistice, stop fighting, was declared at the end of World War One.  I guess war in unavoidable in places like Europe unless they get strong Krsna consciousness. It's cold so thay have to eat meat and drink alcohol. Then there is sex and too many babies and then there will be fighting over land.

With Krsna conscsiousness we can get a higher taste and many men can be celibate monks and many sisters can marry one Dude and have one son each.

Has been nice being here all weekend alone. About 1,500 devotees all went to the Sadhu-sanga retreat in Carolinas. 11-from here, 25-from Texas, maybe 15-from San Jose, and 11-from Seattle et al.

We are pushing NIOS pretty well.

We should have announcement for the July 25-27, North American Educational Symposium out by today.

Kapi-Dhvaja will be Wednesday.

We had some severe chest-cramps like yesterday, but has gone away. Seems mostly to be lack of proper mineral salts in the diet. We adjust.

Lord Nrsmhadeva is very beautiful and Gaura-Nitai here also. The yard is full of roses and Magnolias (and the the Kauravas are choosing to die).

DTC Fr(23)

10 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC


paoho & bw.

Here we are in the Tennessee again, Giriraja ashrama in Franklin. All the world has gone for the weekend to the Sadhu Sanga retreat in the Carolinas. They have like 3,000 devotees registered. We are so, so happy to be alone in the house with you. Ooof Texas was incredible. Every minute was packed with newspaper interviews, lectures... Just like Goloka. Thing is not exactly Durga vs. Radha, its which Gopi to follow!

We just did the letters up to 1-week 2-days. Very nice.

We pushed and pushed to finish off a little brochure for the NIOS devotees to take to Sadhu-sanga. We used Microsoft publisher and set up six linked boxes on the page. That we we could write. Add pictures and removes them and everything just flowed.  Then saved it as a PDF file (two pages, front and back), and found a printer after 20-minutes work. Pulled out our cream colored paper and then cut them horizontally into three parts, stacked those, found a stapler and ended up with a little six page pooklet that would fit into your pocket. Is nice size and now we have the Publisher template. We are going to buy a paper cutter.

O.K. Sankirtan. 27-smallllllll books.

See you in Japa Joe!

Oh! We finished the NOI - 5am Seminar today!!! Whole book on Start Meeting with links sent by Twitter.

DTC Sa(17)

10 years, 8 months ago by hps in DTC

OINK! OINK!        Whoop!   Whoop!
   Oink!    Oink!             Second Day of innauguration. But we also had on-line:

  • Japa Joe
  • 5AM NOI
  • 6AM Peru Class
  • 8AM San Jose Class
  • Educational Administration Panics
  • 11AM Deity Installation Bathing
  • 11.30-2.30 Non-stop Questions and Amswers for India-Abroad, New Western Guests, Indian-Volunteers.
  • War to get proper bhoga for Lord Nrsmha.  
  • NAP.  
  • Answered all letters to 6 days ago.  
  • Now sun in showing slanting rays at 7.15PM so we will go to the Festival, 100-meeters from here, and join the masses, but keep our ear-muffs on and 
  • Finish our last 9/26 rounds.

​We feel that we need to change our emphasis more toward Bhagavata Marg than Pancharatrika Marg. Both are here, but often the most important service is seen as "Srngara tan mandira-marjanadau" rather than "Mahaprabho kirtana (SB) nrtya gita". It has taken years to develop completely organized grounds and buildings, but the lectures and others are being planned at the last minute.

Ha!  Ha! Ha! Its our lack of effort that we have to blame. We have to learn how to do better!!!!!
We can judge our Sankirtan by how the cow protection is improving!
O.K. We made so many general comments in the individual letters. We get so much love and affection from NGD. He is a real doctor.
Caitanya and Subhra are EXCELLENT hosts. Jiva Goswami is our Sankirtan Muscles!
We are meeting so many devotees here!
In some ways it is planning for Atlanta...
           Who will improve things???   There is no alternative to improving things than our own efforts.